Black Hebrew Isralites are cause of the Catholic boy/Native American

He speaks up for Native American issues, so that does not mean he instigates things. Moron, Moron, how childless you are! Native American have a lot to bitch about. He is a marine Veteran as well.

Yes, a recon ranger...before there were such people. Guy's a complete liar.

So in your opinion the black Israelites and the Catholic kids are innocent of it all.

Did I say that? Is your reading comprehension that bad or just your honesty is worse?

I'll make it easy for you, because you need simple.

Black KKK, the worst present.
Indian group, misguided at best, more likely grandstanding to provoke violence.
Catholic kids, wrong place, wrong time, right reaction.
He speaks up for Native American issues, so that does not mean he instigates things. Moron, Moron, how childless you are! Native American have a lot to bitch about. He is a marine Veteran as well.

Yes, a recon ranger...before there were such people. Guy's a complete liar.

So in your opinion the black Israelites and the Catholic kids are innocent of it all.

Did I say that? Is your reading comprehension that bad or just your honesty is worse?

I'll make it easy for you, because you need simple.

Black KKK, the worst present.
Indian group, misguided at best, more likely grandstanding to provoke violence.
Catholic kids, wrong place, wrong time, right reaction.

Black Hebrew Israelites started it, and the Catholic boys chimed in and were in the end just as guilty of the Israelites. Because they have Maga hats on, lets not let that fool you.
The media has nothing to do with this. These three groups didn't show up to this area because the media paid them to show up there. They all had their own agenda. The white and the black groups are both victims of their own racism. Let's not sugarcoat that.

I agree, that policies out of DC help divide us by prioritizing banks and corporations. But in this case, the people decided to initiate their own shortcomings. We need to be clever enough not to let corporations and banks be the catalyst for our own racist tendencies. We as humans can be hateful enough as it is. That is our weakness. Corporations, banks, and crooked politicians figured that out a long time ago. They use the old strategy from the Roman Empire days. Give the "people bread and circus". And in the meantime, we run off with the riches. This is exactly what is going on today. They use distractions and our own human weaknesses to pit us against each other, while they enrich themselves. Do you think they care about abortion, race, or the injustices placed on the Indians? They couldn't give two shits about all that, except to use them as wedge issues against us all, just to divide.

Reasons you are being stupid:

1. The media ran the story as fact.
2. Media didn't fact check.
3. Media doing little to right the wrong they created.
4. Media IS corporate.

The rest belongs in conspiracy theory
Black Hebrew Israelites started it, and the Catholic boys chimed in and were in the end just as guilty of the Israelites. Because they have Maga hats on, lets not let that fool you.

Triggered by Make America Great Again hats. The kids did not chime in, that is your own personal fantasy.
Oh bullcrap the Indian guy was trying to defuse. If that was his intention, then the obvious thing to do was confront the Hebrew Israelites. He didn't go after the aggressors, he went after a group kids who would not engage the Hebrew group. The guy is just lying again to cover up his cowardly actions.

Yep.........the left wingers are again, racists......while the Trump supporters are the victims....

The ugliness started when a set of five self-proclaimed black Israelites began preaching anti-white messages for at least an hour before the Catholic school boys walked into the area. Thanks to their own livestream of the event, the boys were not searching for a problem as had been suggested, but instead makes clear of a regrouping effort at their designated meeting spot after their participation in the March of Life.

The black “activists”, emotionally emboldened by witnessing children in red MAGA hats, directed their verbal abuse on the assembling group of kids. Some of their sentiments included:

  • Calling the group of Catholic school boys “faggots” and “sodomites”
  • Somehow defending Bill Cosby
  • Threatening injury to a man on a hoverboard
  • Calling a group of white children “future school shooters”
  • “There will be no peace until blood is shed”
  • “The nation of Nubia will destroy America”
  • Calling black friends of the MAGA hat wearers the n-word
Despite the hateful rhetoric directed at them, the boys are now being held to higher standards than the adults that are indisputably provoking them, and they behaved admirably. While they misread the atmosphere when the Native American group approach them as being friendly and continued to dance and call out their High School’s prideful chants, they quickly realized the awkwardness of the situation when the Native American elder singled out one of the MAGA-hat wearing teens and put himself inches from the young man’s face beating a drum.

Hours of footage, from the livestream of one of the black Israelites and cell phone footage from bystanders show that the boys came, assembled as instructed to await their buses, and left without any of the cruel mocking they have been accused of (unless you consider popular Fortnite dances cruel mockery). Their entire presence is recorded nonstop and never is “Build the Wall” heard despite the media quoting it as if true.

Philips, the Native American, lied intentionally to slander these young boys and to seem himself the victim when it was he that approached and entered the personal space of the child until the teen left.

Even if they had said "build the wall" there is nothing wrong with saying that.
All countries control their border crossings and immigration.
Oh bullcrap the Indian guy was trying to defuse. If that was his intention, then the obvious thing to do was confront the Hebrew Israelites. He didn't go after the aggressors, he went after a group kids who would not engage the Hebrew group. The guy is just lying again to cover up his cowardly actions.

My assumption is he saw a situation taking place and automatically assumed that it was the white kids who started it
Yes he is a racist pig.
I won't take sides and I won't agree with bringing this to national political attention. Lots of hate and bad manners there, and we're rolling in it like a dog on a road pizza squirrel.

You realize that not all of the kids were white? That the media judged these kids and plastered it on national news. Several forms of bigotry were on display and you don't want to call anyone on that?
Shame on the media for turning this into a national political story, save. Another reason to chew each other up, which this thread is doing. Nothing more. Shame on the media and shame on us. It's a nothing burger at its heart and the only thing I'm hoping is that no one is facing charges at this point.

It exposes the intentional discoloring of the real world in behalf of the left-wing agenda. The kind that takes place every day of the week nowadays. The black liberation theology movement of the 1940s and 50s in conjunction with the stalin-era infiltration of American academia produced a goal oriented dark morality that tacitly extends a blessing to misinformation, deceit and outright falsehood. Here we are a generation later with the fruits of that effort masquerading under a constitutional banner. This was a very important event because of what it revealed.

Oh bullcrap the Indian guy was trying to defuse. If that was his intention, then the obvious thing to do was confront the Hebrew Israelites. He didn't go after the aggressors, he went after a group kids who would not engage the Hebrew group. The guy is just lying again to cover up his cowardly actions.

My assumption is he saw a situation taking place and automatically assumed that it was the white kids who started it

It's more like he's a professional agitator besides being a professional phony. He recognized the potential of the event to thrust him into the limelight.

He's done this before.

Now it appears that not only is he not a
Vet.... I'm contending that he's probably not even an American Indian.

Notice the injun did not confront the true aggressors, instead he confronted the Catholic School Students, I guess he thought they were less of a threat to him.
Oh bullcrap the Indian guy was trying to defuse. If that was his intention, then the obvious thing to do was confront the Hebrew Israelites. He didn't go after the aggressors, he went after a group kids who would not engage the Hebrew group. The guy is just lying again to cover up his cowardly actions.

My assumption is he saw a situation taking place and automatically assumed that it was the white kids who started it
Why would he automatically assume that the white kids instigated the situation?
Oh bullcrap the Indian guy was trying to defuse. If that was his intention, then the obvious thing to do was confront the Hebrew Israelites. He didn't go after the aggressors, he went after a group kids who would not engage the Hebrew group. The guy is just lying again to cover up his cowardly actions.

My assumption is he saw a situation taking place and automatically assumed that it was the white kids who started it
Why would he automatically assume that the white kids instigated the situation?

He knew the was no story in approaching the other group.... And maybe an ass kicking too.

I have had all manner of livtards call me racist. This kid is a saint for standing his ground!

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