Black homicide increases passed the 90s high marks


Call white people racists … That’ll solve the problems associated with black on black crime … :thup:

I don't think there's many people left that really give two shits about being called a racist. The leftards have ground that term into the DIRT. It's impact is GONE.

You eat the wrong sandwich for lunch... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You like the warm weather... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You drive a Chevy truck... YOU'RE A RACIST.

It's absolutely asinine, and that's what the progs have done.

They can call me a RAAAAAYYYYYYYCCCIIIIISSSSST all they want, I couldn't give a fuck less.

Nah ... I bet there is someone right now trying to figure out how black on black crime is the white man's fault.
Of course that wouldn't be a solution, but an excuse at best ... Albeit they probably wouldn't be the first fool to confuse the two.

My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?
When you go to the New Black Panthers meetings, do you all watch this video?

Besides skin color these people are exactly the same as you.

You progtards and your constant use of the racist BS has been drummed to DEATH, and has ZERO impact anymore.

You are nothing more than a joke... a pathetic joke... and completely out of anything worthwhile to say.

Literally no difference between you and the people in your video. None. You're both racist assholes.
My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?

After over half a century of the Great Society, the War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action.....and with the Black Community in worse shape than when these programs started....particularly in the large rotting cities run by Democrats for 40 or more years, ALL Americans, ALL Tax Payers have a right to notice the matters brought up in the O. P.---none of which you even attempted to, you just ran like a pussy straight to the Race Card.

These are serious issues; they are in large part responsible for the 20 trillion dollar deficit that is bankrupting this country...and they are never going to be resolved if they can't even be part of the Public Discourse.

Call white people racists … That’ll solve the problems associated with black on black crime … :thup:

I don't think there's many people left that really give two shits about being called a racist. The leftards have ground that term into the DIRT. It's impact is GONE, because instead of using it when it was appropriate, the left has been throwing it out as often as they can, just to SHUT YOU UP. Everybody knows that when someone calls you a RACIST, you're supposed to COWER and GO AWAY. It's been the left's little ace in the hole for ENDING DEBATE. Well, just like the little boy who cried wolf, they BLEW IT. They used it WAAAAY, WAY too often, and not it doesn't work anymore.

You eat the wrong sandwich for lunch... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You like the warm weather... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You drive a Chevy truck... YOU'RE A RACIST.

It's absolutely asinine, and that's what the progs have done.

They can call me a RAAAAAYYYYYYYCCCIIIIISSSSST all they want, I couldn't give a fuck less.




Go ahead and repeat that... PROVE MY POINT... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utterly devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Call white people racists … That’ll solve the problems associated with black on black crime … :thup:

I don't think there's many people left that really give two shits about being called a racist. The leftards have ground that term into the DIRT. It's impact is GONE, because instead of using it when it was appropriate, the left has been throwing it out as often as they can, just to SHUT YOU UP. Everybody knows that when someone calls you a RACIST, you're supposed to COWER and GO AWAY. It's been the left's little ace in the hole for ENDING DEBATE. Well, just like the little boy who cried wolf, they BLEW IT. They used it WAAAAY, WAY too often, and not it doesn't work anymore.

You eat the wrong sandwich for lunch... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You like the warm weather... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You drive a Chevy truck... YOU'RE A RACIST.

It's absolutely asinine, and that's what the progs have done.

They can call me a RAAAAAYYYYYYYCCCIIIIISSSSST all they want, I couldn't give a fuck less.




Go ahead and repeat that... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utter devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!

Call white people racists … That’ll solve the problems associated with black on black crime … :thup:

I don't think there's many people left that really give two shits about being called a racist. The leftards have ground that term into the DIRT. It's impact is GONE, because instead of using it when it was appropriate, the left has been throwing it out as often as they can, just to SHUT YOU UP. Everybody knows that when someone calls you a RACIST, you're supposed to COWER and GO AWAY. It's been the left's little ace in the hole for ENDING DEBATE. Well, just like the little boy who cried wolf, they BLEW IT. They used it WAAAAY, WAY too often, and not it doesn't work anymore.

You eat the wrong sandwich for lunch... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You like the warm weather... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You drive a Chevy truck... YOU'RE A RACIST.

It's absolutely asinine, and that's what the progs have done.

They can call me a RAAAAAYYYYYYYCCCIIIIISSSSST all they want, I couldn't give a fuck less.




Go ahead and repeat that... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utter devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you forgot to call me RACIST!

You losing your grip or what, dumbass?

Call white people racists … That’ll solve the problems associated with black on black crime … :thup:

I don't think there's many people left that really give two shits about being called a racist. The leftards have ground that term into the DIRT. It's impact is GONE, because instead of using it when it was appropriate, the left has been throwing it out as often as they can, just to SHUT YOU UP. Everybody knows that when someone calls you a RACIST, you're supposed to COWER and GO AWAY. It's been the left's little ace in the hole for ENDING DEBATE. Well, just like the little boy who cried wolf, they BLEW IT. They used it WAAAAY, WAY too often, and not it doesn't work anymore.

You eat the wrong sandwich for lunch... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You like the warm weather... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You drive a Chevy truck... YOU'RE A RACIST.

It's absolutely asinine, and that's what the progs have done.

They can call me a RAAAAAYYYYYYYCCCIIIIISSSSST all they want, I couldn't give a fuck less.




Go ahead and repeat that... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utter devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!

Let's get real SCARY for may need a straight jacket for this one.
This is the part where you scream RACIST'll sidestep, divert, deflect and possibly disengage from this thread.
All you have to do is answer yes or no and be totally honest with yourself. Ready?
Based on FACTS would this nation be safer and better off without BLACKS?
Scary shit...I know. Your turn.

Call white people racists … That’ll solve the problems associated with black on black crime … :thup:

I don't think there's many people left that really give two shits about being called a racist. The leftards have ground that term into the DIRT. It's impact is GONE, because instead of using it when it was appropriate, the left has been throwing it out as often as they can, just to SHUT YOU UP. Everybody knows that when someone calls you a RACIST, you're supposed to COWER and GO AWAY. It's been the left's little ace in the hole for ENDING DEBATE. Well, just like the little boy who cried wolf, they BLEW IT. They used it WAAAAY, WAY too often, and not it doesn't work anymore.

You eat the wrong sandwich for lunch... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You like the warm weather... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You drive a Chevy truck... YOU'RE A RACIST.

It's absolutely asinine, and that's what the progs have done.

They can call me a RAAAAAYYYYYYYCCCIIIIISSSSST all they want, I couldn't give a fuck less.




Go ahead and repeat that... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utter devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you forgot to call me RACIST!

You losing your grip or what, dumbass?

Do you think if black people were not in this country you would personally have a better life? Yes or no?

Call white people racists … That’ll solve the problems associated with black on black crime … :thup:

I don't think there's many people left that really give two shits about being called a racist. The leftards have ground that term into the DIRT. It's impact is GONE, because instead of using it when it was appropriate, the left has been throwing it out as often as they can, just to SHUT YOU UP. Everybody knows that when someone calls you a RACIST, you're supposed to COWER and GO AWAY. It's been the left's little ace in the hole for ENDING DEBATE. Well, just like the little boy who cried wolf, they BLEW IT. They used it WAAAAY, WAY too often, and not it doesn't work anymore.

You eat the wrong sandwich for lunch... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You like the warm weather... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You drive a Chevy truck... YOU'RE A RACIST.

It's absolutely asinine, and that's what the progs have done.

They can call me a RAAAAAYYYYYYYCCCIIIIISSSSST all they want, I couldn't give a fuck less.




Go ahead and repeat that... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utter devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!

Let's get real SCARY for may need a straight jacket for this one.
This is the part where you scream RACIST'll sidestep, divert, deflect and possibly disengage from this thread.
All you have to do is answer yes or no and be totally honest with yourself. Ready?
Based on FACTS would this nation be safer and better off without BLACKS?
Scary shit...I know. Your turn.


Now your turn. Would your life be better without black people in this country? Yes or No.
5. Genetics:
Not PC and there are a ton of blacks that break the mold. But the blacks race as a whole is less intelligent than all other races and prone to corruption. There is a reason there has never been successful black civilization. Not one country ruled by black is successful. Even countries handed to them on a silver platter like South Africa and Zimbabwe are destroyed by the lower intelligent and prone to corruption negro.

Yup - blacks are very mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming. How else to explain

1. Blacks come in last in all standardized tests. Asians do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests..

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
they continue to put up links that don't support there assertions, and their assertions are based on fear and loathing that are not based on facts.

They are Trumpteers.

You can't pretend to be retarded forever. The writing is on the wall for all to see.
The Color of Crime - American Renaissance
Urban centers
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
Carson sits within the two percentile among Blacks...he's intelligent, educated, productive, well spoken, respectful and law abiding.

Carson has admitted he's an affirmative action baby. He's neither intelligent nor educated. All this "brilliant neurosurgeon" talk is BS. The govt leans on hospitals to falsely praise their black surgeons.
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.

The press talks about gun violence but the fact is if you stay from black men, the threat is almost non-existent.

Call white people racists … That’ll solve the problems associated with black on black crime … :thup:

I don't think there's many people left that really give two shits about being called a racist. The leftards have ground that term into the DIRT. It's impact is GONE, because instead of using it when it was appropriate, the left has been throwing it out as often as they can, just to SHUT YOU UP. Everybody knows that when someone calls you a RACIST, you're supposed to COWER and GO AWAY. It's been the left's little ace in the hole for ENDING DEBATE. Well, just like the little boy who cried wolf, they BLEW IT. They used it WAAAAY, WAY too often, and not it doesn't work anymore.

You eat the wrong sandwich for lunch... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You like the warm weather... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You drive a Chevy truck... YOU'RE A RACIST.

It's absolutely asinine, and that's what the progs have done.

They can call me a RAAAAAYYYYYYYCCCIIIIISSSSST all they want, I couldn't give a fuck less.




Go ahead and repeat that... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utter devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!

Let's get real SCARY for may need a straight jacket for this one.
This is the part where you scream RACIST'll sidestep, divert, deflect and possibly disengage from this thread.
All you have to do is answer yes or no and be totally honest with yourself. Ready?
Based on FACTS would this nation be safer and better off without BLACKS?
Scary shit...I know. Your turn.
OMFG... you CAN'T ask THAT!

Yup... you're a RACIST.
I don't think there's many people left that really give two shits about being called a racist. The leftards have ground that term into the DIRT. It's impact is GONE, because instead of using it when it was appropriate, the left has been throwing it out as often as they can, just to SHUT YOU UP. Everybody knows that when someone calls you a RACIST, you're supposed to COWER and GO AWAY. It's been the left's little ace in the hole for ENDING DEBATE. Well, just like the little boy who cried wolf, they BLEW IT. They used it WAAAAY, WAY too often, and not it doesn't work anymore.

You eat the wrong sandwich for lunch... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You like the warm weather... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You drive a Chevy truck... YOU'RE A RACIST.

It's absolutely asinine, and that's what the progs have done.

They can call me a RAAAAAYYYYYYYCCCIIIIISSSSST all they want, I couldn't give a fuck less.




Go ahead and repeat that... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utter devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!

Let's get real SCARY for may need a straight jacket for this one.
This is the part where you scream RACIST'll sidestep, divert, deflect and possibly disengage from this thread.
All you have to do is answer yes or no and be totally honest with yourself. Ready?
Based on FACTS would this nation be safer and better off without BLACKS?
Scary shit...I know. Your turn.


Now your turn. Would your life be better without black people in this country? Yes or No.

Funny long can you Loons lie to yourselves and pretend Blacks are an asset to this country? Read my lips...PER CAPITA there is no greater liability to this nation...PERIOD. This isn't even debatable. Remember, admission of fault is step one to change....Hmmmm, and we wonder why Blacks don't improve...haha
I don't think there's many people left that really give two shits about being called a racist. The leftards have ground that term into the DIRT. It's impact is GONE, because instead of using it when it was appropriate, the left has been throwing it out as often as they can, just to SHUT YOU UP. Everybody knows that when someone calls you a RACIST, you're supposed to COWER and GO AWAY. It's been the left's little ace in the hole for ENDING DEBATE. Well, just like the little boy who cried wolf, they BLEW IT. They used it WAAAAY, WAY too often, and not it doesn't work anymore.

You eat the wrong sandwich for lunch... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You like the warm weather... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You drive a Chevy truck... YOU'RE A RACIST.

It's absolutely asinine, and that's what the progs have done.

They can call me a RAAAAAYYYYYYYCCCIIIIISSSSST all they want, I couldn't give a fuck less.




Go ahead and repeat that... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utter devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you forgot to call me RACIST!

You losing your grip or what, dumbass?

Do you think if black people were not in this country you would personally have a better life? Yes or no?
Why don't you ask that of the people of Ferguson?



Go ahead and repeat that... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utter devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!

Let's get real SCARY for may need a straight jacket for this one.
This is the part where you scream RACIST'll sidestep, divert, deflect and possibly disengage from this thread.
All you have to do is answer yes or no and be totally honest with yourself. Ready?
Based on FACTS would this nation be safer and better off without BLACKS?
Scary shit...I know. Your turn.


Now your turn. Would your life be better without black people in this country? Yes or No.

Funny long can you Loons lie to yourselves and pretend Blacks are an asset to this country? Read my lips...PER CAPITA there is no greater liability to this nation...PERIOD. This isn't even debatable. Remember, admission of fault is step one to change....Hmmmm, and we wonder why Blacks don't improve...haha

Is it because they're black? Is it because of the color of their skin? Is there ANY chance it is because of another factor?

I realize you're probably not very educated and obviously lazy, and it's easy to say yup they're black so that's something I can put blame on, but what about being black makes them inferior? Be specific. (we both know you can't)

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