Black lives matter to boycott white owned businesses for black christmas

Whats violent about the organization calling for Blacks to boycott white businesses?

Well, when the organization called National Socialist (Nazis) called for Germans to boycott Jewish businesses.

Jews, sure kicked, and screamed about that, no?
i think you are having trouble understanding context. The Germans were in power. The Jews were the minority.

Yeah, well I read in Berlin the capital of Germany, the majority of professionals were Jews.
What does that have to do with my point that the Jews were not the majority?

I don't support extermination of Jews.

I do however support boycotts of Jews, and also barring Jews from positions of power.

It's kind of a no, duh thing.

I don't know why America tolerates so much of it's academia, media, film industry,, lawyers, and CEO's to be of Liberal leaning, downright traitorous Jews in so many cases.
I didnt say you supported extermination of the Jews. I asked what did your example have to do with anything?
It is not racist to spend my money at the best retail outlets.

But to define the 'best stores' as = 'white or black businesses' that is racist.

Not that it really matters any more.
Sometimes the stores may not be the "best". I buy a higher priced item from a specific Black business because I know that the money I spend will circulate longer in the Black community. I bank with a Black owned bank for the same reason.
And how do you know this for certain?
Math. I will give you an example.

I pay for some soap in Walmart and instantly my money is going out of the Black community. The Walmart family is owned by whites.

If anything Walmart should also be boycotted by Whites, since it was one of the biggest, and first to outsource products, furthermore they pay Whites, and non-Whites garbage wages.
It is not racist to spend my money at the best retail outlets.

But to define the 'best stores' as = 'white or black businesses' that is racist.

Not that it really matters any more.
Sometimes the stores may not be the "best". I buy a higher priced item from a specific Black business because I know that the money I spend will circulate longer in the Black community. I bank with a Black owned bank for the same reason.
And how do you know this for certain?
Math. I will give you an example.

I pay for some soap in Walmart and instantly my money is going out of the Black community. The Walmart family is owned by whites.
So how long does a black banker's money stay in the black community before it is funneled into the white dominated market?
It is not racist to spend my money at the best retail outlets.

But to define the 'best stores' as = 'white or black businesses' that is racist.

Not that it really matters any more.
Sometimes the stores may not be the "best". I buy a higher priced item from a specific Black business because I know that the money I spend will circulate longer in the Black community. I bank with a Black owned bank for the same reason.
And how do you know this for certain?
Math. I will give you an example.

I pay for some soap in Walmart and instantly my money is going out of the Black community. The Walmart family is owned by whites.

If anything Walmart should also be boycotted by Whites, since it was one of the biggest, and first to outsource products, furthermore they pay Whites, and non-Whites garbage wages.
Not really my problem. My point was that is how I know my money is circulating in the Black community at least 1 or 2 stages longer.
It is not racist to spend my money at the best retail outlets.

But to define the 'best stores' as = 'white or black businesses' that is racist.

Not that it really matters any more.
Sometimes the stores may not be the "best". I buy a higher priced item from a specific Black business because I know that the money I spend will circulate longer in the Black community. I bank with a Black owned bank for the same reason.
And how do you know this for certain?
Math. I will give you an example.

I pay for some soap in Walmart and instantly my money is going out of the Black community. The Walmart family is owned by whites.
So how long does a black banker's money stay in the black community before it is funneled into the white dominated market?
Depends. You have a specific scenario in mind?
The violent leftist organization Black Lives Matter has launched an initiative to boycott white-owned businesses during the holidays in an attempt to resist “White capitalism.”..........................

Black Lives Matter To Boycott White Owned Businesses For ‘Black Christmas’

Well isn't this special Soros must be paying them to disrupt Christmas no doubt they are stepping in while ANTIFA lies low for a few months. Now it's their turn fkn assholes!!

And any store that kneels down to these pos anti american losers you deserve everything you have coming to you and you are also part of the pussy nation and don't belong in America if you are going to cower down to this bs.

But isn't it about 30 degrees in deep blue states?
But to define the 'best stores' as = 'white or black businesses' that is racist.

Not that it really matters any more.
Sometimes the stores may not be the "best". I buy a higher priced item from a specific Black business because I know that the money I spend will circulate longer in the Black community. I bank with a Black owned bank for the same reason.
And how do you know this for certain?
Math. I will give you an example.

I pay for some soap in Walmart and instantly my money is going out of the Black community. The Walmart family is owned by whites.
So how long does a black banker's money stay in the black community before it is funneled into the white dominated market?
Depends. You have a specific scenario in mind?
I don't know, I was figuring you would tell me you know about the investments the black-owned bank you patronize is making and that's how you know that the money is recirculating in the black community more so than the white dominated market.

That's something I'd want to know when banking with someone. Are they investing back into the community they serve, etc..
Sometimes the stores may not be the "best". I buy a higher priced item from a specific Black business because I know that the money I spend will circulate longer in the Black community. I bank with a Black owned bank for the same reason.
And how do you know this for certain?
Math. I will give you an example.

I pay for some soap in Walmart and instantly my money is going out of the Black community. The Walmart family is owned by whites.
So how long does a black banker's money stay in the black community before it is funneled into the white dominated market?
Depends. You have a specific scenario in mind?
I don't know, I was figuring you would tell me you know about the investments the black-owned bank you patronize is making and that's how you know that the money is recirculating in the black community more so than the white dominated market.
I dont spend my money foolishly or keep my money somewhere without investigating what they do with that money. The bank I use loans to Black businesses and employees a predominately Black work force. To date I have never called them and spoke to anyone other than a Black person.
And how do you know this for certain?
Math. I will give you an example.

I pay for some soap in Walmart and instantly my money is going out of the Black community. The Walmart family is owned by whites.
So how long does a black banker's money stay in the black community before it is funneled into the white dominated market?
Depends. You have a specific scenario in mind?
I don't know, I was figuring you would tell me you know about the investments the black-owned bank you patronize is making and that's how you know that the money is recirculating in the black community more so than the white dominated market.
I dont spend my money foolishly or keep my money somewhere without investigating what they do with that money. The bank I use loans to Black businesses and employees a predominately Black work force. To date I have never called them and spoke to anyone other than a Black person.
And that's perfectly fine with me, I like to see people sticking with their own and doing well. I just wonder why whites cannot do the same?
Math. I will give you an example.

I pay for some soap in Walmart and instantly my money is going out of the Black community. The Walmart family is owned by whites.
So how long does a black banker's money stay in the black community before it is funneled into the white dominated market?
Depends. You have a specific scenario in mind?
I don't know, I was figuring you would tell me you know about the investments the black-owned bank you patronize is making and that's how you know that the money is recirculating in the black community more so than the white dominated market.
I dont spend my money foolishly or keep my money somewhere without investigating what they do with that money. The bank I use loans to Black businesses and employees a predominately Black work force. To date I have never called them and spoke to anyone other than a Black person.
And that's perfectly fine with me, I like to see people sticking with their own and doing well. I just wonder why whites cannot do the same?
Whites do the same. What makes you think they dont?
It is not racist to spend my money at the best retail outlets.

But to define the 'best stores' as = 'white or black businesses' that is racist.

Not that it really matters any more.
Sometimes the stores may not be the "best". I buy a higher priced item from a specific Black business because I know that the money I spend will circulate longer in the Black community. I bank with a Black owned bank for the same reason.
And how do you know this for certain?
Math. I will give you an example.

I pay for some soap in Walmart and instantly my money is going out of the Black community. The Walmart family is owned by whites.

If anything Walmart should also be boycotted by Whites, since it was one of the biggest, and first to outsource products, furthermore they pay Whites, and non-Whites garbage wages.
They were a great company, very equitable...when the founder was alive. Sam Walton was a good man, but he created a bunch of vultures.
Correct. Just as we have the right not to patronize yours. Ask the NFL how that works. :)

the NFL is giving 89 million to black causes, guess the kneeling helped.
The boycotting must be working too.

Yes, now I read its 100 million over 7 years, not a lot, but a start. I mean the black football players make them a lot of money.
Does it say how the funds are dispersed and what do they define as a "Black cause"?
Sources: NFL pledges $89M to aid social justice

They are pledging 89 million dollars to Soros and his .orgs to destroy our country.
Kneel to him all you want, ball boyz. While we support our flag, our vets and our country.
:piss2: on you and your Soros love affair. Let's see who wins this pissing contest....
So how long does a black banker's money stay in the black community before it is funneled into the white dominated market?
Depends. You have a specific scenario in mind?
I don't know, I was figuring you would tell me you know about the investments the black-owned bank you patronize is making and that's how you know that the money is recirculating in the black community more so than the white dominated market.
I dont spend my money foolishly or keep my money somewhere without investigating what they do with that money. The bank I use loans to Black businesses and employees a predominately Black work force. To date I have never called them and spoke to anyone other than a Black person.
And that's perfectly fine with me, I like to see people sticking with their own and doing well. I just wonder why whites cannot do the same?
Whites do the same. What makes you think they dont?
Are you crazy? If whites tried to only do business with whites on the basis of race alone, they'd have the media and feds up their ass faster than a sodomite would be up a toddler's at a pride parade.
Whats violent about the organization calling for Blacks to boycott white businesses?

Well, when the organization called National Socialist (Nazis) called for Germans to boycott Jewish businesses.

Jews, sure kicked, and screamed about that, no?
i think you are having trouble understanding context. The Germans were in power. The Jews were the minority.

Yeah, well I read in Berlin the capital of Germany, the majority of professionals were Jews.
What does that have to do with my point that the Jews were not the majority?

I don't support extermination of Jews.

I do however support boycotts of Jews, and also barring Jews from positions of power.

It's kind of a no, duh thing.

I don't know why America tolerates so much of it's academia, media, film industry,, lawyers, and CEO's to be of Liberal leaning, downright traitorous Jews in so many cases.

The Nuremberg laws revisited.
Depends. You have a specific scenario in mind?
I don't know, I was figuring you would tell me you know about the investments the black-owned bank you patronize is making and that's how you know that the money is recirculating in the black community more so than the white dominated market.
I dont spend my money foolishly or keep my money somewhere without investigating what they do with that money. The bank I use loans to Black businesses and employees a predominately Black work force. To date I have never called them and spoke to anyone other than a Black person.
And that's perfectly fine with me, I like to see people sticking with their own and doing well. I just wonder why whites cannot do the same?
Whites do the same. What makes you think they dont?
Are you crazy? If whites tried to only do business with whites on the basis of race alone, they'd have the media and feds up their ass faster than a sodomite would be up a toddler's at a pride parade.
That goes for Blacks too. You cant write it down on your website as a mission statement but its obvious that whites do the same thing and have done so for centuries.
Yeah because white people don't steal. I use to work in retail and I can't tell how many busted ass white people have come in stealing. When it comes to shoplifting, its equal opportunity for all races.
I knew these two girls, one white and one Black that would rob stores blind. The Black girl would go in first and walk around while the blonde would go in a minute later and walk out with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. Both were in the military.
Turn them in then.
Why? They were robbing white owned stores not Black ones.
Because theft is theft. If you had a moral compass, you'd understand that. If I see or hear about someone thriving from any establishment, I'd turn them in. My sympathy for the inner-city black business owners is the same for any business owner. Ungrateful punks stealing from people who worked hard to open a business makes me angry.
I could give a shit about white owned businesses. My moral compass is different from yours. Had the stores been owned by people of color I would have stopped the women before they got started. I just got a kick out of the irony of situation. See what happens when you are a racist and follow the Black person around in a store?

Whatever you have to tell yourself to feel OK about being a douche. Rock on!
I don't know, I was figuring you would tell me you know about the investments the black-owned bank you patronize is making and that's how you know that the money is recirculating in the black community more so than the white dominated market.
I dont spend my money foolishly or keep my money somewhere without investigating what they do with that money. The bank I use loans to Black businesses and employees a predominately Black work force. To date I have never called them and spoke to anyone other than a Black person.
And that's perfectly fine with me, I like to see people sticking with their own and doing well. I just wonder why whites cannot do the same?
Whites do the same. What makes you think they dont?
Are you crazy? If whites tried to only do business with whites on the basis of race alone, they'd have the media and feds up their ass faster than a sodomite would be up a toddler's at a pride parade.
That goes for Blacks too. You cant write it down on your website as a mission statement but its obvious that whites do the same thing and have done so for centuries.
Do you have some recent examples?
I dont spend my money foolishly or keep my money somewhere without investigating what they do with that money. The bank I use loans to Black businesses and employees a predominately Black work force. To date I have never called them and spoke to anyone other than a Black person.
And that's perfectly fine with me, I like to see people sticking with their own and doing well. I just wonder why whites cannot do the same?
Whites do the same. What makes you think they dont?
Are you crazy? If whites tried to only do business with whites on the basis of race alone, they'd have the media and feds up their ass faster than a sodomite would be up a toddler's at a pride parade.
That goes for Blacks too. You cant write it down on your website as a mission statement but its obvious that whites do the same thing and have done so for centuries.
Do you have some recent examples?
Examples of what and what do you mean by recent?
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And that's perfectly fine with me, I like to see people sticking with their own and doing well. I just wonder why whites cannot do the same?
Whites do the same. What makes you think they dont?
Are you crazy? If whites tried to only do business with whites on the basis of race alone, they'd have the media and feds up their ass faster than a sodomite would be up a toddler's at a pride parade.
That goes for Blacks too. You cant write it down on your website as a mission statement but its obvious that whites do the same thing and have done so for centuries.
Do you have some recent examples?
Examples of what and what do you mean by recent?
Examples of whites hiring strictly along racial lines without getting hemmed up by the feds? Within the last, say 20 years?

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