Black lives matter to boycott white owned businesses for black christmas

Does no one see the contradiction?

Blacks must be self sufficient, but should not assist other blacks in becoming so....
Some complain about Black Americans on welfare (ignoring others on the dole), an idea is suggested to promote black businesses, and that is attacked also. Deranged.

I will keep my pharmacist, produce store, supermarket, and other black owned businesses as they are the best in town.
So racism is okay with you? We understand.
Dont start whining now.
Racism is perfectly fine. Most people will think of their own kind and their way of life as better than the other. Wanting to rule over the other is the problem. It creates people like you.
How is only shopping at Black owned stores racism?
Calling for people to ONLY shop at black stores is racism. Goddamn but you are dumb as shit.
How so? Just proclaiming its racism doesnt work. Prove your point. I'm assuming you know what racism is right?
Some complain about Black Americans on welfare (ignoring others on the dole), an idea is suggested to promote black businesses, and that is attacked also. Deranged.

I will keep my pharmacist, produce store, supermarket, and other black owned businesses as they are the best in town.
So racism is okay with you? We understand.
Dont start whining now.
Racism is perfectly fine. Most people will think of their own kind and their way of life as better than the other. Wanting to rule over the other is the problem. It creates people like you.
How is only shopping at Black owned stores racism?
Calling for people to ONLY shop at black stores is racism. Goddamn but you are dumb as shit.
But is it an oppressive form of racism? I'd say no. Blacks have been in the dumps for awhile now. And there have been concerted efforts to keep them down in the past. You cannot blame blacks for feeling the way they feel, historically they have been stepped on.

If they wish to self segregate, God bless them. They are not even meant to be in the west, they evolved to being in the jungles and desert plains.
Some complain about Black Americans on welfare (ignoring others on the dole), an idea is suggested to promote black businesses, and that is attacked also. Deranged.

I will keep my pharmacist, produce store, supermarket, and other black owned businesses as they are the best in town.
So racism is okay with you? We understand.
Dont start whining now.
Racism is perfectly fine. Most people will think of their own kind and their way of life as better than the other. Wanting to rule over the other is the problem. It creates people like you.
How is only shopping at Black owned stores racism?

So, telling blacks to not patronize white business is not racist? Palease.
How is it racist? Please explain to the board what makes it racist?
Some complain about Black Americans on welfare (ignoring others on the dole), an idea is suggested to promote black businesses, and that is attacked also. Deranged.

I will keep my pharmacist, produce store, supermarket, and other black owned businesses as they are the best in town.
So racism is okay with you? We understand.
Dont start whining now.
Racism is perfectly fine. Most people will think of their own kind and their way of life as better than the other. Wanting to rule over the other is the problem. It creates people like you.
How is only shopping at Black owned stores racism?

So, telling blacks to not patronize white business is not racist? Palease.

Was Asclepias appointed Emperor? A preference was expressed(,)
So racism is okay with you? We understand.
Dont start whining now.
Racism is perfectly fine. Most people will think of their own kind and their way of life as better than the other. Wanting to rule over the other is the problem. It creates people like you.
How is only shopping at Black owned stores racism?

So, telling blacks to not patronize white business is not racist? Palease.
How is it racist? Please explain to the board what makes it racist?
It is racist by the accepted definition to only patronize black businesses simply because they are black owned. That is almost supremacist and definitely is seperatist driven. Which us okay with me. You'll get no whining for racial unity from me.
Dont start whining now.
Racism is perfectly fine. Most people will think of their own kind and their way of life as better than the other. Wanting to rule over the other is the problem. It creates people like you.
How is only shopping at Black owned stores racism?

So, telling blacks to not patronize white business is not racist? Palease.
How is it racist? Please explain to the board what makes it racist?
It is racist by the accepted definition to only patronize black businesses simply because they are black owned. That is almost supremacist and definitely is seperatist driven. Which us okay with me. You'll get no whining for racial unity from me.
If patronizing Black businesses is racist then so is patronizing white businesses.
The violent leftist organization Black Lives Matter has launched an initiative to boycott white-owned businesses during the holidays in an attempt to resist “White capitalism.”..........................

Black Lives Matter To Boycott White Owned Businesses For ‘Black Christmas’

Well isn't this special Soros must be paying them to disrupt Christmas no doubt they are stepping in while ANTIFA lies low for a few months. Now it's their turn fkn assholes!!

And any store that kneels down to these pos anti american losers you deserve everything you have coming to you and you are also part of the pussy nation and don't belong in America if you are going to cower down to this bs.

I have no issue with this...they don't own enough businesses to make a dent or promote their causes. It's hilarious they think we need their money. We would be better off shipping 90% of them back to Africa.

They are victims of :

The methodology is known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and we can all be grateful to David Horowitz and his Discover the Networks for originally exposing and explaining it to us. He describes it as:

The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.
Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven were two lifelong members of Democratic Socialists of America who taught sociology at Columbia University (Piven later went on to City University of New York). In a May 1966 Nation magazine article titled "The Weight of the Poor," they outlined their strategy, proposing to use grassroots radical organizations to push ever more strident demands for public services at all levels of government.

The result, they predicted, would be "a profound financial and political crisis" that would unleash "powerful forces ... for major economic reform at the national level."

They implemented the strategy by creating a succession of radical organizations, most notable among them the Association of Community

Read more: Articles: Cloward-Piven Government
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Racism is perfectly fine. Most people will think of their own kind and their way of life as better than the other. Wanting to rule over the other is the problem. It creates people like you.
How is only shopping at Black owned stores racism?

So, telling blacks to not patronize white business is not racist? Palease.
How is it racist? Please explain to the board what makes it racist?
It is racist by the accepted definition to only patronize black businesses simply because they are black owned. That is almost supremacist and definitely is seperatist driven. Which us okay with me. You'll get no whining for racial unity from me.
If patronizing Black businesses is racist then so is patronizing white businesses.
If the sole reason is because the ownership or stakeholders are're correct. Racism is a joke word anyway.
Fuck 'em, who cares? Fuckers are typically shitty tippers and nitpick everything.
All you whites whining about it care. If you didnt you would have never made a comment about it being racism.

I don't care. I know here there is talk about not hosting Essence & the Bayou Classic in the future.
Of course you care. If you didnt you wouldnt be whining about it being racist.

This is a free country, people are free to be as racist as they want.
How is only shopping at Black owned stores racism?

So, telling blacks to not patronize white business is not racist? Palease.
How is it racist? Please explain to the board what makes it racist?
It is racist by the accepted definition to only patronize black businesses simply because they are black owned. That is almost supremacist and definitely is seperatist driven. Which us okay with me. You'll get no whining for racial unity from me.
If patronizing Black businesses is racist then so is patronizing white businesses.
If the sole reason is because the ownership or stakeholders are're correct. Racism is a joke word anyway.
Its only a joke when selectively applied. Racism is a system (ism) based on race. Blacks as a group cant practice racism. If we deny any white people the ability to buy Black owned toilet paper they can just get it from a white toilet paper maker.
Fuck 'em, who cares? Fuckers are typically shitty tippers and nitpick everything.
All you whites whining about it care. If you didnt you would have never made a comment about it being racism.

I don't care. I know here there is talk about not hosting Essence & the Bayou Classic in the future.
Of course you care. If you didnt you wouldnt be whining about it being racist.

This is a free country, people are free to be as racist as they want.
True but you still havent explained to the board how its racist.
Yeah because white people don't steal. I use to work in retail and I can't tell how many busted ass white people have come in stealing. When it comes to shoplifting, its equal opportunity for all races.
I knew these two girls, one white and one Black that would rob stores blind. The Black girl would go in first and walk around while the blonde would go in a minute later and walk out with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. Both were in the military.
Turn them in then.
Why? They were robbing white owned stores not Black ones.
Because theft is theft. If you had a moral compass, you'd understand that. If I see or hear about someone thriving from any establishment, I'd turn them in. My sympathy for the inner-city black business owners is the same for any business owner. Ungrateful punks stealing from people who worked hard to open a business makes me angry.
I could give a shit about white owned businesses. My moral compass is different from yours. Had the stores been owned by people of color I would have stopped the women before they got started. I just got a kick out of the irony of situation. See what happens when you are a racist and follow the Black person around in a store?
Apparently the racist is at least half right... That black person is helping the white person rob him blind.
So, telling blacks to not patronize white business is not racist? Palease.
How is it racist? Please explain to the board what makes it racist?
It is racist by the accepted definition to only patronize black businesses simply because they are black owned. That is almost supremacist and definitely is seperatist driven. Which us okay with me. You'll get no whining for racial unity from me.
If patronizing Black businesses is racist then so is patronizing white businesses.
If the sole reason is because the ownership or stakeholders are're correct. Racism is a joke word anyway.
Its only a joke when selectively applied. Racism is a system (ism) based on race. Blacks as a group cant practice racism. If we deny any white people the ability to buy Black owned toilet paper they can just get it from a white toilet paper maker.
"Racism" is not a system, it is a way of thinking. You can have a system based on racism, but a system of racism is founded upon the reality of racist thought prior to becoming a system. So the true definition of racism is still a belief that your race is superior to others.
I am just going to patronize white business and that is the end of it. Each person can choose!

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