Black Hebrew Isralites are cause of the Catholic boy/Native American

Notice the injun did not confront the true aggressors, instead he confronted the Catholic School Students, I guess he thought they were less of a threat to him.
They share a common hatred of whites
Nah!!!!!!!! Really? How could we have ever guessed? After taking over the land they lived on, destroying their homes, bringing on disease that almost wiped them out,and murdering their people, including women and children, do you think they should show up there with a bouquet of roses?
Which happened before nathan spreading bullshit phillips was born

These kids did nothing to him pochohantas warren or any other living native
Well, of course it could NEVER have been the fault of White kids!!!

I love how you scream look at evidence, then ignore it when confronted with the same.
Oh, you mean evidence like this video?

Video refutes Nick Sandmann

No its doesn't.

Because we were being loudly attacked and taunted in public, a student in our group asked one of our teacher chaperones for permission to begin our school spirit chants to counter the hateful things that were being shouted at our group. The chants are commonly used at sporting events. They are all positive in nature and sound like what you would hear at any high school. Our chaperone gave us permission to use our school chants. We would not have done that without obtaining permission from the adults in charge of our group.

At no time did I hear any student chant anything other than the school spirit chants. I did not witness or hear any students chant "build that wall" or anything hateful or racist at any time. Assertions to the contrary are simply false. Our chants were loud because we wanted to drown out the hateful comments that were being shouted at us by the protestors.

Statement of Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic High School junior, regarding incident at the Lincoln Memorial - CNN
The media has nothing to do with this. These three groups didn't show up to this area because the media paid them to show up there. They all had their own agenda. The white and the black groups are both victims of their own racism. Let's not sugarcoat that.

I agree, that policies out of DC help divide us by prioritizing banks and corporations. But in this case, the people decided to initiate their own shortcomings. We need to be clever enough not to let corporations and banks be the catalyst for our own racist tendencies. We as humans can be hateful enough as it is. That is our weakness. Corporations, banks, and crooked politicians figured that out a long time ago. They use the old strategy from the Roman Empire days. Give the "people bread and circus". And in the meantime, we run off with the riches. This is exactly what is going on today. They use distractions and our own human weaknesses to pit us against each other, while they enrich themselves. Do you think they care about abortion, race, or the injustices placed on the Indians? They couldn't give two shits about all that, except to use them as wedge issues against us all, just to divide.

Reasons you are being stupid:

1. The media ran the story as fact.
2. Media didn't fact check.
3. Media doing little to right the wrong they created.
4. Media IS corporate.

The rest belongs in conspiracy theory
1. The story is a fact, because the incident happened. We all saw the video.
2. Why should they? We saw for ourselves what was going on. What's to fact check?
3.There are no wrongs to report. We saw black on white racism, and we saw white on black racism. On video. We also saw an elder Indian chief trying to defuse the situation, but he too was being made fun of by some of the kids there. I saw it myself on video. Did those students go on national television to set the story straight like chief Phillips? No! But he did.
4. And?
There is no video with white on black racism and the video clearly probes the indian liar was trying to defuse nothing but was confronting the white kids

You saw none of the things you claim in any of the videos and that is fact
Notice the injun did not confront the true aggressors, instead he confronted the Catholic School Students, I guess he thought they were less of a threat to him.
They share a common hatred of whites
Nah!!!!!!!! Really? How could we have ever guessed? After taking over the land they lived on, destroying their homes, bringing on disease that almost wiped them out,and murdering their people, including women and children, do you think they should show up there with a bouquet of roses?
Which happened before nathan spreading bullshit phillips was born

These kids did nothing to him pochohantas warren or any other living native
lol! Like that just fixes everything now doesn't it? So what's changed besides nothing? Your post proves that.
Notice the injun did not confront the true aggressors, instead he confronted the Catholic School Students, I guess he thought they were less of a threat to him.
They share a common hatred of whites
Nah!!!!!!!! Really? How could we have ever guessed? After taking over the land they lived on, destroying their homes, bringing on disease that almost wiped them out,and murdering their people, including women and children, do you think they should show up there with a bouquet of roses?
Which happened before nathan spreading bullshit phillips was born

These kids did nothing to him pochohantas warren or any other living native
lol! Like that just fixes everything now doesn't it? So what's changed besides nothing? Your post proves that.

No one had expectations of you being honest. Thanks for proving you can't be though.
Notice the injun did not confront the true aggressors, instead he confronted the Catholic School Students, I guess he thought they were less of a threat to him.
They share a common hatred of whites
Nah!!!!!!!! Really? How could we have ever guessed? After taking over the land they lived on, destroying their homes, bringing on disease that almost wiped them out,and murdering their people, including women and children, do you think they should show up there with a bouquet of roses?
Which happened before nathan spreading bullshit phillips was born

These kids did nothing to him pochohantas warren or any other living native
lol! Like that just fixes everything now doesn't it? So what's changed besides nothing? Your post proves that.
There is nothing to fix,

Simple logic since you are impaired in that area, No one is to blame for the crimes others including the crimes of the past.
The media has nothing to do with this. These three groups didn't show up to this area because the media paid them to show up there. They all had their own agenda. The white and the black groups are both victims of their own racism. Let's not sugarcoat that.

I agree, that policies out of DC help divide us by prioritizing banks and corporations. But in this case, the people decided to initiate their own shortcomings. We need to be clever enough not to let corporations and banks be the catalyst for our own racist tendencies. We as humans can be hateful enough as it is. That is our weakness. Corporations, banks, and crooked politicians figured that out a long time ago. They use the old strategy from the Roman Empire days. Give the "people bread and circus". And in the meantime, we run off with the riches. This is exactly what is going on today. They use distractions and our own human weaknesses to pit us against each other, while they enrich themselves. Do you think they care about abortion, race, or the injustices placed on the Indians? They couldn't give two shits about all that, except to use them as wedge issues against us all, just to divide.

Reasons you are being stupid:

1. The media ran the story as fact.
2. Media didn't fact check.
3. Media doing little to right the wrong they created.
4. Media IS corporate.

The rest belongs in conspiracy theory
1. The story is a fact, because the incident happened. We all saw the video.
2. Why should they? We saw for ourselves what was going on. What's to fact check?
3.There are no wrongs to report. We saw black on white racism, and we saw white on black racism. On video. We also saw an elder Indian chief trying to defuse the situation, but he too was being made fun of by some of the kids there. I saw it myself on video. Did those students go on national television to set the story straight like chief Phillips? No! But he did.
4. And?
There is no video with white on black racism and the video clearly probes the indian liar was trying to defuse nothing but was confronting the white kids

You saw none of the things you claim in any of the videos and that is fact
Yea right; Another video emerges of student 'mocking' Native Americans at rally but school defends its student | Daily Mail Online
He speaks up for Native American issues, so that does not mean he instigates things. Moron, Moron, how childless you are! Native American have a lot to bitch about. He is a marine Veteran as well.

Yes, a recon ranger...before there were such people. Guy's a complete liar.

So in your opinion the black Israelites and the Catholic kids are innocent of it all.

Did I say that? Is your reading comprehension that bad or just your honesty is worse?

I'll make it easy for you, because you need simple.

Black KKK, the worst present.
Indian group, misguided at best, more likely grandstanding to provoke violence.
Catholic kids, wrong place, wrong time, right reaction.
If I was one of only 4 Blacks and a gang of teenage boys in MAGA hats approached me I’d have my back up, too. We have no idea if one of these privileged, snot-nosed little Hitler Youth said something to get the Black men riled up and shouting back insults.

Because as we’ve all seen, there are no good people wearing MAGA hats. Not one person can point out a good deed being done by someone wearing one of these.
The media has nothing to do with this. These three groups didn't show up to this area because the media paid them to show up there. They all had their own agenda. The white and the black groups are both victims of their own racism. Let's not sugarcoat that.

I agree, that policies out of DC help divide us by prioritizing banks and corporations. But in this case, the people decided to initiate their own shortcomings. We need to be clever enough not to let corporations and banks be the catalyst for our own racist tendencies. We as humans can be hateful enough as it is. That is our weakness. Corporations, banks, and crooked politicians figured that out a long time ago. They use the old strategy from the Roman Empire days. Give the "people bread and circus". And in the meantime, we run off with the riches. This is exactly what is going on today. They use distractions and our own human weaknesses to pit us against each other, while they enrich themselves. Do you think they care about abortion, race, or the injustices placed on the Indians? They couldn't give two shits about all that, except to use them as wedge issues against us all, just to divide.

Reasons you are being stupid:

1. The media ran the story as fact.
2. Media didn't fact check.
3. Media doing little to right the wrong they created.
4. Media IS corporate.

The rest belongs in conspiracy theory
1. The story is a fact, because the incident happened. We all saw the video.
2. Why should they? We saw for ourselves what was going on. What's to fact check?
3.There are no wrongs to report. We saw black on white racism, and we saw white on black racism. On video. We also saw an elder Indian chief trying to defuse the situation, but he too was being made fun of by some of the kids there. I saw it myself on video. Did those students go on national television to set the story straight like chief Phillips? No! But he did.
4. And?
There is no video with white on black racism and the video clearly probes the indian liar was trying to defuse nothing but was confronting the white kids

You saw none of the things you claim in any of the videos and that is fact
Yea right;

Sorry massive fail no evidence of white on black racism in any video and the indian agdressively approached them

He then lied about trying to defuse it
He speaks up for Native American issues, so that does not mean he instigates things. Moron, Moron, how childless you are! Native American have a lot to bitch about. He is a marine Veteran as well.

Yes, a recon ranger...before there were such people. Guy's a complete liar.

So in your opinion the black Israelites and the Catholic kids are innocent of it all.

Did I say that? Is your reading comprehension that bad or just your honesty is worse?

I'll make it easy for you, because you need simple.

Black KKK, the worst present.
Indian group, misguided at best, more likely grandstanding to provoke violence.
Catholic kids, wrong place, wrong time, right reaction.
If I was one of only 4 Blacks and a gang of teenage boys in MAGA hats approached me I’d have my back up, too. We have no idea if one of these privileged, snot-nosed little Hitler Youth said something to get the Black men riled up and shouting back insults.

Because as we’ve all seen, there are no good people wearing MAGA hats. Not one person can point out a good deed being done by someone wearing one of these.

Your narrative is a massive lie

The kids did not approach those black people or the indian but were singled out and confronted by the minorities'

We do in fact have video recording that the black guys started it

Yes I can in fact point out a good deed and you are no better than a nazi

If I was one of only 4 Blacks and a gang of teenage boys in MAGA hats approached me I’d have my back up, too. We have no idea if one of these privileged, snot-nosed little Hitler Youth said something to get the Black men riled up and shouting back insults.

Because as we’ve all seen, there are no good people wearing MAGA hats. Not one person can point out a good deed being done by someone wearing one of these.

Great mischaracterization of the situation and actual facts there. It didn't happen that way. There is video to prove it. Of course it doesn't fit your narrative of you are good and others are bad. So goes the great lie liberals tell themselves.
Notice the injun did not confront the true aggressors, instead he confronted the Catholic School Students, I guess he thought they were less of a threat to him.
They share a common hatred of whites
Nah!!!!!!!! Really? How could we have ever guessed? After taking over the land they lived on, destroying their homes, bringing on disease that almost wiped them out,and murdering their people, including women and children, do you think they should show up there with a bouquet of roses?
Which happened before nathan spreading bullshit phillips was born

These kids did nothing to him pochohantas warren or any other living native
lol! Like that just fixes everything now doesn't it? So what's changed besides nothing? Your post proves that.
There is nothing to fix,

Simple logic since you are impaired in that area, No one is to blame for the crimes others including the crimes of the past.
Your justification of the racism displayed on video to the native Americans is not something to fix?
Only in your own mind.
I have had all manner of livtards call me racist. This kid is a saint for standing his ground!
Seeing the whole video, and understand what's going on changes EVERYTHING. All these young people represented their church, their school and their red hats, admirably.
"Church"? They showed up with their maga hats for a political rally. Church, Catholic Christians, and maga hats. It speaks for itself.
It was a right to life rally.
That turned into a black on white racist rally, and a white on black racist rally.
They share a common hatred of whites
Nah!!!!!!!! Really? How could we have ever guessed? After taking over the land they lived on, destroying their homes, bringing on disease that almost wiped them out,and murdering their people, including women and children, do you think they should show up there with a bouquet of roses?
Which happened before nathan spreading bullshit phillips was born

These kids did nothing to him pochohantas warren or any other living native
lol! Like that just fixes everything now doesn't it? So what's changed besides nothing? Your post proves that.
There is nothing to fix,

Simple logic since you are impaired in that area, No one is to blame for the crimes others including the crimes of the past.
Your justification of the racism displayed on video to the native Americans is not something to fix?

He deliberately went after them so no he is the immature bastard and liar in this one and that is not opinion it is proven documented absolute truth
If I was one of only 4 Blacks and a gang of teenage boys in MAGA hats approached me I’d have my back up, too. We have no idea if one of these privileged, snot-nosed little Hitler Youth said something to get the Black men riled up and shouting back insults.

Because as we’ve all seen, there are no good people wearing MAGA hats. Not one person can point out a good deed being done by someone wearing one of these.

Great mischaracterization of the situation and actual facts there. It didn't happen that way. There is video to prove it. Of course it doesn't fit your narrative of you are good and others are bad. So goes the great lie liberals tell themselves.
Except that we have video of a pro-lifer there to justify the taking of land from the native Americans, , murdering them to get that land, while being about pro-life. Now isn't that special. The more you see the more you know; Another video emerges of student 'mocking' Native Americans at rally but school defends its student | Daily Mail Online
They share a common hatred of whites
Nah!!!!!!!! Really? How could we have ever guessed? After taking over the land they lived on, destroying their homes, bringing on disease that almost wiped them out,and murdering their people, including women and children, do you think they should show up there with a bouquet of roses?
Which happened before nathan spreading bullshit phillips was born

These kids did nothing to him pochohantas warren or any other living native
lol! Like that just fixes everything now doesn't it? So what's changed besides nothing? Your post proves that.
There is nothing to fix,

Simple logic since you are impaired in that area, No one is to blame for the crimes others including the crimes of the past.
Your justification of the racism displayed on video to the native Americans is not something to fix?
One more time where is the evidence of the white on black racism and where is the video supporting the lying indian bastard phillips?

I would have mocked his chanting and gibberish as well

You do not get to excuse his crap by whining racism which is not displayed here
They were mocking his behavior not his race
Except that we have video of a pro-lifer there to justify the taking land from the native Americans , murdering them to get that land, while being about pro-life. Now isn't that special. The more you see the more you know; Another video emerges of student 'mocking' Native Americans at rally but school defends its student | Daily Mail Online
Nobody there stole anybody's land, nitwit. The settlers did nothing that any of these primitive savages haven't already done. Like I told you, if YOU believe Americans have no right to be here, than you condemn yourself. Time for you to leave -- YOU have condemned your hypocritical self.
If I was one of only 4 Blacks and a gang of teenage boys in MAGA hats approached me I’d have my back up, too. We have no idea if one of these privileged, snot-nosed little Hitler Youth said something to get the Black men riled up and shouting back insults.

Because as we’ve all seen, there are no good people wearing MAGA hats. Not one person can point out a good deed being done by someone wearing one of these.

Great mischaracterization of the situation and actual facts there. It didn't happen that way. There is video to prove it. Of course it doesn't fit your narrative of you are good and others are bad. So goes the great lie liberals tell themselves.
Except that we have video of a pro-lifer there to justify the taking of land from the native Americans, , murdering them to get that land, while being about pro-life. Now isn't that special. The more you see the more you know; Another video emerges of student 'mocking' Native Americans at rally but school defends its student | Daily Mail Online
NO you do not

None of them tried to justify any such thing or even spoke of it

They were mocking his behavior

He wanted to beat a drum and sing some gibberish they just made fun of him for doing so

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