Black man claims group of assailants threatened to "get a noose"

I need to know why it happened. Context. The reporting is absolute shit. I'm embarrassed for anyone who doesn't question the news when it comes out in this fashion.
There is plenty of video and background from multiple sources. If you're pissed because you think the mob should have been allowed to murder that completely helpless person, then this country would be better off if that's what happened to you.
Story begins with “A black man says...” and that’s all that’s necessary.
Another fucking hoax by another segregationist racist.
I need to know why it happened. Context. The reporting is absolute shit. I'm embarrassed for anyone who doesn't question the news when it comes out in this fashion.
There is plenty of video and background from multiple sources. If you're pissed because you think the mob should have been allowed to murder that completely helpless person, then this country would be better off if that's what happened to you.
There is?
I need to know why it happened. Context. The reporting is absolute shit. I'm embarrassed for anyone who doesn't question the news when it comes out in this fashion.
There is plenty of video and background from multiple sources. If you're pissed because you think the mob should have been allowed to murder that completely helpless person, then this country would be better off if that's what happened to you.
Link me...
I'm running out of different ways to make the introductions for these stories
A Black man says a group of White men assaulted him and threatened to "get a noose" after claiming he and his friends had trespassed on private property as they gathered at an Indiana lake over the Fourth of July weekend to watch the lunar eclipse. The incident prompted dozens of people to protest in front of the Bloomington, Indiana courthouse Monday.
CBS Indianapolis affiliate WTTV reports a red car hit two demonstrators at the peaceful protest. The protesters were demanding that charges be filed in the lake incident.​
Organizers told the station the two wound up on the car's hood, then went flying off when the driver hit the accelerator and turned. The organizers said a female was taken to the hospital. Her condition was unknown.​
Vauhxx Booker, a local civil rights activist and member of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission, posted cellphone video on Facebook he says shows part of the altercation at the lake.​
He said he called 911 Saturday after the men assaulted him and pinned him to a tree at Lake Monroe, south of Booker's hometown of Bloomington.​
Law enforcement officers with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources responded and are investigating, said Capt. Jet Quillen. A final report will be forwarded to the Monroe County Prosecutor's Office, Quillen continued, providing no other details about what happened or whether any arrests have been made.​
Continued here:​

No. You're running out of ways to keep the racial divide wide. Ease up and go back to being an American first and everything else second to that.
So let me make sure I understand you correctly. Somehow something I've done made this group of racists threaten to lynch this young man? Are you able to articulate the process by which this occurred?

Well given how many fake hate crimes there are, white people feel justifibly like they are under attack. You are just harvesting the crops you have planted in the country.

Your side in this countries politics, has created black hating people. And the number is growing, and honestly I can't fault them. You go see people screaming and chanting and smashing businesses, and saying defund the police.... and then act shocked as more examples like you list increase? Really?

Why are you surprised? You are getting what you have effectively demanded.
I'm running out of different ways to make the introductions for these stories
A Black man says a group of White men assaulted him and threatened to "get a noose" after claiming he and his friends had trespassed on private property as they gathered at an Indiana lake over the Fourth of July weekend to watch the lunar eclipse. The incident prompted dozens of people to protest in front of the Bloomington, Indiana courthouse Monday.
CBS Indianapolis affiliate WTTV reports a red car hit two demonstrators at the peaceful protest. The protesters were demanding that charges be filed in the lake incident.​
Organizers told the station the two wound up on the car's hood, then went flying off when the driver hit the accelerator and turned. The organizers said a female was taken to the hospital. Her condition was unknown.​
Vauhxx Booker, a local civil rights activist and member of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission, posted cellphone video on Facebook he says shows part of the altercation at the lake.​
He said he called 911 Saturday after the men assaulted him and pinned him to a tree at Lake Monroe, south of Booker's hometown of Bloomington.​
Law enforcement officers with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources responded and are investigating, said Capt. Jet Quillen. A final report will be forwarded to the Monroe County Prosecutor's Office, Quillen continued, providing no other details about what happened or whether any arrests have been made.​
Continued here:​
You know what sucks about this?
There have been so many hoaxes that a lot of people will automatically dismiss this.

Exactly. Jussie Smollett is the face of the Democrat party, and race baiting left.

Why should we care about this guy that supposedly was almost the victim of a lynching? Maybe he instigated it, like that guy screaming at the Covenington Kids. Maybe he paid them like Jussie Smollett.

Why should we believe anything the lying media says now?

Why should we believe anything you post NewsVine_Mariyam? Why? You have no credibility.

I don't care anymore. Honestly, I don't. Whatever happens happens. You get what you deserve.
I'm running out of different ways to make the introductions for these stories
A Black man says a group of White men assaulted him and threatened to "get a noose" after claiming he and his friends had trespassed on private property as they gathered at an Indiana lake over the Fourth of July weekend to watch the lunar eclipse. The incident prompted dozens of people to protest in front of the Bloomington, Indiana courthouse Monday.
CBS Indianapolis affiliate WTTV reports a red car hit two demonstrators at the peaceful protest. The protesters were demanding that charges be filed in the lake incident.​
Organizers told the station the two wound up on the car's hood, then went flying off when the driver hit the accelerator and turned. The organizers said a female was taken to the hospital. Her condition was unknown.​
Vauhxx Booker, a local civil rights activist and member of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission, posted cellphone video on Facebook he says shows part of the altercation at the lake.​
He said he called 911 Saturday after the men assaulted him and pinned him to a tree at Lake Monroe, south of Booker's hometown of Bloomington.​
Law enforcement officers with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources responded and are investigating, said Capt. Jet Quillen. A final report will be forwarded to the Monroe County Prosecutor's Office, Quillen continued, providing no other details about what happened or whether any arrests have been made.​
Continued here:​
You know what sucks about this?
There have been so many hoaxes that a lot of people will automatically dismiss this.
You're right however the numer of false incidents compared to the number of actual incidents is fairly insignifcant but as you pointed out, even one causes immeasurable damage for the actual victims, whether it's a false accusation of sexual assault or a racist attack.
Lol did anybody think that conservatives would have a problem with any kind of assault on a black person? Especially in the name of white supremacy? The answer is "nope."
I need to know why it happened. Context. The reporting is absolute shit. I'm embarrassed for anyone who doesn't question the news when it comes out in this fashion.
I normally only post stories from major news sources and can see now what you're saying. The thing is I saw this on the national & local news on TV so I have a better perspective of what occured than my poorly selective article conveys.

For that I apologize, it was not intentional.
I'm running out of different ways to make the introductions for these stories
A Black man says a group of White men assaulted him and threatened to "get a noose" after claiming he and his friends had trespassed on private property as they gathered at an Indiana lake over the Fourth of July weekend to watch the lunar eclipse. The incident prompted dozens of people to protest in front of the Bloomington, Indiana courthouse Monday.
CBS Indianapolis affiliate WTTV reports a red car hit two demonstrators at the peaceful protest. The protesters were demanding that charges be filed in the lake incident.​
Organizers told the station the two wound up on the car's hood, then went flying off when the driver hit the accelerator and turned. The organizers said a female was taken to the hospital. Her condition was unknown.​
Vauhxx Booker, a local civil rights activist and member of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission, posted cellphone video on Facebook he says shows part of the altercation at the lake.​
He said he called 911 Saturday after the men assaulted him and pinned him to a tree at Lake Monroe, south of Booker's hometown of Bloomington.​
Law enforcement officers with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources responded and are investigating, said Capt. Jet Quillen. A final report will be forwarded to the Monroe County Prosecutor's Office, Quillen continued, providing no other details about what happened or whether any arrests have been made.​
Continued here:​
You know what sucks about this?
There have been so many hoaxes that a lot of people will automatically dismiss this.
You're right however the numer of false incidents compared to the number of actual incidents is fairly insignifcant but as you pointed out, even one causes immeasurable damage for the actual victims, whether it's a false accusation of sexual assault or a racist attack.
Is it?
Doesn't seem like it.
Your side in this countries politics, has created black hating people. And the number is growing, and honestly I can't fault them. You go see people screaming and chanting and smashing businesses, and saying defund the police.... and then act shocked as more examples like you list increase? Really?
I dont' have a side and for you to claim that a particular side is "creating" "black-hating people" means you're 1) delusion, 2) ignorant of your own history or 3) brainwashed. The black-hating people as you call them which we know as white racists have been here from the very beginning. From all appearances, God made them that way or they are mutants.

Your people wrote the following back in the 1800s. Now tell me again that black-hating people are being created when it's evident that white racists have been hating black people for centuries:

A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union

...Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility [sic] and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. [snipped]

In all the non-slave-holding States, in violation of that good faith and comity which should exist between entirely distinct nations, the people have formed themselves into a great sectional party, now strong enough in numbers to control the affairs of each of those States, based upon the unnatural feeling of hostility to these Southern States and their beneficent and patriarchal system of African slavery, proclaiming the debasing doctrine of the equality of all men, irrespective of race or color--a doctrine at war with nature, in opposition to the experience of mankind, and in violation of the plainest revelations of the Divine Law. [snipped]

We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.

That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding States. "
There have been so many hoaxes that a lot of people will automatically dismiss this.
Its is extremely underwhelming

the liberal anti white protesters were trespassing and the whites have had enough

so the guy got a good thrashing which he deserved
Your side in this countries politics, has created black hating people. And the number is growing, and honestly I can't fault them. You go see people screaming and chanting and smashing businesses, and saying defund the police.... and then act shocked as more examples like you list increase? Really?
I dont' have a side and for you to claim that a particular side is "creating" "black-hating people" means you're 1) delusion, 2) ignorant of your own history or 3) brainwashed. The black-hating people as you call them which we know as white racists have been here from the very beginning. From all appearances, God made them that way or they are mutants.

Your people wrote the following back in the 1800s. Now tell me again that black-hating people are being created when it's evident that white racists have been hating black people for centuries:

A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union

...Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility [sic] and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. [snipped]

In all the non-slave-holding States, in violation of that good faith and comity which should exist between entirely distinct nations, the people have formed themselves into a great sectional party, now strong enough in numbers to control the affairs of each of those States, based upon the unnatural feeling of hostility to these Southern States and their beneficent and patriarchal system of African slavery, proclaiming the debasing doctrine of the equality of all men, irrespective of race or color--a doctrine at war with nature, in opposition to the experience of mankind, and in violation of the plainest revelations of the Divine Law. [snipped]

We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.

That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding States. "

I dont' have a side and for you to claim that a particular side is "creating" "black-hating people" means you're 1) delusion, 2) ignorant of your own history or 3) brainwashed. The black-hating people as you call them which we know as white racists have been here from the very beginning. From all appearances, God made them that way or they are mutants.

Nothing you posted has anything to do with my claim, nor contradicts it.

The left-wing is creating black hating people. None of anything else you posted contradicts that.

Let us say that prior to 2020, that I was a black hating person. Did you create me? No.

But let us say that after 2020, where a group of protesters attack and break the bones of a business owner, in the name of Black Lives Matter... who was only trying to defend his own property....

Screenshot_2020-06-09 29030354-8373657-The_alleged_business_owner_s_body_lies_twisted_in_the_s...png

What do you think that man thinks about Black people today?
What do you think his family thinks of Black people today?
What do you think many people who have seen this mangled and beaten man who was only trying to defend the business he's poured his life into, think of black people?

Look on this forum. Read the comments. Your side... the "anti-racists" side... had directly created black hating people.

I'm not suggesting that racism didn't exist until 2020. Of course it did. As long as there are two groups of people anywhere in the world, racism will always exist. Hutus and Tutsi killed each other, and they were both blacks, just a different group of people in a black country.

Doesn't matter. In 2007, before Obama was elected, racial tensions were the lowest in 50 some years. By Obama's second term, we had blacks targeting and killing police.

The left-wing race-baiting side, the side that you are effectively representing here whether you admit it or not.... has directly created racists people. Has created Black hating people.

That's not opinion. That is statistical fact.
I'm running out of different ways to make the introductions for these stories
A Black man says a group of White men assaulted him and threatened to "get a noose" after claiming he and his friends had trespassed on private property as they gathered at an Indiana lake over the Fourth of July weekend to watch the lunar eclipse. The incident prompted dozens of people to protest in front of the Bloomington, Indiana courthouse Monday.
CBS Indianapolis affiliate WTTV reports a red car hit two demonstrators at the peaceful protest. The protesters were demanding that charges be filed in the lake incident.​
Organizers told the station the two wound up on the car's hood, then went flying off when the driver hit the accelerator and turned. The organizers said a female was taken to the hospital. Her condition was unknown.​
Vauhxx Booker, a local civil rights activist and member of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission, posted cellphone video on Facebook he says shows part of the altercation at the lake.​
He said he called 911 Saturday after the men assaulted him and pinned him to a tree at Lake Monroe, south of Booker's hometown of Bloomington.​
Law enforcement officers with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources responded and are investigating, said Capt. Jet Quillen. A final report will be forwarded to the Monroe County Prosecutor's Office, Quillen continued, providing no other details about what happened or whether any arrests have been made.​
Continued here:​
You know what sucks about this?
There have been so many hoaxes that a lot of people will automatically dismiss this.

Exactly. Jussie Smollett is the face of the Democrat party, and race baiting left.

Why should we care about this guy that supposedly was almost the victim of a lynching? Maybe he instigated it, like that guy screaming at the Covenington Kids. Maybe he paid them like Jussie Smollett.

Why should we believe anything the lying media says now?

Why should we believe anything you post NewsVine_Mariyam? Why? You have no credibility.

I don't care anymore. Honestly, I don't. Whatever happens happens. You get what you deserve.
Every single time something happens the white racists go all out talking in their attempts to downplay the part of the white people in the incident and demonize the part of the black people involved in the incident. It's even in the language that you all use.

According to the news stories I saw, the white "mob" (saw what looked to be at least 5 of them) took offense because they said that the group that the black guy was with were trespassing. Look how much you all overreact when black people commit minor offenses and how you exaggerate the harm allegedly done to the psyche and/or property (mainly it's just affront) of the white people. An alleged "trespass" led 3 armed white men to chase down and kill Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia and then attempt to claim self-defense when he "violently attacked" (in the words of Jitss & the other racists on the site) the asshole who was pointing a shotgun at him. The black guy in Central Park who simply asked Amy Cooper to leash her dog as is required in that part of the park, was described to the police as an "African American man who is threatening me", while she was the one in violation. She went psycho apparently because a black person had the NERVE to not only call her out on her violation of the law, but then began to document the violation.

So if you really want to go there and talk about people getting what they deserve, it's going to be you all, before anyone else when the day of reckoning comes. Because you all can spout all the crime statistics you want and try your best to paint black people as the problem in this country when all along it's been white racism, it's friggen systemic . You all are centuries ahead of us in misdeeds and the things that have shielded you all these centuries are finally starting to crumble.

And last of all, I don't post here for the friggin racists on this board, you all are not the target audience. But more importantly, you don't have to believe a word I say, you can get the information from our government, surely you belief them don't you?

IM2 gets the credit for this one:
An Informal Debate on Race Relations in the United States Including Its History
I'm running out of different ways to make the introductions for these stories
A Black man says a group of White men assaulted him and threatened to "get a noose" after claiming he and his friends had trespassed on private property as they gathered at an Indiana lake over the Fourth of July weekend to watch the lunar eclipse. The incident prompted dozens of people to protest in front of the Bloomington, Indiana courthouse Monday.
CBS Indianapolis affiliate WTTV reports a red car hit two demonstrators at the peaceful protest. The protesters were demanding that charges be filed in the lake incident.​
Organizers told the station the two wound up on the car's hood, then went flying off when the driver hit the accelerator and turned. The organizers said a female was taken to the hospital. Her condition was unknown.​
Vauhxx Booker, a local civil rights activist and member of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission, posted cellphone video on Facebook he says shows part of the altercation at the lake.​
He said he called 911 Saturday after the men assaulted him and pinned him to a tree at Lake Monroe, south of Booker's hometown of Bloomington.​
Law enforcement officers with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources responded and are investigating, said Capt. Jet Quillen. A final report will be forwarded to the Monroe County Prosecutor's Office, Quillen continued, providing no other details about what happened or whether any arrests have been made.​
Continued here:​
You know what sucks about this?
There have been so many hoaxes that a lot of people will automatically dismiss this.

Exactly. Jussie Smollett is the face of the Democrat party, and race baiting left.

Why should we care about this guy that supposedly was almost the victim of a lynching? Maybe he instigated it, like that guy screaming at the Covenington Kids. Maybe he paid them like Jussie Smollett.

Why should we believe anything the lying media says now?

Why should we believe anything you post NewsVine_Mariyam? Why? You have no credibility.

I don't care anymore. Honestly, I don't. Whatever happens happens. You get what you deserve.
Every single time something happens the white racists go all out talking in their attempts to downplay the part of the white people in the incident and demonize the part of the black people involved in the incident. It's even in the language that you all use.

According to the news stories I saw, the white "mob" (saw what looked to be at least 5 of them) took offense because they said that the group that the black guy was with were trespassing. Look how much you all overreact when black people commit minor offenses and how you exaggerate the harm allegedly done to the psyche and/or property (mainly it's just affront) of the white people. An alleged "trespass" led 3 armed white men to chase down and kill Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia and then attempt to claim self-defense when he "violently attacked" (in the words of Jitss & the other racists on the site) the asshole who was pointing a shotgun at him. The black guy in Central Park who simply asked Amy Cooper to leash her dog as is required in that part of the park, was described to the police as an "African American man who is threatening me", while she was the one in violation. She went psycho apparently because a black person had the NERVE to not only call her out on her violation of the law, but then began to document the violation.

So if you really want to go there and talk about people getting what they deserve, it's going to be you all, before anyone else when the day of reckoning comes. Because you all can spout all the crime statistics you want and try your best to paint black people as the problem in this country when all along it's been white racism, it's friggen systemic . You all are centuries ahead of us in misdeeds and the things that have shielded you all these centuries are finally starting to crumble.

And last of all, I don't post here for the friggin racists on this board, you all are not the target audience. But more importantly, you don't have to believe a word I say, you can get the information from our government, surely you belief them don't you?

IM2 gets the credit for this one:
An Informal Debate on Race Relations in the United States Including Its History

According to the news stories I saw, the white "mob" (saw what looked to be at least 5 of them) took offense because they said that the group that the black guy was with were trespassing.

Yes or no: Was he trespassing?

If the answer is yes, then I don't need to know anything more about the story.
Your side in this countries politics, has created black hating people. And the number is growing, and honestly I can't fault them. You go see people screaming and chanting and smashing businesses, and saying defund the police.... and then act shocked as more examples like you list increase? Really?
I dont' have a side and for you to claim that a particular side is "creating" "black-hating people" means you're 1) delusion, 2) ignorant of your own history or 3) brainwashed. The black-hating people as you call them which we know as white racists have been here from the very beginning. From all appearances, God made them that way or they are mutants.

Your people wrote the following back in the 1800s. Now tell me again that black-hating people are being created when it's evident that white racists have been hating black people for centuries:

A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union

...Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility [sic] and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. [snipped]

In all the non-slave-holding States, in violation of that good faith and comity which should exist between entirely distinct nations, the people have formed themselves into a great sectional party, now strong enough in numbers to control the affairs of each of those States, based upon the unnatural feeling of hostility to these Southern States and their beneficent and patriarchal system of African slavery, proclaiming the debasing doctrine of the equality of all men, irrespective of race or color--a doctrine at war with nature, in opposition to the experience of mankind, and in violation of the plainest revelations of the Divine Law. [snipped]

We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.

That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding States. "

I dont' have a side and for you to claim that a particular side is "creating" "black-hating people" means you're 1) delusion, 2) ignorant of your own history or 3) brainwashed. The black-hating people as you call them which we know as white racists have been here from the very beginning. From all appearances, God made them that way or they are mutants.

Nothing you posted has anything to do with my claim, nor contradicts it.

The left-wing is creating black hating people. None of anything else you posted contradicts that.

Let us say that prior to 2020, that I was a black hating person. Did you create me? No.

But let us say that after 2020, where a group of protesters attack and break the bones of a business owner, in the name of Black Lives Matter... who was only trying to defend his own property....

View attachment 360836
What do you think that man thinks about Black people today?
What do you think his family thinks of Black people today?
What do you think many people who have seen this mangled and beaten man who was only trying to defend the business he's poured his life into, think of black people?

Look on this forum. Read the comments. Your side... the "anti-racists" side... had directly created black hating people.

I'm not suggesting that racism didn't exist until 2020. Of course it did. As long as there are two groups of people anywhere in the world, racism will always exist. Hutus and Tutsi killed each other, and they were both blacks, just a different group of people in a black country.

Doesn't matter. In 2007, before Obama was elected, racial tensions were the lowest in 50 some years. By Obama's second term, we had blacks targeting and killing police.

The left-wing race-baiting side, the side that you are effectively representing here whether you admit it or not.... has directly created racists people. Has created Black hating people.

That's not opinion. That is statistical fact.
I'm not representing any political party or ideology. But for some reason the white racists on this site seem to think that I should be more fair in what I post and give them more of a platform. WHY would I do that, when I am one of the people they constantly denigrate and refer to utilizing the most vulgar and debasing terms? What is wrong with you all that you think that you deserve anything other than what you're seeing now - all you're saying in your fancy terminology is that more white racists are being created in direct backlash to all of the things they have always hated - seeing black people not knowing "our place", speaking back to them,, not deferring to them, speaking up for ourselves, refusing to do or behave how they think we should. But it seems to particularly you all when we are seen making social/economical progress, advancing in education and our careers, excelling in the workplace, gaining recognition, breaking barriers, etc. That's what pissing them off.

Nobody is creating them, they're just letting their inner racist shine - coming on out of the closest, that's all that is happening.
I'm running out of different ways to make the introductions for these stories
A Black man says a group of White men assaulted him and threatened to "get a noose" after claiming he and his friends had trespassed on private property as they gathered at an Indiana lake over the Fourth of July weekend to watch the lunar eclipse. The incident prompted dozens of people to protest in front of the Bloomington, Indiana courthouse Monday.
CBS Indianapolis affiliate WTTV reports a red car hit two demonstrators at the peaceful protest. The protesters were demanding that charges be filed in the lake incident.​
Organizers told the station the two wound up on the car's hood, then went flying off when the driver hit the accelerator and turned. The organizers said a female was taken to the hospital. Her condition was unknown.​
Vauhxx Booker, a local civil rights activist and member of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission, posted cellphone video on Facebook he says shows part of the altercation at the lake.​
He said he called 911 Saturday after the men assaulted him and pinned him to a tree at Lake Monroe, south of Booker's hometown of Bloomington.​
Law enforcement officers with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources responded and are investigating, said Capt. Jet Quillen. A final report will be forwarded to the Monroe County Prosecutor's Office, Quillen continued, providing no other details about what happened or whether any arrests have been made.​
Continued here:​
You know what sucks about this?
There have been so many hoaxes that a lot of people will automatically dismiss this.

Exactly. Jussie Smollett is the face of the Democrat party, and race baiting left.

Why should we care about this guy that supposedly was almost the victim of a lynching? Maybe he instigated it, like that guy screaming at the Covenington Kids. Maybe he paid them like Jussie Smollett.

Why should we believe anything the lying media says now?

Why should we believe anything you post NewsVine_Mariyam? Why? You have no credibility.

I don't care anymore. Honestly, I don't. Whatever happens happens. You get what you deserve.
Every single time something happens the white racists go all out talking in their attempts to downplay the part of the white people in the incident and demonize the part of the black people involved in the incident. It's even in the language that you all use.

According to the news stories I saw, the white "mob" (saw what looked to be at least 5 of them) took offense because they said that the group that the black guy was with were trespassing. Look how much you all overreact when black people commit minor offenses and how you exaggerate the harm allegedly done to the psyche and/or property (mainly it's just affront) of the white people. An alleged "trespass" led 3 armed white men to chase down and kill Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia and then attempt to claim self-defense when he "violently attacked" (in the words of Jitss & the other racists on the site) the asshole who was pointing a shotgun at him. The black guy in Central Park who simply asked Amy Cooper to leash her dog as is required in that part of the park, was described to the police as an "African American man who is threatening me", while she was the one in violation. She went psycho apparently because a black person had the NERVE to not only call her out on her violation of the law, but then began to document the violation.

So if you really want to go there and talk about people getting what they deserve, it's going to be you all, before anyone else when the day of reckoning comes. Because you all can spout all the crime statistics you want and try your best to paint black people as the problem in this country when all along it's been white racism, it's friggen systemic . You all are centuries ahead of us in misdeeds and the things that have shielded you all these centuries are finally starting to crumble.

And last of all, I don't post here for the friggin racists on this board, you all are not the target audience. But more importantly, you don't have to believe a word I say, you can get the information from our government, surely you belief them don't you?

IM2 gets the credit for this one:
An Informal Debate on Race Relations in the United States Including Its History

According to the news stories I saw, the white "mob" (saw what looked to be at least 5 of them) took offense because they said that the group that the black guy was with were trespassing.

Yes or no: Was he trespassing?

If the answer is yes, then I don't need to know anything more about the story.
Well then you're stupid because a trespass is a misdeamenor and an assult & lynching attempt is a felony.

They had no rights or legal justification to put their hands on him AT ALL. And it's not uncommon for people to trespass unknowingly but that does not give anyone the right to put their hands on the trespasser or point a damn gun at them. The PROPER procedure is to tell them to leave because the are trespassing and if they refuse to call the police and have them removed. If they come back THEN they can be arrested.
The PROPER procedure is to tell them to leave because the are trespassing and if they refuse to call the police and have them removed. If they come back THEN they can be arrested.
And the proper procedure for Only (some) Black Lives Matter members to protest alleged police misconduct is to peacefully assemble rather than rioting and looting and killing

So drop the holier than thou attitude because blacks are not following the rules either

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