Black Kid Sets White Kid on Fire - Mother Says it was a Joke


Apr 22, 2007

Another day and another black on white vicious crime. While sleeping on a bus a black thug from Oakland lights the white kids knit shirt on fire. Knit shirt go up in flames quick. The kid has 1st degree burns on his legs and needs expensive skin crafts.

The single mother of the black thug, who of course has a different last name as her son, says "he is not a hateful person (doesn't matter he admitted he did the crime because he is a hateful person), boys will be boys and he was just joking (yep a joke of lighting another human being on fire - hiliarious)!"

Whenever these thugs get in trouble the parents come to their babies aid saying they are good kids. Lighting someone on fire is more than proof that you baby is NOT a good kid. Once again I guarantee there is no father in sight. The kid probably never goes to school and the mother NEVER does a thing to raise the kid. The African American community is become more and more hopeless and they only have themselves to blame!
The kid responsible has been charged - what more do you want? This has nothing to do with skin color.
What an asshole kid. Stick him in Juvy with the other miscreants.

As an aside, novasteve will be thrilled to see this.
Someone must stand up for Caucasians. We have a right to feel safe from prejudicial violence just like everyone else.
Black kid gets hate crime charges for being homophobic, if he would have said he hates whites he would be home tonight
Wait, why is this about race instead of sexual orientation? Didn't the kid admit to doing it because he hates gays/transgenders? :confused:
The kid responsible has been charged - what more do you want? This has nothing to do with skin color.

Why do you assume it doesn't?

What I want is there to be a recognition and hate crimes can go both ways and the race hustlers should preach MLK message of color blindness, togetherness and standing on once's own, rather then Malcomn X, Sharpton and Jackson's message of hate, divide, segregation and government dependence slavery!
I agree, a hate crime is a hate crime, no group should be disallowed from being a victim of a hate crime. No matter race, skin color, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, age, and so on. What's good for one, is good for all.
How about we do away with the so called "hate crime" definition? If it's a crime it's a crime. Why should the penalty be higher for a white than a black? Blacks are never charged with hate crimes.
How about we do away with the so called "hate crime" definition? If it's a crime it's a crime. Why should the penalty be higher for a white than a black? Blacks are never charged with hate crimes.

That has been my argument all along, the left will call you a homophobe and a racist for being logical.
The kid responsible has been charged - what more do you want? This has nothing to do with skin color.

Did you not read the article? No it wasn't about race, but it was a hate crime, just the same.

Black kids committing hate crimes is about black kids hating.
The kid responsible has been charged - what more do you want? This has nothing to do with skin color.

Uh, I dunno. Perhaps firmly impress upon the ****'s mother that setting another human alight isn't in the realm of a "joke", but a serious crime that will result in life-chamging injuries.
Wait, why is this about race instead of sexual orientation? Didn't the kid admit to doing it because he hates gays/transgenders? :confused:

And the victim is white. Did he set fire to a gay black kid?

So what if the victim was white? That doesn't automatically make it racially motivated, especially when there's as admitted sexual orientation motivation involved.

Do most people who hate gays only hate gays of a certain color? :confused:
How about we do away with the so called "hate crime" definition? If it's a crime it's a crime. Why should the penalty be higher for a white than a black? Blacks are never charged with hate crimes.

You mean unless the law approves. After all white males must suffer the consequences of their forefather's racism by being the target of government mandated racism against them for revenge sake. It's the right thing to do.
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