Black Kid Sets White Kid on Fire - Mother Says it was a Joke

How did I know the liberals would circle the wagons on this and defend the racist black kid?
Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with these god damn idiots
A 16-year-old Northern California boy is being charged as an adult with hate crimes after authorities say he set on fire another teenager wearing a skirt aboard a bus because of homophobia.

A fucking 16 year old is treated like an adult but a god damn 26 year old is still a mother fucking child?

And what the fuck is this shit he did it because of homophobia? He did it because some sick freak like to wear girl clothes.
Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with these god damn idiots
A 16-year-old Northern California boy is being charged as an adult with hate crimes after authorities say he set on fire another teenager wearing a skirt aboard a bus because of homophobia.

A fucking 16 year old is treated like an adult but a god damn 26 year old is still a mother fucking child?

And what the fuck is this shit he did it because of homophobia? He did it because some sick freak like to wear girl clothes.

Good job making it sound like the victim's fault, asshole.
Wait, why is this about race instead of sexual orientation? Didn't the kid admit to doing it because he hates gays/transgenders? :confused:

And the victim is white. Did he set fire to a gay black kid?

So what if the victim was white? That doesn't automatically make it racially motivated, especially when there's as admitted sexual orientation motivation involved.

Do most people who hate gays only hate gays of a certain color? :confused:

I've not claimed that it was racially motivated, only that a black kid committed a "hate crime" the fact that the victim was white may or may not be relevant. My suspicion is that it was, but I can offer no proof.

The tell for me is the mother claiming that this was all a joke or prank. It is very typical of family and friends of blacks accused of heinous crimes.

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