Black Lies Matter Blocks Ambulance With Sick Child on Bridge


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
These Marxist scumbags do not care about anyone but their twisted, false message.

Black Lives Matter protest blocks ambulance with sick child headed for hospital - Hot Air

Parents with a sick baby were blocked on their way to a hospital in Memphis, TN because Black Lives Matter protesters shut down traffic on a bridge Monday night....

The Memphis Black Lives Matter rally shut down the I-40 bridge Sunday night with hundreds of protesters refusing to leave. Traffic could not go across, but paramedic Bobby Harrell with Crittenden EMS was determined to get to a child who was stuck on the bridge with his family.

“We received a call there was a child needing medical attention stuck in traffic up on the bridge and due to the protest going on the bridge the family was not able to get through traffic to get him to Le Bonheur,” Harrell said.

A photo shows parents handing the child off to paramedics on the bridge.

“The sheriff’s department had to escort us up the wrong way of the interstate to the child,” he said.

Harrell said after he had the very sick child in the ambulance, the driver had to go 25 minutes out of the way.

“We had to turn around and come back to West Memphis and cross over at MLK to get over to 55.”

An innocent child was prevented from getting timely medical care because a bunch of Marxists were breaking the law and blocking roads and bridges.

The cops should clear the bridge with machine gun fire.
But they were PEACEFUL.... {/sarcasm off}
'Peaceful' is irrelevant, of course. Our roads are needed for emergency vehicles of all kinds.

The cops need to be told to do their jobs and clear these Marxist PoS off the fucking roads ASAP whenever their stanky asses show up.
But they were PEACEFUL.... {/sarcasm off}
'Peaceful' is irrelevant, of course. Our roads are needed for emergency vehicles of all kinds.

The cops need to be told to do their jobs and clear these Marxist PoS off the fucking roads ASAP whenever their stanky asses show up.
Round 'em up and hog tie them like fucking cattle... and throw their asses in jail with a felony charge.
USMB tyrants in action..

Sounds like the tyrants were the protesters blocking the path of an emergency vehicle. The only thing that should have come out of that was to provide a need for more emergency vehicles to get those that wouldn't get out of the way.
Let's face it, you lard lads wouldn't get off yer ass to protest, much less break up a group of protesters....
Let's face it, you lard lads wouldn't get off yer ass to protest, much less break up a group of protesters....

As long as they're willing to do it one on one, no problem. However, we both know that's not how thug blacks like the protesters operate. Three on one is negro fun is their mantra.
Hot Air? Why not wait for a legitimate source to make sure you're not being led by the nose by a site with an agenda?
Maybe that kid will think twice before he gets sick again. Sickness is a white privilege.
USMB tyrants in action..
So you think it is better to let innocent people die trying to get to a hospital or watch their homes burn to the ground because a fire truck couldnt get to it?

If that is your idiotic concept of tyranny then I am all for it, doofus.
To me, the protesters should be forced to pay the doctor bills if they can't be arrested.

God bless you and the child always!!!

But they *can* be arrested on multiple charges, but the Democratic political establishment and George Soros' billions US$ is corrupting the 'just-us' system to look the other way much like they did for Hillary Clintons secure documents violations that should have put her in jail.
As long as they're willing to do it one on one, no problem. However, we both know that's not how thug blacks like the protesters operate. Three on one is negro fun is their mantra.
It has nothing to do with Negroes, it has everything to do with the MARXIST LEFTISTS and how they lie, cheat, and steal to get their goals accomplished.

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