Black lives matter to boycott white owned businesses for black christmas

I came across this letter some years ago, and it wouldn't really surprise me, Protestants tend to be far more pro-Jewish than Catholics.

Christians aren't pro-Jewish, because Jews are Antichrist. Zionists aren't Christians; they're just damned idiots playing Christian. But, Zionism is popular in Protestant churches. Young denominations and non-denominational churches don't have long history that the Catholic Church has, so these young churches incorporate modern fads, including Zionism, into their core beliefs.

Many Catholics, being ignorant are often infected with Zionism, but the Catholic Church itself isn't Zionist.
Zionism infects both protestant and catholic churches. It's unfair to say it is solely a catholic thing, in fact inaccurate. But in my experience, catholics are much more Zionist than protestants, such as Independent Baptists.

bigoted jew hating loser say what?
I came across this letter some years ago, and it wouldn't really surprise me, Protestants tend to be far more pro-Jewish than Catholics.

Christians aren't pro-Jewish, because Jews are Antichrist. Zionists aren't Christians; they're just damned idiots playing Christian. But, Zionism is popular in Protestant churches. Young denominations and non-denominational churches don't have long history that the Catholic Church has, so these young churches incorporate modern fads, including Zionism, into their core beliefs.

Many Catholics, being ignorant are often infected with Zionism, but the Catholic Church itself isn't Zionist.
Zionism infects both protestant and catholic churches. It's unfair to say it is solely a catholic thing, in fact inaccurate. But in my experience, catholics are much more Zionist than protestants, such as Independent Baptists.

Haha, Zionism is definitely most common in the World in Whites like Protestants in the Bible-Belt, and least common in the World in Whites such as Catholic Poles,.
There are those types, but there is still quite a large showing of fundamentalist protestant denominations that are anti-zionist in that same area and throughout the country. John Hagee doesn't represent protestantism.
The violent leftist organization Black Lives Matter has launched an initiative to boycott white-owned businesses during the holidays in an attempt to resist “White capitalism.”..........................

Black Lives Matter To Boycott White Owned Businesses For ‘Black Christmas’

Well isn't this special Soros must be paying them to disrupt Christmas no doubt they are stepping in while ANTIFA lies low for a few months. Now it's their turn fkn assholes!!

And any store that kneels down to these pos anti american losers you deserve everything you have coming to you and you are also part of the pussy nation and don't belong in America if you are going to cower down to this bs.

Boycotts are violent? Or are they only considered violent if "certain" groups call for them?

The OP is calling the organization violent. Not the boycott.

Whats violent about the organization calling for Blacks to boycott white businesses?

Well, when the organization called National Socialist (Nazis) called for Germans to boycott Jewish businesses.

Jews, sure kicked, and screamed about that, no?

i think you are having trouble understanding context. The Germans were in power. The Jews were the minority.

Yeah, well I read in Berlin the capital of Germany, the majority of professionals were Jews.
I came across this letter some years ago, and it wouldn't really surprise me, Protestants tend to be far more pro-Jewish than Catholics.

Christians aren't pro-Jewish, because Jews are Antichrist. Zionists aren't Christians; they're just damned idiots playing Christian. But, Zionism is popular in Protestant churches. Young denominations and non-denominational churches don't have long history that the Catholic Church has, so these young churches incorporate modern fads, including Zionism, into their core beliefs.

Many Catholics, being ignorant are often infected with Zionism, but the Catholic Church itself isn't Zionist.
Zionism infects both protestant and catholic churches. It's unfair to say it is solely a catholic thing, in fact inaccurate. But in my experience, catholics are much more Zionist than protestants, such as Independent Baptists.

bigoted jew hating loser say what?
What did I say that was hateful?
It is not racist to spend my money at the best retail outlets.

But to define the 'best stores' as = 'white or black businesses' that is racist.

Not that it really matters any more.
Sometimes the stores may not be the "best". I buy a higher priced item from a specific Black business because I know that the money I spend will circulate longer in the Black community. I bank with a Black owned bank for the same reason.
I came across this letter some years ago, and it wouldn't really surprise me, Protestants tend to be far more pro-Jewish than Catholics.

Christians aren't pro-Jewish, because Jews are Antichrist. Zionists aren't Christians; they're just damned idiots playing Christian. But, Zionism is popular in Protestant churches. Young denominations and non-denominational churches don't have long history that the Catholic Church has, so these young churches incorporate modern fads, including Zionism, into their core beliefs.

Many Catholics, being ignorant are often infected with Zionism, but the Catholic Church itself isn't Zionist.
Zionism infects both protestant and catholic churches. It's unfair to say it is solely a catholic thing, in fact inaccurate. But in my experience, catholics are much more Zionist than protestants, such as Independent Baptists.

Haha, Zionism is definitely most common in the World in Whites like Protestants in the Bible-Belt, and least common in the World in Whites such as Catholic Poles,.
There are those types, but there is still quite a large showing of fundamentalist protestant denominations that are anti-zionist in that same area and throughout the country. John Hagee doesn't represent protestantism.

Well, European vs European this poll confirms that Catholic countries like Poland, and Hungary are far more anti-Jewish than Protestant countries like the Netherlands, or Britain.

40% in many European countries think Israel is waging ‘war of extermination’ against Palestinians

40% in many European countries think Israel is waging ‘war of extermination’ against Palestinians
Most Europeans feel Jews enrich their culture, new study finds, but large proportions of Poles and Hungarians believe Jews exploit Holocaust and have too much influence
By RAPHAEL AHREN 17 April 2012, 1:50 pm 2

  • The cover of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation report (photo credit: Courtesy)

    Nearly three quarters of Polish citizens believe that the Jews seek to exploit the Holocaust. About 70 percent of Hungarians think Jews have too much influence in their country. And close to 40 percent of people in numerous European countries believe that Israel is waging “a war of extermination” against the Palestinians.


    The cover of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation report (photo credit: Courtesy)
    These are among the findings of a major new study on bigotry in Europe, entitled “Intolerance, Prejudice and Discrimination,” published by the German-based Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The report, set to be formally presented in two weeks’ time but made available in the week that Israel marks Holocaust Remembrance Day, surveyed 8,000 people across the continent — 1,000 in each of eight countries.

    Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top storiesFREE SIGN UP

    More than 30 percent of Poles strongly agree and 42 somewhat agree with the statement that “Jews try to take advantage of having been victims during the Nazi era,” the survey showed. In Hungary, 39% of responders agreed strongly and 29% somewhat agreed with that assertion.

    The study also sheds light on European attitudes toward the state of Israel and how these affect Jew hatred. “About half the respondents in Portugal, Poland and Hungary see anti-Semitic sentiments as based on Israel’s political activities, while around 40% of respondents in most participating countries affirm the drastic assessment that the Israeli state is conducting a war of extermination against the Palestinians,” the study’s authors write.

    In Poland, the number of respondents who agree with the claim of an Israeli “war of extermination” is even higher, at 63%. Nearly half of the German respondents — 48% — agreed with the statement. The number was 49% in Portugal, 42% in Britain, 41% in Hungary, 39% in Holland and 38% in Italy.

    Asked if Jews have too much influence, about 70% of Hungarians, 50% of Poles and 20% of Germans agreed

    The Friedrich Ebert Foundation is affiliated with Germany’s main opposition Social Democratic Party. According to the Foundation, the study is the “very first to supply comprehensive and comparable data about the extent of prejudice and discrimination against the main target groups in eight selected European countries” — France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal.

    In the Netherlands, for instance, fewer than 18% of respondents said Jews were trying to take advantage of their people’s suffering during the Shoah, while more than 40% strongly disagreed with that statement. However, nearly half of the German responders agreed with it (23% of them strongly and 26%) while less than 20% “strongly disagreed.”

    Asked if Jews have too much influence in their country, about 70% of Hungarians, 50% of Poles and 20% of Germans agreed. In the Netherlands – whose current foreign minister, Uri Rosenthal, is Jewish – 3.4% strongly agreed and 18 percent somewhat agreed.

    Thirty percent of German and 22% of British respondents agreed with the statement that “Jews in general do not care about anything or anyone but their own kind.” In Portugal, that number is even higher, at about 55%, according to the report.

    However, a majority in all surveyed countries agrees with the statement that Jews are an “enrichment” for their culture.

    “Anti-Semitism has a long and uniquely terrible history in Europe,” the study’s authors, Andreas Zick, Beate Kuepper, Andreas Hövermann, write. “The German surveys that we have been conducting at regular intervals since 2002, as well as studies in other European countries that have a different history of anti-Semitism, demonstrate that anti-Semitism is an important component of group-focused enmity. It is particularly conspicuous in the eastern European countries.”

    The 190-page study also examines other phenomena of what the researchers call group-focused enmity, such as old-fashioned racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiments. The findings generally reveal that group-focused enmity is “widespread” in Europe, being weakest in the Netherlands and strongest in Poland and Hungary. About half of all European respondents, for instance, consider Islam a “religion of intolerance” and believe there are too many immigrants in their country. More than half of French respondents said that Muslims are “too demanding.”

    While the different prejudices measured by the study are very different in nature and seem to have no influence on one another, they are indeed interconnected, the researchers write. “Those who denigrate one group are very likely to target other groups too,” they write.

    The results of the study will be presented and discussed at Tel Aviv’s Beit Sokolov on May 1. The prime minister of the German state of Brandenburg, Matthias Platzeck, is scheduled to deliver the keynote speech at the event, entitled “Racism and anti-Semitism on the rise again? Anti-democratic tendencies in today’s multicultural Europe.”

    This Wednesday, on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Moshe Kantor program for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism at Tel Aviv University and European Jewish Congress will present its findings regarding the state of global anti-Semitism worldwide in 2010.

    >> Visit the homepage of The Times of Israel, a new website covering Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world <<
It is not racist to spend my money at the best retail outlets.

But to define the 'best stores' as = 'white or black businesses' that is racist.

Not that it really matters any more.
Sometimes the stores may not be the "best". I buy a higher priced item from a specific Black business because I know that the money I spend will circulate longer in the Black community. I bank with a Black owned bank for the same reason.
And how do you know this for certain?
Does BLM ever boycott gun shops? Hmmmmm? Indoor firing ranges? What about redneck beer joints?
my great great grandfather was a slave during the roman empire, therefore I have the right to burst into my local CVS and take whatever I want !!!!
"my great great grandfather was a slave during the roman empire".....and to a trumpanzee....the generational math will make perfect sense.
I came across this letter some years ago, and it wouldn't really surprise me, Protestants tend to be far more pro-Jewish than Catholics.

Christians aren't pro-Jewish, because Jews are Antichrist. Zionists aren't Christians; they're just damned idiots playing Christian. But, Zionism is popular in Protestant churches. Young denominations and non-denominational churches don't have long history that the Catholic Church has, so these young churches incorporate modern fads, including Zionism, into their core beliefs.

Many Catholics, being ignorant are often infected with Zionism, but the Catholic Church itself isn't Zionist.
Zionism infects both protestant and catholic churches. It's unfair to say it is solely a catholic thing, in fact inaccurate. But in my experience, catholics are much more Zionist than protestants, such as Independent Baptists.

bigoted jew hating loser say what?
What did I say that was hateful?

let's start with the words "Zionism infects", lowlife, jew-hating loser.

Boycotts are violent? Or are they only considered violent if "certain" groups call for them?

The OP is calling the organization violent. Not the boycott.
Whats violent about the organization calling for Blacks to boycott white businesses?

Well, when the organization called National Socialist (Nazis) called for Germans to boycott Jewish businesses.

Jews, sure kicked, and screamed about that, no?
i think you are having trouble understanding context. The Germans were in power. The Jews were the minority.

Yeah, well I read in Berlin the capital of Germany, the majority of professionals were Jews.
What does that have to do with my point that the Jews were not the majority?
I came across this letter some years ago, and it wouldn't really surprise me, Protestants tend to be far more pro-Jewish than Catholics.

Christians aren't pro-Jewish, because Jews are Antichrist. Zionists aren't Christians; they're just damned idiots playing Christian. But, Zionism is popular in Protestant churches. Young denominations and non-denominational churches don't have long history that the Catholic Church has, so these young churches incorporate modern fads, including Zionism, into their core beliefs.

Many Catholics, being ignorant are often infected with Zionism, but the Catholic Church itself isn't Zionist.
Zionism infects both protestant and catholic churches. It's unfair to say it is solely a catholic thing, in fact inaccurate. But in my experience, catholics are much more Zionist than protestants, such as Independent Baptists.

Haha, Zionism is definitely most common in the World in Whites like Protestants in the Bible-Belt, and least common in the World in Whites such as Catholic Poles,.
There are those types, but there is still quite a large showing of fundamentalist protestant denominations that are anti-zionist in that same area and throughout the country. John Hagee doesn't represent protestantism.

Well, European vs European this poll confirms that Catholic countries like Poland, and Hungary are far more anti-Jewish than Protestant countries like the Netherlands, or Britain.

40% in many European countries think Israel is waging ‘war of extermination’ against Palestinians

40% in many European countries think Israel is waging ‘war of extermination’ against Palestinians
Most Europeans feel Jews enrich their culture, new study finds, but large proportions of Poles and Hungarians believe Jews exploit Holocaust and have too much influence
By RAPHAEL AHREN 17 April 2012, 1:50 pm 2

  • The cover of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation report (photo credit: Courtesy)

    Nearly three quarters of Polish citizens believe that the Jews seek to exploit the Holocaust. About 70 percent of Hungarians think Jews have too much influence in their country. And close to 40 percent of people in numerous European countries believe that Israel is waging “a war of extermination” against the Palestinians.


    The cover of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation report (photo credit: Courtesy)
    These are among the findings of a major new study on bigotry in Europe, entitled “Intolerance, Prejudice and Discrimination,” published by the German-based Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The report, set to be formally presented in two weeks’ time but made available in the week that Israel marks Holocaust Remembrance Day, surveyed 8,000 people across the continent — 1,000 in each of eight countries.

    Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top storiesFREE SIGN UP

    More than 30 percent of Poles strongly agree and 42 somewhat agree with the statement that “Jews try to take advantage of having been victims during the Nazi era,” the survey showed. In Hungary, 39% of responders agreed strongly and 29% somewhat agreed with that assertion.

    The study also sheds light on European attitudes toward the state of Israel and how these affect Jew hatred. “About half the respondents in Portugal, Poland and Hungary see anti-Semitic sentiments as based on Israel’s political activities, while around 40% of respondents in most participating countries affirm the drastic assessment that the Israeli state is conducting a war of extermination against the Palestinians,” the study’s authors write.

    In Poland, the number of respondents who agree with the claim of an Israeli “war of extermination” is even higher, at 63%. Nearly half of the German respondents — 48% — agreed with the statement. The number was 49% in Portugal, 42% in Britain, 41% in Hungary, 39% in Holland and 38% in Italy.

    Asked if Jews have too much influence, about 70% of Hungarians, 50% of Poles and 20% of Germans agreed

    The Friedrich Ebert Foundation is affiliated with Germany’s main opposition Social Democratic Party. According to the Foundation, the study is the “very first to supply comprehensive and comparable data about the extent of prejudice and discrimination against the main target groups in eight selected European countries” — France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal.

    In the Netherlands, for instance, fewer than 18% of respondents said Jews were trying to take advantage of their people’s suffering during the Shoah, while more than 40% strongly disagreed with that statement. However, nearly half of the German responders agreed with it (23% of them strongly and 26%) while less than 20% “strongly disagreed.”

    Asked if Jews have too much influence in their country, about 70% of Hungarians, 50% of Poles and 20% of Germans agreed. In the Netherlands – whose current foreign minister, Uri Rosenthal, is Jewish – 3.4% strongly agreed and 18 percent somewhat agreed.

    Thirty percent of German and 22% of British respondents agreed with the statement that “Jews in general do not care about anything or anyone but their own kind.” In Portugal, that number is even higher, at about 55%, according to the report.

    However, a majority in all surveyed countries agrees with the statement that Jews are an “enrichment” for their culture.

    “Anti-Semitism has a long and uniquely terrible history in Europe,” the study’s authors, Andreas Zick, Beate Kuepper, Andreas Hövermann, write. “The German surveys that we have been conducting at regular intervals since 2002, as well as studies in other European countries that have a different history of anti-Semitism, demonstrate that anti-Semitism is an important component of group-focused enmity. It is particularly conspicuous in the eastern European countries.”

    The 190-page study also examines other phenomena of what the researchers call group-focused enmity, such as old-fashioned racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiments. The findings generally reveal that group-focused enmity is “widespread” in Europe, being weakest in the Netherlands and strongest in Poland and Hungary. About half of all European respondents, for instance, consider Islam a “religion of intolerance” and believe there are too many immigrants in their country. More than half of French respondents said that Muslims are “too demanding.”

    While the different prejudices measured by the study are very different in nature and seem to have no influence on one another, they are indeed interconnected, the researchers write. “Those who denigrate one group are very likely to target other groups too,” they write.

    The results of the study will be presented and discussed at Tel Aviv’s Beit Sokolov on May 1. The prime minister of the German state of Brandenburg, Matthias Platzeck, is scheduled to deliver the keynote speech at the event, entitled “Racism and anti-Semitism on the rise again? Anti-democratic tendencies in today’s multicultural Europe.”

    This Wednesday, on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Moshe Kantor program for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism at Tel Aviv University and European Jewish Congress will present its findings regarding the state of global anti-Semitism worldwide in 2010.

    >> Visit the homepage of The Times of Israel, a new website covering Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world <<
Europe is Europe. America is America. We are different, even if we are related.
Does BLM ever boycott gun shops? Hmmmmm? Indoor firing ranges? What about redneck beer joints?
my great great grandfather was a slave during the roman empire, therefore I have the right to burst into my local CVS and take whatever I want !!!!
"my great great grandfather was a slave during the roman empire".....and to a trumpanzee....the generational math will make perfect sense.
So much for my plans to open a bakery for only regular white people
It is not racist to spend my money at the best retail outlets.

But to define the 'best stores' as = 'white or black businesses' that is racist.

Not that it really matters any more.
Sometimes the stores may not be the "best". I buy a higher priced item from a specific Black business because I know that the money I spend will circulate longer in the Black community. I bank with a Black owned bank for the same reason.
And how do you know this for certain?
Math. I will give you an example.

I pay for some soap in Walmart and instantly my money is going out of the Black community. The Walmart family is owned by whites.
The OP is calling the organization violent. Not the boycott.
Whats violent about the organization calling for Blacks to boycott white businesses?

Well, when the organization called National Socialist (Nazis) called for Germans to boycott Jewish businesses.

Jews, sure kicked, and screamed about that, no?
i think you are having trouble understanding context. The Germans were in power. The Jews were the minority.

Yeah, well I read in Berlin the capital of Germany, the majority of professionals were Jews.
What does that have to do with my point that the Jews were not the majority?

I don't support extermination of Jews.

I do however support boycotts of Jews, and also barring Jews from positions of power.

It's kind of a no, duh thing.

I don't know why America tolerates so much of it's academia, media, film industry,, lawyers, and CEO's to be of Liberal leaning, downright traitorous Jews in so many cases.
I came across this letter some years ago, and it wouldn't really surprise me, Protestants tend to be far more pro-Jewish than Catholics.

Christians aren't pro-Jewish, because Jews are Antichrist. Zionists aren't Christians; they're just damned idiots playing Christian. But, Zionism is popular in Protestant churches. Young denominations and non-denominational churches don't have long history that the Catholic Church has, so these young churches incorporate modern fads, including Zionism, into their core beliefs.

Many Catholics, being ignorant are often infected with Zionism, but the Catholic Church itself isn't Zionist.
Zionism infects both protestant and catholic churches. It's unfair to say it is solely a catholic thing, in fact inaccurate. But in my experience, catholics are much more Zionist than protestants, such as Independent Baptists.

bigoted jew hating loser say what?
What did I say that was hateful?

let's start with the words "Zionism infects", lowlife, jew-hating loser.

Zionism is going to bring the Antichrist into the Temple on the Mount according to biblical prophecy. Why would I have a favorable view of Zionism knowing that?

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