Zone1 Black Man Has a Meltdown After Losing Reparations Case

I have to admit that this is the first time I've heard about the Tulsa Race "Massacre" and I just Googled it tonight, but come on man!! This happened over a hundred years ago so it doesn't really matter what it was about does it? It happened LONG before this man was inside his mother's womb so what's he so upset about as that doesn't affect his life whatsoever.

Is that IQ2 or Cuckhold Goats?
I'll take that comment towards the man not me as yes he most definitely is. Playing the poor me now I need a pity party card. 🙄

Black Man Has a Meltdown After Losing Reparations Case​

White entitled woman who collects a disability check, for being LAZY, from the Government she HATES, has a Meltdown about a Black Man.
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I always heard it called the Tulsa Race Riots. Massacre is not accurate.
Massacre can be used, but people want to play semantics with events like this. But when the same thing happens to whites there is no disputing descriptions.
Massacre can be used, but people want to play semantics with events like this. But when the same thing happens to whites there is no disputing descriptions.
I don’t think so in this case. The shootouts killed people on both sides. It isn’t playing semantics…massacre has a meaning. But not being a massacre does not in any way diminish the horror of what was done during the riot.
I don’t think so in this case. The shootouts killed people on both sides. It isn’t playing semantics…massacre has a meaning. But not being a massacre does not in any way diminish the horror of what was done during the riot.
People getting shot in self defense because others were attacking them cannot be considered as equal violence on both sides. The air planes dropping bombs on the black community doesn't get discussed. But all in all, you are right about how it doesn't diminish what happened.
Democrats won’t be happy until all blacks are on the take or beggars and under they’re complete control .. like the old days.
That is why they are so vicious to the ones who don’t tow-the-line for liberalism. They call them “Uncle Toms” and the “black face of white supremacy”.
Democrats like them as dependents to a government they control, the more dependent and under-educated .. the more control.
Nope .. that’s been around since the Democrat KKK days..
Southern KKK copy.png
Nope .. that’s been around since the Democrat KKK days..
Why do you repubicans try this lie all the time? A Repubican member of congress created an amerndment that would have made slavery a constitutionally protected activity. A Republican president ended reconstruction in 1977. Study the Corwin Amerndmemt and the 1877 Compromise and Republican president Rutherford Hayes

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