Black lives matter.... so let's kill white people.... Dems... they are cool with it.

Another family man murdered as the death counts of the "protest" continue to climb, and the left media ignores it.
This is what Authoritarianism looks like. And the left love it. Support it.

#Blacklivesmatter.... #whitelivesdon't

Black Lives Matter = White lives DON'T matter:

View attachment 347002

One was also a home invader who was high at the time, resisted arrest.
You were cool with sacrificing grandma for the sake of the econoomy just a couple of weeks ago, what happened? Did you suddenly develop a concern for human lives out of nowhere?
What does grandma have to do with reopening the economy?
Old people are retired, they can isolate at home while the rest of us go to work.
Murdered by protesters.
Liberal outrage meter - 0%.
#BLM - not concerned.

Apparently - he don't matter.

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Never heard of this guy?...


Involved in a shooting where 13 black people last month in Chicago.
Liberal outrage meter - 0%
#BLM - nowhere on site, no protest.... not concerned.
Ever hear of this kid?.....

Troy Harris.jpg

Azir Harris, 17 years old. Shot in Philadelphia 5 times while walking home from school by a black assailant for unknown reasons.

Left outrage meter - 0%
#BLM - not on the scene, not concerned.
You were cool with sacrificing grandma for the sake of the econoomy just a couple of weeks ago, what happened? Did you suddenly develop a concern for human lives out of nowhere?

You wanted everyone to stay home just a couple of weeks ago, what happened? Did you suddenly forget about Covid out of nowhere?
When the Trumpbots decided to protest the lockdown all I said was that they were being stupid. These protesters are being stupid too and this unrest will almost certainly result in an upswing in cases. On the other hand I fully support the inalienable right for Americans to peacefully protest.

Define “peaceful protest”. Find any American who is opposed to peaceful protests? Show a Tea Party Protest that resulted in smashed windows, looting, or violence?
No surprise here.... the virtue signaling left want no part of this discussion.

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