Black leaders plan July 15 march on DC to protest amnesty for illegals.

No it's not. What is the history of organized white groups again?

There was this group called the NRA that armed black people against the Democrat KKK groups that passed laws to disarm order to make the passage of Jim Crows laws irresistible.
No it's not. What is the history of organized white groups again?

Whites, they're all a bunch of racists. Every damned one of them, aren't they?

he has yet to link to anything from any white person that immigration laws should be enforced b/c the immigrants are of a different race

organizted white groups
American Legion
Slovak Society
K of C

what horrible racists
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I'm pretty sure Obama will throw black people under the bus (since he can't run for election again), in order to pick up latino votes.

You get what you vote for, now, black and white people, enjoy slavery! FEMA CAMPS GO!

SO wait, since he cant run again hes going to throw blacks under the bus for votes?

Do you think before you type this stuff?

I'm not the only one who noticed.....:lol:
All americans, black and white and even latin, should oppose amnesty for criminal invaders. Amnesty helps mexico not america.

Black American Leadership Alliance Marches on U.S. Capitol to Protect American Jobs -- WASHINGTON, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

WASHINGTON, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Monday, July 15th the Black American Leadership Alliance (BALA) will host a march and rally on the National Mall called the DC March for Jobs. The purpose of the march is to oppose all forms of amnesty, to protect American jobs for American workers. The BALA and participants will march to the steps of the Capitol to petition Congress, the Gang of Eight and the Congressional Black Caucus, demanding that they protect black labor by opposing amnesty and halting efforts to double legal immigration levels, as required under the bill.

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights recently reported that illegal immigration has kept wages and employment down over recent decades, particularly among black men. With unemployment for blacks at nearly double the national rate (13.7%), the number of African Americans living in poverty and without jobs is sure to soar should the bill be passed.
"Now is not the time for Congress to increase competition for scarce jobs by adding millions more workers through legalization," said Frank Morris, Alliance leader, and former Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. "Increasing immigration levels through amnesty and new visa programs, particularly at the low skilled level, will flood the labor market with millions more people, leading to higher unemployment, more poverty, and a lower standard of living for many in the black community."

Did it take them more then 5 days to get a permit?
I'm pretty sure Obama will throw black people under the bus (since he can't run for election again), in order to pick up latino votes.

You get what you vote for, now, black and white people, enjoy slavery! FEMA CAMPS GO!

He doesn't need to throw them under the bus. He knows that the majority of blacks will cast their votes as they did the past two national elections, for the guy who looks like them and promised them the moon and the stars...for FREE! Now, they'll just vote for whomever he tells them to the next time.
White people are invited dumbass

That's MISTER dumbass to you, bub.

IF it were organized by a white group.... think about that one.

What is the history of organized white groups? ....Think about that one.

Nice diversion attempt. I guess you'll do anything other than actually discuss how you feel about black leaders planning this protest. Be careful, you don't want to disagree with them since that isn't cool.
That's MISTER dumbass to you, bub.

IF it were organized by a white group.... think about that one.

What is the history of organized white groups? ....Think about that one.

Nice diversion attempt. I guess you'll do anything other than actually discuss how you feel about black leaders planning this protest. Be careful, you don't want to disagree with them since that isn't cool.

Why would I change from what I'm talking about to discuss your topic? Additionally, why quote me, not address my topic and then pretend to chastise me for what you just did?
All americans, black and white and even latin, should oppose amnesty for criminal invaders. Amnesty helps mexico not america.

Black American Leadership Alliance Marches on U.S. Capitol to Protect American Jobs -- WASHINGTON, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

WASHINGTON, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Monday, July 15th the Black American Leadership Alliance (BALA) will host a march and rally on the National Mall called the DC March for Jobs. The purpose of the march is to oppose all forms of amnesty, to protect American jobs for American workers. The BALA and participants will march to the steps of the Capitol to petition Congress, the Gang of Eight and the Congressional Black Caucus, demanding that they protect black labor by opposing amnesty and halting efforts to double legal immigration levels, as required under the bill.

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights recently reported that illegal immigration has kept wages and employment down over recent decades, particularly among black men. With unemployment for blacks at nearly double the national rate (13.7%), the number of African Americans living in poverty and without jobs is sure to soar should the bill be passed.
"Now is not the time for Congress to increase competition for scarce jobs by adding millions more workers through legalization," said Frank Morris, Alliance leader, and former Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. "Increasing immigration levels through amnesty and new visa programs, particularly at the low skilled level, will flood the labor market with millions more people, leading to higher unemployment, more poverty, and a lower standard of living for many in the black community."

If the blacks would take their jobs, fine. But they won't. And the illegals ARE paying into entitlement programs like Social Security in mega bucks. The only problem I have is that the US is exploiting THEM, not the other way around.

It is a symbiotic relationship at best and exploitative of them atworst. If blacks want them gone, then they need to get off their asses and take the jobs.
All americans, black and white and even latin, should oppose amnesty for criminal invaders. Amnesty helps mexico not america.

Black American Leadership Alliance Marches on U.S. Capitol to Protect American Jobs -- WASHINGTON, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

WASHINGTON, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Monday, July 15th the Black American Leadership Alliance (BALA) will host a march and rally on the National Mall called the DC March for Jobs. The purpose of the march is to oppose all forms of amnesty, to protect American jobs for American workers. The BALA and participants will march to the steps of the Capitol to petition Congress, the Gang of Eight and the Congressional Black Caucus, demanding that they protect black labor by opposing amnesty and halting efforts to double legal immigration levels, as required under the bill.

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights recently reported that illegal immigration has kept wages and employment down over recent decades, particularly among black men. With unemployment for blacks at nearly double the national rate (13.7%), the number of African Americans living in poverty and without jobs is sure to soar should the bill be passed.
"Now is not the time for Congress to increase competition for scarce jobs by adding millions more workers through legalization," said Frank Morris, Alliance leader, and former Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. "Increasing immigration levels through amnesty and new visa programs, particularly at the low skilled level, will flood the labor market with millions more people, leading to higher unemployment, more poverty, and a lower standard of living for many in the black community."

The snag in the fur of this issue is that members of a certain groups are protesting amnesty to protect only those presumed members of it. I think people should discard their racial eyeglasses and instead protest amnesty universally. Not solely to protect people of their own skin color. It would be reasonable if Americans of all skin colors and backgrounds opposed amnesty based on the finer points of their argument.
Whites, they're all a bunch of racists. Every damned one of them, aren't they?

Yes they are racist since they gave us all these affirmative action programs, the only racism left in america.
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[. And the illegals ARE paying into entitlement programs like Social Security in mega bucks. The only problem I have is that the US is exploiting THEM, not the other way around.

HAHAHA, We're exploiting illegals???!!! Yeah - obozo goes down to mexico and kidnaps them and forces them to live here.
The snag in the fur of this issue is that members of a certain groups are protesting amnesty to protect only those presumed members of it. I think people should discard their racial eyeglasses and instead protest amnesty universally. Not solely to protect people of their own skin color. It would be reasonable if Americans of all skin colors and backgrounds opposed amnesty based on the finer points of their argument.

Blacks don't think like that. They support anything that helps blacks and oppose anything that harms blacks. Look at their universal support for affirmative action. They have no principles except me me me.
White folk couldn't pull off such a march lest they be labeled wacist.
Wascally wacist whites.

Love your post. The first thing that came to my mind was a Supreme Court Slap Down if there was such an organization of WALA!

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