Black man threatens to white people at Taco Mac in Fulton County.

No one in Utah had a gun in 1364.
That's not the point. The point is that never should a man (no matter where or when he walks this earth) be denied the right to self-protection. I don't need some empty suit liberal telling me that I need a permit or that I'm "not allowed" to do something just because he or she doesn't like it.
Well, remember….the Smithsonian AfAm Museum said speaking English properly is a white thing.
Apparently, so is rational thinking, being on time, working hard, and being polite.

The museum has since taken down this ridiculous chart.
Awesome! That became law here in Utah about 3 years ago. It should have been the law since 1776.
The only catch is open carry in public is still not allowed. I imagine that is because open carry might scare off tourists to Florida.

There are only a couple months where it is cold enough to wear a jacket in Florida. That makes carrying a full sized handgun under light clothing challenging so many people here carry compact handguns.
In b4 arrests are made because things weren't concealed well enough.
At one time in Florida you were in big trouble if anyone noticed your concealed firearm. You had to be careful reaching for items on high shelves in a store as you might flash your holstered firearm. I carried my snub nosed revolver in a pocket holster to better conceal it.

Fortunately the law changed.

Florida Concealed Carry Law​

You are in a supermarket shopping. You reach up to the highest shelf and your concealed carry weapon is exposed. To your dismay, you see someone run from the aisle screaming, “He has a gun.” What do you do?

Florida Concealed Weapons Laws: Violations and Legalities​

Florida concealed carry laws allow those with a concealed weapons and firearms license (or CWFL) to carry a loaded firearm concealed on their person. It is not a violation of any law for that firearm to be accidentally displayed. In fact, Florida statute §790.053 specifically states that it is not a violation for a person licensed to carry a concealed weapon, who is lawfully carrying a concealed firearm in a concealed manner, to briefly and openly display the firearm to the ordinary sight of another person, unless the firearm is intentionally displayed in an angry or threatening manner, not in necessary self-defense.
The only catch is open carry in public is still not allowed. I imagine that is because open carry might scare off tourists to Florida.

There are only a couple months where it is cold enough to wear a jacket in Florida. That makes carrying a full sized handgun under light clothing challenging so many people here carry compact handguns.
I prefer conceal carry to open carry anyway. No sense in scaring the "Karen" in aisle 4 or grandma in her wheelchair. Also ... no sense in drawing attention to yourself.
At one time in Florida you were in big trouble if anyone noticed your concealed firearm. You had to be careful reaching for items on high shelves in a store as you might flash your holstered firearm. I carried my snub nosed revolver in a pocket holster to better conceal it.

Fortunately the law changed.

Florida Concealed Carry Law​

You are in a supermarket shopping. You reach up to the highest shelf and your concealed carry weapon is exposed. To your dismay, you see someone run from the aisle screaming, “He has a gun.” What do you do?

Florida Concealed Weapons Laws: Violations and Legalities​

Florida concealed carry laws allow those with a concealed weapons and firearms license (or CWFL) to carry a loaded firearm concealed on their person. It is not a violation of any law for that firearm to be accidentally displayed. In fact, Florida statute §790.053 specifically states that it is not a violation for a person licensed to carry a concealed weapon, who is lawfully carrying a concealed firearm in a concealed manner, to briefly and openly display the firearm to the ordinary sight of another person, unless the firearm is intentionally displayed in an angry or threatening manner, not in necessary self-defense.
There will be an uptick in that, watch.
What you quoted wasn't exactly English. I have to wonder if that one is American or not.

Jeez…..don’t you leftists listen to any news other than the liberal sources that suppress anything and everything that makes the work nonsense look ridiculous?

I can’t believe you haven’t heard of the “Traits of Whitness” exhibit at the African American Museum. It was all over the news!
Why is it that you claim something as fact and then when questioned about it, you run and hide because you know it's a lie.

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