Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.
I think it's clear that this jurist lied to get on the jury, because she felt deep down that Zimmerman was guilty but she couldn't convict him because there was no evidence of it. If she had more support from the other jurists she probably would have made sure he was convicted regardless of the evidence.
As I stated in a similar thread, she is a goddamned idiot.
SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.
Remember when GMA interviewed Chris Steven's Mom or any of the Benghazi relatives?

When was this?

They haven't even allowed anyone to talk to the survivors of Benghazi. The only people that have come out is one of the mothers, and she wasn't allowed to attend one of the white house ceremonies. Quite a difference from the way Sandyhook families were carted around on Air Force One.
SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.

The law is a pesky thing. We all know you like to ignore it (especially the consitutiton) when it doesnt suit your worldview.
SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.

The law is a pesky thing. We all know you like to ignore it (especially the consitutiton) when it doesnt suit your worldview.

The laws here were actually kind of stupid, and if you had an all-minority jury instead of this one poor woman fighting against five white people, you'd have gotten a different result.

Zimmerman killed a child. Nothing else really matters.
SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.

The law is a pesky thing. We all know you like to ignore it (especially the consitutiton) when it doesnt suit your worldview.

The laws here were actually kind of stupid, and if you had an all-minority jury instead of this one poor woman fighting against five white people, you'd have gotten a different result.

Zimmerman killed a child. Nothing else really matters.

Zimmerman killed a 17 year old beating him up, who could have just gone home, but didnt.

And I find your implication that an all minority jury would ignore the law and decide a case based on race to be racist in and of itself.

A 17 year old is not "a child"
SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.

The law is a pesky thing. We all know you like to ignore it (especially the consitutiton) when it doesnt suit your worldview.

The laws here were actually kind of stupid, and if you had an all-minority jury instead of this one poor woman fighting against five white people, you'd have gotten a different result.

Zimmerman killed a child. Nothing else really matters.

Well, if you want a bunch of racist assholes deciding the fate of somebody from another race then you might want to move to another country or go back in time to before the Great Depression.

We are supposed to have a jury of our peers, not a bunch of closed-minded prejudiced creeps deciding our fate because of racial differences.
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SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.

The law is a pesky thing. We all know you like to ignore it (especially the consitutiton) when it doesnt suit your worldview.

The laws here were actually kind of stupid, and if you had an all-minority jury instead of this one poor woman fighting against five white people, you'd have gotten a different result.

Zimmerman killed a child. Nothing else really matters.

So you are saying black people would not obey the law and follow the judges instructions?

Zimmerman killed a 17 year old beating him up, who could have just gone home, but didnt.

And I find your implication that an all minority jury would ignore the law and decide a case based on race to be racist in and of itself.

A 17 year old is not "a child"

No more than a mostly white jury ignored the FACTS. And the dead body lying on the ground.

This was never an issue of "law".

A lawyer friend of mine told me, you argue law in front of judges, you argue emotions in front of juries.

They got a jury of scared white woman and made Trayvon into every black kid who ever made them nervous at a bus stop.
SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.

The law is a pesky thing. We all know you like to ignore it (especially the consitutiton) when it doesnt suit your worldview.

The laws here were actually kind of stupid, and if you had an all-minority jury instead of this one poor woman fighting against five white people, you'd have gotten a different result.

Zimmerman killed a child. Nothing else really matters.

Actually Joe, You are kind of stupid but I assume trolls know this already. I suggest civics 101.
SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.

The law is a pesky thing. We all know you like to ignore it (especially the consitutiton) when it doesnt suit your worldview.

The laws here were actually kind of stupid, and if you had an all-minority jury instead of this one poor woman fighting against five white people, you'd have gotten a different result.

Zimmerman killed a child. Nothing else really matters.

So the Jury being all black would have changed the verdict, how very racist of you, since the evidence does not support that.

Zimmerman killed a 17 year old beating him up, who could have just gone home, but didnt.

And I find your implication that an all minority jury would ignore the law and decide a case based on race to be racist in and of itself.

A 17 year old is not "a child"

No more than a mostly white jury ignored the FACTS. And the dead body lying on the ground.

This was never an issue of "law".

A lawyer friend of mine told me, you argue law in front of judges, you argue emotions in front of juries.

They got a jury of scared white woman and made Trayvon into every black kid who ever made them nervous at a bus stop.

The facts of the case show Trayvon beating up zimmerman. In that situation zimmerman was within his rights as a person, never mind as an american, to defend himself.

Its another example of JoeB liking to see the more physically strong lording over others. JoeB would like this to then translate into an armed govermental ruling class lording over us unarmed peasants.

Zimmerman killed a 17 year old beating him up, who could have just gone home, but didnt.

And I find your implication that an all minority jury would ignore the law and decide a case based on race to be racist in and of itself.

A 17 year old is not "a child"

No more than a mostly white jury ignored the FACTS. And the dead body lying on the ground.

This was never an issue of "law".

A lawyer friend of mine told me, you argue law in front of judges, you argue emotions in front of juries.

They got a jury of scared white woman and made Trayvon into every black kid who ever made them nervous at a bus stop.

The more that comes out about Zimmerman and Trayvan the more I realize how full of crap you are. The character of these two tells a very different story from what you and your friends on the left keep making up.

All I can say is in this case justice was served regardless how much it harelips anyone who doesn't agree with it.

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