Black man threatens to white people at Taco Mac in Fulton County.


I wonder why white guys do the idol worship thing around black guys. It was definitely strange to watch white America try so hard to move into the ghetto.

Yup. They started wearing their pants around their knees, followed by blasting rap "music." Then they tried the inner city, gangsta accent. Many of them worship black basketball or football players. It's a sight to behold, but not one that I want to behold for long.
Looks like Obama's race war rages on. All I can say is: conceal carry wherever you go. If you're white, you're a target. Black supremacy is a growing trend, and they're much more dangerous than white supremacists have ever been.

Don't live in fear.
And if there had been a white Marine in the place, he would have let the black thug do his “thing” after seeing what happens when a white tries to prevent a black from killing people.
I've come to the conclusion that Superbadbrutha isn't even black. He's probably some angry lilly-white liberal who self-identifies as being "black"
One can't out-rule such a possibility, but personally I rather opt for the possibility that his membership with the Black Panther or similar associations were revoked - due to being deemed, as being too radical. Since he believes and states that good and civilized Negros are those, staying at home and being told what to do.
Yup. They started wearing their pants around their knees, followed by blasting rap "music." Then they tried the inner city, gangsta accent. Many of them worship black basketball or football players. It's a sight to behold, but not one that I want to behold for long.
You forgot - hanging around burning oil drums - just saying.
And if there had been a white Marine in the place, he would have let the black thug do his “thing” after seeing what happens when a white tries to prevent a black from killing people.

Do you realize how many of your posts are all about your obsession with skin color?
Just wait and see what happens if ANY kind of cash reparations are paid to blacks.
Liberals never consider ramifications for what they do to buy votes.
And reparations would set the race relations of this country back 80 years.
Do you realize how many of your posts are all about your obsession with skin color?
They’re about my obsession with racial discrimination - and different responses or actions given depending on the color of their skin.

I point out and fight back against the racist attitudes now permeating the Democrat Party.
Just wait and see what happens if ANY kind of cash reparations are paid to blacks.
Liberals never consider ramifications for what they do to buy votes.
And reparations would set the race relations of this country back 80 years.
The Democrat nominee will be between a rock and a hard place:

1) Should he make the false promise of paying reparations, and anger the 80% of Americans who are opposed, or

2) Should he refuse to make the false promise of paying reparations, and anger the 14% of voters upon whom he depends to win?
Hey! I want a Taco Mac or Del Taco here, dammit! :102:

Taco Bell, Pffffrrrrrrt! They need some competition 'round heanh! :funnyface:
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The Democrat nominee will be between a rock and a hard place:

1) Should he make the false promise of paying reparations, and anger the 80% of Americans who are opposed, or

2) Should he refuse to make the false promise of paying reparations, and anger the 14% of voters upon whom he depends to win?
He should make the best decision for what is good for the country, not himself or his party.
Which I realize is not something 99.9% of politicians do.
Hey! I want a Taco Mac or Del Taco here, dammit! :102:

Taco Bell, Pffffrrrrrrt! :funnyface:

My rural Wisconsin town of 5k population has a combination Taco Bell and KFC. We also have an upscale Mexican restaurant ran by real Meskins, another taco joint owned by real Meskins, and a Mexican store that has a money laundering service for illegals who send their money back to Mexico.

There's also a new place that opened up at the Ramada Inn that used to have a decent buffet. Now it's some weird place that serves Nicaraguan food. My wife and I went there when they opened and I just have to say, that fucking shit was nasty as hell. It was nothing like Mexican food and even the salsas they had sucked ass. The place had a weird 1980's Miami Vice atmosphere to it and I think everyone in there was gay.

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