Black homicide increases passed the 90s high marks

It's the nature of the negro
Yeah that Ben Carson...

Carson sits within the two percentile among Blacks...he's intelligent, educated, productive, well spoken, respectful and law abiding.
So are all my black friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

That's awesome!
I have Black friends, employees and acquaintances who fall within the two percentile as well. They're awesome people.
Unfortunately in the real world no one gives two shits about the 2%.
You have friends? That's a goood one. Haha

You must be a super smart dude...sounds like you know all about me through an anonymous internet forum....DAMN you're awesome!
It's the nature of the negro

Libs don't want to say it, but it is true

Sent from my iPhone using
the libturds keep them in poverty as their slaves. they have done absolutely zero for them. i feel bad for the black families going along with these slave owners.
Democrats see blacks as VOTES, period, and they're very happy that blacks just don't get it that they're being used and lied to.
The county as a whole has seen a dramatic decrease in murder. Actually a HUGE decrease. Actually we would be close to Europe if it wasn't for, take a guess I bet you don't know from the title: you guessed it the huge increase in black on black homicide. There has been a dramatic increase in blacks killing blacks to the point we are above the 90s levels. We have seen an increase over the last 6 yrs. Thank you first black President, you really were remarkable to black community.

One America has become safer over 20 years; the other America hasn't

So why are all other races see other races (including Latinos - they see higher rape stats though) dramatic decreases, while the negro race is seeing a alarming increases:

1. Democrats rule over these are. The inner cities. More specifically black Democrats who are usually unqualified, uneducated and highly corrupt. They only tell people what they want, but in reality only line their pockets - see the Jackson family.

2. The breakdown of the Black family:
8 in 10 black babies are born out of wedlock. The father usually is not around (if he is known) and more likely the nigress has 3 of 4 babies with different fathers and the father has 3-4 babies he doesn't know or take care of with different mothers. These mother are either lazy welfare queens they are on drugs and do not teach any morals to their kids or they work low skill jobs and don't watch their kids. I honestly fully support Planned Parenthood mission. There should be tax funded planned parenthood in walking distance to every black community providing free contraceptions (including the pill) and free abortions.

3. Too many are on welfare:
Welfare only provides scraps. Even if someone gains the system they still live in poverty. Many of them are in drugs and the kids born in this environment do not praise education or hard work.

4. BLM and other SJW:
These racist groups blame everyone but the real culprit - black people. The trailer park is filled with many poverty level whites, but you don't see record crime and/or murder in these places. The kids go to school and many make it out to have successful lives. Not the same for black communities. But SJW say it is cops. Yet they need more cops. They say it is the white man, but white people do more for blacks than anyone. SJW point fingers because they are losers.

5. Genetics:
Not PC and there are a ton of blacks that break the mold. But the blacks race as a whole is less intelligent than all other races and prone to corruption. There is a reason there has never been successful black civilization. Not one country ruled by black is successful. Even countries handed to them on a silver platter like South Africa and Zimbabwe are destroyed by the lower intelligent and prone to corruption negro.

Liberals can blame everyone, but it solely on the black community now.

Sent from my iPhone using
Why are white murders increasing since 2014?
The county as a whole has seen a dramatic decrease in murder. Actually a HUGE decrease. Actually we would be close to Europe if it wasn't for, take a guess I bet you don't know from the title: you guessed it the huge increase in black on black homicide. There has been a dramatic increase in blacks killing blacks to the point we are above the 90s levels. We have seen an increase over the last 6 yrs. Thank you first black President, you really were remarkable to black community.

One America has become safer over 20 years; the other America hasn't

So why are all other races see other races (including Latinos - they see higher rape stats though) dramatic decreases, while the negro race is seeing a alarming increases:

1. Democrats rule over these are. The inner cities. More specifically black Democrats who are usually unqualified, uneducated and highly corrupt. They only tell people what they want, but in reality only line their pockets - see the Jackson family.

2. The breakdown of the Black family:
8 in 10 black babies are born out of wedlock. The father usually is not around (if he is known) and more likely the nigress has 3 of 4 babies with different fathers and the father has 3-4 babies he doesn't know or take care of with different mothers. These mother are either lazy welfare queens they are on drugs and do not teach any morals to their kids or they work low skill jobs and don't watch their kids. I honestly fully support Planned Parenthood mission. There should be tax funded planned parenthood in walking distance to every black community providing free contraceptions (including the pill) and free abortions.

3. Too many are on welfare:
Welfare only provides scraps. Even if someone gains the system they still live in poverty. Many of them are in drugs and the kids born in this environment do not praise education or hard work.

4. BLM and other SJW:
These racist groups blame everyone but the real culprit - black people. The trailer park is filled with many poverty level whites, but you don't see record crime and/or murder in these places. The kids go to school and many make it out to have successful lives. Not the same for black communities. But SJW say it is cops. Yet they need more cops. They say it is the white man, but white people do more for blacks than anyone. SJW point fingers because they are losers.

5. Genetics:
Not PC and there are a ton of blacks that break the mold. But the blacks race as a whole is less intelligent than all other races and prone to corruption. There is a reason there has never been successful black civilization. Not one country ruled by black is successful. Even countries handed to them on a silver platter like South Africa and Zimbabwe are destroyed by the lower intelligent and prone to corruption negro.

Liberals can blame everyone, but it solely on the black community now.

Sent from my iPhone using
Why are white murders increasing since 2014?
who cares? the media doesn't.
The county as a whole has seen a dramatic decrease in murder. Actually a HUGE decrease. Actually we would be close to Europe if it wasn't for, take a guess I bet you don't know from the title: you guessed it the huge increase in black on black homicide. There has been a dramatic increase in blacks killing blacks to the point we are above the 90s levels. We have seen an increase over the last 6 yrs. Thank you first black President, you really were remarkable to black community.

One America has become safer over 20 years; the other America hasn't

So why are all other races see other races (including Latinos - they see higher rape stats though) dramatic decreases, while the negro race is seeing a alarming increases:

1. Democrats rule over these are. The inner cities. More specifically black Democrats who are usually unqualified, uneducated and highly corrupt. They only tell people what they want, but in reality only line their pockets - see the Jackson family.

2. The breakdown of the Black family:
8 in 10 black babies are born out of wedlock. The father usually is not around (if he is known) and more likely the nigress has 3 of 4 babies with different fathers and the father has 3-4 babies he doesn't know or take care of with different mothers. These mother are either lazy welfare queens they are on drugs and do not teach any morals to their kids or they work low skill jobs and don't watch their kids. I honestly fully support Planned Parenthood mission. There should be tax funded planned parenthood in walking distance to every black community providing free contraceptions (including the pill) and free abortions.

3. Too many are on welfare:
Welfare only provides scraps. Even if someone gains the system they still live in poverty. Many of them are in drugs and the kids born in this environment do not praise education or hard work.

4. BLM and other SJW:
These racist groups blame everyone but the real culprit - black people. The trailer park is filled with many poverty level whites, but you don't see record crime and/or murder in these places. The kids go to school and many make it out to have successful lives. Not the same for black communities. But SJW say it is cops. Yet they need more cops. They say it is the white man, but white people do more for blacks than anyone. SJW point fingers because they are losers.

5. Genetics:
Not PC and there are a ton of blacks that break the mold. But the blacks race as a whole is less intelligent than all other races and prone to corruption. There is a reason there has never been successful black civilization. Not one country ruled by black is successful. Even countries handed to them on a silver platter like South Africa and Zimbabwe are destroyed by the lower intelligent and prone to corruption negro.

Liberals can blame everyone, but it solely on the black community now.

Sent from my iPhone using
Why are white murders increasing since 2014?

I wonder if blacks are killing more whites as well?
Seem plausible to you?
My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?

You're scared of this one aren't you? Are you in the fetal position right now?

I genuinely want to know. And if you do wear the sheets do you wear the hood too? Or do you keep that off because I mean....what's the point when you're a keyboard crusader.

Haha...yep, you're in the fetal position.
What was said that you disagree with? Which part of the truth hurts you the most? Come on...don't be scared.

Do you have to dry clean your sheets or can you just run them in the regular wash? Because I think that would impact if I wore them while I was sitting at the computer.
It's the nature of the negro

Libs don't want to say it, but it is true

Sent from my iPhone using
the libturds keep them in poverty as their slaves. they have done absolutely zero for them. i feel bad for the black families going along with these slave owners.

They have done that how?
Ignoring them after election. well I ask you to name a program that has helped the inner cities? just one.
It's the nature of the negro

Libs don't want to say it, but it is true

Sent from my iPhone using
the libturds keep them in poverty as their slaves. they have done absolutely zero for them. i feel bad for the black families going along with these slave owners.

They have done that how?
Ignoring them after election. well I ask you to name a program that has helped the inner cities? just one.

So you think more government is the answer?
My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?

You're scared of this one aren't you? Are you in the fetal position right now?

I genuinely want to know. And if you do wear the sheets do you wear the hood too? Or do you keep that off because I mean....what's the point when you're a keyboard crusader.

Haha...yep, you're in the fetal position.
What was said that you disagree with? Which part of the truth hurts you the most? Come on...don't be scared.

Do you have to dry clean your sheets or can you just run them in the regular wash? Because I think that would impact if I wore them while I was sitting at the computer.

Haha...yep, you're in the fetal position.
What was said that you disagree with? Which part of the truth hurts you the most? Come on...don't be scared.
My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?

You're scared of this one aren't you? Are you in the fetal position right now?

I genuinely want to know. And if you do wear the sheets do you wear the hood too? Or do you keep that off because I mean....what's the point when you're a keyboard crusader.

Haha...yep, you're in the fetal position.
What was said that you disagree with? Which part of the truth hurts you the most? Come on...don't be scared.

Do you have to dry clean your sheets or can you just run them in the regular wash? Because I think that would impact if I wore them while I was sitting at the computer.

Haha...yep, you're in the fetal position.
What was said that you disagree with? Which part of the truth hurts you the most? Come on...don't be scared.

And do you get the wrinkle-free sheets? I don't know that I'd want to show up with my sheets all wrinkled. But if you get the regular ones, do you iron them? Maybe just throw them in the dryer for 20 minutes to get the wrinkles out before you head out for a good old fashion cross burning party.
My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?

You're scared of this one aren't you? Are you in the fetal position right now?

I genuinely want to know. And if you do wear the sheets do you wear the hood too? Or do you keep that off because I mean....what's the point when you're a keyboard crusader.
When you go to your anifta rallies, do you cover your face?
My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?
When you go to the New Black Panthers meetings, do you all watch this video?

Besides skin color these people are exactly the same as you.

Haha...funny shit!
Well, they do breathe oxygen and they do have four limbs...haha
The Color of Crime, 2016 Revised Edition - American Renaissance
Major Findings

  • The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting” — defined as firing a bullet that hits someone — a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
  • Both violent and non-violent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with “depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
The past two years have seen unprecedented concern about racial bias in law enforcement. Deaths of young black men at the hands of the police led to serious rioting in Ferguson, Missouri, and in Baltimore. These and other deaths gave rise to the Black Lives Matter movement, which has carried out hundreds of demonstrations across the country and even in Canada. It is widely assumed that the police and the courts are strongly biased — certainly against blacks, and probably against Hispanics.

This problem cannot be fully understood by concentrating on a few cases, no matter how disturbing they may first appear. There were an estimated 11,300,000 arrests in the United States in 2013, the overwhelming majority of which were carried out properly. It is only in a larger context that we can draw conclusions about systemic police bias or misbehavior. This larger context is characterized by two fundamental factors. The first is that different racial groups commit crime at strikingly different rates, and have done so for many years. The second is that crime, overall, has declined dramatically over the last 20 years. Only after considering these points is it possible to draw well-founded conclusions about police bias.

In 2005, the New Century Foundation published “The Color of Crime,” a study of the relationship between crime, race, and ethnicity in the United States. The study was based on published government statistics and found that blacks were seven times more likely to commit murder and eight times more likely to commit robbery than people of other races, while Asians had consistently low crime rates. Hispanics appeared to be committing violent crime at roughly three times the white rate, but this conclusion was tentative because official statistics often failed to distinguish between whites and Hispanics.

The 2005 study also found that blacks were seven times more likely than whites to be in prison and Hispanics were three times more likely. It also concluded that high black arrest and imprisonment rates — often cited as evidence of a racist criminal justice system — were explained by the black share of offenders.

There has been a very important change since 2005: Crime is down. This is clearly indicated by the broadest measure of criminality in the United States, which is the annual National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). In 2013, 90,630 households and 160,040 people were interviewed for the NCVS about their experiences as crime victims — whether reported to the police or not. A 20-year compilation of the survey’s findings indicates that both the number and rate of violent victimizations have declined steadily, albeit unevenly, for at least two decades (see Figure 1).

Call white people racists … That’ll solve the problems associated with black on black crime … :thup:

  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
The county as a whole has seen a dramatic decrease in murder. Actually a HUGE decrease. Actually we would be close to Europe if it wasn't for, take a guess I bet you don't know from the title: you guessed it the huge increase in black on black homicide. There has been a dramatic increase in blacks killing blacks to the point we are above the 90s levels. We have seen an increase over the last 6 yrs. Thank you first black President, you really were remarkable to black community.

One America has become safer over 20 years; the other America hasn't

So why are all other races see other races (including Latinos - they see higher rape stats though) dramatic decreases, while the negro race is seeing a alarming increases:

1. Democrats rule over these are. The inner cities. More specifically black Democrats who are usually unqualified, uneducated and highly corrupt. They only tell people what they want, but in reality only line their pockets - see the Jackson family.

2. The breakdown of the Black family:
8 in 10 black babies are born out of wedlock. The father usually is not around (if he is known) and more likely the nigress has 3 of 4 babies with different fathers and the father has 3-4 babies he doesn't know or take care of with different mothers. These mother are either lazy welfare queens they are on drugs and do not teach any morals to their kids or they work low skill jobs and don't watch their kids. I honestly fully support Planned Parenthood mission. There should be tax funded planned parenthood in walking distance to every black community providing free contraceptions (including the pill) and free abortions.

3. Too many are on welfare:
Welfare only provides scraps. Even if someone gains the system they still live in poverty. Many of them are in drugs and the kids born in this environment do not praise education or hard work.

4. BLM and other SJW:
These racist groups blame everyone but the real culprit - black people. The trailer park is filled with many poverty level whites, but you don't see record crime and/or murder in these places. The kids go to school and many make it out to have successful lives. Not the same for black communities. But SJW say it is cops. Yet they need more cops. They say it is the white man, but white people do more for blacks than anyone. SJW point fingers because they are losers.

5. Genetics:
Not PC and there are a ton of blacks that break the mold. But the blacks race as a whole is less intelligent than all other races and prone to corruption. There is a reason there has never been successful black civilization. Not one country ruled by black is successful. Even countries handed to them on a silver platter like South Africa and Zimbabwe are destroyed by the lower intelligent and prone to corruption negro.

Liberals can blame everyone, but it solely on the black community now.

Sent from my iPhone using
Why are white murders increasing since 2014?

I wonder if blacks are killing more whites as well?
Seem plausible to you?
got a link?
My only question is, when you guys have your Klan rallies online like this do you still have to wear your white sheets while sitting at the computer?
When you go to the New Black Panthers meetings, do you all watch this video?

Besides skin color these people are exactly the same as you.

You progtards and your constant use of the racist BS has been drummed to DEATH, and has ZERO impact anymore.

You are nothing more than a joke... a pathetic joke... and completely out of anything worthwhile to say.
The county as a whole has seen a dramatic decrease in murder. Actually a HUGE decrease. Actually we would be close to Europe if it wasn't for, take a guess I bet you don't know from the title: you guessed it the huge increase in black on black homicide. There has been a dramatic increase in blacks killing blacks to the point we are above the 90s levels. We have seen an increase over the last 6 yrs. Thank you first black President, you really were remarkable to black community.

One America has become safer over 20 years; the other America hasn't

So why are all other races see other races (including Latinos - they see higher rape stats though) dramatic decreases, while the negro race is seeing a alarming increases:

1. Democrats rule over these are. The inner cities. More specifically black Democrats who are usually unqualified, uneducated and highly corrupt. They only tell people what they want, but in reality only line their pockets - see the Jackson family.

2. The breakdown of the Black family:
8 in 10 black babies are born out of wedlock. The father usually is not around (if he is known) and more likely the nigress has 3 of 4 babies with different fathers and the father has 3-4 babies he doesn't know or take care of with different mothers. These mother are either lazy welfare queens they are on drugs and do not teach any morals to their kids or they work low skill jobs and don't watch their kids. I honestly fully support Planned Parenthood mission. There should be tax funded planned parenthood in walking distance to every black community providing free contraceptions (including the pill) and free abortions.

3. Too many are on welfare:
Welfare only provides scraps. Even if someone gains the system they still live in poverty. Many of them are in drugs and the kids born in this environment do not praise education or hard work.

4. BLM and other SJW:
These racist groups blame everyone but the real culprit - black people. The trailer park is filled with many poverty level whites, but you don't see record crime and/or murder in these places. The kids go to school and many make it out to have successful lives. Not the same for black communities. But SJW say it is cops. Yet they need more cops. They say it is the white man, but white people do more for blacks than anyone. SJW point fingers because they are losers.

5. Genetics:
Not PC and there are a ton of blacks that break the mold. But the blacks race as a whole is less intelligent than all other races and prone to corruption. There is a reason there has never been successful black civilization. Not one country ruled by black is successful. Even countries handed to them on a silver platter like South Africa and Zimbabwe are destroyed by the lower intelligent and prone to corruption negro.

Liberals can blame everyone, but it solely on the black community now.

Sent from my iPhone using
Why are white murders increasing since 2014?

I wonder if blacks are killing more whites as well?
Seem plausible to you?
got a link?

I asked you the question....Are blacks killing more whites these days?
Just using my head and connecting dots while considering wouldn't understand the principle.
Do you have a link?

Call white people racists … That’ll solve the problems associated with black on black crime … :thup:

I don't think there's many people left that really give two shits about being called a racist. The leftards have ground that term into the DIRT. It's impact is GONE, because instead of using it when it was appropriate, the left has been throwing it out as often as they can, just to SHUT YOU UP. Everybody knows that when someone calls you a RACIST, you're supposed to COWER and GO AWAY. It's been the left's little ace in the hole for ENDING DEBATE. Well, just like the little boy who cried wolf, they BLEW IT. They used it WAAAAY, WAY too often, and not it doesn't work anymore.

You eat the wrong sandwich for lunch... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You like the warm weather... YOU'RE A RACIST.
You drive a Chevy truck... YOU'RE A RACIST.

It's absolutely asinine, and that's what the progs have done.

They can call me a RAAAAAYYYYYYYCCCIIIIISSSSST all they want, I couldn't give a fuck less.
Last edited:
Many times more blacks are killed by other blacks than by cops. Many times more blacks are saved by police and paramedics than are killed by them.


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