Zone1 Black Man Has a Meltdown After Losing Reparations Case

Why do you repubicans try this lie all the time? A Repubican member of congress created an amerndment that would have made slavery a constitutionally protected activity. A Republican president ended reconstruction in 1977. Study the Corwin Amerndmemt and the 1877 Compromise and Republican president Rutherford Hayes
Democrats have and always will be the pro-slavery and suppression party no matter how much revisionist history you’ve swallowed and spew.
Don’t you want Blacks begging for reparations because of Democrat Party pro-slavery policies.
Why do you Republicans try this lie all the time? A Republican member of congress created an amendment that would have made slavery a constitutionally protected activity. A Republican president ended reconstruction in 1977. Study the Corwin Amerndmemt and the 1877 Compromise and Republican president Rutherford Hayes.
Why do you Republicans try this lie all the time? A Republican member of congress created an amendment that would have made slavery a constitutionally protected activity. A Republican president ended reconstruction in 1977. Study the Corwin Amerndmemt and the 1877 Compromise and Republican president Rutherford Hayes.
Which party was the bad guys in the Civil War?

You are sniveling about legislation while ignoring 350,000 Republicans who died fighting to end slavery…
When don’t black people have meltdowns? That is Blackness. The blackest of the blackness.

I know but not all black people do. Remember, Brandon Tatum (the man in the video of my OP talking about this) is a black man too and he's sick and tired of black people continuing to wine and cry about things that they played absolutely no part in.

I mean 1921 was 103 years ago. I'm pretty sure that the statute of limitations has been up for quite some time now no matter who did what and it doesn't matter anyways because how could you have anybody testify?

Dig up their graves and use a shovel to dig up whatever ashes are left of them and bring them into court and sprinkle them on a Bible?

Okay so that's obviously ridiculous and they wouldn't be able to talk, but crying about something that probably happened even before your grandparents were born isn't all that less ridiculous than that. 🙄

Obviously fake.

The man's pity party or the event?
I have to admit that this is the first time I've heard about the Tulsa Race "Massacre" and I just Googled it tonight, but come on man!! This happened over a hundred years ago so it doesn't really matter what it was about does it? It happened LONG before this man was inside his mother's womb so what's he so upset about as that doesn't affect his life whatsoever.

He’s putting it on. Thinks it will help get him reparations.
I'll take that comment towards the man not me as yes he most definitely is. Playing the poor me now I need a pity party card. 🙄
You notice that the libs who mock Jews as “playing the victim” when they express distress about the horrible antisemitism going on NOW don’t say anything about this guy playing the vicitm over something that happened before his mother was born, and likely his grandmother?
I know but not all black people do. Remember, Brandon Tatum (the man in the video of my OP talking about this) is a black man too and he's sick and tired of black people continuing to wine and cry about things that they played absolutely no part in.

I mean 1921 was 103 years ago. I'm pretty sure that the statute of limitations has been up for quite some time now no matter who did what and it doesn't matter anyways because how could you have anybody testify?

Dig up their graves and use a shovel to dig up whatever ashes are left of them and bring them into court and sprinkle them on a Bible?

Okay so that's obviously ridiculous and they wouldn't be able to talk, but crying about something that probably happened even before your grandparents were born isn't all that less ridiculous than that. 🙄

The man's pity party or the event?
1776 was 248 years ago but in 2 weeks you'll be celebrating 1776. Brandon Tatum is a punk. But you racists love him because he says what you need to hear. July 4, 1776 happened before your grandparents were born too. So did the Civil War. So did WW1. But this is how racists think, only whites can determine whats important.
1776 was 248 years ago but in 2 weeks you'll be celebrating 1776. Brandon Tatum is a punk. But you racists love him because he says what you need to hear. July 4, 1776 happened before your grandparents were born too. So did the Civil War. So did WW1. But this is how racists think, only whites can determine whats important.
I have suggested that middle class and rich African Americans start building great things in the inner cities. An example are themes parks with musical venues included. Of course, anything the imagination can build. There is money for this. Sothis would be important. Nothing is stopping this.
I have suggested that middle class and rich African Americans start building great things in the inner cities. An example are themes parks with musical venues included. Of course, anything the imagination can build. There is money for this. Sothis would be important. Nothing is stopping this.
I have suggested things along this line, but the blacktivists will call you racist. They become enraged by the suggestion that blacks can help one another - similar to the way Jews did when new Jewish immigrants arrived in America - because they want to blame everything on whites rather than admit responsibility for their own outcomes.
I have suggested that middle class and rich African Americans start building great things in the inner cities. An example are themes parks with musical venues included. Of course, anything the imagination can build. There is money for this. Sothis would be important. Nothing is stopping this.
There are such things as zoning laws. So stop suggesting to me what blacks need to do and end your fucking racism.
The meltdown is typical of black entitlement. Black people have become entitled from their place of privilege within the context of social intersectionality. In the construct of social intersectionality, black people are deemed the most marginalized. Therefore, they are granted the most social privilege within the intersectional hierarchy.

It’s created an odd juxtaposition of black people bleating about being victims while in reality they are clearly enjoying a place of privilege in society.

I have suggested that middle class and rich African Americans start building great things in the inner cities. An example are themes parks with musical venues included. Of course, anything the imagination can build. There is money for this. Sothis would be important. Nothing is stopping this.

Rich African Americans are no different than rich white Americans. They're not going to sink money into something that's going to cause them to ultimately lose money, especially in inner city shitholes. People who inhabit those places want everything for free.
Oh and I got IM
Rich African Americans are no different than rich white Americans. They're not going to sink money into something that's going to cause them to ultimately lose money, especially in inner city shitholes. People who inhabit those places want everything for free.

It's sort of funny to think that without rich white Americans there would be no rich black Americans, but yet the left neglects to tell you that and remind you that without white people all black people would still be in Africa.

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