Black leaders plan July 15 march on DC to protest amnesty for illegals.

Just like I thought, Sqeeze doesn't do logic just emotion. When asked for his logic he tells me to look at someone elses post.
I did idiot that's how I know its not your now, Too lazy to type your own thoughts?
I pose this question to the Libturd Race Card users of this board: Does this make Black people racist for opposing shAmnesty?

Depends. Do they oppose Amnesty because of racist reasons? You didn't even ask yourself that. You saw the words black and Hispanic and ran with it not knowing there words have meanings.

Irrelevant. Because when Whites oppose amnesty for illegals, whether the reason be racial or a question of law, they are labelled racist no matter what.
All americans, black and white and even latin, should oppose amnesty for criminal invaders. Amnesty helps mexico not america.

Black American Leadership Alliance Marches on U.S. Capitol to Protect American Jobs -- WASHINGTON, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

WASHINGTON, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Monday, July 15th the Black American Leadership Alliance (BALA) will host a march and rally on the National Mall called the DC March for Jobs. The purpose of the march is to oppose all forms of amnesty, to protect American jobs for American workers. The BALA and participants will march to the steps of the Capitol to petition Congress, the Gang of Eight and the Congressional Black Caucus, demanding that they protect black labor by opposing amnesty and halting efforts to double legal immigration levels, as required under the bill.

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights recently reported that illegal immigration has kept wages and employment down over recent decades, particularly among black men. With unemployment for blacks at nearly double the national rate (13.7%), the number of African Americans living in poverty and without jobs is sure to soar should the bill be passed.
"Now is not the time for Congress to increase competition for scarce jobs by adding millions more workers through legalization," said Frank Morris, Alliance leader, and former Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. "Increasing immigration levels through amnesty and new visa programs, particularly at the low skilled level, will flood the labor market with millions more people, leading to higher unemployment, more poverty, and a lower standard of living for many in the black community."

The black leaders supported Obama almost 100 percent, they are getting what they deserve. These bills will hurt the black people the most and they have no one else to thank but Obama. Do you think they will now get smart and become Republicans?
It goes to show very few actually understand, have read, or should I dare comprehend, what the immigration bill is all about. First of which, it is simply not an amnesty bill, no food stamps, no welfare, no go to the front of the line for citizenship bill.

You stupid jackass. They are being told they can stay so of course it's amnesty. Whether they get citizenship or not, it's still amnesty.

BTW - obozo probably will give them citizenship via an exec order since he wants them voting democrat. And for sure he will give them welfare.

The black leaders supported Obama almost 100 percent, they are getting what they deserve. These bills will hurt the black people the most and they have no one else to thank but Obama. Do you think they will now get smart and become Republicans?

No - but they likely will not vote like many white voters stayed home in 2012 because romney was such a coward and weak candidate.

The black leaders supported Obama almost 100 percent, they are getting what they deserve. These bills will hurt the black people the most and they have no one else to thank but Obama. Do you think they will now get smart and become Republicans?

No way blacks will vote GOP. No matter what else democrats do, they are still the welfare party and blacks know that.

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