Black men are the problem and black lives dont matter

You want to hang people just because of what one woman says on Twitter-what a freak of nature..
Youre an idiot

And please

By all means leftards and their slaves.........

Ignore the heartbroken angwy woman in the video ......:p:auiqs.jpg:

Black folks are starting to realize that you can keep blaming everyone else for your problems, but when you refuse to look at yourself and make the necessary difficult changes..then all of your rhetoric doesn't mean shit.

You can lie to everyone else, and you might even get some people to believe you (self loathing white libs), but you can't lie to yourself.

So when are you and the white guys I described in my post No. 5 going to look at yourselves and "make the necessary difficult changes"? When is this going to happen? Every adult can use a little self reflection, regardless of race. Take a long look at yourself in the mirror.

When white males make up 6% of the population, yet account for nearly half of all violent crime in the country.. we can have that discussion.

It's not the white community making excuses for, and turning criminals into martyrs...

I see that you are deflecting. Nice try, but it won't work. When will you people take responsibility for your own actions? You are trying to divide the American community by race. Take responsibility.
You aint black bog trotter.....Project much ?
And try to remember white progressive women do not speak for blacks
The marches (and subsequent riots & looting) this year are unprecedented.

In the past, most Americans just ignored the protests, which occurred in the low-income areas.

I remember that in the 1960s, riots occurred in those areas every summer like clockwork. Most Americans were not affected by them.

This year, however, the leaders of BLM publicly admitted that they decided to make all Americans suffer by taking these protests to other areas of the cities.

Here in Los Angeles, the marches (and looting) took place for the first time in upscale parts of the city. They also spilled over into tony Beverly Hills.

The BLM leaders have succeeded in making all residents of this city suffer. I can only hope that those residents register their reaction on November 3.
You want to hang people just because of what one woman says on Twitter-what a freak of nature..
Youre an idiot

And please

By all means leftards and their slaves.........

Ignore the heartbroken angwy woman in the video ......:p:auiqs.jpg:

View attachment 397718
I am not surprised that you have murder in mind it comes naturally to people who have no value for anyone who is different. As far as the woman in the vid she'll get over it and change or keep on repeating the same mistakes, it happens no matter the skin tone of a human....
You want to hang people just because of what one woman says on Twitter-what a freak of nature..
Youre an idiot

And please

By all means leftards and their slaves.........

Ignore the heartbroken angwy woman in the video ......:p:auiqs.jpg:

View attachment 397718
I am not surprised that you have murder in mind it comes naturally to people who have no value for anyone who is different. As far as the woman in the vid she'll get over it and change or keep on repeating the same mistakes, it happens no matter the skin tone of a human....

You really are a idiot
Holy shit rube

And you need to shut up and listen to the black woman
According to your allies you're a racist hick for not agreeing with her
Shut up and listen .....rotflmao

Or was it silence is violence .....pffffft
Black folks are starting to realize that you can keep blaming everyone else for your problems, but when you refuse to look at yourself and make the necessary difficult changes..then all of your rhetoric doesn't mean shit.

You can lie to everyone else, and you might even get some people to believe you (self loathing white libs), but you can't lie to yourself.

So when are you and the white guys I described in my post No. 5 going to look at yourselves and "make the necessary difficult changes"? When is this going to happen? Every adult can use a little self reflection, regardless of race. Take a long look at yourself in the mirror.

When white males make up 6% of the population, yet account for nearly half of all violent crime in the country.. we can have that discussion.

It's not the white community making excuses for, and turning criminals into martyrs...

I see that you are deflecting. Nice try, but it won't work. When will you people take responsibility for your own actions? You are trying to divide the American community by race. Take responsibility.
You aint black bog trotter.....Project much ?
And try to remember white progressive women do not speak for blacks
View attachment 397719

I have never said or implied that I was speaking for black people because I obviously cannot. I can only express my own thoughts, observations, and opinions, as well as documented facts.

You are the one accusing black people, as a group whose members may be connected only on the basis of the color of their skin and some shared history, and purely racial terms, of refusing to look at themselves and "make the necessary difficult changes," as if they are the only ones who need to do this. The whites who are taking part in the insane behavior on our streets obviously need to do the same. Misbehaving whites, blacks, and people of any color have to look at themselves and make changes.

This is not a racial thing. Your attempts to make it into one and blame innocent black people for the actions of a few has a similar effect on whites (and other racial/ethnic/gender/religious groups put in the same situation), inasmuch as it humiliates us and requires us to shoulder the burden of disassociating ourselves from those of our "group" who misbehave.

BTW: posting stupid pictures is childish and does not contribute to the discussion.
A black man is many many many times more likely to be killed by another black man than by a white cop, or even a white person.
And that would have been true 100 years ago.

What's your point ?

Or would have that been a good justification for the Klan to lynch and hang blk ppl ?

My point, Mr. Negro, is that your BLM only care about blacks killed by white cops which is a very very tiny percentage of blacks who are actually murdered. Far more are murdered by your own kind.

So my point is, take care of your own before worrying about others.
If Black lives matter, then the Democrats and blm would be addressing the slaughter in Chicago and other democratic run cities.
Black folks are starting to realize that you can keep blaming everyone else for your problems, but when you refuse to look at yourself and make the necessary difficult changes..then all of your rhetoric doesn't mean shit.

You can lie to everyone else, and you might even get some people to believe you (self loathing white libs), but you can't lie to yourself.

So when are you and the white guys I described in my post No. 5 going to look at yourselves and "make the necessary difficult changes"? When is this going to happen? Every adult can use a little self reflection, regardless of race. Take a long look at yourself in the mirror.

When white males make up 6% of the population, yet account for nearly half of all violent crime in the country.. we can have that discussion.

It's not the white community making excuses for, and turning criminals into martyrs...

I see that you are deflecting. Nice try, but it won't work. When will you people take responsibility for your own actions? You are trying to divide the American community by race. Take responsibility.
You aint black bog trotter.....Project much ?
And try to remember white progressive women do not speak for blacks
View attachment 397719

I have never said or implied that I was speaking for black people because I obviously cannot. I can only express my own thoughts, observations, and opinions, as well as documented facts.

You are the one accusing black people, as a group whose members may be connected only on the basis of the color of their skin and some shared history, and purely racial terms, of refusing to look at themselves and "make the necessary difficult changes," as if they are the only ones who need to do this. The whites who are taking part in the insane behavior on our streets obviously need to do the same. Misbehaving whites, blacks, and people of any color have to look at themselves and make changes.

This is not a racial thing. Your attempts to make it into one and blame innocent black people for the actions of a few has a similar effect on whites (and other racial/ethnic/gender/religious groups put in the same situation), inasmuch as it humiliates us and requires us to shoulder the burden of disassociating ourselves from those of our "group" who misbehave.

BTW: posting stupid pictures is childish and does not contribute to the discussion.
The people of Chicago slaughtering each other are Black.

I agree ....white progressives to ....we should probably hang them all ....just sayin
I hope the sista finds some peace

Mighty strong words dude. Now are you man enough to step to black men with your noose and hang them ?

You've been playing "Call of duty" too much. A black man will generally beat white man in physical fight.

So how is this mass hanging going to work out ?

Of course, saying black people [ or any other group ] should be hanged is so stupid.

But where did you get that? Only because black men tend to be more violent in the US doesnt make them stronger than white men [ if you will include white Liberals, so probably yes, those people will happily be a punch bag so they can suffer for their white guilt ]

Explain "white guilt." Having a sense of right from wrong and being willing to stand up for it is not guilt.

The self hatred of leftist americans just makes me sick.

White people are not guilty for what their fathers did. But it seems like white leftists owe something to the blacks.

See, I said at twitter "the US isnt a racist state, just like its not an anti semetic state, altough Jews are the most targeted group [ Yes, also by black. I'd say specially by blacks ] in the US.
Next thing I know - dozens of Leftists attack me, how dare I, saying the US isnt a racist and anti semetic place.

Your self hatred is just disgusting..

So you don't have a sense of right and wrong, I take it. Having one is not "self hatred." What all people "owe" to all of their fellows is justice. BTW: the first of my ancestors to come to the U.S. in 1847 on a "coffin ship" straight from Ireland to NYC. He was too busy getting food, living in a tenement, and finding any work he could to have any involvement in slavery. Discrimination against the Irish was rampant at the time. So there is no "guilt" about something my forefathers did. When you think about discrimination against your own ethnicity based on who they were rather than what they did causes you to think about what has happened to others. When you see pictures of frozen dead Native Americans, black men hanging from trees, and stripped naked Jewish women waiting in line to enter the gas chamber, it helps develop a sense of conscience.

My great grandmothwe survived Aweshwitch, and first time I heared about what she has been through was 4.

Yet, I don't think Polish and German people of my age owe me anything [ But the properties my famoly had there before 38' ]

Why do americans attack me when I say what should be said: America - Isn't racist. Not Anti semetic. Some people are. It doesnt make the US Nazi Germany.

Tell me, what does a 20 year old white boy owe 20 year old black guy?

The government of this nation owes blacks. The United States government paid jews reparations for things it did not do.

How exactly did the US pay 'reparations ' to the Jews?
If Black lives matter, then the Democrats and blm would be addressing the slaughter in Chicago and other democratic run cities.

Trying to use logic, and reason by pointing out obvious truths to the fear/hate mongering race pimps commenting in this thread is pointless.

They will ignore all FBI and DoJ crime statics that for decades have shown that blacks per capita are the most violent people in this country. They will ignore that all statistical crime data shows that white on black crime in this country is nearly non existent, while black on everyone else crime is off the charts.

The anti white racists commenting in here will simply say that all data you present is the result of "white supremacist" malfeasance, and is immediately discredited with out any need for contradictory evidence. They think the white supremacist boogeymans is everywhere, even though they have zero proof of that.

These disingenuous propagandist hacks will link you an article/study from Vox, NOW THIS, TheRoot, or some blue checkmark prog on Twitter showing some libtard kids "researched" with their professor taking data from one specific place, and from only two years proving there is "systemic racism".. or some other bullshit.

They can't handle simple truths, don't want to look in the mirror, and want Americans, and self loathing white libs to ignore the FACTS we can see with our own eyes.

Facts like.. black folks, and black culture are their own worst enemy.

Facts like..the people I see that are working hard to achieve their goals everyday in America (regardless of race) eventually do succeed.

Facts like..the people who I don't see succeeding are those spending time thinking everything is the fault of racism..So why should they even try?

The usual hate mongers commenting on this thread want to live, and die as the victims of racism. If they don't have their "oppressed status" they don't have anything in their lives at all.

These types of frauds aren't even worth engaging for a moment. I honestly don't think even they believe their own's just too hard for them to admit they are wrong now. It's all they have.. If they can't be anti white hate mongering race pimps..they have nothing. It's kinda sad, in reality.
If Black lives matter, then the Democrats and blm would be addressing the slaughter in Chicago and other democratic run cities.

Trying to use logic, and reason by pointing out obvious truths to the fear/hate mongering race pimps commenting in this thread is pointless.

They will ignore all FBI and DoJ crime statics that for decades have shown that blacks per capita are the most violent people in this country. They will ignore that all statistical crime data shows that white on black crime in this country is nearly non existent, while black on everyone else crime is off the charts.

The anti white racists commenting in here will simply say that all data you present is the result of "white supremacist" malfeasance, and is immediately discredited with out any need for contradictory evidence. They think the white supremacist boogeymans is everywhere, even though they have zero proof of that.

These disingenuous propagandist hacks will link you an article/study from Vox, NOW THIS, TheRoot, or some blue checkmark prog on Twitter showing some libtard kids "researched" with their professor taking data from one specific place, and from only two years proving there is "systemic racism".. or some other bullshit.

They can't handle simple truths, don't want to look in the mirror, and want Americans, and self loathing white libs to ignore the FACTS we can see with our own eyes.

Facts like.. black folks, and black culture are their own worst enemy.

Facts like..the people I see that are working hard to achieve their goals everyday in America (regardless of race) eventually do succeed.

Facts like..the people who I don't see succeeding are those spending time thinking everything is the fault of racism..So why should they even try?

The usual hate mongers commenting on this thread want to live, and die as the victims of racism. If they don't have their "oppressed status" they don't have anything in their lives at all.

These types of frauds aren't even worth engaging for a moment. I honestly don't think even they believe their own's just too hard for them to admit they are wrong now. It's all they have.. If they can't be anti white hate mongering race pimps..they have nothing. It's kinda sad, in reality.
Indoctrinated minds are closed minds.
Black folks are starting to realize that you can keep blaming everyone else for your problems, but when you refuse to look at yourself and make the necessary difficult changes..then all of your rhetoric doesn't mean shit.
  • What problems are you talking about ?
  • What things do black people refuse to look at themselves at ?
  • How do you we make those difficult changes and what changes need to made ?
  • What rhetoric do black people say that means shit ?
You can lie to everyone else, and you might even get some people to believe you (self loathing white libs), but you can't lie to yourself.
  • What lies are you talking about ?
Problems = single parenthood rate is too high.
Problems = single parenthood rate is too high.
And how does a blk kid without a father affect white people ?
It’s not about impact on “white people” it’s about starting your life with a significant disadvantage. In fact a black kid with two parents has a significant advantage over a white kid with one parent. Spare me your outrage. I am a Jew. Pretty sure you’ve never met one in your life.
white men running around in the streets in cammie costumes with guns acting like total assholes
Some people are suicidal, trying to get shot and killed by their betters.
Why are these guys and the idiotic men and women who tell people to speak English and go back to their country trying to shame everyone who is "white"? This is inexcusable.
And you just want to prohibit us from owning guns and shut us out of employment and commerce markets on their account.
My point, Mr. Negro, is that your BLM only care about blacks killed by white cops which is a very very tiny percentage of blacks who are actually murdered. Far more are murdered by your own kind.

So my point is, take care of your own before worrying about others.
The black on black crime figure will always be higher that white on black. Why ? Because those are the people you live around.

What are you doing to solve the fact that most white people are killed by whites ? Where are the white leaders to condemn ?

You have more than enough sicko's and criminals in the white race than to be worrying about the sicko's and criminals in the black race.

You're argument is as stupid as telling Breast Cancer Support Groups not to bother with that cancer and focus on Lung Cancer because that is the biggest cancer killer.

When ISIS killed whites in Paris or 9-11 Twin Towers I did not hear white people say "Well, more white people kill white people, than muslims""

But that would have been just as true.

The police are held to a higher standard. Because if you have the power to kill me, then you better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's the same way a teacher can't be late often for their class and then turn around and say "Well some of you are late too"

With great power comes greater responsibility, they are the rules.
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It’s not about impact on “white people” it’s about starting your life with a significant disadvantage. In fact a black kid with two parents has a significant advantage over a white kid with one parent. Spare me your outrage. I am a Jew. Pretty sure you’ve never met one in your life.
I'll ask you for the second time.

How does a blk kid without a father affect white people ?

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