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Black Lives Matter!

Actually it has but I wouldnt expect you to know this. You are a dumb convict after all.
We know, if it's good enough for Al Sharpton, it's good enough for you.

Now, tell us of the great jungle bunny civilizations Sharpton told you about.:)

Name the one great white society that didn't eventually fall. In fact China has just passed the USA and in 10 years they will have passed us in every way economically.

Plus there were actually some great black societies just like there were great Inca and Greek and Egyptian societies. What happened to all of them? War, plagues, diseases, famines due to climate change. Same shit happening to us now. You call this greedy ignorant white society great? How long have we been in charge? A blink of an eye in the history of the world and we're destroying the planet.
Egyptians were Black. This has been observed by ancient Greeks and also other Europeans throughout the centuries.

I agree. I'm telling you, I'm not against you. What is going on in Detroit and other black cities just has to stop. Stop arguing it and lets see if we can come up with some ideas on what to do.

1. IUD's are a great start. I bet most of these women are having accidents or unplanned pregnancies. If we gave them an effective easy birth control method and covered it on their insurance so it was free, they'd use it. Republicans hate birth control for some reason. Almost as if they like it that poor people have more kids because then it just cheapens the labor pool and ultimately lowers wages. They need workers and it keeps the poor poor. How you gonna save anything if you're raising kids?

2. A mass promotional initiative/push or whatever you want to call it announcing this initiative. This should be coming from black community leaders not white people so blacks don't get offended and call it racism. Tell them, "no arguing and no excuses". Despite all the racism that has been perpetrated on them, that's no excuse. Stop speaking eubonics only. If you want to talk like that with friends fine but insist your kids can speak English too. If you can't raise a good kid, see number 1. IUD's.

3. Teach your citizens how to act with cops. Like MLK was passive. Cops today aren't beating MLK blacks. They're beating Malcomb X brothers. Stop being militant with the cops. You should want tough cops too fighting crime in your neighborhood. If they are fucking with you, what does that say about you? Stop defending people who won't put their hands up when told or freeze when told. I would expect a major beating and to be arrested if I ran from the cops or a resisting arrest if I don't do what I am told. Those are our/your cops. They are not the enemy. Yes they need to be cleaned up and trained and cameras. I/We aren't arguing with you about the problems on our side. We're talking about the black community.

I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites in the entire school. I know black kids don't get an equal education. So stop having 4 kids you can't afford if you live in these places. Take your IUD, save $ and move to a better neighborhood. And don't bring crime with you, which is happening in Metro Detroit.

4. Start voting more. If black people really care and want to matter, show up and vote every 2 years. This goes for poor whites too.

5. Start calling the cops on criminals in your neighborhood. I don't know of any murderers in my neighborhood. Many of your young black men know who the criminals are. Teach them snitches aren't bitches. They have anonymous tip lines you can call. Maybe the cops won't do anything right away but they'll put that person on a list. My buddy is crazy and he's been mentioned 47 times in police reports. Don't think they don't keep track nowadays with computers. They do.

Every day on the news we hear about violent crime in Detroit. Maybe 1 murder/death/kill in my home town in the last 10 years. White people don't have an epidemic. Black people do. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.

And I suspect none of what I'm saying will be done. Black people will protest maybe riot, this will die down and go away, in 2 years black people who protested won't show up to vote and the birth rates and crime will continue to be bad in the hoods of America and it will continue to be ignored. Why? Victim mentality and defensive.

Jackie Robinson didn't give up because he wasn't being treated fair. Take a page out of his book.

1. You have got to be kidding me? IUD's. You must be smoking crack dude. You cant control how many children people have. Thats out of the picture from the start. No one is going accept that no matter who it comes from nor should they.

2. There is no such thing as Black leaders. They were all killed off back in the 60's. Black people think for themselves.

3. MLK got a lot people beat being passive. I dont subscribe to his methods at all. They only work to bring shame upon the US. The US policy has evolved to counter this passive method by empowering cops to do virtually anything they want to as long as they deemed it necessary. I can be passive all day but if a cop says I was being aggressive then I lose. Black kids are always given the talk on how to interact with cops. If you are not Black you wouldnt know this.

4. I agree with this statement

5. Black people do call cops and report criminals. The problem is that lots of times the cops are working with the criminals. This is another fact you as a white person doesnt seem to understand. Those shows about dirty cops helping drug dealers are not wild conjecture. This is a very real phenomenon that I have witnessed myself.

My feelings cant be hurt because what you are saying doesn't really affect me. Everyday on the news you hear about whites killing someone as well. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. You dont know what you are talking about as you are outside looking in. I, on the other hand, have lived and experienced these conditions.
Actually it has but I wouldnt expect you to know this. You are a dumb convict after all.
We know, if it's good enough for Al Sharpton, it's good enough for you.

Now, tell us of the great jungle bunny civilizations Sharpton told you about.:)

Name the one great white society that didn't eventually fall. In fact China has just passed the USA and in 10 years they will have passed us in every way economically.

Plus there were actually some great black societies just like there were great Inca and Greek and Egyptian societies. What happened to all of them? War, plagues, diseases, famines due to climate change. Same shit happening to us now. You call this greedy ignorant white society great? How long have we been in charge? A blink of an eye in the history of the world and we're destroying the planet.
That's rather befuddling. Can you name any society that didn't ultimately collapse
Actually it has but I wouldnt expect you to know this. You are a dumb convict after all.
We know, if it's good enough for Al Sharpton, it's good enough for you.

Now, tell us of the great jungle bunny civilizations Sharpton told you about.:)

Name the one great white society that didn't eventually fall. In fact China has just passed the USA and in 10 years they will have passed us in every way economically.

Plus there were actually some great black societies just like there were great Inca and Greek and Egyptian societies. What happened to all of them? War, plagues, diseases, famines due to climate change. Same shit happening to us now. You call this greedy ignorant white society great? How long have we been in charge? A blink of an eye in the history of the world and we're destroying the planet.
Egyptians were Black. This has been observed by ancient Greeks and also other Europeans throughout the centuries.
Not all dark-skinned people are black. Why were the Nubian depicted and described as blacks in contrast to the Egyptians?

I like the ones about blacks sailing the Atlantic to discover America. Be proud of your heritage, proud enough not to co-opt the heritage of others.

And really, I don't want to argue about that stuff. I just want to wake up one day and hear there were zero murder death kills in Detroit.

What I hear Mike Duggan (white guy who has to come in and save Detroit because there wasn't even one good black person for the job out of 750,000 residents) is doing is cleaning up one neighborhood at a time. Basically pushing all the crime into one corner of the city. This is a great idea. Detroit is HUGE. No major city is crime free but we need to make it so 75% of it is nice instead of now where only 25% of it is nice.
Youre living proof there are more white convicts than Black ones.

Black men were more than six times as likely as white men to be incarcerated in federal and state prisons, and local jails in 2010

That is an increase from 1960, when black men were five times as likely as whites to be incarcerated.

You guys are going backwards.

In 2010, the incarceration rate for white men under local, state and federal jurisdiction was 678 inmates per 100,000 white U.S. residents; for black men, it was 4,347 for every 100,000.

Wake up fool.
The rate of incarceration has been proven to be the result of racism. Whites still vastly outnumber Blacks as convicts. You need to wake up fool.

I remember in college a black friend of mine from the all black inner city was shocked that in America blacks only made up 10% of the population. I'm counting Asian, Mexican, Russians, Jews, Greeks even Arabs as being "white" of course. Maybe it is because there are so many more of us your fact is true. Still doesn't change the fact that 90% of our crime is coming from 10% of our population.

Last night I told my dad about this conversation and how you guys would call him a racist for saying blacks are incapable of governing themselves. Not one good African nation that is all black, not one good city that is all black. We refer to these cities as ghettos or hoods. The comptons, watts and of course Detroit.

I said, "so are you saying blacks are inferior or all blacks are bad?" and he said OF COURSE NOT. The fact is, even most black people hate this problem and probably admit it in private. You're just being defensive.

I already told you, I agree about the racism stuff and how things aren't equal yet. In fact instead of moving towards equality it seems like us poor and middle class whites are starting to be treated more like poor blacks. I told you I am with you when it comes to fighting injustices.

But that said, you black people need to fix what is wrong with your society. If liberals like me and my dad are agreeing with conservatives about you blacks, that should tell you something. No it doesn't mean all whites are racists. Like I said before, everyone has prejudices in them. No one is perfect. It isn't I'm a racist and you have zero racism in you. You're kidding yourself if you think you are perfect on this and whites are not. I think more you are embarrassed or ashamed to admit and you think admitting it will mean you are wrong about all the other stuff. You are not wrong. But ADMIT IT that something has to change in the hood. Less baby daddies. Your culture is raising too many THUGS. Illiterate thugs too who can't speak. How are they going to be taken seriously by a cop or an employer.

Why won't CVS, Meijer, Target or Walmart open up a store in Detroit? Are they racist?

This has to stop. One suggestion is encouraging more young black women to put IUD's in them. Rubbers and pills are not as effective. And when they want to have a child, just take the thing out. Look into it. Not just young black women who aren't ready to start a family but all young women should be using these if they are having sex. You want us to fix our society too? IUD's!!!
The fact that you and your dad agree with conservatives only tells me what I have said about you all along. You are a racist. You keep saying you agree there has been racism but in the next breath you turn around and say that there are no good African nations that are all Black. Thats pretty idiotic to be truthful because you cant name one good European country that's all white either. There are plenty of African nations that are good and are predominantly Black Africans This is despite the racist polices practiced by the US and other European countries in Africa that you claim you are aware of. Your assertion that this is not true makes you either incredibly ignorant or a racist. Which one do you feel you fit in?

I don't think I said that stuff wasn't true. I'm saying, put all that stuff aside and start controlling what you can control. I don't want to get off subject on all the great predominantly black societies. Of course I think that would be a short list. In fact you didn't even name one. Why? And do you know why no African nations are all that great? Their governments are very corrupt. Much like Kwami in Detroit or Nagen in Louisiana or Marion Berry in DC. And black people re elected these guys after knowing they were corrupt.

"there has been racism & there are no good African nations that are all Black" have nothing to do with each other.

Germany or England or Switzerland are 3 great countries.
If you didnt say it wasnt true then why are you saying there are no good African countries? You are confusing yourself and really showing your lack of knowledge regarding history. A google search would list you some pretty easily. Why would I need to name one? You already are of the opinion that there are none so if you choose to be ignorant thats your problem. Germany, England, and Switzerland all have Black people there.
Actually it has but I wouldnt expect you to know this. You are a dumb convict after all.
We know, if it's good enough for Al Sharpton, it's good enough for you.

Now, tell us of the great jungle bunny civilizations Sharpton told you about.:)

Name the one great white society that didn't eventually fall. In fact China has just passed the USA and in 10 years they will have passed us in every way economically.

Plus there were actually some great black societies just like there were great Inca and Greek and Egyptian societies. What happened to all of them? War, plagues, diseases, famines due to climate change. Same shit happening to us now. You call this greedy ignorant white society great? How long have we been in charge? A blink of an eye in the history of the world and we're destroying the planet.
Egyptians were Black. This has been observed by ancient Greeks and also other Europeans throughout the centuries.

I agree. I'm telling you, I'm not against you. What is going on in Detroit and other black cities just has to stop. Stop arguing it and lets see if we can come up with some ideas on what to do.

1. IUD's are a great start. I bet most of these women are having accidents or unplanned pregnancies. If we gave them an effective easy birth control method and covered it on their insurance so it was free, they'd use it. Republicans hate birth control for some reason. Almost as if they like it that poor people have more kids because then it just cheapens the labor pool and ultimately lowers wages. They need workers and it keeps the poor poor. How you gonna save anything if you're raising kids?

2. A mass promotional initiative/push or whatever you want to call it announcing this initiative. This should be coming from black community leaders not white people so blacks don't get offended and call it racism. Tell them, "no arguing and no excuses". Despite all the racism that has been perpetrated on them, that's no excuse. Stop speaking eubonics only. If you want to talk like that with friends fine but insist your kids can speak English too. If you can't raise a good kid, see number 1. IUD's.

3. Teach your citizens how to act with cops. Like MLK was passive. Cops today aren't beating MLK blacks. They're beating Malcomb X brothers. Stop being militant with the cops. You should want tough cops too fighting crime in your neighborhood. If they are fucking with you, what does that say about you? Stop defending people who won't put their hands up when told or freeze when told. I would expect a major beating and to be arrested if I ran from the cops or a resisting arrest if I don't do what I am told. Those are our/your cops. They are not the enemy. Yes they need to be cleaned up and trained and cameras. I/We aren't arguing with you about the problems on our side. We're talking about the black community.

I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites in the entire school. I know black kids don't get an equal education. So stop having 4 kids you can't afford if you live in these places. Take your IUD, save $ and move to a better neighborhood. And don't bring crime with you, which is happening in Metro Detroit.

4. Start voting more. If black people really care and want to matter, show up and vote every 2 years. This goes for poor whites too.

5. Start calling the cops on criminals in your neighborhood. I don't know of any murderers in my neighborhood. Many of your young black men know who the criminals are. Teach them snitches aren't bitches. They have anonymous tip lines you can call. Maybe the cops won't do anything right away but they'll put that person on a list. My buddy is crazy and he's been mentioned 47 times in police reports. Don't think they don't keep track nowadays with computers. They do.

Every day on the news we hear about violent crime in Detroit. Maybe 1 murder/death/kill in my home town in the last 10 years. White people don't have an epidemic. Black people do. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.

And I suspect none of what I'm saying will be done. Black people will protest maybe riot, this will die down and go away, in 2 years black people who protested won't show up to vote and the birth rates and crime will continue to be bad in the hoods of America and it will continue to be ignored. Why? Victim mentality and defensive.

Jackie Robinson didn't give up because he wasn't being treated fair. Take a page out of his book.

1. You have got to be kidding me? IUD's. You must be smoking crack dude. You cant control how many children people have. Thats out of the picture from the start. No one is going accept that no matter who it comes from nor should they.

2. There is no such thing as Black leaders. They were all killed off back in the 60's. Black people think for themselves.

3. MLK got a lot people beat being passive. I dont subscribe to his methods at all. They only work to bring shame upon the US. The US policy has evolved to counter this passive method by empowering cops to do virtually anything they want to as long as they deemed it necessary. I can be passive all day but if a cop says I was being aggressive then I lose. Black kids are always given the talk on how to interact with cops. If you are not Black you wouldnt know this.

4. I agree with this statement

5. Black people do call cops and report criminals. The problem is that lots of times the cops are working with the criminals. This is another fact you as a white person doesnt seem to understand. Those shows about dirty cops helping drug dealers are not wild conjecture. This is a very real phenomenon that I have witnessed myself.

My feelings cant be hurt because what you are saying doesn't really affect me. Everyday on the news you hear about whites killing someone as well. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. You dont know what you are talking about as you are outside looking in. I, on the other hand, have lived and experienced these conditions.

1. You mean you are against encouraging birth control? This is what the GOP wants. Remember we wanted to cover birth control in Obamacare and they don't? What is wrong with encouraging IUD's which are more effective than rubbers and pills?

2. If black kids are given the talk, why do they argue and resist arrest? Did that mom tell her kid in Cleveland not to play with a toy gun that doesn't have a red barrel?

3. I lived in the hood up until 4th grade. My grandmother stayed until she died 5 years ago age 90. 10 years ago a young black male mugged her. You should have seen the bruises.

4. Malcomb said MLK was naïve too and his way blacks become customers to whites. Malcomb said you should start your own companies and I agree. Why won't anyone open a major store in Detroit? 750,000 customers. Why?

Just saying!!!!
Black men were more than six times as likely as white men to be incarcerated in federal and state prisons, and local jails in 2010

That is an increase from 1960, when black men were five times as likely as whites to be incarcerated.

You guys are going backwards.

In 2010, the incarceration rate for white men under local, state and federal jurisdiction was 678 inmates per 100,000 white U.S. residents; for black men, it was 4,347 for every 100,000.

Wake up fool.
The rate of incarceration has been proven to be the result of racism. Whites still vastly outnumber Blacks as convicts. You need to wake up fool.

I remember in college a black friend of mine from the all black inner city was shocked that in America blacks only made up 10% of the population. I'm counting Asian, Mexican, Russians, Jews, Greeks even Arabs as being "white" of course. Maybe it is because there are so many more of us your fact is true. Still doesn't change the fact that 90% of our crime is coming from 10% of our population.

Last night I told my dad about this conversation and how you guys would call him a racist for saying blacks are incapable of governing themselves. Not one good African nation that is all black, not one good city that is all black. We refer to these cities as ghettos or hoods. The comptons, watts and of course Detroit.

I said, "so are you saying blacks are inferior or all blacks are bad?" and he said OF COURSE NOT. The fact is, even most black people hate this problem and probably admit it in private. You're just being defensive.

I already told you, I agree about the racism stuff and how things aren't equal yet. In fact instead of moving towards equality it seems like us poor and middle class whites are starting to be treated more like poor blacks. I told you I am with you when it comes to fighting injustices.

But that said, you black people need to fix what is wrong with your society. If liberals like me and my dad are agreeing with conservatives about you blacks, that should tell you something. No it doesn't mean all whites are racists. Like I said before, everyone has prejudices in them. No one is perfect. It isn't I'm a racist and you have zero racism in you. You're kidding yourself if you think you are perfect on this and whites are not. I think more you are embarrassed or ashamed to admit and you think admitting it will mean you are wrong about all the other stuff. You are not wrong. But ADMIT IT that something has to change in the hood. Less baby daddies. Your culture is raising too many THUGS. Illiterate thugs too who can't speak. How are they going to be taken seriously by a cop or an employer.

Why won't CVS, Meijer, Target or Walmart open up a store in Detroit? Are they racist?

This has to stop. One suggestion is encouraging more young black women to put IUD's in them. Rubbers and pills are not as effective. And when they want to have a child, just take the thing out. Look into it. Not just young black women who aren't ready to start a family but all young women should be using these if they are having sex. You want us to fix our society too? IUD's!!!
The fact that you and your dad agree with conservatives only tells me what I have said about you all along. You are a racist. You keep saying you agree there has been racism but in the next breath you turn around and say that there are no good African nations that are all Black. Thats pretty idiotic to be truthful because you cant name one good European country that's all white either. There are plenty of African nations that are good and are predominantly Black Africans This is despite the racist polices practiced by the US and other European countries in Africa that you claim you are aware of. Your assertion that this is not true makes you either incredibly ignorant or a racist. Which one do you feel you fit in?

I don't think I said that stuff wasn't true. I'm saying, put all that stuff aside and start controlling what you can control. I don't want to get off subject on all the great predominantly black societies. Of course I think that would be a short list. In fact you didn't even name one. Why? And do you know why no African nations are all that great? Their governments are very corrupt. Much like Kwami in Detroit or Nagen in Louisiana or Marion Berry in DC. And black people re elected these guys after knowing they were corrupt.

"there has been racism & there are no good African nations that are all Black" have nothing to do with each other.

Germany or England or Switzerland are 3 great countries.
If you didnt say it wasnt true then why are you saying there are no good African countries? You are confusing yourself and really showing your lack of knowledge regarding history. A google search would list you some pretty easily. Why would I need to name one? You already are of the opinion that there are none so if you choose to be ignorant thats your problem. Germany, England, and Switzerland all have Black people there.

Yea, we all remember how they treated Oprah in Switzerland. I bet not one black in the Swiss government. Do you know what kind of blacks live in Switzerland? Tina Turner lives there.
We know, if it's good enough for Al Sharpton, it's good enough for you.

Now, tell us of the great jungle bunny civilizations Sharpton told you about.:)

Name the one great white society that didn't eventually fall. In fact China has just passed the USA and in 10 years they will have passed us in every way economically.

Plus there were actually some great black societies just like there were great Inca and Greek and Egyptian societies. What happened to all of them? War, plagues, diseases, famines due to climate change. Same shit happening to us now. You call this greedy ignorant white society great? How long have we been in charge? A blink of an eye in the history of the world and we're destroying the planet.
Egyptians were Black. This has been observed by ancient Greeks and also other Europeans throughout the centuries.

I agree. I'm telling you, I'm not against you. What is going on in Detroit and other black cities just has to stop. Stop arguing it and lets see if we can come up with some ideas on what to do.

1. IUD's are a great start. I bet most of these women are having accidents or unplanned pregnancies. If we gave them an effective easy birth control method and covered it on their insurance so it was free, they'd use it. Republicans hate birth control for some reason. Almost as if they like it that poor people have more kids because then it just cheapens the labor pool and ultimately lowers wages. They need workers and it keeps the poor poor. How you gonna save anything if you're raising kids?

2. A mass promotional initiative/push or whatever you want to call it announcing this initiative. This should be coming from black community leaders not white people so blacks don't get offended and call it racism. Tell them, "no arguing and no excuses". Despite all the racism that has been perpetrated on them, that's no excuse. Stop speaking eubonics only. If you want to talk like that with friends fine but insist your kids can speak English too. If you can't raise a good kid, see number 1. IUD's.

3. Teach your citizens how to act with cops. Like MLK was passive. Cops today aren't beating MLK blacks. They're beating Malcomb X brothers. Stop being militant with the cops. You should want tough cops too fighting crime in your neighborhood. If they are fucking with you, what does that say about you? Stop defending people who won't put their hands up when told or freeze when told. I would expect a major beating and to be arrested if I ran from the cops or a resisting arrest if I don't do what I am told. Those are our/your cops. They are not the enemy. Yes they need to be cleaned up and trained and cameras. I/We aren't arguing with you about the problems on our side. We're talking about the black community.

I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites in the entire school. I know black kids don't get an equal education. So stop having 4 kids you can't afford if you live in these places. Take your IUD, save $ and move to a better neighborhood. And don't bring crime with you, which is happening in Metro Detroit.

4. Start voting more. If black people really care and want to matter, show up and vote every 2 years. This goes for poor whites too.

5. Start calling the cops on criminals in your neighborhood. I don't know of any murderers in my neighborhood. Many of your young black men know who the criminals are. Teach them snitches aren't bitches. They have anonymous tip lines you can call. Maybe the cops won't do anything right away but they'll put that person on a list. My buddy is crazy and he's been mentioned 47 times in police reports. Don't think they don't keep track nowadays with computers. They do.

Every day on the news we hear about violent crime in Detroit. Maybe 1 murder/death/kill in my home town in the last 10 years. White people don't have an epidemic. Black people do. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.

And I suspect none of what I'm saying will be done. Black people will protest maybe riot, this will die down and go away, in 2 years black people who protested won't show up to vote and the birth rates and crime will continue to be bad in the hoods of America and it will continue to be ignored. Why? Victim mentality and defensive.

Jackie Robinson didn't give up because he wasn't being treated fair. Take a page out of his book.

1. You have got to be kidding me? IUD's. You must be smoking crack dude. You cant control how many children people have. Thats out of the picture from the start. No one is going accept that no matter who it comes from nor should they.

2. There is no such thing as Black leaders. They were all killed off back in the 60's. Black people think for themselves.

3. MLK got a lot people beat being passive. I dont subscribe to his methods at all. They only work to bring shame upon the US. The US policy has evolved to counter this passive method by empowering cops to do virtually anything they want to as long as they deemed it necessary. I can be passive all day but if a cop says I was being aggressive then I lose. Black kids are always given the talk on how to interact with cops. If you are not Black you wouldnt know this.

4. I agree with this statement

5. Black people do call cops and report criminals. The problem is that lots of times the cops are working with the criminals. This is another fact you as a white person doesnt seem to understand. Those shows about dirty cops helping drug dealers are not wild conjecture. This is a very real phenomenon that I have witnessed myself.

My feelings cant be hurt because what you are saying doesn't really affect me. Everyday on the news you hear about whites killing someone as well. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. You dont know what you are talking about as you are outside looking in. I, on the other hand, have lived and experienced these conditions.

1. You mean you are against encouraging birth control? This is what the GOP wants. Remember we wanted to cover birth control in Obamacare and they don't? What is wrong with encouraging IUD's which are more effective than rubbers and pills?

2. If black kids are given the talk, why do they argue and resist arrest? Did that mom tell her kid in Cleveland not to play with a toy gun that doesn't have a red barrel?

3. I lived in the hood up until 4th grade. My grandmother stayed until she died 5 years ago age 90. 10 years ago a young black male mugged her. You should have seen the bruises.

4. Malcomb said MLK was naïve too and his way blacks become customers to whites. Malcomb said you should start your own companies and I agree. Why won't anyone open a major store in Detroit? 750,000 customers. Why?

1. Encouraging birth control is different from telling people they should get UID's "no arguments" "no excuses". The very idea is ignorant and retarded beyond belief.

2. Because Black men are not passive by nature. When they see an injustice they tend to fight it instead of being meek and docile like you want them to be.

3. I dont care if you lived in the hood until 4th grade. That doesnt mean much. I lived there my entire life. You brain wasnt even close to being fully formed in the 4th grade so spare me. I dont know what your grandmother being mugged has to do with this. Sounds like a personal issue you have.

4. You evidently dont have any business experience in addition to your ignorance regarding race in general. Dont try to broach subjects you are lacking knowledge in. Get educated and then ask me the same question.
The rate of incarceration has been proven to be the result of racism. Whites still vastly outnumber Blacks as convicts. You need to wake up fool.

I remember in college a black friend of mine from the all black inner city was shocked that in America blacks only made up 10% of the population. I'm counting Asian, Mexican, Russians, Jews, Greeks even Arabs as being "white" of course. Maybe it is because there are so many more of us your fact is true. Still doesn't change the fact that 90% of our crime is coming from 10% of our population.

Last night I told my dad about this conversation and how you guys would call him a racist for saying blacks are incapable of governing themselves. Not one good African nation that is all black, not one good city that is all black. We refer to these cities as ghettos or hoods. The comptons, watts and of course Detroit.

I said, "so are you saying blacks are inferior or all blacks are bad?" and he said OF COURSE NOT. The fact is, even most black people hate this problem and probably admit it in private. You're just being defensive.

I already told you, I agree about the racism stuff and how things aren't equal yet. In fact instead of moving towards equality it seems like us poor and middle class whites are starting to be treated more like poor blacks. I told you I am with you when it comes to fighting injustices.

But that said, you black people need to fix what is wrong with your society. If liberals like me and my dad are agreeing with conservatives about you blacks, that should tell you something. No it doesn't mean all whites are racists. Like I said before, everyone has prejudices in them. No one is perfect. It isn't I'm a racist and you have zero racism in you. You're kidding yourself if you think you are perfect on this and whites are not. I think more you are embarrassed or ashamed to admit and you think admitting it will mean you are wrong about all the other stuff. You are not wrong. But ADMIT IT that something has to change in the hood. Less baby daddies. Your culture is raising too many THUGS. Illiterate thugs too who can't speak. How are they going to be taken seriously by a cop or an employer.

Why won't CVS, Meijer, Target or Walmart open up a store in Detroit? Are they racist?

This has to stop. One suggestion is encouraging more young black women to put IUD's in them. Rubbers and pills are not as effective. And when they want to have a child, just take the thing out. Look into it. Not just young black women who aren't ready to start a family but all young women should be using these if they are having sex. You want us to fix our society too? IUD's!!!
The fact that you and your dad agree with conservatives only tells me what I have said about you all along. You are a racist. You keep saying you agree there has been racism but in the next breath you turn around and say that there are no good African nations that are all Black. Thats pretty idiotic to be truthful because you cant name one good European country that's all white either. There are plenty of African nations that are good and are predominantly Black Africans This is despite the racist polices practiced by the US and other European countries in Africa that you claim you are aware of. Your assertion that this is not true makes you either incredibly ignorant or a racist. Which one do you feel you fit in?

I don't think I said that stuff wasn't true. I'm saying, put all that stuff aside and start controlling what you can control. I don't want to get off subject on all the great predominantly black societies. Of course I think that would be a short list. In fact you didn't even name one. Why? And do you know why no African nations are all that great? Their governments are very corrupt. Much like Kwami in Detroit or Nagen in Louisiana or Marion Berry in DC. And black people re elected these guys after knowing they were corrupt.

"there has been racism & there are no good African nations that are all Black" have nothing to do with each other.

Germany or England or Switzerland are 3 great countries.
If you didnt say it wasnt true then why are you saying there are no good African countries? You are confusing yourself and really showing your lack of knowledge regarding history. A google search would list you some pretty easily. Why would I need to name one? You already are of the opinion that there are none so if you choose to be ignorant thats your problem. Germany, England, and Switzerland all have Black people there.

Yea, we all remember how they treated Oprah in Switzerland. I bet not one black in the Swiss government. Do you know what kind of blacks live in Switzerland? Tina Turner lives there.
I dont see how that has anything to do with your post. Are you trying to set stricter parameters or are you embarrassed that I pointed out there were Blacks living there?
Black men were more than six times as likely as white men to be incarcerated in federal and state prisons, and local jails in 2010

That is an increase from 1960, when black men were five times as likely as whites to be incarcerated.

You guys are going backwards.

In 2010, the incarceration rate for white men under local, state and federal jurisdiction was 678 inmates per 100,000 white U.S. residents; for black men, it was 4,347 for every 100,000.

Wake up fool.
The rate of incarceration has been proven to be the result of racism. Whites still vastly outnumber Blacks as convicts. You need to wake up fool.

I remember in college a black friend of mine from the all black inner city was shocked that in America blacks only made up 10% of the population. I'm counting Asian, Mexican, Russians, Jews, Greeks even Arabs as being "white" of course. Maybe it is because there are so many more of us your fact is true. Still doesn't change the fact that 90% of our crime is coming from 10% of our population.

Last night I told my dad about this conversation and how you guys would call him a racist for saying blacks are incapable of governing themselves. Not one good African nation that is all black, not one good city that is all black. We refer to these cities as ghettos or hoods. The comptons, watts and of course Detroit.

I said, "so are you saying blacks are inferior or all blacks are bad?" and he said OF COURSE NOT. The fact is, even most black people hate this problem and probably admit it in private. You're just being defensive.

I already told you, I agree about the racism stuff and how things aren't equal yet. In fact instead of moving towards equality it seems like us poor and middle class whites are starting to be treated more like poor blacks. I told you I am with you when it comes to fighting injustices.

But that said, you black people need to fix what is wrong with your society. If liberals like me and my dad are agreeing with conservatives about you blacks, that should tell you something. No it doesn't mean all whites are racists. Like I said before, everyone has prejudices in them. No one is perfect. It isn't I'm a racist and you have zero racism in you. You're kidding yourself if you think you are perfect on this and whites are not. I think more you are embarrassed or ashamed to admit and you think admitting it will mean you are wrong about all the other stuff. You are not wrong. But ADMIT IT that something has to change in the hood. Less baby daddies. Your culture is raising too many THUGS. Illiterate thugs too who can't speak. How are they going to be taken seriously by a cop or an employer.

Why won't CVS, Meijer, Target or Walmart open up a store in Detroit? Are they racist?

This has to stop. One suggestion is encouraging more young black women to put IUD's in them. Rubbers and pills are not as effective. And when they want to have a child, just take the thing out. Look into it. Not just young black women who aren't ready to start a family but all young women should be using these if they are having sex. You want us to fix our society too? IUD's!!!
The fact that you and your dad agree with conservatives only tells me what I have said about you all along. You are a racist. You keep saying you agree there has been racism but in the next breath you turn around and say that there are no good African nations that are all Black. Thats pretty idiotic to be truthful because you cant name one good European country that's all white either. There are plenty of African nations that are good and are predominantly Black Africans This is despite the racist polices practiced by the US and other European countries in Africa that you claim you are aware of. Your assertion that this is not true makes you either incredibly ignorant or a racist. Which one do you feel you fit in?

I don't think I said that stuff wasn't true. I'm saying, put all that stuff aside and start controlling what you can control. I don't want to get off subject on all the great predominantly black societies. Of course I think that would be a short list. In fact you didn't even name one. Why? And do you know why no African nations are all that great? Their governments are very corrupt. Much like Kwami in Detroit or Nagen in Louisiana or Marion Berry in DC. And black people re elected these guys after knowing they were corrupt.

"there has been racism & there are no good African nations that are all Black" have nothing to do with each other.

Germany or England or Switzerland are 3 great countries.
If you didnt say it wasnt true then why are you saying there are no good African countries? You are confusing yourself and really showing your lack of knowledge regarding history. A google search would list you some pretty easily. Why would I need to name one? You already are of the opinion that there are none so if you choose to be ignorant thats your problem. Germany, England, and Switzerland all have Black people there.

It didn't take me digging and thinking much to change my mind and agree with you. There are some great African nations and most of their problems probably have to do with being ruled/corrupted by England/whites. Anyways, no doubt if the roles were reversed black people would have done the same thing . We just thought of it first. I would love to see a movie where white racists wake up one day and the roles are reverse.

However, like the native American Indians were savages before we colonized America, if it weren't for England, Africans would still be throwing spears butt naked. lol Sorry we took you over but you weren't doing anything with the land. Don't get me wrong if it were up to me mid America would still be buffalo and Indians and Africa would still be mud huts and Elephants.
The rate of incarceration has been proven to be the result of racism. Whites still vastly outnumber Blacks as convicts. You need to wake up fool.

I remember in college a black friend of mine from the all black inner city was shocked that in America blacks only made up 10% of the population. I'm counting Asian, Mexican, Russians, Jews, Greeks even Arabs as being "white" of course. Maybe it is because there are so many more of us your fact is true. Still doesn't change the fact that 90% of our crime is coming from 10% of our population.

Last night I told my dad about this conversation and how you guys would call him a racist for saying blacks are incapable of governing themselves. Not one good African nation that is all black, not one good city that is all black. We refer to these cities as ghettos or hoods. The comptons, watts and of course Detroit.

I said, "so are you saying blacks are inferior or all blacks are bad?" and he said OF COURSE NOT. The fact is, even most black people hate this problem and probably admit it in private. You're just being defensive.

I already told you, I agree about the racism stuff and how things aren't equal yet. In fact instead of moving towards equality it seems like us poor and middle class whites are starting to be treated more like poor blacks. I told you I am with you when it comes to fighting injustices.

But that said, you black people need to fix what is wrong with your society. If liberals like me and my dad are agreeing with conservatives about you blacks, that should tell you something. No it doesn't mean all whites are racists. Like I said before, everyone has prejudices in them. No one is perfect. It isn't I'm a racist and you have zero racism in you. You're kidding yourself if you think you are perfect on this and whites are not. I think more you are embarrassed or ashamed to admit and you think admitting it will mean you are wrong about all the other stuff. You are not wrong. But ADMIT IT that something has to change in the hood. Less baby daddies. Your culture is raising too many THUGS. Illiterate thugs too who can't speak. How are they going to be taken seriously by a cop or an employer.

Why won't CVS, Meijer, Target or Walmart open up a store in Detroit? Are they racist?

This has to stop. One suggestion is encouraging more young black women to put IUD's in them. Rubbers and pills are not as effective. And when they want to have a child, just take the thing out. Look into it. Not just young black women who aren't ready to start a family but all young women should be using these if they are having sex. You want us to fix our society too? IUD's!!!
The fact that you and your dad agree with conservatives only tells me what I have said about you all along. You are a racist. You keep saying you agree there has been racism but in the next breath you turn around and say that there are no good African nations that are all Black. Thats pretty idiotic to be truthful because you cant name one good European country that's all white either. There are plenty of African nations that are good and are predominantly Black Africans This is despite the racist polices practiced by the US and other European countries in Africa that you claim you are aware of. Your assertion that this is not true makes you either incredibly ignorant or a racist. Which one do you feel you fit in?

I don't think I said that stuff wasn't true. I'm saying, put all that stuff aside and start controlling what you can control. I don't want to get off subject on all the great predominantly black societies. Of course I think that would be a short list. In fact you didn't even name one. Why? And do you know why no African nations are all that great? Their governments are very corrupt. Much like Kwami in Detroit or Nagen in Louisiana or Marion Berry in DC. And black people re elected these guys after knowing they were corrupt.

"there has been racism & there are no good African nations that are all Black" have nothing to do with each other.

Germany or England or Switzerland are 3 great countries.
If you didnt say it wasnt true then why are you saying there are no good African countries? You are confusing yourself and really showing your lack of knowledge regarding history. A google search would list you some pretty easily. Why would I need to name one? You already are of the opinion that there are none so if you choose to be ignorant thats your problem. Germany, England, and Switzerland all have Black people there.

It didn't take me digging and thinking much to change my mind and agree with you. There are some great African nations and most of their problems probably have to do with being ruled/corrupted by England/whites. Anyways, no doubt if the roles were reversed black people would have done the same thing . We just thought of it first. I would love to see a movie where white racists wake up one day and the roles are reverse.

However, like the native American Indians were savages before we colonized America, if it weren't for England, Africans would still be throwing spears butt naked. lol Sorry we took you over but you weren't doing anything with the land. Don't get me wrong if it were up to me mid America would still be buffalo and Indians and Africa would still be mud huts and Elephants.

Why would you say no doubt if the roles were reversed that Blacks would have done the same thing? That is patently false as every interaction Blacks have had with Europe has made Europe more educated. The Moors ruled Europe for centuries and brought whites out of the dark ages. Black civilizations in Africa were world wide centers of scholarship were lots of Europeans studied all the way up to the slave trade.

NA's werent savages. The colonists were the savages. You forget that England was a overcrowded cess pool and thats why they sent their prisoners and the like to other continents. You dont have to be sorry. We know that it was only done because whites live for violence and exploitation. Thats what I mean about savagery. You whites only claim to fame is violence. The fact you think that is a virtue confirms my belief in the inherent feral tendencies you display. :laugh:
Name the one great white society that didn't eventually fall. In fact China has just passed the USA and in 10 years they will have passed us in every way economically.

Plus there were actually some great black societies just like there were great Inca and Greek and Egyptian societies. What happened to all of them? War, plagues, diseases, famines due to climate change. Same shit happening to us now. You call this greedy ignorant white society great? How long have we been in charge? A blink of an eye in the history of the world and we're destroying the planet.
Egyptians were Black. This has been observed by ancient Greeks and also other Europeans throughout the centuries.

I agree. I'm telling you, I'm not against you. What is going on in Detroit and other black cities just has to stop. Stop arguing it and lets see if we can come up with some ideas on what to do.

1. IUD's are a great start. I bet most of these women are having accidents or unplanned pregnancies. If we gave them an effective easy birth control method and covered it on their insurance so it was free, they'd use it. Republicans hate birth control for some reason. Almost as if they like it that poor people have more kids because then it just cheapens the labor pool and ultimately lowers wages. They need workers and it keeps the poor poor. How you gonna save anything if you're raising kids?

2. A mass promotional initiative/push or whatever you want to call it announcing this initiative. This should be coming from black community leaders not white people so blacks don't get offended and call it racism. Tell them, "no arguing and no excuses". Despite all the racism that has been perpetrated on them, that's no excuse. Stop speaking eubonics only. If you want to talk like that with friends fine but insist your kids can speak English too. If you can't raise a good kid, see number 1. IUD's.

3. Teach your citizens how to act with cops. Like MLK was passive. Cops today aren't beating MLK blacks. They're beating Malcomb X brothers. Stop being militant with the cops. You should want tough cops too fighting crime in your neighborhood. If they are fucking with you, what does that say about you? Stop defending people who won't put their hands up when told or freeze when told. I would expect a major beating and to be arrested if I ran from the cops or a resisting arrest if I don't do what I am told. Those are our/your cops. They are not the enemy. Yes they need to be cleaned up and trained and cameras. I/We aren't arguing with you about the problems on our side. We're talking about the black community.

I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites in the entire school. I know black kids don't get an equal education. So stop having 4 kids you can't afford if you live in these places. Take your IUD, save $ and move to a better neighborhood. And don't bring crime with you, which is happening in Metro Detroit.

4. Start voting more. If black people really care and want to matter, show up and vote every 2 years. This goes for poor whites too.

5. Start calling the cops on criminals in your neighborhood. I don't know of any murderers in my neighborhood. Many of your young black men know who the criminals are. Teach them snitches aren't bitches. They have anonymous tip lines you can call. Maybe the cops won't do anything right away but they'll put that person on a list. My buddy is crazy and he's been mentioned 47 times in police reports. Don't think they don't keep track nowadays with computers. They do.

Every day on the news we hear about violent crime in Detroit. Maybe 1 murder/death/kill in my home town in the last 10 years. White people don't have an epidemic. Black people do. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.

And I suspect none of what I'm saying will be done. Black people will protest maybe riot, this will die down and go away, in 2 years black people who protested won't show up to vote and the birth rates and crime will continue to be bad in the hoods of America and it will continue to be ignored. Why? Victim mentality and defensive.

Jackie Robinson didn't give up because he wasn't being treated fair. Take a page out of his book.

1. You have got to be kidding me? IUD's. You must be smoking crack dude. You cant control how many children people have. Thats out of the picture from the start. No one is going accept that no matter who it comes from nor should they.

2. There is no such thing as Black leaders. They were all killed off back in the 60's. Black people think for themselves.

3. MLK got a lot people beat being passive. I dont subscribe to his methods at all. They only work to bring shame upon the US. The US policy has evolved to counter this passive method by empowering cops to do virtually anything they want to as long as they deemed it necessary. I can be passive all day but if a cop says I was being aggressive then I lose. Black kids are always given the talk on how to interact with cops. If you are not Black you wouldnt know this.

4. I agree with this statement

5. Black people do call cops and report criminals. The problem is that lots of times the cops are working with the criminals. This is another fact you as a white person doesnt seem to understand. Those shows about dirty cops helping drug dealers are not wild conjecture. This is a very real phenomenon that I have witnessed myself.

My feelings cant be hurt because what you are saying doesn't really affect me. Everyday on the news you hear about whites killing someone as well. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. You dont know what you are talking about as you are outside looking in. I, on the other hand, have lived and experienced these conditions.

1. You mean you are against encouraging birth control? This is what the GOP wants. Remember we wanted to cover birth control in Obamacare and they don't? What is wrong with encouraging IUD's which are more effective than rubbers and pills?

2. If black kids are given the talk, why do they argue and resist arrest? Did that mom tell her kid in Cleveland not to play with a toy gun that doesn't have a red barrel?

3. I lived in the hood up until 4th grade. My grandmother stayed until she died 5 years ago age 90. 10 years ago a young black male mugged her. You should have seen the bruises.

4. Malcomb said MLK was naïve too and his way blacks become customers to whites. Malcomb said you should start your own companies and I agree. Why won't anyone open a major store in Detroit? 750,000 customers. Why?

1. Encouraging birth control is different from telling people they should get UID's "no arguments" "no excuses". The very idea is ignorant and retarded beyond belief.

2. Because Black men are not passive by nature. When they see an injustice they tend to fight it instead of being meek and docile like you want them to be.

3. I dont care if you lived in the hood until 4th grade. That doesnt mean much. I lived there my entire life. You brain wasnt even close to being fully formed in the 4th grade so spare me. I dont know what your grandmother being mugged has to do with this. Sounds like a personal issue you have.

4. You evidently dont have any business experience in addition to your ignorance regarding race in general. Dont try to broach subjects you are lacking knowledge in. Get educated and then ask me the same question.

1. No ones saying you MUST wear an IUD UNLESS you are on welfare
2. I'm not passive by nature either. My parents taught me how to act in front of authority.
3. My story explains that I had to go back to the hood up until I was 37 yrs old. From the time we left to 5 years ago the place got worse not better. Is it ever going to get better?
4. I'll tell you why Walmart won't open a store in the hood. Crime. There is money in the hood but it aint worth it. Do you know who has the balls to open businesses in the hood? Foreigners who don't know any better. Whites won't hell not even black Americans will.
Egyptians were Black. This has been observed by ancient Greeks and also other Europeans throughout the centuries.

I agree. I'm telling you, I'm not against you. What is going on in Detroit and other black cities just has to stop. Stop arguing it and lets see if we can come up with some ideas on what to do.

1. IUD's are a great start. I bet most of these women are having accidents or unplanned pregnancies. If we gave them an effective easy birth control method and covered it on their insurance so it was free, they'd use it. Republicans hate birth control for some reason. Almost as if they like it that poor people have more kids because then it just cheapens the labor pool and ultimately lowers wages. They need workers and it keeps the poor poor. How you gonna save anything if you're raising kids?

2. A mass promotional initiative/push or whatever you want to call it announcing this initiative. This should be coming from black community leaders not white people so blacks don't get offended and call it racism. Tell them, "no arguing and no excuses". Despite all the racism that has been perpetrated on them, that's no excuse. Stop speaking eubonics only. If you want to talk like that with friends fine but insist your kids can speak English too. If you can't raise a good kid, see number 1. IUD's.

3. Teach your citizens how to act with cops. Like MLK was passive. Cops today aren't beating MLK blacks. They're beating Malcomb X brothers. Stop being militant with the cops. You should want tough cops too fighting crime in your neighborhood. If they are fucking with you, what does that say about you? Stop defending people who won't put their hands up when told or freeze when told. I would expect a major beating and to be arrested if I ran from the cops or a resisting arrest if I don't do what I am told. Those are our/your cops. They are not the enemy. Yes they need to be cleaned up and trained and cameras. I/We aren't arguing with you about the problems on our side. We're talking about the black community.

I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites in the entire school. I know black kids don't get an equal education. So stop having 4 kids you can't afford if you live in these places. Take your IUD, save $ and move to a better neighborhood. And don't bring crime with you, which is happening in Metro Detroit.

4. Start voting more. If black people really care and want to matter, show up and vote every 2 years. This goes for poor whites too.

5. Start calling the cops on criminals in your neighborhood. I don't know of any murderers in my neighborhood. Many of your young black men know who the criminals are. Teach them snitches aren't bitches. They have anonymous tip lines you can call. Maybe the cops won't do anything right away but they'll put that person on a list. My buddy is crazy and he's been mentioned 47 times in police reports. Don't think they don't keep track nowadays with computers. They do.

Every day on the news we hear about violent crime in Detroit. Maybe 1 murder/death/kill in my home town in the last 10 years. White people don't have an epidemic. Black people do. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.

And I suspect none of what I'm saying will be done. Black people will protest maybe riot, this will die down and go away, in 2 years black people who protested won't show up to vote and the birth rates and crime will continue to be bad in the hoods of America and it will continue to be ignored. Why? Victim mentality and defensive.

Jackie Robinson didn't give up because he wasn't being treated fair. Take a page out of his book.

1. You have got to be kidding me? IUD's. You must be smoking crack dude. You cant control how many children people have. Thats out of the picture from the start. No one is going accept that no matter who it comes from nor should they.

2. There is no such thing as Black leaders. They were all killed off back in the 60's. Black people think for themselves.

3. MLK got a lot people beat being passive. I dont subscribe to his methods at all. They only work to bring shame upon the US. The US policy has evolved to counter this passive method by empowering cops to do virtually anything they want to as long as they deemed it necessary. I can be passive all day but if a cop says I was being aggressive then I lose. Black kids are always given the talk on how to interact with cops. If you are not Black you wouldnt know this.

4. I agree with this statement

5. Black people do call cops and report criminals. The problem is that lots of times the cops are working with the criminals. This is another fact you as a white person doesnt seem to understand. Those shows about dirty cops helping drug dealers are not wild conjecture. This is a very real phenomenon that I have witnessed myself.

My feelings cant be hurt because what you are saying doesn't really affect me. Everyday on the news you hear about whites killing someone as well. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. You dont know what you are talking about as you are outside looking in. I, on the other hand, have lived and experienced these conditions.

1. You mean you are against encouraging birth control? This is what the GOP wants. Remember we wanted to cover birth control in Obamacare and they don't? What is wrong with encouraging IUD's which are more effective than rubbers and pills?

2. If black kids are given the talk, why do they argue and resist arrest? Did that mom tell her kid in Cleveland not to play with a toy gun that doesn't have a red barrel?

3. I lived in the hood up until 4th grade. My grandmother stayed until she died 5 years ago age 90. 10 years ago a young black male mugged her. You should have seen the bruises.

4. Malcomb said MLK was naïve too and his way blacks become customers to whites. Malcomb said you should start your own companies and I agree. Why won't anyone open a major store in Detroit? 750,000 customers. Why?

1. Encouraging birth control is different from telling people they should get UID's "no arguments" "no excuses". The very idea is ignorant and retarded beyond belief.

2. Because Black men are not passive by nature. When they see an injustice they tend to fight it instead of being meek and docile like you want them to be.

3. I dont care if you lived in the hood until 4th grade. That doesnt mean much. I lived there my entire life. You brain wasnt even close to being fully formed in the 4th grade so spare me. I dont know what your grandmother being mugged has to do with this. Sounds like a personal issue you have.

4. You evidently dont have any business experience in addition to your ignorance regarding race in general. Dont try to broach subjects you are lacking knowledge in. Get educated and then ask me the same question.

1. No ones saying you MUST wear an IUD UNLESS you are on welfare
2. I'm not passive by nature either. My parents taught me how to act in front of authority.
3. My story explains that I had to go back to the hood up until I was 37 yrs old. From the time we left to 5 years ago the place got worse not better. Is it ever going to get better?
4. I'll tell you why Walmart won't open a store in the hood. Crime. There is money in the hood but it aint worth it. Do you know who has the balls to open businesses in the hood? Foreigners who don't know any better. Whites won't hell not even black Americans will.
1. Too bad you dont get to implement your wishes.

2. Yes you are passive and timid if you allow people to treat you unjustly and just stand there and take it.

3. We werent talking about your story. We were talking about knowledge of the environment. If you didnt live there until you were an adult youre simply ignorant of the dynamics that work within the environment. Even if you did you are white so those dynamics would never affect you.

4. Walmart does hae stores in the hood. Like I said you obviously dont know anything about business so please stop trying to talk about things you have no knowledge of.
I remember in college a black friend of mine from the all black inner city was shocked that in America blacks only made up 10% of the population. I'm counting Asian, Mexican, Russians, Jews, Greeks even Arabs as being "white" of course. Maybe it is because there are so many more of us your fact is true. Still doesn't change the fact that 90% of our crime is coming from 10% of our population.

Last night I told my dad about this conversation and how you guys would call him a racist for saying blacks are incapable of governing themselves. Not one good African nation that is all black, not one good city that is all black. We refer to these cities as ghettos or hoods. The comptons, watts and of course Detroit.

I said, "so are you saying blacks are inferior or all blacks are bad?" and he said OF COURSE NOT. The fact is, even most black people hate this problem and probably admit it in private. You're just being defensive.

I already told you, I agree about the racism stuff and how things aren't equal yet. In fact instead of moving towards equality it seems like us poor and middle class whites are starting to be treated more like poor blacks. I told you I am with you when it comes to fighting injustices.

But that said, you black people need to fix what is wrong with your society. If liberals like me and my dad are agreeing with conservatives about you blacks, that should tell you something. No it doesn't mean all whites are racists. Like I said before, everyone has prejudices in them. No one is perfect. It isn't I'm a racist and you have zero racism in you. You're kidding yourself if you think you are perfect on this and whites are not. I think more you are embarrassed or ashamed to admit and you think admitting it will mean you are wrong about all the other stuff. You are not wrong. But ADMIT IT that something has to change in the hood. Less baby daddies. Your culture is raising too many THUGS. Illiterate thugs too who can't speak. How are they going to be taken seriously by a cop or an employer.

Why won't CVS, Meijer, Target or Walmart open up a store in Detroit? Are they racist?

This has to stop. One suggestion is encouraging more young black women to put IUD's in them. Rubbers and pills are not as effective. And when they want to have a child, just take the thing out. Look into it. Not just young black women who aren't ready to start a family but all young women should be using these if they are having sex. You want us to fix our society too? IUD's!!!
The fact that you and your dad agree with conservatives only tells me what I have said about you all along. You are a racist. You keep saying you agree there has been racism but in the next breath you turn around and say that there are no good African nations that are all Black. Thats pretty idiotic to be truthful because you cant name one good European country that's all white either. There are plenty of African nations that are good and are predominantly Black Africans This is despite the racist polices practiced by the US and other European countries in Africa that you claim you are aware of. Your assertion that this is not true makes you either incredibly ignorant or a racist. Which one do you feel you fit in?

I don't think I said that stuff wasn't true. I'm saying, put all that stuff aside and start controlling what you can control. I don't want to get off subject on all the great predominantly black societies. Of course I think that would be a short list. In fact you didn't even name one. Why? And do you know why no African nations are all that great? Their governments are very corrupt. Much like Kwami in Detroit or Nagen in Louisiana or Marion Berry in DC. And black people re elected these guys after knowing they were corrupt.

"there has been racism & there are no good African nations that are all Black" have nothing to do with each other.

Germany or England or Switzerland are 3 great countries.
If you didnt say it wasnt true then why are you saying there are no good African countries? You are confusing yourself and really showing your lack of knowledge regarding history. A google search would list you some pretty easily. Why would I need to name one? You already are of the opinion that there are none so if you choose to be ignorant thats your problem. Germany, England, and Switzerland all have Black people there.

It didn't take me digging and thinking much to change my mind and agree with you. There are some great African nations and most of their problems probably have to do with being ruled/corrupted by England/whites. Anyways, no doubt if the roles were reversed black people would have done the same thing . We just thought of it first. I would love to see a movie where white racists wake up one day and the roles are reverse.

However, like the native American Indians were savages before we colonized America, if it weren't for England, Africans would still be throwing spears butt naked. lol Sorry we took you over but you weren't doing anything with the land. Don't get me wrong if it were up to me mid America would still be buffalo and Indians and Africa would still be mud huts and Elephants.

Why would you say no doubt if the roles were reversed that Blacks would have done the same thing? That is patently false as every interaction Blacks have had with Europe has made Europe more educated. The Moors ruled Europe for centuries and brought whites out of the dark ages. Black civilizations in Africa were world wide centers of scholarship were lots of Europeans studied all the way up to the slave trade.

NA's werent savages. The colonists were the savages. You forget that England was a overcrowded cess pool and thats why they sent their prisoners and the like to other continents. You dont have to be sorry. We know that it was only done because whites live for violence and exploitation. Thats what I mean about savagery. You whites only claim to fame is violence. The fact you think that is a virtue confirms my belief in the inherent feral tendencies you display. :laugh:

I can't disagree. Told you I was a liberal and see your side of this.

Ok, another thought. You say blacks American inner cities, the high crime, too many kids having kids, illiteracy, high unemployment, etc. are a product of white society or our fault. I would never be able to completely disagree with you. But what are you guys going to do about it yourselves? Sounds like nothing.

Here is the dilima. I agree black society isn't completely responsibl for how they got where they are but at what point are you responsible for coming up with the solutions?

1. Less single mothers and dead beat dads.
2. Higher graduation rates
3. Less crime.
4. Less black men in prison

I know what we can do to help but what do you think black people can do. Assume we aren't going to change.
I agree. I'm telling you, I'm not against you. What is going on in Detroit and other black cities just has to stop. Stop arguing it and lets see if we can come up with some ideas on what to do.

1. IUD's are a great start. I bet most of these women are having accidents or unplanned pregnancies. If we gave them an effective easy birth control method and covered it on their insurance so it was free, they'd use it. Republicans hate birth control for some reason. Almost as if they like it that poor people have more kids because then it just cheapens the labor pool and ultimately lowers wages. They need workers and it keeps the poor poor. How you gonna save anything if you're raising kids?

2. A mass promotional initiative/push or whatever you want to call it announcing this initiative. This should be coming from black community leaders not white people so blacks don't get offended and call it racism. Tell them, "no arguing and no excuses". Despite all the racism that has been perpetrated on them, that's no excuse. Stop speaking eubonics only. If you want to talk like that with friends fine but insist your kids can speak English too. If you can't raise a good kid, see number 1. IUD's.

3. Teach your citizens how to act with cops. Like MLK was passive. Cops today aren't beating MLK blacks. They're beating Malcomb X brothers. Stop being militant with the cops. You should want tough cops too fighting crime in your neighborhood. If they are fucking with you, what does that say about you? Stop defending people who won't put their hands up when told or freeze when told. I would expect a major beating and to be arrested if I ran from the cops or a resisting arrest if I don't do what I am told. Those are our/your cops. They are not the enemy. Yes they need to be cleaned up and trained and cameras. I/We aren't arguing with you about the problems on our side. We're talking about the black community.

I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites in the entire school. I know black kids don't get an equal education. So stop having 4 kids you can't afford if you live in these places. Take your IUD, save $ and move to a better neighborhood. And don't bring crime with you, which is happening in Metro Detroit.

4. Start voting more. If black people really care and want to matter, show up and vote every 2 years. This goes for poor whites too.

5. Start calling the cops on criminals in your neighborhood. I don't know of any murderers in my neighborhood. Many of your young black men know who the criminals are. Teach them snitches aren't bitches. They have anonymous tip lines you can call. Maybe the cops won't do anything right away but they'll put that person on a list. My buddy is crazy and he's been mentioned 47 times in police reports. Don't think they don't keep track nowadays with computers. They do.

Every day on the news we hear about violent crime in Detroit. Maybe 1 murder/death/kill in my home town in the last 10 years. White people don't have an epidemic. Black people do. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.

And I suspect none of what I'm saying will be done. Black people will protest maybe riot, this will die down and go away, in 2 years black people who protested won't show up to vote and the birth rates and crime will continue to be bad in the hoods of America and it will continue to be ignored. Why? Victim mentality and defensive.

Jackie Robinson didn't give up because he wasn't being treated fair. Take a page out of his book.

1. You have got to be kidding me? IUD's. You must be smoking crack dude. You cant control how many children people have. Thats out of the picture from the start. No one is going accept that no matter who it comes from nor should they.

2. There is no such thing as Black leaders. They were all killed off back in the 60's. Black people think for themselves.

3. MLK got a lot people beat being passive. I dont subscribe to his methods at all. They only work to bring shame upon the US. The US policy has evolved to counter this passive method by empowering cops to do virtually anything they want to as long as they deemed it necessary. I can be passive all day but if a cop says I was being aggressive then I lose. Black kids are always given the talk on how to interact with cops. If you are not Black you wouldnt know this.

4. I agree with this statement

5. Black people do call cops and report criminals. The problem is that lots of times the cops are working with the criminals. This is another fact you as a white person doesnt seem to understand. Those shows about dirty cops helping drug dealers are not wild conjecture. This is a very real phenomenon that I have witnessed myself.

My feelings cant be hurt because what you are saying doesn't really affect me. Everyday on the news you hear about whites killing someone as well. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. You dont know what you are talking about as you are outside looking in. I, on the other hand, have lived and experienced these conditions.

1. You mean you are against encouraging birth control? This is what the GOP wants. Remember we wanted to cover birth control in Obamacare and they don't? What is wrong with encouraging IUD's which are more effective than rubbers and pills?

2. If black kids are given the talk, why do they argue and resist arrest? Did that mom tell her kid in Cleveland not to play with a toy gun that doesn't have a red barrel?

3. I lived in the hood up until 4th grade. My grandmother stayed until she died 5 years ago age 90. 10 years ago a young black male mugged her. You should have seen the bruises.

4. Malcomb said MLK was naïve too and his way blacks become customers to whites. Malcomb said you should start your own companies and I agree. Why won't anyone open a major store in Detroit? 750,000 customers. Why?

1. Encouraging birth control is different from telling people they should get UID's "no arguments" "no excuses". The very idea is ignorant and retarded beyond belief.

2. Because Black men are not passive by nature. When they see an injustice they tend to fight it instead of being meek and docile like you want them to be.

3. I dont care if you lived in the hood until 4th grade. That doesnt mean much. I lived there my entire life. You brain wasnt even close to being fully formed in the 4th grade so spare me. I dont know what your grandmother being mugged has to do with this. Sounds like a personal issue you have.

4. You evidently dont have any business experience in addition to your ignorance regarding race in general. Dont try to broach subjects you are lacking knowledge in. Get educated and then ask me the same question.

1. No ones saying you MUST wear an IUD UNLESS you are on welfare
2. I'm not passive by nature either. My parents taught me how to act in front of authority.
3. My story explains that I had to go back to the hood up until I was 37 yrs old. From the time we left to 5 years ago the place got worse not better. Is it ever going to get better?
4. I'll tell you why Walmart won't open a store in the hood. Crime. There is money in the hood but it aint worth it. Do you know who has the balls to open businesses in the hood? Foreigners who don't know any better. Whites won't hell not even black Americans will.
1. Too bad you dont get to implement your wishes.

2. Yes you are passive and timid if you allow people to treat you unjustly and just stand there and take it.

3. We werent talking about your story. We were talking about knowledge of the environment. If you didnt live there until you were an adult youre simply ignorant of the dynamics that work within the environment. Even if you did you are white so those dynamics would never affect you.

4. Walmart does hae stores in the hood. Like I said you obviously dont know anything about business so please stop trying to talk about things you have no knowledge of.

Not one in Detroit. Maybe my hood is worse than your hood.
The fact that you and your dad agree with conservatives only tells me what I have said about you all along. You are a racist. You keep saying you agree there has been racism but in the next breath you turn around and say that there are no good African nations that are all Black. Thats pretty idiotic to be truthful because you cant name one good European country that's all white either. There are plenty of African nations that are good and are predominantly Black Africans This is despite the racist polices practiced by the US and other European countries in Africa that you claim you are aware of. Your assertion that this is not true makes you either incredibly ignorant or a racist. Which one do you feel you fit in?

I don't think I said that stuff wasn't true. I'm saying, put all that stuff aside and start controlling what you can control. I don't want to get off subject on all the great predominantly black societies. Of course I think that would be a short list. In fact you didn't even name one. Why? And do you know why no African nations are all that great? Their governments are very corrupt. Much like Kwami in Detroit or Nagen in Louisiana or Marion Berry in DC. And black people re elected these guys after knowing they were corrupt.

"there has been racism & there are no good African nations that are all Black" have nothing to do with each other.

Germany or England or Switzerland are 3 great countries.
If you didnt say it wasnt true then why are you saying there are no good African countries? You are confusing yourself and really showing your lack of knowledge regarding history. A google search would list you some pretty easily. Why would I need to name one? You already are of the opinion that there are none so if you choose to be ignorant thats your problem. Germany, England, and Switzerland all have Black people there.

It didn't take me digging and thinking much to change my mind and agree with you. There are some great African nations and most of their problems probably have to do with being ruled/corrupted by England/whites. Anyways, no doubt if the roles were reversed black people would have done the same thing . We just thought of it first. I would love to see a movie where white racists wake up one day and the roles are reverse.

However, like the native American Indians were savages before we colonized America, if it weren't for England, Africans would still be throwing spears butt naked. lol Sorry we took you over but you weren't doing anything with the land. Don't get me wrong if it were up to me mid America would still be buffalo and Indians and Africa would still be mud huts and Elephants.

Why would you say no doubt if the roles were reversed that Blacks would have done the same thing? That is patently false as every interaction Blacks have had with Europe has made Europe more educated. The Moors ruled Europe for centuries and brought whites out of the dark ages. Black civilizations in Africa were world wide centers of scholarship were lots of Europeans studied all the way up to the slave trade.

NA's werent savages. The colonists were the savages. You forget that England was a overcrowded cess pool and thats why they sent their prisoners and the like to other continents. You dont have to be sorry. We know that it was only done because whites live for violence and exploitation. Thats what I mean about savagery. You whites only claim to fame is violence. The fact you think that is a virtue confirms my belief in the inherent feral tendencies you display. :laugh:

I can't disagree. Told you I was a liberal and see your side of this.

Ok, another thought. You say blacks American inner cities, the high crime, too many kids having kids, illiteracy, high unemployment, etc. are a product of white society or our fault. I would never be able to completely disagree with you. But what are you guys going to do about it yourselves? Sounds like nothing.

Here is the dilima. I agree black society isn't completely responsibl for how they got where they are but at what point are you responsible for coming up with the solutions?

1. Less single mothers and dead beat dads.
2. Higher graduation rates
3. Less crime.
4. Less black men in prison

I know what we can do to help but what do you think black people can do. Assume we aren't going to change.

it only seems like nothing because you aren't Black. There are plenty of Black people pushing on and teaching other Blacks to do the same. Just because we dont report to you doesn't mean its not happening.
1. You have got to be kidding me? IUD's. You must be smoking crack dude. You cant control how many children people have. Thats out of the picture from the start. No one is going accept that no matter who it comes from nor should they.

2. There is no such thing as Black leaders. They were all killed off back in the 60's. Black people think for themselves.

3. MLK got a lot people beat being passive. I dont subscribe to his methods at all. They only work to bring shame upon the US. The US policy has evolved to counter this passive method by empowering cops to do virtually anything they want to as long as they deemed it necessary. I can be passive all day but if a cop says I was being aggressive then I lose. Black kids are always given the talk on how to interact with cops. If you are not Black you wouldnt know this.

4. I agree with this statement

5. Black people do call cops and report criminals. The problem is that lots of times the cops are working with the criminals. This is another fact you as a white person doesnt seem to understand. Those shows about dirty cops helping drug dealers are not wild conjecture. This is a very real phenomenon that I have witnessed myself.

My feelings cant be hurt because what you are saying doesn't really affect me. Everyday on the news you hear about whites killing someone as well. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. You dont know what you are talking about as you are outside looking in. I, on the other hand, have lived and experienced these conditions.

1. You mean you are against encouraging birth control? This is what the GOP wants. Remember we wanted to cover birth control in Obamacare and they don't? What is wrong with encouraging IUD's which are more effective than rubbers and pills?

2. If black kids are given the talk, why do they argue and resist arrest? Did that mom tell her kid in Cleveland not to play with a toy gun that doesn't have a red barrel?

3. I lived in the hood up until 4th grade. My grandmother stayed until she died 5 years ago age 90. 10 years ago a young black male mugged her. You should have seen the bruises.

4. Malcomb said MLK was naïve too and his way blacks become customers to whites. Malcomb said you should start your own companies and I agree. Why won't anyone open a major store in Detroit? 750,000 customers. Why?

1. Encouraging birth control is different from telling people they should get UID's "no arguments" "no excuses". The very idea is ignorant and retarded beyond belief.

2. Because Black men are not passive by nature. When they see an injustice they tend to fight it instead of being meek and docile like you want them to be.

3. I dont care if you lived in the hood until 4th grade. That doesnt mean much. I lived there my entire life. You brain wasnt even close to being fully formed in the 4th grade so spare me. I dont know what your grandmother being mugged has to do with this. Sounds like a personal issue you have.

4. You evidently dont have any business experience in addition to your ignorance regarding race in general. Dont try to broach subjects you are lacking knowledge in. Get educated and then ask me the same question.

1. No ones saying you MUST wear an IUD UNLESS you are on welfare
2. I'm not passive by nature either. My parents taught me how to act in front of authority.
3. My story explains that I had to go back to the hood up until I was 37 yrs old. From the time we left to 5 years ago the place got worse not better. Is it ever going to get better?
4. I'll tell you why Walmart won't open a store in the hood. Crime. There is money in the hood but it aint worth it. Do you know who has the balls to open businesses in the hood? Foreigners who don't know any better. Whites won't hell not even black Americans will.
1. Too bad you dont get to implement your wishes.

2. Yes you are passive and timid if you allow people to treat you unjustly and just stand there and take it.

3. We werent talking about your story. We were talking about knowledge of the environment. If you didnt live there until you were an adult youre simply ignorant of the dynamics that work within the environment. Even if you did you are white so those dynamics would never affect you.

4. Walmart does hae stores in the hood. Like I said you obviously dont know anything about business so please stop trying to talk about things you have no knowledge of.

Not one in Detroit. Maybe my hood is worse than your hood.
Detroit isnt the only hood in the US. You need to expand your horizons.
It's hard to have less single mothers when everyone scoffs at unequal justice system as something to just get over. As if one doesn't have anything to do with another
Interesting. 85% of white homocides are at the hands of another White. So much for your theory.

But welcome to the club of racists who love to beat up on the black race cuz, well, ok, you can tell us why, shortbus.

Your reply is dissengenuous. I'm certain that white on white murder numbers not counting the rise in Eastern European immigrants who are mobbed up are very significantly lower in their population than the populations of blacks in America.

I have interaction with YBM's every day in North Seattle and they are about 99% disrespectfull of the other people THEY interact with and any property they happen to be passing through at any given moment.

The same area I work in the YWM's although usually in the same circumstance as the YBM's are far more respectfull of the people they come into contact with.

I know this because I am charged with protecting a large chunk of real estate and an ongoing business that serves hundreds of people in the neighborhood every day. In this effort I observe these YB&YW M's and F's and their actions up close and at a distance. When trying to prevent crimes it is smarter to attempt to see bad things coming than just wait for bad things to happen.

The idea that all people are the same and should be treated the same is a myth that crybabies such as yourself hide behind. They are NOT. Blacks are 3 or 4 times more likely to commit a violent crime than whites where I live from my own observations. There is good reason why blacks are and should be watched more closely. Their level of respect for others is far lower to non existant compared to most whites. This is an unconvenient truth you refuse to believe but is a fact of life which police must consider when working closely with them.

Certainly there are blacks with excellent character and living styles. Unfortunately far too many blacks percentage wise lack character and a moral compass. This is a fact. I do feel badly for black children being raised with such poor role models. It sucks for them. Your disregaurd for the truth in this societal situation does no one including the blacks any good. You are just repeating lies which fuel the media to blame the victims and those attempting to keep the situation from getting totally out of hand.
Interesting. 85% of white homocides are at the hands of another White. So much for your theory.

But welcome to the club of racists who love to beat up on the black race cuz, well, ok, you can tell us why, shortbus.

Your reply is dissengenuous. I'm certain that white on white murder numbers not counting the rise in Eastern European immigrants who are mobbed up are very significantly lower in their population than the populations of blacks in America.

I have interaction with YBM's every day in North Seattle and they are about 99% disrespectfull of the other people THEY interact with and any property they happen to be passing through at any given moment.

The same area I work in the YWM's although usually in the same circumstance as the YBM's are far more respectfull of the people they come into contact with.

I know this because I am charged with protecting a large chunk of real estate and an ongoing business that serves hundreds of people in the neighborhood every day. In this effort I observe these YB&YW M's and F's and their actions up close and at a distance. When trying to prevent crimes it is smarter to attempt to see bad things coming than just wait for bad things to happen.

The idea that all people are the same and should be treated the same is a myth that crybabies such as yourself hide behind. They are NOT. Blacks are 3 or 4 times more likely to commit a violent crime than whites where I live from my own observations. There is good reason why blacks are and should be watched more closely. Their level of respect for others is far lower to non existant compared to most whites. This is an unconvenient truth you refuse to believe but is a fact of life which police must consider when working closely with them.

Certainly there are blacks with excellent character and living styles. Unfortunately far too many blacks percentage wise lack character and a moral compass. This is a fact. I do feel badyl for black children being raised with such poor role models. It sucks for them. Your disregaurd for the truth in this societal situation does no one including the blacks any good. You are just repeating lies which fuel the media to blame the victims and those attempting to keep the situation from getting totally out of hand.
I forgot how retarded you are until I just read your post. What can you say to such ignorance other than get some help?

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