Black man in hoodie stabs white girl 11 times


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Black man in hoodie stabs white girl 11 times

Police in New York City are trying to find a black man wearing a hoodie who is responsible for a horrific attack on a teenage white girl who was stabbed 11 times just steps from her front door.

The knife-wielding maniac ambushed Natasha Martinez, 17, as she returned home from working her shift at a local McDonald’s restaurant.

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JUSTICE FOR Natasha Martinez. Sick bastards.:evil: This happens daily to whites all over this country and we're the evil ones???? I'm not going to give up pointing out the double standard.
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Was it this guy?

I wonder if Al Sharpton was in his hot-tub when he got the call from Jesse Jackson. He probably responded to Jesse,,,,Al: Yo Brodder Jesse, I can't be bothered wit diss chit now, I am in my hot tub now, and waiting for my Kentucky Fried Chicken delivery, call me lata!
the likes of Sharpton/Waters and some of the goons at MSNBC will take a blind eye to the attack, to them, it's just a daughter of a slave owner, {being Sharpton and Maxinne still seem to believe blacks are still picking cotton in the south}, they need to WAKE UP !! but they never will. They always use the "Vengence For Slavery" excuse for everything that goes wrong in the black communities,,,its generally their "It's Bush's Fault Excuse".
Whites are killed by blacks nearly every day but there's no outrage about that.

Blacks can scream about how we're killing them??? Most of the ones that are killed are the attacker(offender) attacking a victim. But that's ok with the goddamn media.

why the double standard?
What's the beef here? Some female CRACKER gets shivved by a brother? C'mon man! It's all about FAIRNESS!

Without RACISM, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and the Congressional Black Caucus would all be selling dime bags on street corners.

Think of CONTRIVED RACISM as "job creation".
Is this a thread about hoodies? I don't own one, but it is probably a good thing, because it might motivate me to kill an innocent victim.

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