Black homicide increases passed the 90s high marks


Apr 22, 2007
The county as a whole has seen a dramatic decrease in murder. Actually a HUGE decrease. Actually we would be close to Europe if it wasn't for, take a guess I bet you don't know from the title: you guessed it the huge increase in black on black homicide. There has been a dramatic increase in blacks killing blacks to the point we are above the 90s levels. We have seen an increase over the last 6 yrs. Thank you first black President, you really were remarkable to black community.

One America has become safer over 20 years; the other America hasn't

So why are all other races see other races (including Latinos - they see higher rape stats though) dramatic decreases, while the negro race is seeing a alarming increases:

1. Democrats rule over these are. The inner cities. More specifically black Democrats who are usually unqualified, uneducated and highly corrupt. They only tell people what they want, but in reality only line their pockets - see the Jackson family.

2. The breakdown of the Black family:
8 in 10 black babies are born out of wedlock. The father usually is not around (if he is known) and more likely the nigress has 3 of 4 babies with different fathers and the father has 3-4 babies he doesn't know or take care of with different mothers. These mother are either lazy welfare queens they are on drugs and do not teach any morals to their kids or they work low skill jobs and don't watch their kids. I honestly fully support Planned Parenthood mission. There should be tax funded planned parenthood in walking distance to every black community providing free contraceptions (including the pill) and free abortions.

3. Too many are on welfare:
Welfare only provides scraps. Even if someone gains the system they still live in poverty. Many of them are in drugs and the kids born in this environment do not praise education or hard work.

4. BLM and other SJW:
These racist groups blame everyone but the real culprit - black people. The trailer park is filled with many poverty level whites, but you don't see record crime and/or murder in these places. The kids go to school and many make it out to have successful lives. Not the same for black communities. But SJW say it is cops. Yet they need more cops. They say it is the white man, but white people do more for blacks than anyone. SJW point fingers because they are losers.

5. Genetics:
Not PC and there are a ton of blacks that break the mold. But the blacks race as a whole is less intelligent than all other races and prone to corruption. There is a reason there has never been successful black civilization. Not one country ruled by black is successful. Even countries handed to them on a silver platter like South Africa and Zimbabwe are destroyed by the lower intelligent and prone to corruption negro.

Liberals can blame everyone, but it solely on the black community now.

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The county as a whole has seen a dramatic decrease in murder. Actually a HUGE decrease. Actually we would be close to Europe if it wasn't for, take a guess I bet you don't know from the title: you guessed it the huge increase in black on black homicide. There has been a dramatic increase in blacks killing blacks to the point we are above the 90s levels. We have seen an increase over the last 6 yrs. Thank you first black President, you really were remarkable to black community.

One America has become safer over 20 years; the other America hasn't

So why are all other races see other races (including Latinos - they see higher rape stats though) dramatic decreases, while the negro race is seeing a alarming increases:

1. Democrats rule over these are. The inner cities. More specifically black Democrats who are usually unqualified, uneducated and highly corrupt. They only tell people what they want, but in reality only line their pockets - see the Jackson family.

2. The breakdown of the Black family:
8 in 10 black babies are born out of wedlock. The father usually is not around (if he is known) and more likely the nigress has 3 of 4 babies with different fathers and the father has 3-4 babies he doesn't know or take care of with different mothers. These mother are either lazy welfare queens they are on drugs and do not teach any morals to their kids or they work low skill jobs and don't watch their kids. I honestly fully support Planned Parenthood mission. There should be tax funded planned parenthood in walking distance to every black community providing free contraceptions (including the pill) and free abortions.

3. Too many are on welfare:
Welfare only provides scraps. Even if someone gains the system they still live in poverty. Many of them are in drugs and the kids born in this environment do not praise education or hard work.

4. BLM and other SJW:
These racist groups blame everyone but the real culprit - black people. The trailer park is filled with many poverty level whites, but you don't see record crime and/or murder in these places. The kids go to school and many make it out to have successful lives. Not the same for black communities. But SJW say it is cops. Yet they need more cops. They say it is the white man, but white people do more for blacks than anyone. SJW point fingers because they are losers.

5. Genetics:
Not PC and there are a ton of blacks that break the mold. But the blacks race as a whole is less intelligent than all other races and prone to corruption. There is a reason there has never been successful black civilization. Not one country ruled by black is successful. Even countries handed to them on a silver platter like South Africa and Zimbabwe are destroyed by the lower intelligent and prone to corruption negro.

Liberals can blame everyone, but it solely on the black community now.

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Awfully courageous of you to post this.
You do know we're suppose to dumb ourselves down and play stupid to facts with regard to this subject matter don't you?
We're suppose to pretend we don't know the things you mention.
Staying silent and pretending Blacks are awesome has been working so well....haha
Don't expect much participation in this thread...the nutless pussies here are scared shitless of this one.
'Black-On-Black' Crime is a topic of discussion shunned / banned almost as much as the 'N' Word. I wonder why that is.....
My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?
My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?

I want to know when they will start another thread claiming blacks should vote Repub or the Dems are racist.
My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?

You're scared of this one aren't you? Are you in the fetal position right now?

I genuinely want to know. And if you do wear the sheets do you wear the hood too? Or do you keep that off because I mean....what's the point when you're a keyboard crusader.
It's the nature of the negro
Yeah that Ben Carson...

Carson sits within the two percentile among Blacks...he's intelligent, educated, productive, well spoken, respectful and law abiding.
So are all my black friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

That's impossible! Don't you know that just the pigmentation in their skin makes them dumber than white people.

Hmmm, what about an Albino "black person"? They must be alright, right?
My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?

You're scared of this one aren't you? Are you in the fetal position right now?

I genuinely want to know. And if you do wear the sheets do you wear the hood too? Or do you keep that off because I mean....what's the point when you're a keyboard crusader.

Haha...yep, you're in the fetal position.
What was said that you disagree with? Which part of the truth hurts you the most? Come on...don't be scared.
It's the nature of the negro
Yeah that Ben Carson...

Carson sits within the two percentile among Blacks...he's intelligent, educated, productive, well spoken, respectful and law abiding.
So are all my black friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

That's awesome!
I have Black friends, employees and acquaintances who fall within the two percentile as well. They're awesome people.
Unfortunately in the real world no one gives two shits about the 2%.
It's the nature of the negro
Yeah that Ben Carson...

Carson sits within the two percentile among Blacks...he's intelligent, educated, productive, well spoken, respectful and law abiding.
So are all my black friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

That's awesome!
I have Black friends, employees and acquaintances who fall within the two percentile as well. They're awesome people.
Unfortunately in the real world no one gives two shits about the 2%.
You have friends? That's a goood one. Haha
It's the nature of the negro
Yeah that Ben Carson...

Carson sits within the two percentile among Blacks...he's intelligent, educated, productive, well spoken, respectful and law abiding.
So are all my black friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

That's impossible! Don't you know that just the pigmentation in their skin makes them dumber than white people.

Hmmm, what about an Albino "black person"? They must be alright, right?

Are you just pretending to be a retard for entertainment value?
It's a learned behavioral thing's not about skin color...hopefully you know this. What else can I teach you?

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