Black leaders plan July 15 march on DC to protest amnesty for illegals.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
All americans, black and white and even latin, should oppose amnesty for criminal invaders. Amnesty helps mexico not america.

Black American Leadership Alliance Marches on U.S. Capitol to Protect American Jobs -- WASHINGTON, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

WASHINGTON, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Monday, July 15th the Black American Leadership Alliance (BALA) will host a march and rally on the National Mall called the DC March for Jobs. The purpose of the march is to oppose all forms of amnesty, to protect American jobs for American workers. The BALA and participants will march to the steps of the Capitol to petition Congress, the Gang of Eight and the Congressional Black Caucus, demanding that they protect black labor by opposing amnesty and halting efforts to double legal immigration levels, as required under the bill.

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights recently reported that illegal immigration has kept wages and employment down over recent decades, particularly among black men. With unemployment for blacks at nearly double the national rate (13.7%), the number of African Americans living in poverty and without jobs is sure to soar should the bill be passed.
"Now is not the time for Congress to increase competition for scarce jobs by adding millions more workers through legalization," said Frank Morris, Alliance leader, and former Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. "Increasing immigration levels through amnesty and new visa programs, particularly at the low skilled level, will flood the labor market with millions more people, leading to higher unemployment, more poverty, and a lower standard of living for many in the black community."
Both parties, dem and repub, and raking in multi-million $ bribes from the illegal alien lobby. That's what makes it so tough to fight amnesty. All americans want the illegals gone except the politicians and their corporate sponsors.
I'm pretty sure Obama will throw black people under the bus (since he can't run for election again), in order to pick up latino votes.

You get what you vote for, now, black and white people, enjoy slavery! FEMA CAMPS GO!
I'm pretty sure Obama will throw black people under the bus (since he can't run for election again), in order to pick up latino votes.

You get what you vote for, now, black and white people, enjoy slavery! FEMA CAMPS GO!

SO wait, since he cant run again hes going to throw blacks under the bus for votes?

Do you think before you type this stuff?
I'm pretty sure Obama will throw black people under the bus (since he can't run for election again), in order to pick up latino votes.

You get what you vote for, now, black and white people, enjoy slavery! FEMA CAMPS GO!

Even if he could run, he'd still ignore blacks since he knows they will vote for him no matter what. That's how politics works - you ignore those who love you or hate you and focus on the fence-straddlers.
I pose this question to the Libturd Race Card users of this board: Does this make Black people racist for opposing shAmnesty?
White people are invited dumbass

That's MISTER dumbass to you, bub.

IF it were organized by a white group.... think about that one.

he would be this first to scream racism if it was the Tea Party

what a fucking hypocrite


The left is always trumpeting the right as racist because they don’t support the asinine immigration policies of the left and here we are – black people doing the same thing but they would not dare call that racist.
White folk couldn't pull off such a march lest they be labeled wacist.
Wascally wacist whites.

White people are invited dumbass

But they couldn't get away with planning the march and you know it.

Do you have criticism of the black leaders who are planning the event? Do you agree with them or are you going to stick with the pat answer and say they have a right to protest? While true that we all have that right, I can't help but notice that the left tends to merely acknowledge rights when it's minorities doing the protesting and when the whites do it, they are just called racists and they are likely to be accused of hate speech as well.

It's quite a dilemma for the left when two of their pet groups are against each other. Time to walk that fine line since it's never popular to criticize any minority group.

No question that granting amnesty is going to cost billions. We're already facing high costs of health care and higher unemployment. Adding millions of illegal aliens to the country will only make things worse. How long can we keep allowing government to find more ways to spend money before we're broke?
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I pose this question to the Libturd Race Card users of this board: Does this make Black people racist for opposing shAmnesty?

Depends. Do they oppose Amnesty because of racist reasons? You didn't even ask yourself that. You saw the words black and Hispanic and ran with it not knowing there words have meanings.

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