Black homicide increases passed the 90s high marks




Go ahead and repeat that... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utter devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you forgot to call me RACIST!

You losing your grip or what, dumbass?

Do you think if black people were not in this country you would personally have a better life? Yes or no?
Why don't you ask that of the people of Ferguson?

I asked you.
Funny long can you Loons lie to yourselves and pretend Blacks are an asset to this country? Read my lips...PER CAPITA there is no greater liability to this nation...PERIOD. This isn't even debatable. Remember, admission of fault is step one to change....Hmmmm, and we wonder why Blacks don't improve...haha

Yup. How many blacks are scientists or businessmen or engineers or even electricians or auto repairmen.? Blacks take up crime or welfare or pro sports. They can't seem to do anything useful. BTW - it's the same in africa.
I realize you're probably not very educated and obviously lazy, and it's easy to say yup they're black so that's something I can put blame on, but what about being black makes them inferior? Be specific. (we both know you can't)

1. Blacks come in last in all standardized tests. Asians do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests..

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
Go ahead and repeat that... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utter devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you forgot to call me RACIST!

You losing your grip or what, dumbass?

Do you think if black people were not in this country you would personally have a better life? Yes or no?
Why don't you ask that of the people of Ferguson?

I asked you.
And I asked you why you don't ask the people of Ferguson.

In fact, why don't you show me a GREAT BLACK NATION that LEADS THE WORLD in technology, and is PEACEFUL, and is MODERN, all accomplished solely by the BLACK MAN.

Why don't you show us ALL why it is you think blacks are such a HUGE ASSET to any society. Give us the proof.

You know what the vast majority of blacks were in the Air Force? SUPPLY, or COOKS, or MP's, anything NON technical. You RARELY saw a black out on the flight line or in a specialist field. Why is that?
My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?
He may or may not be a racist but ignoring the facts is pretty stupid.

Just like white America has an opioid epidemic, black America has a violence epidemic. The stats are there to see and quite free of racism.
Go ahead and repeat that... do it a million times if you think it will help... but you're still going to be a progtard jack off thinking I give a flying FUCK what you call me.

You're a complete fucking moron, and utter devoid of anything NEW or WORTHWHILE to say.

Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!

Let's get real SCARY for may need a straight jacket for this one.
This is the part where you scream RACIST'll sidestep, divert, deflect and possibly disengage from this thread.
All you have to do is answer yes or no and be totally honest with yourself. Ready?
Based on FACTS would this nation be safer and better off without BLACKS?
Scary shit...I know. Your turn.


Now your turn. Would your life be better without black people in this country? Yes or No.

Funny long can you Loons lie to yourselves and pretend Blacks are an asset to this country? Read my lips...PER CAPITA there is no greater liability to this nation...PERIOD. This isn't even debatable. Remember, admission of fault is step one to change....Hmmmm, and we wonder why Blacks don't improve...haha

Is it because they're black? Is it because of the color of their skin? Is there ANY chance it is because of another factor?

I realize you're probably not very educated and obviously lazy, and it's easy to say yup they're black so that's something I can put blame on, but what about being black makes them inferior? Be specific. (we both know you can't)

I'll say it again like I said earlier....
It's a taught / learned behavioral thing deeply rooted. It begins with low iQ, ignorance and lack of ambition to succeed. These things lead to an inability to problem solve and defects in the processes of decision making.
It doesn't really matter....any excuse is played the fuck out.
Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!

Let's get real SCARY for may need a straight jacket for this one.
This is the part where you scream RACIST'll sidestep, divert, deflect and possibly disengage from this thread.
All you have to do is answer yes or no and be totally honest with yourself. Ready?
Based on FACTS would this nation be safer and better off without BLACKS?
Scary shit...I know. Your turn.


Now your turn. Would your life be better without black people in this country? Yes or No.

Funny long can you Loons lie to yourselves and pretend Blacks are an asset to this country? Read my lips...PER CAPITA there is no greater liability to this nation...PERIOD. This isn't even debatable. Remember, admission of fault is step one to change....Hmmmm, and we wonder why Blacks don't improve...haha

Is it because they're black? Is it because of the color of their skin? Is there ANY chance it is because of another factor?

I realize you're probably not very educated and obviously lazy, and it's easy to say yup they're black so that's something I can put blame on, but what about being black makes them inferior? Be specific. (we both know you can't)

I'll say it again like I said earlier....
It's a taught / learned behavioral thing deeply rooted. It begins with low iQ, ignorance and lack of ambition to succeed. These things lead to an inability to problem solve and defects in the processes of decision making.
It doesn't really matter....any excuse is played the fuck out.
You are pretty spot on as I was wrapped up in this violent lifestyle as a youth. And I am white. I would question the IQ statement as mine is pretty good and I still managed to be that criminal thug
In fact, why don't you show me a GREAT BLACK NATION that LEADS THE WORLD in technology, and is PEACEFUL, and is MODERN, all accomplished solely by the BLACK MAN.

Blacks not only cannot build a first world country, they can't even maintain one after they steal one from whites as happened in rhodesia and south africa.

Blacks are very mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming.
Imagine how much less shitty your life would be if there were no black people in this country. Am I Right!?!

Let's get real SCARY for may need a straight jacket for this one.
This is the part where you scream RACIST'll sidestep, divert, deflect and possibly disengage from this thread.
All you have to do is answer yes or no and be totally honest with yourself. Ready?
Based on FACTS would this nation be safer and better off without BLACKS?
Scary shit...I know. Your turn.


Now your turn. Would your life be better without black people in this country? Yes or No.

Funny long can you Loons lie to yourselves and pretend Blacks are an asset to this country? Read my lips...PER CAPITA there is no greater liability to this nation...PERIOD. This isn't even debatable. Remember, admission of fault is step one to change....Hmmmm, and we wonder why Blacks don't improve...haha

Is it because they're black? Is it because of the color of their skin? Is there ANY chance it is because of another factor?

I realize you're probably not very educated and obviously lazy, and it's easy to say yup they're black so that's something I can put blame on, but what about being black makes them inferior? Be specific. (we both know you can't)

I'll say it again like I said earlier....
It's a taught / learned behavioral thing deeply rooted. It begins with low iQ, ignorance and lack of ambition to succeed. These things lead to an inability to problem solve and defects in the processes of decision making.
It doesn't really matter....any excuse is played the fuck out.
You can't have an HONEST conversation with these people. They simply DENY all the facts and scream RACIST.

I don't know if it's because the facts SCARE them or what, but it's painfully obvious they don't want to hear it.
You can't have an HONEST conversation with these people. They simply DENY all the facts and scream RACIST.

I don't know if it's because the facts SCARE them or what, but it's painfully obvious they don't want to hear it.

Liberals know full well that blacks are inferior but they won't admit it because they are white-hating racists. In fact hating white people is at the core of liberalism.
Let's get real SCARY for may need a straight jacket for this one.
This is the part where you scream RACIST'll sidestep, divert, deflect and possibly disengage from this thread.
All you have to do is answer yes or no and be totally honest with yourself. Ready?
Based on FACTS would this nation be safer and better off without BLACKS?
Scary shit...I know. Your turn.


Now your turn. Would your life be better without black people in this country? Yes or No.

Funny long can you Loons lie to yourselves and pretend Blacks are an asset to this country? Read my lips...PER CAPITA there is no greater liability to this nation...PERIOD. This isn't even debatable. Remember, admission of fault is step one to change....Hmmmm, and we wonder why Blacks don't improve...haha

Is it because they're black? Is it because of the color of their skin? Is there ANY chance it is because of another factor?

I realize you're probably not very educated and obviously lazy, and it's easy to say yup they're black so that's something I can put blame on, but what about being black makes them inferior? Be specific. (we both know you can't)

I'll say it again like I said earlier....
It's a taught / learned behavioral thing deeply rooted. It begins with low iQ, ignorance and lack of ambition to succeed. These things lead to an inability to problem solve and defects in the processes of decision making.
It doesn't really matter....any excuse is played the fuck out.
You are pretty spot on as I was wrapped up in this violent lifestyle as a youth. And I am white. I would question the IQ statement as mine is pretty good and I still managed to be that criminal thug

You're right...there are some iQ smart people missing a few pieces to the overall puzzle. However, I don't believe it's all to common.
Generally, high iQ allows for sound decision making, a clear understanding of consequences, cause and effect and accountability.
I'd bet you represent the two percentile.
The county as a whole has seen a dramatic decrease in murder. Actually a HUGE decrease. Actually we would be close to Europe if it wasn't for, take a guess I bet you don't know from the title: you guessed it the huge increase in black on black homicide. There has been a dramatic increase in blacks killing blacks to the point we are above the 90s levels. We have seen an increase over the last 6 yrs. Thank you first black President, you really were remarkable to black community.

One America has become safer over 20 years; the other America hasn't

So why are all other races see other races (including Latinos - they see higher rape stats though) dramatic decreases, while the negro race is seeing a alarming increases:

1. Democrats rule over these are. The inner cities. More specifically black Democrats who are usually unqualified, uneducated and highly corrupt. They only tell people what they want, but in reality only line their pockets - see the Jackson family.

2. The breakdown of the Black family:
8 in 10 black babies are born out of wedlock. The father usually is not around (if he is known) and more likely the nigress has 3 of 4 babies with different fathers and the father has 3-4 babies he doesn't know or take care of with different mothers. These mother are either lazy welfare queens they are on drugs and do not teach any morals to their kids or they work low skill jobs and don't watch their kids. I honestly fully support Planned Parenthood mission. There should be tax funded planned parenthood in walking distance to every black community providing free contraceptions (including the pill) and free abortions.

3. Too many are on welfare:
Welfare only provides scraps. Even if someone gains the system they still live in poverty. Many of them are in drugs and the kids born in this environment do not praise education or hard work.

4. BLM and other SJW:
These racist groups blame everyone but the real culprit - black people. The trailer park is filled with many poverty level whites, but you don't see record crime and/or murder in these places. The kids go to school and many make it out to have successful lives. Not the same for black communities. But SJW say it is cops. Yet they need more cops. They say it is the white man, but white people do more for blacks than anyone. SJW point fingers because they are losers.

5. Genetics:
Not PC and there are a ton of blacks that break the mold. But the blacks race as a whole is less intelligent than all other races and prone to corruption. There is a reason there has never been successful black civilization. Not one country ruled by black is successful. Even countries handed to them on a silver platter like South Africa and Zimbabwe are destroyed by the lower intelligent and prone to corruption negro.

Liberals can blame everyone, but it solely on the black community now.

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Awfully courageous of you to post this.
You do know we're suppose to dumb ourselves down and play stupid to facts with regard to this subject matter don't you?
We're suppose to pretend we don't know the things you mention.
Staying silent and pretending Blacks are awesome has been working so well....haha
Don't expect much participation in this thread...the nutless pussies here are scared shitless of this one.


Take chicago in the 90s the Northside was just as Black and crime ridden as the Southside. Since 2000 that has changed. The Northside has increasingly become majority white. The schools have gotten 10 fold better (esp in Lakeview), neighborhoods are safe and they are great places to live and raise a family. Even the west side is getting better: Belmont Craig, Hermoso, Humbolt park, Austin and Westown. All are increasingly become less black and safer.

But why do you still hear how dangerous Chicago is? That is because of the Southside urban jungle. This area is homogenous black. Shit school, high crime, high black murder rate and bad place to live. But give it time. It is become gentrified in 5-10'yr Garfield Park and Lawndale will be majority white and affluent minorities. This black gang wasteland is being attacked by developers on all sides. In 20 yrs the Southside will look and feel like the north.

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In fact, why don't you show me a GREAT BLACK NATION that LEADS THE WORLD in technology, and is PEACEFUL, and is MODERN, all accomplished solely by the BLACK MAN.

Blacks not only cannot build a first world country, they can't even maintain one after they steal one from whites as happened in rhodesia and south africa.

Blacks are very mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming.
Two times in Las Vegas, I witnessed first hand how blacks live and what they do to property.

I went to an apartment with the manager to look at it to possibly rent even though it hadn't been cleaned yet, but when she opened the door and we stepped inside, we both were shocked beyond belief. The TRASH in the apartment was PILED UP along the walls with little PATHS through the place, with filthy hand prints all over walls around the corners, and the curtains on the window next to the door FILTHY GREASY DIRTY as they used them for a HAND WIPE when they left the apartment, food containers, ROTTING FOOD, chicken bones, pop cans, and COCK ROACHES EVERYWHERE... yes, this was an apartment BLACKS were living in.

Needless to say I rented a different apartment, a NICE apartment, expensive, and soon after I had an older black woman and her grown daughter moved in underneath me. The daughter had the bedroom under mine and would come home from where ever at 2 or 3 in the morning and start blasting her RAP MUSIC with the bass just SHAKING THE WALLS. I complained several times and the cops had to even come once. But as if that wasn't bad enough, she CUT THE SCREEN on the window to her room so her CAT could jump in and out, (no pets were allowed), and the cat would do this at NIGHT when she'd get home and the sprinklers would be on, so the cat would get filthy feet and covered the wall with DIRT where it was jumping in and out. So I called the office again and told them what was going on and that if this was the kind of crap they allowed to go on, I was moving out and I'd see them in court if they tried to hold me to my lease. Well, they immediately evicted the blacks.

But two different places, same thing, the blacks lived like PIGS, like ANIMALS. Took nice places and turned them into SHIT. Now do some white people do the same thing? Sure, but with SAME FREQUENCY? NO.
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You can't have an HONEST conversation with these people. They simply DENY all the facts and scream RACIST.

I don't know if it's because the facts SCARE them or what, but it's painfully obvious they don't want to hear it.

Technically ... If you espouse to the idea that blacks are an inferior race (no matter the validity of your facts, or lack thereof) ... You are by definition a "racist'.

Is it because they're black? Is it because of the color of their skin? Is there ANY chance it is because of another factor?

I realize you're probably not very educated and obviously lazy, and it's easy to say yup they're black so that's something I can put blame on, but what about being black makes them inferior? Be specific. (we both know you can't)
Blacks on average have lower IQ's and higher testosterone levels
You can't have an HONEST conversation with these people. They simply DENY all the facts and scream RACIST.

I don't know if it's because the facts SCARE them or what, but it's painfully obvious they don't want to hear it.

Technically ... If you espouse to the idea that blacks are an inferior race (no matter the validity of your facts, or lack thereof) ... You are by definition a "racist'.

That's pure bull shit.
The county as a whole has seen a dramatic decrease in murder. Actually a HUGE decrease. Actually we would be close to Europe if it wasn't for, take a guess I bet you don't know from the title: you guessed it the huge increase in black on black homicide. There has been a dramatic increase in blacks killing blacks to the point we are above the 90s levels. We have seen an increase over the last 6 yrs. Thank you first black President, you really were remarkable to black community.

One America has become safer over 20 years; the other America hasn't

So why are all other races see other races (including Latinos - they see higher rape stats though) dramatic decreases, while the negro race is seeing a alarming increases:

1. Democrats rule over these are. The inner cities. More specifically black Democrats who are usually unqualified, uneducated and highly corrupt. They only tell people what they want, but in reality only line their pockets - see the Jackson family.

2. The breakdown of the Black family:
8 in 10 black babies are born out of wedlock. The father usually is not around (if he is known) and more likely the nigress has 3 of 4 babies with different fathers and the father has 3-4 babies he doesn't know or take care of with different mothers. These mother are either lazy welfare queens they are on drugs and do not teach any morals to their kids or they work low skill jobs and don't watch their kids. I honestly fully support Planned Parenthood mission. There should be tax funded planned parenthood in walking distance to every black community providing free contraceptions (including the pill) and free abortions.

3. Too many are on welfare:
Welfare only provides scraps. Even if someone gains the system they still live in poverty. Many of them are in drugs and the kids born in this environment do not praise education or hard work.

4. BLM and other SJW:
These racist groups blame everyone but the real culprit - black people. The trailer park is filled with many poverty level whites, but you don't see record crime and/or murder in these places. The kids go to school and many make it out to have successful lives. Not the same for black communities. But SJW say it is cops. Yet they need more cops. They say it is the white man, but white people do more for blacks than anyone. SJW point fingers because they are losers.

5. Genetics:
Not PC and there are a ton of blacks that break the mold. But the blacks race as a whole is less intelligent than all other races and prone to corruption. There is a reason there has never been successful black civilization. Not one country ruled by black is successful. Even countries handed to them on a silver platter like South Africa and Zimbabwe are destroyed by the lower intelligent and prone to corruption negro.

Liberals can blame everyone, but it solely on the black community now.

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Why are white murders increasing since 2014?

They aren't, they are decreasing. Try to keep up

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