Black invention myths

I certainly am. But it goes for both sides, black and white. Pride in race, something you have no control over, is stupid. Taking pride in the accomplishments of other individuals shows how few accomplishments you have yourself. Whether it is neo nazi scum on stormfront or black losers who take pride out of peanut butter.

You are entitled to think its stupid but you are stupid if you think everyone else believes the same way you do. Taking pride in the good accomplishments of people that look like you shows respect for those accomplishments. People the world over have done this and is one of the basic tenets of culture. No amount of reverse psychology would ever change that for me.
You just prove my point, you are a loser who has accomplished nothing, so you tie yourself to the accomplishments of others by race. You had nothing to do with Blues or Jazz, so taking pride in it is stupid.

You have the same exact line as the freaks on Stormfront. All of you should get together, dry up, and blow away.

I just told you reverse psychology doesn't work. You prove my point that you are threatened by Black people being proud of the things other people that share the same ethnicity have done. Why else would you be upset that a Black person is proud of say Fredrick Douglas or Imhotep? Face it. Black pride threatens you.
You are entitled to think its stupid but you are stupid if you think everyone else believes the same way you do. Taking pride in the good accomplishments of people that look like you shows respect for those accomplishments. People the world over have done this and is one of the basic tenets of culture. No amount of reverse psychology would ever change that for me.
You just prove my point, you are a loser who has accomplished nothing, so you tie yourself to the accomplishments of others by race. You had nothing to do with Blues or Jazz, so taking pride in it is stupid.

You have the same exact line as the freaks on Stormfront. All of you should get together, dry up, and blow away.

I just told you reverse psychology doesn't work. You prove my point that you are threatened by Black people being proud of the things other people that share the same ethnicity have done. Why else would you be upset that a Black person is proud of say Fredrick Douglas or Imhotep? Face it. Black pride threatens you.

No one is threatened by you, you are just some racist loser on the internet. Get your ego in line buddy.

Being proud of another individual and their accomplishments, which you have no tie to, is pathetic. You had nothing to do with Fredrick Douglas or Imhotep, so being proud of them is illogical. Recognizing historical accomplishments is entirely different than taking pride in the accomplishments of an individual because he shares your skin color.

I am not threatened by black pride or white pride, both ideologies are just stupid. And thankfully racialism is dying as we become a global and individualistic society. Your way of thinking is dying out.
You just prove my point, you are a loser who has accomplished nothing, so you tie yourself to the accomplishments of others by race. You had nothing to do with Blues or Jazz, so taking pride in it is stupid.

You have the same exact line as the freaks on Stormfront. All of you should get together, dry up, and blow away.

I just told you reverse psychology doesn't work. You prove my point that you are threatened by Black people being proud of the things other people that share the same ethnicity have done. Why else would you be upset that a Black person is proud of say Fredrick Douglas or Imhotep? Face it. Black pride threatens you.

No one is threatened by you, you are just some racist loser on the internet. Get your ego in line buddy.

Being proud of another individual and their accomplishments, which you have no tie to, is pathetic. You had nothing to do with Fredrick Douglas or Imhotep, so being proud of them is illogical. Recognizing historical accomplishments is entirely different than taking pride in the accomplishments of an individual because he shares your skin color.

I am not threatened by black pride or white pride, both ideologies are just stupid. And thankfully racialism is dying as we become a global and individualistic society. Your way of thinking is dying out.

You don't realize your frustration at your own lack of success is expressed in your writing. You see, successful people celebrate other successful people understanding what they had to go through. Only losers like you are envious of other peoples success. You are very threatened. Why would it bother you if you weren't threatened?
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You are just showing you are threatened, if you lose your racial identity, you lose everything, because you have done nothing yourself. Racism is declining, most individuals reject racial identity and see it as irrelevant. At this point, racism is relegated to losers like yourself. This is why it has been so discredited and marginalized. It is only see in certain corners of the internet like this. It is not part of mainstream life, and is a freak fringe ideology.
You are just showing you are threatened, if you lose your racial identity, you lose everything, because you have done nothing yourself. Racism is declining, most individuals reject racial identity and see it as irrelevant. At this point, racism is relegated to losers like yourself. This is why it has been so discredited and marginalized. It is only see in certain corners of the internet like this. It is not part of mainstream life, and is a freak fringe ideology.

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
You are just showing you are threatened, if you lose your racial identity, you lose everything, because you have done nothing yourself. Racism is declining, most individuals reject racial identity and see it as irrelevant. At this point, racism is relegated to losers like yourself. This is why it has been so discredited and marginalized. It is only see in certain corners of the internet like this. It is not part of mainstream life, and is a freak fringe ideology.

Unfortunately your observation is based on conjecture and being afraid of Black pride. For one its impossible to lose my identity fool. How does one do that? Also racism has nothing to do with Black pride. Thats what losers like to say when they are threatened by a Black man pridefully giving props to his people. Look racism up. Its a ideology by which you determine one race is inferior and you construct a system to keep them oppressed based on that determination. A dictionary would do you wonders if you were not so threatened.
Still waiting...Only morons believe facts without checking them.
[ame=]Black Invention Myths Exposed - Volume One - Garrett A. Morgan and his Traffic Signal - YouTube[/ame]
Maybe the dense ones need a video...know how hard reading is...
[ame=]Black Invention Myths Exposed - Volume Two - Lewis H. Latimer and the Light bulb - YouTube[/ame]
The first myth I want to bring to light is the belief that an (African American) named George Washington Carver "invented" peanut butter in 1903.
1) Peanut butter is a recipe, not an invention. I would not add pepper to my scrambled eggs and claim to of invented it.
2) Hundreds of years ago the Aztecs mashed peanuts into a paste.
3) In 1884 US patent #306727 was issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson. He created a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state" The cooled product was described by Edson as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment."
4) In 1890, a food business owner in St. Louis, George A. Bayle Jr., manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels.
5) In 1897, J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter"
We are made to believe that if it weren't for (African American) inventing traffic lights, we'd all be crashing at intersections. As if White people (intelligent enough to create, design and develop automobiles, paved roads, and an Interstate highway system) couldn't figure out how to avoid running into each other at intersections.
So.. Was the traffic light invented by an (African American) named Garret A. Morgan in 1923? Let's see...
1) In 1868 the first known traffic signal appeared in London near the Houses of Parliament. It was designed by JP Knight and featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps.
2) In 1912 the earliest electric traffic lights included Lester Wire's two-color version version set up in Salt Lake City.
3) In 1914 James Hoges' system (US patent #1,251,666) was installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company.
4) In 1920, William Pott's 4-way red-yellow-green lights were introduced in Detroit.
5) Also in 1920, New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals.

Well Mr. Morgan, not only was your cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore not automatic, it also was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals. Your invention did not play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light. Nice try though.
Was the pencil sharpener invented by a Negro named John Lee Love in 1897? No.
1) In 1828, French patent (#2444) was given to Bernard Lassimone of Limoges, France, who invented one of the earliest sharpeners.
2) In 1896, an apparent ancestor of the 20th-century hand-cranked sharpener was patented (US #556709) by F.F. Ballou. It was marketed by the A.B. Dick Company as the "Planetary Pencil Pointer."
3) John Lee Love's patent (US #594114) shows a variation on a different kind of sharpener, in which one would crank the pencil itself around in a stirring motion.
4) In 1888, G.H. Courson's patent (US #388533) showed an earlier device similar to Love's. Courson's device was sold under the name "President Pencil Sharpener."
Gas Mask
Garrett Morgan in 1914? Nope.
The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan's breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I.
Automatic Lubricator, "Real McCoy"
Elijah McCoy revolutionized industry in 1872 by inventing the first device to automatically oil machinery? Nope. The phrase "Real McCoy" arose to distinguish Elijah's inventions from cheap imitations? Nope.
The oil cup, which automatically delivers a steady trickle of lubricant to machine parts while the machine is running, predates McCoy's career; a description of one appears in the May 6, 1848 issue of Scientific American. The automatic "displacement lubricator" for steam engines was developed in 1860 by John Ramsbottom of England, and notably improved in 1862 by James Roscoe of the same country. The "hydrostatic" lubricator originated no later than 1871.

Variants of the phrase Real McCoy appear in Scottish literature dating back to at least 1856 — well before Elijah McCoy could have been involved.
We are made to believe that if it weren't for (African American) inventing traffic lights, we'd all be crashing at intersections. As if White people (intelligent enough to create, design and develop automobiles, paved roads, and an Interstate highway system) couldn't figure out how to avoid running into each other at intersections.
So.. Was the traffic light invented by an (African American) named Garret A. Morgan in 1923? Let's see...
1) In 1868 the first known traffic signal appeared in London near the Houses of Parliament. It was designed by JP Knight and featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps.
2) In 1912 the earliest electric traffic lights included Lester Wire's two-color version version set up in Salt Lake City.
3) In 1914 James Hoges' system (US patent #1,251,666) was installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company.
4) In 1920, William Pott's 4-way red-yellow-green lights were introduced in Detroit.
5) Also in 1920, New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals.

Well Mr. Morgan, not only was your cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore not automatic, it also was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals. Your invention did not play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light. Nice try though.

Actually a crash is what made him invent the modern traffic light.

After witnessing a collision between an automobile and a horse-drawn carriage, Garrett Morgan took his turn at inventing a traffic signal. Other inventors had experimented with, marketed, and even patented traffic signals, however, Garrett Morgan was one of the first to apply for and acquire a U.S. patent for an inexpensive to produce traffic signal. The patent was granted on November 20, 1923. Garrett Morgan also had his invention patented in Great Britain and Canada. Garrett Morgan stated in his patent for the traffic signal, "This invention relates to traffic signals, and particularly to those which are adapted to be positioned adjacent the intersection of two or more streets and are manually operable for directing the flow of traffic... In addition, my invention contemplates the provision of a signal which may be readily and cheaply manufactured."
Automatic Lubricator, "Real McCoy"
Elijah McCoy revolutionized industry in 1872 by inventing the first device to automatically oil machinery? Nope. The phrase "Real McCoy" arose to distinguish Elijah's inventions from cheap imitations? Nope.
The oil cup, which automatically delivers a steady trickle of lubricant to machine parts while the machine is running, predates McCoy's career; a description of one appears in the May 6, 1848 issue of Scientific American. The automatic "displacement lubricator" for steam engines was developed in 1860 by John Ramsbottom of England, and notably improved in 1862 by James Roscoe of the same country. The "hydrostatic" lubricator originated no later than 1871.

Variants of the phrase Real McCoy appear in Scottish literature dating back to at least 1856 — well before Elijah McCoy could have been involved.
Blood Plasma
Did Charles Drew "discover" (in about 1940) that plasma could be separated and stored apart from the rest of the blood, thereby revolutionizing transfusion medicine? Nope.
The possibility of using blood plasma for transfusion purposes was known at least since 1918, when English physician Gordon R. Ward suggested it in a medical journal. In the mid-1930s, John Elliott advanced the idea, emphasizing plasma's advantages in shelf life and donor-recipient compatibility, and in 1939 he and two colleagues reported having used stored plasma in 191 transfusions. Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma.

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