Black Identity


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
We have a thread about white identity, maybe we should have another one about black identity. Seems to me that racism is a two way street in this country, we have a sizeable number of racist black people too, at least to some degree. If racial relations are going to improve aren't they going to have to change their attitudes too?

What does it mean to be a black person in our society today? I dunno, but it looks like a whole lot of black people aren't happy with their lot in life. So why aren't you doing something about it, as a person and also as a group? It seems as though to some extent you are waiting for somebody to do it for you, but I'm thinking that hasn't worked out too well in the past and it ain't likely to work too well in the future either.

IMHO - stop worrying about what some white a-hole thinks and start thinking more about what you think of yourself and what you can do to be a better person and a better parent. Make sure your kids stay in school and get a good education. That ain't about money either, it's about time and emphasis and walking the walk instead of just talk. You know what the most important election for you is? It ain't for who's gonna be president, it's for who's running your schools and local gov't. If you ain't involved with your kids lives and their schooling then you got no business pointing fingers at anybody else.

If a bunch of ordinary white guys can organize the Tea Partys, why can't black people organize support groups and PACs to turn things around? Don't talk to me about the NAACP and the like, they're more interested in their own polical power and legitimacy. And again, it ain't just about more money, it's about who's creating and running the best policies that are most effective. Grass roots, get going. And God's speed to you.
We have a thread about white identity, maybe we should have another one about black identity. Seems to me that racism is a two way street in this country, we have a sizeable number of racist black people too, at least to some degree. If racial relations are going to improve aren't they going to have to change their attitudes too?

What does it mean to be a black person in our society today? I dunno, but it looks like a whole lot of black people aren't happy with their lot in life. So why aren't you doing something about it, as a person and also as a group? It seems as though to some extent you are waiting for somebody to do it for you, but I'm thinking that hasn't worked out too well in the past and it ain't likely to work too well in the future either.

IMHO - stop worrying about what some white a-hole thinks and start thinking more about what you think of yourself and what you can do to be a better person and a better parent. Make sure your kids stay in school and get a good education. That ain't about money either, it's about time and emphasis and walking the walk instead of just talk. You know what the most important election for you is? It ain't for who's gonna be president, it's for who's running your schools and local gov't. If you ain't involved with your kids lives and their schooling then you got no business pointing fingers at anybody else.

If a bunch of ordinary white guys can organize the Tea Partys, why can't black people organize support groups and PACs to turn things around? Don't talk to me about the NAACP and the like, they're more interested in their own polical power and legitimacy. And again, it ain't just about more money, it's about who's creating and running the best policies that are most effective. Grass roots, get going. And God's speed to you.

Stop worrying about black people and worry about yourself.
We have a thread about white identity, maybe we should have another one about black identity. Seems to me that racism is a two way street in this country, we have a sizeable number of racist black people too, at least to some degree. If racial relations are going to improve aren't they going to have to change their attitudes too?

What does it mean to be a black person in our society today? I dunno, but it looks like a whole lot of black people aren't happy with their lot in life. So why aren't you doing something about it, as a person and also as a group? It seems as though to some extent you are waiting for somebody to do it for you, but I'm thinking that hasn't worked out too well in the past and it ain't likely to work too well in the future either.

IMHO - stop worrying about what some white a-hole thinks and start thinking more about what you think of yourself and what you can do to be a better person and a better parent. Make sure your kids stay in school and get a good education. That ain't about money either, it's about time and emphasis and walking the walk instead of just talk. You know what the most important election for you is? It ain't for who's gonna be president, it's for who's running your schools and local gov't. If you ain't involved with your kids lives and their schooling then you got no business pointing fingers at anybody else.

If a bunch of ordinary white guys can organize the Tea Partys, why can't black people organize support groups and PACs to turn things around? Don't talk to me about the NAACP and the like, they're more interested in their own polical power and legitimacy. And again, it ain't just about more money, it's about who's creating and running the best policies that are most effective. Grass roots, get going. And God's speed to you.

Stop worrying about black people and worry about yourself.

obviously white people have to worry about blacks because whites are expected to pay and pay endlessly for black underperformance. why shouldnt whites complain about spending money on black families that could be better spent on their own families?
Actually, when I wrote the OP I wasn't thinking so much about the impact on whites as I was about wanting to see a change for the better for the black segment of our society. Seems to me the current action plan is not working too well for them, I don't want to see such a high unemployment rate among young black males or young black females having a child or two before they're old enough to finish high school.
Actually, when I wrote the OP I wasn't thinking so much about the impact on whites as I was about wanting to see a change for the better for the black segment of our society. Seems to me the current action plan is not working too well for them, I don't want to see such a high unemployment rate among young black males or young black females having a child or two before they're old enough to finish high school.

I agree with that. that is why I agree with affirmative action, especially if it is directed at individuals that show commitment to achievement. it is a boon to society to raise up as many blacks into the middle class as possible. thats what the civil rights era was all about. but middle class is more about middle class values than just consumer goods. black culture publically distains those values while demanding 'stuff'.
from a H McDonald piece-
".... urban policy was based on several core assumptions. Number One: multigenerational poverty was the result of structural forces—above all, of rapacious capitalism and racism. It could never be the result of bad decision-making or a deficit of personal responsibility. Number Two: though men were still, alas, required for conceiving a child, they were purely optional for raising one. (Corollary: the role of illegitimacy in creating and perpetuating poverty could never be acknowledged.) Number Three: low-wage work was demeaning and pointless. It was better to receive a monthly welfare check than to labor at an entry-level job. Number Four: crime was an understandable and inevitable reaction to economic injustice and discrimination. (Corollary: the police could not lower crime; only government social programs and wealth- redistribution schemes could.) Together, these four conceits composed the most dangerous idea of all: that the bourgeois values of order, self-discipline, and respect for the law were decorative afterthoughts to prosperity, rather than its very precondition."
Blacks have organized themselves into new Groups. They are the "New Black Panther party"
"The Nation of Islam". And they don't allow white people to join.
So what do you white racists cracker jacks think about that.?
we dont understand why blacks would segregate and be beligerent rather than be a productive part of society and have a nice life with their families.
Blacks have organized themselves into new Groups. They are the "New Black Panther party"
"The Nation of Islam". And they don't allow white people to join.
So what do you white racists cracker jacks think about that.?

The New Black Panther Party and the Nation only constitute a minority of the black population at this point, and while they do some positive things for blacks their message of hate towards whites and Jews is very counter-productive and does nothing to change things for blacks in this country.
Blacks have organized themselves into new Groups. They are the "New Black Panther party"
"The Nation of Islam". And they don't allow white people to join.
So what do you white racists cracker jacks think about that.?
I don't want to join the "New Black Panther party" or "The Nation of Islam".
from a H McDonald piece-
".... urban policy was based on several core assumptions. Number One: multigenerational poverty was the result of structural forces—above all, of rapacious capitalism and racism. It could never be the result of bad decision-making or a deficit of personal responsibility. Number Two: though men were still, alas, required for conceiving a child, they were purely optional for raising one. (Corollary: the role of illegitimacy in creating and perpetuating poverty could never be acknowledged.) Number Three: low-wage work was demeaning and pointless. It was better to receive a monthly welfare check than to labor at an entry-level job. Number Four: crime was an understandable and inevitable reaction to economic injustice and discrimination. (Corollary: the police could not lower crime; only government social programs and wealth- redistribution schemes could.) Together, these four conceits composed the most dangerous idea of all: that the bourgeois values of order, self-discipline, and respect for the law were decorative afterthoughts to prosperity, rather than its very precondition."

Are you being purposely misleading and dishonest, or was it an accident that you left out
the operative first word inte Heather MacDonald quote..."Liberal"

and the link: Restoring the Social Order by Heather Mac Donald - City Journal

"Liberal urban policy was based on several core assumptions. Number One: multigenerational poverty was the result of structural forces—above all, of rapacious capitalism and racism. It could never be the result of bad decision-making or a deficit of personal responsibility. Number Two: though men were still, alas, required for conceiving a child, they were purely optional for raising one. (Corollary: the role of illegitimacy in creating and perpetuating poverty could never be ..."

Please advise, so that I can determine my opinion of you.
Blacks have organized themselves into new Groups. They are the "New Black Panther party"
"The Nation of Islam". And they don't allow white people to join.
So what do you white racists cracker jacks think about that.?

The New Black Panther Party and the Nation only constitute a minority of the black population at this point, and while they do some positive things for blacks their message of hate towards whites and Jews is very counter-productive and does nothing to change things for blacks in this country.

What positive things? Not being a dick here, just like to know why you said that.
Blacks have organized themselves into new Groups. They are the "New Black Panther party"
"The Nation of Islam". And they don't allow white people to join.
So what do you white racists cracker jacks think about that.?

The New Black Panther Party and the Nation only constitute a minority of the black population at this point, and while they do some positive things for blacks their message of hate towards whites and Jews is very counter-productive and does nothing to change things for blacks in this country.

What positive things? Not being a dick here, just like to know why you said that.

Usually when the Nation of Islam or Panthers set up in a neighborhood they clear it of drugs, gangs, prostitutes etc and generally make it safer, they also encourage learning, education and to treat women in a respectful way. I seen the Nation clean up a very bad neighborhood in Richmond Virginia and make it safe to live in again, however like I said, their message of hate towards whites and Jews make it counter productive at the same time.
from a H McDonald piece-
".... urban policy was based on several core assumptions. Number One: multigenerational poverty was the result of structural forces—above all, of rapacious capitalism and racism. It could never be the result of bad decision-making or a deficit of personal responsibility. Number Two: though men were still, alas, required for conceiving a child, they were purely optional for raising one. (Corollary: the role of illegitimacy in creating and perpetuating poverty could never be acknowledged.) Number Three: low-wage work was demeaning and pointless. It was better to receive a monthly welfare check than to labor at an entry-level job. Number Four: crime was an understandable and inevitable reaction to economic injustice and discrimination. (Corollary: the police could not lower crime; only government social programs and wealth- redistribution schemes could.) Together, these four conceits composed the most dangerous idea of all: that the bourgeois values of order, self-discipline, and respect for the law were decorative afterthoughts to prosperity, rather than its very precondition."

Are you being purposely misleading and dishonest, or was it an accident that you left out
the operative first word inte Heather MacDonald quote..."Liberal"

and the link: Restoring the Social Order by Heather Mac Donald - City Journal

"Liberal urban policy was based on several core assumptions. Number One: multigenerational poverty was the result of structural forces—above all, of rapacious capitalism and racism. It could never be the result of bad decision-making or a deficit of personal responsibility. Number Two: though men were still, alas, required for conceiving a child, they were purely optional for raising one. (Corollary: the role of illegitimacy in creating and perpetuating poverty could never be ..."

Please advise, so that I can determine my opinion of you.

Nixon was the architect of affirmative action. Baby Bush stood watch on some of the most ridiculous societal attempts at self destruction ever. 'liberal' is an oxymoron when combined with social programs. are there any conservatives nowadays?
from a H McDonald piece-
".... urban policy was based on several core assumptions. Number One: multigenerational poverty was the result of structural forces—above all, of rapacious capitalism and racism. It could never be the result of bad decision-making or a deficit of personal responsibility. Number Two: though men were still, alas, required for conceiving a child, they were purely optional for raising one. (Corollary: the role of illegitimacy in creating and perpetuating poverty could never be acknowledged.) Number Three: low-wage work was demeaning and pointless. It was better to receive a monthly welfare check than to labor at an entry-level job. Number Four: crime was an understandable and inevitable reaction to economic injustice and discrimination. (Corollary: the police could not lower crime; only government social programs and wealth- redistribution schemes could.) Together, these four conceits composed the most dangerous idea of all: that the bourgeois values of order, self-discipline, and respect for the law were decorative afterthoughts to prosperity, rather than its very precondition."

Are you being purposely misleading and dishonest, or was it an accident that you left out
the operative first word inte Heather MacDonald quote..."Liberal"

and the link: Restoring the Social Order by Heather Mac Donald - City Journal

"Liberal urban policy was based on several core assumptions. Number One: multigenerational poverty was the result of structural forces—above all, of rapacious capitalism and racism. It could never be the result of bad decision-making or a deficit of personal responsibility. Number Two: though men were still, alas, required for conceiving a child, they were purely optional for raising one. (Corollary: the role of illegitimacy in creating and perpetuating poverty could never be ..."

Please advise, so that I can determine my opinion of you.

Nixon was the architect of affirmative action. Baby Bush stood watch on some of the most ridiculous societal attempts at self destruction ever. 'liberal' is an oxymoron when combined with social programs. are there any conservatives nowadays?

Since you choose to side-step the import of my post, and my request, I'll assume that you are simply dishonest.

I've never given a neg rep, but can see where one might be so disposed when someone like you changes the essence of a quote purposely by omitting a critical part.

I assume the misspelling of MacDonald, and lack of link was part of the same attempt.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Are you being purposely misleading and dishonest, or was it an accident that you left out
the operative first word inte Heather MacDonald quote..."Liberal"

and the link: Restoring the Social Order by Heather Mac Donald - City Journal

"Liberal urban policy was based on several core assumptions. Number One: multigenerational poverty was the result of structural forces—above all, of rapacious capitalism and racism. It could never be the result of bad decision-making or a deficit of personal responsibility. Number Two: though men were still, alas, required for conceiving a child, they were purely optional for raising one. (Corollary: the role of illegitimacy in creating and perpetuating poverty could never be ..."

Please advise, so that I can determine my opinion of you.

Nixon was the architect of affirmative action. Baby Bush stood watch on some of the most ridiculous societal attempts at self destruction ever. 'liberal' is an oxymoron when combined with social programs. are there any conservatives nowadays?

Since you choose to side-step the import of my post, and my request, I'll assume that you are simply dishonest.

I've never given a neg rep, but can see where one might be so disposed when someone like you changes the essence of a quote purposely by omitting a critical part.

I assume the misspelling of MacDonald, and lack of link was part of the same attempt.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

gotcha. you are the flip side of rdean. liberal equals bad, ignore the ideas behind the article and only focus on the political side. you are right that I dropped the word 'liberal' on purpose because I knew it would be a red herring. I didnt put the link in because I am posting on my phone and its too much hassle. big deal. ideas are ideas, and they stand on their own. if you want to make common sense into a political affiliation, go ahead. Im just trying to expose people to interesting ideas.
Nixon was the architect of affirmative action. Baby Bush stood watch on some of the most ridiculous societal attempts at self destruction ever. 'liberal' is an oxymoron when combined with social programs. are there any conservatives nowadays?

Since you choose to side-step the import of my post, and my request, I'll assume that you are simply dishonest.

I've never given a neg rep, but can see where one might be so disposed when someone like you changes the essence of a quote purposely by omitting a critical part.

I assume the misspelling of MacDonald, and lack of link was part of the same attempt.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

gotcha. you are the flip side of rdean. liberal equals bad, ignore the ideas behind the article and only focus on the political side. you are right that I dropped the word 'liberal' on purpose because I knew it would be a red herring. I didnt put the link in because I am posting on my phone and its too much hassle. big deal. ideas are ideas, and they stand on their own. if you want to make common sense into a political affiliation, go ahead. Im just trying to expose people to interesting ideas.

When you look back on this post, even you will have to admit that it appears akin to that of a three-year-old making an excuse when his hand was caught in the cookie jar.

Flimsy and diaphanous...but cute in a three-year-old.
Not in your case.

But, I accept that the post represents an element of shame on your part. Accepted.
Don't do it again.

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