Black Hebrew Isralites are cause of the Catholic boy/Native American

I have had all manner of livtards call me racist. This kid is a saint for standing his ground!
Seeing the whole video, and understand what's going on changes EVERYTHING. All these young people represented their church, their school and their red hats, admirably.
Notice the injun did not confront the true aggressors, instead he confronted the Catholic School Students, I guess he thought they were less of a threat to him.

They would have physically attacked him
and no one would have any interest in it
political gain.

Notice the injun did not confront the true aggressors, instead he confronted the Catholic School Students, I guess he thought they were less of a threat to him.
They share a common hatred of whites
Nah!!!!!!!! Really? How could we have ever guessed? After taking over the land they lived on, destroying their homes, bringing on disease that almost wiped them out,and murdering their people, including women and children, do you think they should show up there with a bouquet of roses?
I love their new name, trying to smear Israel. They are nothing more than Nation of Islam-

Farrakhan Reveals that Blacks are IsraelitesI would like to revisit an article we posted a few years ago on our forum where the Nation of Islam(NOI) leader Louis Farrakhan admitted that the blacks in America are the actual Israelites of the Bible. The Hebrew Israelites or as some say "Black Israelites" have been teaching this since the early 1900s.

African Hebrew Israelites Archives - Official Website
Nah!!!!!!!! Really? How could we have ever guessed? After taking over the land they lived on, destroying their homes, bringing on disease that almost wiped them out,and murdering their people, including women and children, do you think they should show up there with a bouquet of roses?
Are you an American? If so, and if that's how you feel, then you are obligated to GET THE HELL OUT.
I love their new name, trying to smear Israel. They are nothing more than Nation of Islam-

Farrakhan Reveals that Blacks are IsraelitesI would like to revisit an article we posted a few years ago on our forum where the Nation of Islam(NOI) leader Louis Farrakhan admitted that the blacks in America are the actual Israelites of the Bible. The Hebrew Israelites or as some say "Black Israelites" have been teaching this since the early 1900s.

African Hebrew Israelites Archives - Official Website
They are complete frauds, usurping the identities of others because they've created nothing on their own.
Nah!!!!!!!! Really? How could we have ever guessed? After taking over the land they lived on, destroying their homes, bringing on disease that almost wiped them out,and murdering their people, including women and children, do you think they should show up there with a bouquet of roses?
Are you an American? If so, and if that's how you feel, then you are obligated to GET THE HELL OUT.
Why? What part of that can you categorically deny and refute with documentation? None of course. Proving I'm more American than you ass hole for being honest. You get the hell out bitch.
If ever there was an example of why EVERYONE needs to chill when some "VIRAL VIDEO" emerges, this is it. You can take words out of context and you can make a video look like something very different than what really happened. That was the obvious intention of the originator of the video. Remember the goal is not to be accurate. It is to create a video that causes the maximum reaction. Otherwise, it doesn't go viral.
I have had all manner of livtards call me racist. This kid is a saint for standing his ground!
Seeing the whole video, and understand what's going on changes EVERYTHING. All these young people represented their church, their school and their red hats, admirably.
"Church"? They showed up with their maga hats for a political rally. Church, Catholic Christians, and maga hats. It speaks for itself.
I have had all manner of livtards call me racist. This kid is a saint for standing his ground!
Seeing the whole video, and understand what's going on changes EVERYTHING. All these young people represented their church, their school and their red hats, admirably.
"Church"? They showed up with their maga hats for a political rally. Church, Catholic Christians, and maga hats. It speaks for itself.
Are ewe God?
If ever there was an example of why EVERYONE needs to chill when some "VIRAL VIDEO" emerges, this is it. You can take words out of context and you can make a video look like something very different than what really happened. That was the obvious intention of the originator of the video. Remember the goal is not to be accurate. It is to create a video that causes the maximum reaction. Otherwise, it doesn't go viral.
Maybe? But who stepped up to be interviewed first, to try and give an account as to what actually happened? Chief Phillips did. That says a lot right there.
Why? What part of that can you categorically deny and refute with documentation? None of course. Proving I'm more American than you ass hole for being honest. You get the hell out bitch.
The facts are deeper than you're capable of comprehending.
YOU believe YOUR PEOPLE STOLE THE LAND. Therefore YOU have no business here. I do not share your America hating belief, therefore, I'm staying right here as a true Native American.

I have had all manner of livtards call me racist. This kid is a saint for standing his ground!
Seeing the whole video, and understand what's going on changes EVERYTHING. All these young people represented their church, their school and their red hats, admirably.
"Church"? They showed up with their maga hats for a political rally. Church, Catholic Christians, and maga hats. It speaks for itself.
Are ewe God?
I don't see how the silly question relates to anything?
I have had all manner of livtards call me racist. This kid is a saint for standing his ground!
Seeing the whole video, and understand what's going on changes EVERYTHING. All these young people represented their church, their school and their red hats, admirably.
"Church"? They showed up with their maga hats for a political rally. Church, Catholic Christians, and maga hats. It speaks for itself.
It was a right to life rally.
Church"? They showed up with their maga hats for a political rally. Church, Catholic Christians, and maga hats. It speaks for itself.
They showed up for the March for Life rally. What part of the First Amendment do you not understand? The vile Africans were there to simply harass these white kids. That was apparent to all except the most radical leftists among us.
The media has nothing to do with this. These three groups didn't show up to this area because the media paid them to show up there. They all had their own agenda. The white and the black groups are both victims of their own racism. Let's not sugarcoat that.

I agree, that policies out of DC help divide us by prioritizing banks and corporations. But in this case, the people decided to initiate their own shortcomings. We need to be clever enough not to let corporations and banks be the catalyst for our own racist tendencies. We as humans can be hateful enough as it is. That is our weakness. Corporations, banks, and crooked politicians figured that out a long time ago. They use the old strategy from the Roman Empire days. Give the "people bread and circus". And in the meantime, we run off with the riches. This is exactly what is going on today. They use distractions and our own human weaknesses to pit us against each other, while they enrich themselves. Do you think they care about abortion, race, or the injustices placed on the Indians? They couldn't give two shits about all that, except to use them as wedge issues against us all, just to divide.

Reasons you are being stupid:

1. The media ran the story as fact.
2. Media didn't fact check.
3. Media doing little to right the wrong they created.
4. Media IS corporate.

The rest belongs in conspiracy theory
1. The story is a fact, because the incident happened. We all saw the video.
2. Why should they? We saw for ourselves what was going on. What's to fact check?
3.There are no wrongs to report. We saw black on white racism, and we saw white on black racism. On video. We also saw an elder Indian chief trying to defuse the situation, but he too was being made fun of by some of the kids there. I saw it myself on video. Did those students go on national television to set the story straight like chief Phillips? No! But he did.
4. And?
Church"? They showed up with their maga hats for a political rally. Church, Catholic Christians, and maga hats. It speaks for itself.
They showed up for the March for Life rally. What part of the First Amendment do you not understand? The vile Africans were there to simply harass these white kids. That was apparent to all except the most radical leftists among us.
I agree. But they ended up with their own version of racism by surrounding them. And it only took 4 blacks for most of these kids to participate. What does that tell you? Instead of ignoring the four, the students fed them what they were looking for. They are no better. And thanks for playing.
I have had all manner of livtards call me racist. This kid is a saint for standing his ground!
Seeing the whole video, and understand what's going on changes EVERYTHING. All these young people represented their church, their school and their red hats, admirably.
"Church"? They showed up with their maga hats for a political rally. Church, Catholic Christians, and maga hats. It speaks for itself.
It was a right to life rally.
That turned into a black on white racist rally, and a white on black racist rally.
The media has nothing to do with this. These three groups didn't show up to this area because the media paid them to show up there. They all had their own agenda. The white and the black groups are both victims of their own racism. Let's not sugarcoat that.

I agree, that policies out of DC help divide us by prioritizing banks and corporations. But in this case, the people decided to initiate their own shortcomings. We need to be clever enough not to let corporations and banks be the catalyst for our own racist tendencies. We as humans can be hateful enough as it is. That is our weakness. Corporations, banks, and crooked politicians figured that out a long time ago. They use the old strategy from the Roman Empire days. Give the "people bread and circus". And in the meantime, we run off with the riches. This is exactly what is going on today. They use distractions and our own human weaknesses to pit us against each other, while they enrich themselves. Do you think they care about abortion, race, or the injustices placed on the Indians? They couldn't give two shits about all that, except to use them as wedge issues against us all, just to divide.

Reasons you are being stupid:

1. The media ran the story as fact.
2. Media didn't fact check.
3. Media doing little to right the wrong they created.
4. Media IS corporate.

The rest belongs in conspiracy theory
1. The story is a fact, because the incident happened. We all saw the video.
2. Why should they? We saw for ourselves what was going on. What's to fact check?
3.There are no wrongs to report. We saw black on white racism, and we saw white on black racism. On video. We also saw an elder Indian chief trying to defuse the situation, but he too was being made fun of by some of the kids there. I saw it myself on video. Did those students go on national television to set the story straight like chief Phillips? No! But he did.
4. And?

You live in fantasy land. You are dishonest. No one will consider your posts truthful in the future.

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