Black men are the problem and black lives dont matter

Don't be ridiculous. If black men are the problem and black lives don't matter, explain why I see all these white men running around in the streets in cammie costumes with guns acting like total assholes. Explain the proud boys and patriot prayer. Explain rittenhouse and the Kenosha police patting his gang on the head and giving them water. Explain that moron in Whitefish, Montana, screaming in the face of a woman holding a sign that read "say their names" and in the face of a priest. These guys look pretty white to me. I'm of Irish and Russian/Polish/Lithuanian background, BTW. Why are these guys and the idiotic men and women who tell people to speak English and go back to their country trying to shame everyone who is "white"? This is inexcusable.

I agree ....white progressives to ....we should probably hang them all ....just sayin
I hope the sista finds some peace

Mighty strong words dude. Now are you man enough to step to black men with your noose and hang them ?

You've been playing "Call of duty" too much. A black man will generally beat white man in physical fight.

So how is this mass hanging going to work out ?
Black folks are starting to realize that you can keep blaming everyone else for your problems, but when you refuse to look at yourself and make the necessary difficult changes..then all of your rhetoric doesn't mean shit.

You can lie to everyone else, and you might even get some people to believe you (self loathing white libs), but you can't lie to yourself.
Black folks are starting to realize that you can keep blaming everyone else for your problems, but when you refuse to look at yourself and make the necessary difficult changes..then all of your rhetoric doesn't mean shit.
  • What problems are you talking about ?
  • What things do black people refuse to look at themselves at ?
  • How do you we make those difficult changes and what changes need to made ?
  • What rhetoric do black people say that means shit ?
You can lie to everyone else, and you might even get some people to believe you (self loathing white libs), but you can't lie to yourself.
  • What lies are you talking about ?
  • What problems are you talking about ?
  • What things do black people refuse to look at themselves at ?
  • How do you we make those difficult changes and what changes need to made ?
  • What rhetoric do black people say that means shit ?

What lies are you talking about ?

You must not have been listening to your sistah in the video. She lays it all out pretty good..what the problems are in the black community.

An over abundance of violent criminal black men being the main one.

And it's all the lies and rhetoric BLM tells themselves to justify looting, burning and murdering in their own neighborhoods, for starters..

I am sure you are familiar with the lies..You perpetuate them yourself.
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You must not have been listening to your sistah in the video. She lays it all pretty good..what the problems are in the black community.
Be a man and speak for yourself. Don't hide behind what some woman on Twitter is saying. She's not my sister. You just chose a black woman who puts a black face on white supremacist opinion and power.

This is my "sister"

An over abundance of violent criminal black men being the main one.
What violent criminal black men ? Where ? And if your so concerned about criminal black men ? Why are you not concerned the greater number of crminal non black men ?

And it's all the lies and rhetoric BLM tells themselves to justify looting, burning and murdering in their own neighborhoods, for starters..
So what should black people to stop systematic white supremacy within law enforcement ?
You must not have been listening to your sistah in the video. She lays it all pretty good..what the problems are in the black community.
Be a man and speak for yourself. Don't hide behind what some woman on Twitter is saying. She's not my sister. You just chose a black woman who puts a black face on white supremacist opinion and power.

This is my "sister"

An over abundance of violent criminal black men being the main one.
What violent criminal black men ? Where ? And if your so concerned about criminal black men ? Why are you not concerned the greater number of crminal non black men ?

And it's all the lies and rhetoric BLM tells themselves to justify looting, burning and murdering in their own neighborhoods, for starters..
So what should black people to stop systematic white supremacy within law enforcement ?

Yawn... :blahblah:More bullshit lies, deflection, and hollow rhetoric from a person too afraid to look in the mirror, or call out the bullshit in your own community.

How very sad...:icon_cry:
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Yawn...more bullshit lies, deflection, and hollow rhetoric from a person too afraid to look in the mirror, or call out the bullshit in your own community.How very sad...
I'm asking you question because you are viewing this as a one-way street.

In other words, they need to clean up their act, but we don’t need to do anything.

How can black folks take responsibility for the fact white criminals are giving jobs over blk men that are clean ?

All you are trying to do is the old "Well, yeah sure blk ppl get screwed, but blk ppl are screwed up anyway"

How can black folks take responsibility for the fact that black men are more likely to have their cars stopped and searched for drugs, even though whites are more likely to actually have drugs on us when we’re stopped?

Black folks are doing self-help all the time. We have to. We have enough experience with white institutions to know that they do nothing to improve our situation

But I see very little self-help in the white community. You don't spend time dealing with your racism, a racism which only you have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like you.

I don't want black people to hate white ppl. I want black people to stop loving them
Black folks are starting to realize that you can keep blaming everyone else for your problems, but when you refuse to look at yourself and make the necessary difficult changes..then all of your rhetoric doesn't mean shit.

You can lie to everyone else, and you might even get some people to believe you (self loathing white libs), but you can't lie to yourself.

So when are you and the white guys I described in my post No. 5 going to look at yourselves and "make the necessary difficult changes"? When is this going to happen? Every adult can use a little self reflection, regardless of race. Take a long look at yourself in the mirror.
Yawn...more bullshit lies, deflection, and hollow rhetoric from a person too afraid to look in the mirror, or call out the bullshit in your own community.How very sad...
I'm asking you question because you are viewing this as a one-way street.

In other words, they need to clean up their act, but we don’t need to do anything.

How can black folks take responsibility for the fact white criminals are giving jobs over blk men that are clean ?

All you are trying to do is the old "Well, yeah sure blk ppl get screwed, but blk ppl are screwed up anyway"

How can black folks take responsibility for the fact that black men are more likely to have their cars stopped and searched for drugs, even though whites are more likely to actually have drugs on us when we’re stopped?

Black folks are doing self-help all the time. We have to. We have enough experience with white institutions to know that they do nothing to improve our situation

But I see very little self-help in the white community. You don't spend time dealing with your racism, a racism which only you have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like you.

I don't want black people to hate white ppl. I want black people to stop loving them

I never said anything about it being a one way assume I think that. I make no attempts to justify the actions of white criminals. The black community would be better off doing the same..

The only stat that matters is..6% of the population(young black males) are responsible for nearly half of all violent crime in America.

Until you are ready to own up to that, acknowledge it..and work to make the cultural changes within your community that account for that..everything else you irrelevant.
Black folks are starting to realize that you can keep blaming everyone else for your problems, but when you refuse to look at yourself and make the necessary difficult changes..then all of your rhetoric doesn't mean shit.

You can lie to everyone else, and you might even get some people to believe you (self loathing white libs), but you can't lie to yourself.

So when are you and the white guys I described in my post No. 5 going to look at yourselves and "make the necessary difficult changes"? When is this going to happen? Every adult can use a little self reflection, regardless of race. Take a long look at yourself in the mirror.

When white males make up 6% of the population, yet account for nearly half of all violent crime in the country.. we can have that discussion.

It's not the white community making excuses for, and turning criminals into martyrs...
Black folks are starting to realize that you can keep blaming everyone else for your problems, but when you refuse to look at yourself and make the necessary difficult changes..then all of your rhetoric doesn't mean shit.

You can lie to everyone else, and you might even get some people to believe you (self loathing white libs), but you can't lie to yourself.

So when are you and the white guys I described in my post No. 5 going to look at yourselves and "make the necessary difficult changes"? When is this going to happen? Every adult can use a little self reflection, regardless of race. Take a long look at yourself in the mirror.

When white males make up 6% of the population, yet account for nearly half of all violent crime in the country.. we can have that discussion.

It's not the white community making excuses for, and turning criminals into martyrs...

I see that you are deflecting. Nice try, but it won't work. When will you people take responsibility for your own actions? You are trying to divide the American community by race. Take responsibility.

I agree ....white progressives to ....we should probably hang them all ....just sayin
I hope the sista finds some peace

Mighty strong words dude. Now are you man enough to step to black men with your noose and hang them ?

You've been playing "Call of duty" too much. A black man will generally beat white man in physical fight.

So how is this mass hanging going to work out ?

Of course, saying black people [ or any other group ] should be hanged is so stupid.

But where did you get that? Only because black men tend to be more violent in the US doesnt make them stronger than white men [ if you will include white Liberals, so probably yes, those people will happily be a punch bag so they can suffer for their white guilt ]

I agree ....white progressives to ....we should probably hang them all ....just sayin
I hope the sista finds some peace

Mighty strong words dude. Now are you man enough to step to black men with your noose and hang them ?

You've been playing "Call of duty" too much. A black man will generally beat white man in physical fight.

So how is this mass hanging going to work out ?

Of course, saying black people [ or any other group ] should be hanged is so stupid.

But where did you get that? Only because black men tend to be more violent in the US doesnt make them stronger than white men [ if you will include white Liberals, so probably yes, those people will happily be a punch bag so they can suffer for their white guilt ]

Explain "white guilt." Having a sense of right from wrong and being willing to stand up for it is not guilt.

I agree ....white progressives to ....we should probably hang them all ....just sayin
I hope the sista finds some peace

Mighty strong words dude. Now are you man enough to step to black men with your noose and hang them ?

You've been playing "Call of duty" too much. A black man will generally beat white man in physical fight.

So how is this mass hanging going to work out ?

Of course, saying black people [ or any other group ] should be hanged is so stupid.

But where did you get that? Only because black men tend to be more violent in the US doesnt make them stronger than white men [ if you will include white Liberals, so probably yes, those people will happily be a punch bag so they can suffer for their white guilt ]

Explain "white guilt." Having a sense of right from wrong and being willing to stand up for it is not guilt.

The self hatred of leftist americans just makes me sick.

White people are not guilty for what their fathers did. But it seems like white leftists owe something to the blacks.

See, I said at twitter "the US isnt a racist state, just like its not an anti semetic state, altough Jews are the most targeted group [ Yes, also by black. I'd say specially by blacks ] in the US.
Next thing I know - dozens of Leftists attack me, how dare I, saying the US isnt a racist and anti semetic place.

Your self hatred is just disgusting..

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