"Black lives matter"


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011

I'm seeing this one floating around from the Left now.

What a steaming pile of insulting bullshit.

If black lives matter to the Left, why aren't they screaming about the dozens of murders blacks every fucking month in major cities? Why aren't they screaming about black children having to grow up without a father? Why aren't they screaming for moms to be given vouchers to send their kids out of the hood for a good education?

Black lives matter to these people only when they can be leveraged for political gain, period.

Blacks have been victimized twice in this country's history, and here is the manifestation. I think they're deciding that's not good enough. Good for them.

Of course there is a germ of reality in the quoted slogan. Clearly, the representatives of Law Enforcement (at every level) don't get as excited when a Young Black Man is killed in the street as they do when a young white man meets the same fate. Witnessing so much crime by and against "Blacks," inner-city police simply become accustomed to the carnage - usually the result of criminal activity by other blacks - and, shall we say, don't worry about it. The fact (or rumor) that Michael Brown's dead body remained in the street for four hours feeds into this perception by the "Black" community that their lives just don't matter to Law Enforcement.

But as pointed out endlessly in this forum, it would he helpful if Black Folks got as exercised about BLACKS killing other BLACKS as they do about the relatively microscopic number of BLACKS who die at the hands of police. It would also be helpful if the aforesaid community gave some recognition to the fact that in essentially all such cases, we have Blacks doing something that is either illegal or eminently questionable, then reacting BADLY to the reasonable requests of police in the course of apprehension. "They" take great pains to say that Young Black Men are cautioned by their parental units to behave reasonably when accosted by police, and maybe "they" do in most cases, but when "they" don't, it sometimes works out badly.
They dont seem to matter to blacks, they are responsible for most of black murders.
Put in terms ANYONE can understand... the black community needs a COMPLETE OVERHAUL, of which begins with the BLACKS THEMSELVES, and part of that overhaul should NOT include MORE HANDOUTS and CODDLING.
The general population pretty much knows the score and are getting tired of the bullshit from the ghetto,and it's starting to show.
The race card is no longer holds any weight because of over use.
We have a black president yet race relations have worsened because blacks now know that just because the prez has the same color skin as you,doesnt mean your lot in life will improve.
The general population pretty much knows the score and are getting tired of the bullshit from the ghetto,and it's starting to show.
The race card is no longer holds any weight because of over use.
We have a black president yet race relations have worsened because blacks now know that just because the prez has the same color skin as you,doesnt mean your lot in life will improve.
There is the problem.

Blacks are frustrated that Obama has done nothing for them.

Nobody that does not own stocks is getting much benefit from Obama's Presidency.

He is a fraud, a trickster, a sham and a shame.

But, black can't say that, they have too much emotional investment in "their black President".
There is little that a President can do to make people stop having illegitimate children, or pay attention in school, or stop doing drugs, or stop killing each other. These are personal decisions, made day after day and perpetuating 90% of "Blacks'" problems in our society. The other 10%, granted, is he result of private and institutionalized racism.

But his AG lends credence to the "It's not our FAULT!" crowd when he makes inflammatory comments and threats, and feeds the perception that, for example, the grand juries in St Louis and New York didn't do their jobs. It's pretty fucking bad when the chief law enforcement official in the country says, in effect, that the law enforcement system is screwing people of black African ancestry.
Blacks are frustrated that Obama has done nothing for them.

Maybe the African American community is frustrated because they realized the Democrats are taking their votes for granted ... And sent them to the back of the bus again (or is willing to throw them under the bus) to make way for the Hispanic vote.

Sorry for thinking the real problem here is police brutality when you think it's speaking out against it. Our bad.
Seems like every white poster on this thread is an ignorant moron. I think the fact we dont report back to you on our issues really gets your panties in a bunch. All I can say is stop whining. Your thoughts dont matter because you are irrelevant.
We apologize for that whole asserting our basic humanity thing. That's gotta be really annoying for you.
There is little that a President can do to make people stop having illegitimate children, or pay attention in school, or stop doing drugs, or stop killing each other. These are personal decisions, made day after day and perpetuating 90% of "Blacks'" problems in our society. The other 10%, granted, is he result of private and institutionalized racism.

But his AG lends credence to the "It's not our FAULT!" crowd when he makes inflammatory comments and threats, and feeds the perception that, for example, the grand juries in St Louis and New York didn't do their jobs. It's pretty fucking bad when the chief law enforcement official in the country says, in effect, that the law enforcement system is screwing people of black African ancestry.
Why can't he stop welfare that subsidizes out of wedlock children no matter what race, simply by Executive Order?
There is little that a President can do to make people stop having illegitimate children, or pay attention in school, or stop doing drugs, or stop killing each other. These are personal decisions, made day after day and perpetuating 90% of "Blacks'" problems in our society. The other 10%, granted, is he result of private and institutionalized racism.

But his AG lends credence to the "It's not our FAULT!" crowd when he makes inflammatory comments and threats, and feeds the perception that, for example, the grand juries in St Louis and New York didn't do their jobs. It's pretty fucking bad when the chief law enforcement official in the country says, in effect, that the law enforcement system is screwing people of black African ancestry.
Why can't he stop welfare that subsidizes out of wedlock children no matter what race, simply by Executive Order?
Children would go hungry?
Seems like every white poster on this thread is an ignorant moron. I think the fact we dont report back to you on our issues really gets your panties in a bunch. All I can say is stop whining. Your thoughts dont matter because you are irrelevant.

If we are irrelevant ... Then so is your comment.

I am not willing to sign on with all the ideas presented ... The same way you are not willing to address them. No harm ... No foul, and the guessing game goes on.

There is little that a President can do to make people stop having illegitimate children, or pay attention in school, or stop doing drugs, or stop killing each other. These are personal decisions, made day after day and perpetuating 90% of "Blacks'" problems in our society. The other 10%, granted, is he result of private and institutionalized racism.

But his AG lends credence to the "It's not our FAULT!" crowd when he makes inflammatory comments and threats, and feeds the perception that, for example, the grand juries in St Louis and New York didn't do their jobs. It's pretty fucking bad when the chief law enforcement official in the country says, in effect, that the law enforcement system is screwing people of black African ancestry.
Why can't he stop welfare that subsidizes out of wedlock children no matter what race, simply by Executive Order?
Children would go hungry?
Might lose some weight too.

Children go hungry in Africa, not here.

I would be interested in your thoughts on how to stop black on black crime, but I know you don't want to report back to another whitey.
Seems like every white poster on this thread is an ignorant moron. I think the fact we dont report back to you on our issues really gets your panties in a bunch. All I can say is stop whining. Your thoughts dont matter because you are irrelevant.

If we are irrelevant ... Then so is your comment.

I am not willing to sign on with all the ideas presented ... The same way you are not willing to address them. No harm ... No foul, and the guessing game goes on.

You just made my comment relevant by responding to it. That proves my assertion that certain white people are butt hurt over the fact we dont air our dirty laundry for you to see. You evidently have no idea all the things going on in Black communities. Your lack of knowledge and subsequent whining is what makes you irrelevant. Before shooting off your mouth investigate by going into Black communities.
There is little that a President can do to make people stop having illegitimate children, or pay attention in school, or stop doing drugs, or stop killing each other. These are personal decisions, made day after day and perpetuating 90% of "Blacks'" problems in our society. The other 10%, granted, is he result of private and institutionalized racism.

But his AG lends credence to the "It's not our FAULT!" crowd when he makes inflammatory comments and threats, and feeds the perception that, for example, the grand juries in St Louis and New York didn't do their jobs. It's pretty fucking bad when the chief law enforcement official in the country says, in effect, that the law enforcement system is screwing people of black African ancestry.
Why can't he stop welfare that subsidizes out of wedlock children no matter what race, simply by Executive Order?
Children would go hungry?
Might lose some weight too.

Children go hungry in Africa, not here.

I would be interested in your thoughts on how to stop black on black crime, but I know you don't want to report back to another whitey.

The same way to stop white on white crime.
All live's should matter. It's too bad people don't feel the same about innocent babies/potential American citizens being FLUSHED down drains with Abortions

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