Black men are the problem and black lives dont matter

Your reparations consist of living in the US not Africa.
Black people built the USA. Trump admits this. So black Americans need reparations in the form of cash payments. The federal government made moneyfrom free Black labor.

The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over 50,000,000 Black people; therefore repatriations is a modest demand.

Everyone else can get "Protected class status", but yet black Americans can't and black people are the ones being targeted.

Where is the executive order protecting black people from being murdered by police officers ? Every other race/nationality is receiving tangibles except for us.

95% of my ancestors are dead thanks to WW2 and the Holocaust.
And what does that have to do with black people ? That's just white people killing each other. That's what white people do.

But even in WW2 when the USA had German POW's on the ship. The Black GI's who were on the same side as the white American GI's were not allowed to eat in the same mess hall as the white American GI's but Germans who were their supposed enemy were allowed.

So that bond of whiteness, that code of whiteness was still there despite both sides killing each other,

People died in the North to free the slaves in the South. Jim Crow was a Democrat law or set of laws.

1. This is a lie
2. The Union was losing the civil war until they started allowing black soldiers to fight
3. After the war, Union soldiers killed tens of thousands of newly freed Black people in Natchez,

The civil war was not about freeing enslaved black Americans. The first policy during the beginning of the civil war was for the union army to return any black slave who escaped during the war, back to southern plantation owners. Also every know slavery was in the north too.


KKK were Democrats. But you ignore all that.
I know this. What's your point ?

Right now everyone in America is born with equal rights.
We would not have the racial problems we have today if this was the case

Funny how in Charlottesville the assholes were chanting “Jews will not replace us”. Difference is we don’t whine, we don’t cry, we don’t chant “Jewish lives matter”.
That's because you don't have to. If the police were going into Jewish areas and killing young Jewish kids and Jewish men and women and getting off free. You people would lose your minds. Stop fking playing.

Ben Shaprio; A spokseperson for Jewish community, marks on his calendar each year on the birthdays of unarmed black men died in the hands of the police just to mock their grieving mother - His career is booming and the Jewish community has zero problem with that


My parents came here as young people in the 70s as refugees from the old Soviet Union. Never owned slaves.
And they were white. So that meant they had a leg up over black people from the start.
Asians built this country too. Do they deserve reparations. Not were white but are white. It’s rhetoric like this that divides this country. Blacks didn’t build this country. They helped build it along with immigrants and everyone else. Union was never losing the war. Learn history. South was always outnumbered. And you didn’t answer my question. My parents never owned slaves. Came here not speaking the language. Why would they owe you anything?

Your reparations consist of living in the US because blacks slave traders sold blacks to the US. Period. End of story. It sucked. Yes. But it’s in the past.

Lastly, police don’t go into Jewish neighborhoods because Jews don’t commit crimes. Police officers do not arrest law abiding citizens. Stop using race as a scapegoat.

Ben Shapiro does nothing of the sort. That is more antisemitic propaganda and you fell for it. Just admit you despise Jews. And the Charlottesville march illustrated that Jews are in fact not white people.

If you want to debate then debate fairly not with your antisemitic tropes.

My parents never owned slaves. Came here not speaking the language. Why would they owe you anything?
Apart from a few nuts white people do not walk out their door in the morning saying, “I'm going to screw black people”

They don't have to : Their forefathers set up the country to do just that.

You saying “My parents never owned slaves” is like the daughter of a Mafia boss wearing her diamonds and pearls and saying she never murdered anyone or shook anyone down for money. As if the diamonds and pearls fell from the sky.

The evidence is clear. Slavery was merely a big part of a system of white supremacy (e.g. Slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, etc.) that explicitly and overtly benefitted whites economically, socially and legally well into the 1970s.

So what your family never owned slaves. They benefitted from the system that was and is still largely is, in place.

Your Russian ancestors may have discrimination but they never dealt with legalized segregation. Never were they treated as livestock rather than people in this country. They were allowed to intermarry with other groups, and they now have assimilated into being white, including being able to partake in white privilege.

Came here not speaking the language. Why would they owe you anything?
They came here with white skin

I think it's grotesque and monumentally repugnant of white Jews who want to own victim-hood whilst being FUCKING steeped in white privilege and patronizingly conflate their specific white ethnic problems within white dominance and project that onto black people and foist upon the very people (Black people) who have absolutely nothing to do with their (Russian -Jewish) past oppression,

Get the fuck out my face.

And THEN you try to equate your history as similar to that of black history, thereby relinquishing any culpability emanating from THEIR OWN oppression/racism of black people all the while enjoying the ill-gotten fruits of white superiority.

Genius !! (lol)

Why don't you direct your complaints of ‘Jewish oppression’ to you fellow white brethren ? Why to Black people?

Black people have never enslaved or oppressed Jewish people.

You have the fucking nerve to sit there trying to garner sympathy whilst exonerating yourself of racism, from the very people (Black people) whom whites oppress and continue to do so.

Lastly, police don’t go into Jewish neighborhoods because Jews don’t commit crimes. Police officers do not arrest law abiding citizens. Stop using race as a scapegoat.
Allow me to introduce you to this white Jewish man. His name is Bernie Madoff


He got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars.

65 billion dollars is more money even if you added up the money robbed by every single black robber for the past 200 years in the USA

De Niro made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies" a few years bk

When white people do crime it's glorified. They're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.

Asians built this country too. Do they deserve reparations.
Reparations was also given to the HEIRS of the Japanese who we’re interned. So the same should be done for the heirs of Black American slaves


Not were white but are white. It’s rhetoric like this that divides this country.
The country is already divided.

Blacks didn’t build this country. They helped build it along with immigrants and everyone else.
It was built by Foundational Black Americans who were never compensated for the free labor,
And it's still going on today. Blk inmates who they force to clean up the streets rain or shine, heat or cold. They lock them up over a minor offenses and then get free work out of them. In FL they are out every day and look like they're about to die.

SD’s governor Janklow SDHA...paying inmates 25 cents per hour to build houses since 1996.

Ben Shapiro does nothing of the sort. That is more antisemitic propaganda and you fell for it. Just admit you despise Jews. And the Charlottesville march illustrated that Jews are in fact not white people.
White Jews hate black people. Look at Israel




If you want to debate then debate fairly not with your antisemitic tropes.

Now you're acting white now. So stop it. I'm calling you out on your bullshit. Your talking points sound good when your around family and friends. They sound good when no-one is there to check them
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My parents never owned slaves. Came here not speaking the language. Why would they owe you anything?
Apart from a few nuts white people do not walk out their door in the morning saying, “I am going to screw black people”

They don't have to : Their forefathers set up the country to do just that.

You saying “My parents never owned slaves” is like the daughter of a Mafia boss wearing her diamonds and pearls and saying she never murdered anyone or shook anyone down for money. As if the diamonds and pearls fell from the sky.

The evidence is clear. Slavery was merely a big part of a system of white supremacy (e.g. Slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, etc.) that explicitly and overtly benefitted whites economically, socially and legally well into the 1970s. So what your family never owned slaves. They certainly benefitted from the system that was, and still largely is, in place.

Your Russian ancestors may have discrimination but they never dealt with legalized segregation. Never were they treated as livestock rather than people in this country. They were allowed to intermarry with other groups, and they now have assimilated into being white, including being able to partake in white privilege.

Came here not speaking the language. Why would they owe you anything?
They came here with white skin

I think it's grotesque and monumentally repugnant of white ppl who want to own victim-hood whilst being FUCKING steeped in white privilege and patronizingly conflate their specific white ethnic problems within white dominance and project that onto black people and foist upon the very people (Black people) who have absolutely nothing to do with their (Russian -Jewish) past oppression,

Get the fuck out my face.

And THEN you try to equate your history as similar to that of black history, thereby relinquishing any culpability emanating from THEIR OWN oppression/racism of black people all the while enjoying the ill-gotten fruits of white superiority.

Genius !! (lol)

Why don't you direct your complaints of ‘Jewish oppression’ to you fellow white brethren ? Why to Black people?

Black people have never enslaved or oppressed Jewish people.

You have the fucking nerve to sit there trying to garner sympathy whilst exonerating yourself of racism, from the very people (Black people) whom whites oppress and continue to do so.

Lastly, police don’t go into Jewish neighborhoods because Jews don’t commit crimes. Police officers do not arrest law abiding citizens. Stop using race as a scapegoat.
Allow me to introduce you to this white Jewish man. His name is Bernie Madoff


He got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars.

65 billion dollars is more money even if you added up the money robbed by every single black robber for the past 200 years in the USA

De Niro made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies" a few years bk

When white people do crime it's glorified. They're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.

Asians built this country too. Do they deserve reparations.
Reparations was also given to the HEIRS of the Japanese who we’re interned. So the same should be done for the heirs of Black American slaves


Not were white but are white. It’s rhetoric like this that divides this country.
The country is already divided.

Blacks didn’t build this country. They helped build it along with immigrants and everyone else.
It was built by Foundational Black Americans who were never compensated for the free labor,
And it's still going on today. Blk inmates who they force to clean up the streets rain or shine, heat or cold. They lock them up over a minor offenses and then get free work out of them. In FL they are out every day and look like they're about to die.

SD’s governor Janklow SDHA...paying inmates 25 cents per hour to build houses since 1996.

Ben Shapiro does nothing of the sort. That is more antisemitic propaganda and you fell for it. Just admit you despise Jews. And the Charlottesville march illustrated that Jews are in fact not white people.
White Jews hate black people. Look at Israel




If you want to debate then debate fairly not with your antisemitic tropes.

Your propaganda is laughable. Always the victim. Did you compare my parents to a daughter of the mafia boss? You just want to play the blame game. Very pathetic. You are an antisemitic asshole. Period.
Your propaganda is laughable. Always the victim. Did you compare my parents to a daughter of the mafia boss? You just want to play the blame game. Very pathetic. You are an antisemitic asshole. Period.
Picked an argument with the wrong guy. Didn't you ? Be gone. You clown.
Your propaganda is laughable. Always the victim. Did you compare my parents to a daughter of the mafia boss? You just want to play the blame game. Very pathetic. You are an antisemitic asshole. Period.
Picked an argument with the wrong guy. Didn't you ? Be gone. You clown.
Wrong. You write, you don't read. Argument? An opinion cannot be wrong. Neither mine nor yours.
"But where did you get that? Only because black men tend to be more violent in the US doesnt make them stronger than white men [ if you will include white Liberals, so probably yes, those people will happily be a punch bag so they can suffer for their white guilt ]"

Every year since I began looking at crime numbers white men have on average committed double the violent crime than blacks. White men in American history have been the most savage, feral and animalistic group in this country. White men in this country are responsible for some of the most heinous crimes ever recorded. Whites have produced Hitler, Leopold, Stalin, Manson, Dahmer, Gacy, Bundy, Brevik, McVeigh and Berkowitz. Whites men are responsible for 2 world wars and nuclear weapons. White men have a record of violence that no one can catch, yet in delusions of white racist "grandeur" we see comments like this.

In the US, who commits most of the crimes this days?
I ll answer you a 2nd time, it’s not about race. That kid starts with a significant disadvantage making him more susceptible to potential criminality or lifetime dependence on the Govt. Why is everything about skin color with you? Can you not think deeper?
I'll ask you for the third time

How does a black kid without a father affect white people ?

The kid has no father character, no one to teach him how to man up. With
Define “fair”..pussies use that word. Some cultures excel more than others at certain events. There are more Jewish owners in the NFL than players. No one gave us anything. You are the type to make excuses for your failures. Pretty sure I d smoke you 1 on 1.

What you also leave out is that the Jews got to where they are because of racism.

The Jews did not suffer from hundreds of years of slavery - Because they were White.
The Jews could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – Because they were White.
The Jews qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – Because they were White.
The Jews could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – Because they were White.

Yes the Jews suffered. But whatever stereotypes they may have had then does not impact you now.

If you fill out a job application TODAY : No one cares if you are Jewish.
  • No one follows you around in the store.
  • No one assumes you are lazy.
  • No one assumes your child-like and can’t take care of yourself.
  • No one assumes you're criminal.
  • No one tells you are so much better off in America so you should be glad your ancestors were slaves.
  • No one acts like they did you a favor or saved you from a backwardness.
  • No one displays your human reminds as primitive until the late 70s.
  • You don't have to radically change/permanently alter a feature of your body to become accepted or get employment (like hair for example).
You're just another white person.

The same cannot be said for a black person. And how does this relates to slavery ?

The stereotypes were created during slavery as an excuse for enslaving blacks (we are childlike and need guidance, can’t take of ourselves need white help/masters, black women are sex-hungry, baby making machines to explain all the mixed children running around).

Or they were created after slavery to keep whites at the top and blacks at the bottom.

These stereotypes of blacks are to this day are still widely held and even defended by white folks and a few misguided blacks.

None of them are new. They are very old and they are based in slavery and it’s immediate aftermath.

You cannot sit in contentment in an oppressive system and claim innocence.

Tell that the Jews of new York, everytime when a black man gets inside a Kosher supermarket everyone escapes. Why is that?

And then again - only Holocaust survivors get repartations. Not sons of Jewish holocaust survivor.

Keep crying and whining. Lets see how far youd get with that attitude
Define “fair”..pussies use that word. Some cultures excel more than others at certain events. There are more Jewish owners in the NFL than players. No one gave us anything. You are the type to make excuses for your failures. Pretty sure I d smoke you 1 on 1.

What you also leave out is that the Jews got to where they are because of racism.

The Jews did not suffer from hundreds of years of slavery - Because they were White.
The Jews could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – Because they were White.
The Jews qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – Because they were White.
The Jews could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – Because they were White.

Yes the Jews suffered. But whatever stereotypes they may have had then does not impact you now.

If you fill out a job application TODAY : No one cares if you are Jewish.
  • No one follows you around in the store.
  • No one assumes you are lazy.
  • No one assumes your child-like and can’t take care of yourself.
  • No one assumes you're criminal.
  • No one tells you are so much better off in America so you should be glad your ancestors were slaves.
  • No one acts like they did you a favor or saved you from a backwardness.
  • No one displays your human reminds as primitive until the late 70s.
  • You don't have to radically change/permanently alter a feature of your body to become accepted or get employment (like hair for example).
You're just another white person.

The same cannot be said for a black person. And how does this relates to slavery ?

The stereotypes were created during slavery as an excuse for enslaving blacks (we are childlike and need guidance, can’t take of ourselves need white help/masters, black women are sex-hungry, baby making machines to explain all the mixed children running around).

Or they were created after slavery to keep whites at the top and blacks at the bottom.

These stereotypes of blacks are to this day are still widely held and even defended by white folks and a few misguided blacks.

None of them are new. They are very old and they are based in slavery and it’s immediate aftermath.

You cannot sit in contentment in an oppressive system and claim innocence.
Your reparations consist of living in the US not Africa. 95% of my ancestors are dead thanks to WW2 and the Holocaust. People died in the North to free the slaves in the South. Jim Crow was a Democrat law or set of laws. KKK were Democrats. But you ignore all that. Right now everyone in America is born with equal rights. Funny how in Charlottesville the assholes were chanting “Jews will not replace us”. Difference is we don’t whine, we don’t cry, we don’t chant “Jewish lives matter”.

We are thankful for what we have and we strive to be the best community we can be. We help each other out. Take notes. We don’t kill one another and we certainly don’t have a crab mentality. So instead of blaming evil whites, look in the mirror.

My parents came here as young people in the 70s as refugees from the old Soviet Union. Never owned slaves. Why should I and or they pay you any reparations?

I do not assume you’re a criminal. But you look weak because you feel sorry for yourself. Man up.

Most important of all? Trump condemns white supermacist and anti semetic groups.

On the left? The Democratic party admires Nation of islam.
Obama is a good friend of the man who called Jews 'termits ', Luis Farkhan.

Imagine what would the black community do and how many people they would kill if Trump would be a friend of a man calling black people RATS.

But yeah, he is ignoring the simple fact that Jews are the most tatgeted group in the US [ Yes, also by black. Id say especially by blacks. ADL says 38% of the black community hold anti semetic opinions ]

You’re a maroon, Jews are probably the most oppressed people in the history of the planet. Historically everybody hated the Jews and used them as scapegoats. In my lifetime Jews have been prevented from membership in private clubs and country clubs. What’s really funny about your hatred of Jews is that they Were the biggest supporters of the civil rights movement.
I'm not going to get into an oppression Olympics but the fact is Jews are seen as whites, accepted as part of the of European civilization; viewed as intelligent, hard-working and successful, unlike black people who are seen as lazy, unintelligent, criminal and other things,

Getting white ppl to acknowledge the humanity of a group of white people (however much this group may differ from most of them in terms of religion and certain cultural traditions) is very different from convincing them of the equal value of blk ppl, who don’t look like them, who might not speak the same language, and who seen as as taking white jobs and living off welfare.

You only need to look at how the black Ethiopian Jews and blk ppl in general are treated right there in Israel




Fucking bullshit.
Israel is the only state in the world to move 120,000 african people from africa not for slavery - but to get money, health care, an apartment. All this? During a commando and mossad operation to move thousands of Jews in to Israel.

There are many Ethiopian Jews that succeded, and they are now ministers, military officers etc but many just thought somebody owes them something and do nothing.

You are such an ignorant. Dont talk about what you have zero knowledge about
Your reparations consist of living in the US not Africa.
Black people built the USA. Trump admits this. So black Americans need reparations in the form of cash payments. The federal government made moneyfrom free Black labor.

The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over 50,000,000 Black people; therefore repatriations is a modest demand.

Everyone else can get "Protected class status", but yet black Americans can't and black people are the ones being targeted.

Where is the executive order protecting black people from being murdered by police officers ? Every other race/nationality is receiving tangibles except for us.

95% of my ancestors are dead thanks to WW2 and the Holocaust.
And what does that have to do with black people ? That's just white people killing each other. That's what white people do.

But even in WW2 when the USA had German POW's on the ship. The Black GI's who were on the same side as the white American GI's were not allowed to eat in the same mess hall as the white American GI's but Germans who were their supposed enemy were allowed.

So that bond of whiteness, that code of whiteness was still there despite both sides killing each other,

People died in the North to free the slaves in the South. Jim Crow was a Democrat law or set of laws.

1. This is a lie
2. The Union was losing the civil war until they started allowing black soldiers to fight
3. After the war, Union soldiers killed tens of thousands of newly freed Black people in Natchez,

The civil war was not about freeing enslaved black Americans. The first policy during the beginning of the civil war was for the union army to return any black slave who escaped during the war, back to southern plantation owners. Also every know slavery was in the north too.


KKK were Democrats. But you ignore all that.
I know this. What's your point ?

Right now everyone in America is born with equal rights.
We would not have the racial problems we have today if this was the case

Funny how in Charlottesville the assholes were chanting “Jews will not replace us”. Difference is we don’t whine, we don’t cry, we don’t chant “Jewish lives matter”.
That's because you don't have to. If the police were going into Jewish areas and killing young Jewish kids and Jewish men and women and getting off free. You people would lose your minds. Stop fking playing.

Ben Shaprio; A spokseperson for Jewish community, marks on his calendar each year on the birthdays of unarmed black men died in the hands of the police just to mock their grieving mother - His career is booming and the Jewish community has zero problem with that


My parents came here as young people in the 70s as refugees from the old Soviet Union. Never owned slaves.
And they were white. So that meant they had a leg up over black people from the start.

Well dont worry, enough black people are doing it instead of the police.

The only place where Jews are fighting back is in Israel. This is why the Jews happened to be so easily targeted in the US
Apart from a few nuts white people do not walk out their door in the morning saying, “I'm going to screw black people” They don't have to : Their forefathers set up the country to do just that.
So what your family never owned slaves. They benefitted from the system that was and is still largely is, in place.
Okay, so do Black people have a solution for reorganizing the country so that it is fair, or are Black people requesting that white people submit solutions that Black people will evaluate and recommend for promulgation?

Or, are Black people suggesting that reparations will solve the problems and that there will be no need to reorganize the country?

What are you, brilliant Black folks, thinking???
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I respectfully request the Congressional Black Caucus to lead Black
Americans to form exclusive legal firms to submit petitions of
practical directive systems to their most trusted court for processing
the reordering of their constituent government jurisdictions.
White Americans need to know exactly how Black people would
organize just government without the interference of white people
intimidating the timid, yet brilliant, Black people who are inherently
more just than the evil white devils.

The American legends about justice that have been devised to lead
us to believe that true justice is possible, cannot be achieved under
the direction of the 18th century three-part model, and the subsequent
disordered expansion of security departments and improper
reapportioning of faulty representation. The exercise of the 1787
federal Constitution successfully lead to the end of slavery in
America, and that was about all it was good for. The design of the
government is inherently flawed, and cannot meet the demands of
diversity that the nation has evolved to, nor the expectations of a
relatively more sophisticated citizenry than the people of the 18th


  • Letter to CongressBlackCaucus.20.06.05.pdf
    36.4 KB · Views: 27
My parents never owned slaves. Came here not speaking the language. Why would they owe you anything?
Apart from a few nuts white people do not walk out their door in the morning saying, “I'm going to screw black people”

They don't have to : Their forefathers set up the country to do just that.

You saying “My parents never owned slaves” is like the daughter of a Mafia boss wearing her diamonds and pearls and saying she never murdered anyone or shook anyone down for money. As if the diamonds and pearls fell from the sky.

The evidence is clear. Slavery was merely a big part of a system of white supremacy (e.g. Slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, etc.) that explicitly and overtly benefitted whites economically, socially and legally well into the 1970s.

So what your family never owned slaves. They benefitted from the system that was and is still largely is, in place.

Your Russian ancestors may have discrimination but they never dealt with legalized segregation. Never were they treated as livestock rather than people in this country. They were allowed to intermarry with other groups, and they now have assimilated into being white, including being able to partake in white privilege.

Came here not speaking the language. Why would they owe you anything?
They came here with white skin

I think it's grotesque and monumentally repugnant of white Jews who want to own victim-hood whilst being FUCKING steeped in white privilege and patronizingly conflate their specific white ethnic problems within white dominance and project that onto black people and foist upon the very people (Black people) who have absolutely nothing to do with their (Russian -Jewish) past oppression,

Get the fuck out my face.

And THEN you try to equate your history as similar to that of black history, thereby relinquishing any culpability emanating from THEIR OWN oppression/racism of black people all the while enjoying the ill-gotten fruits of white superiority.

Genius !! (lol)

Why don't you direct your complaints of ‘Jewish oppression’ to you fellow white brethren ? Why to Black people?

Black people have never enslaved or oppressed Jewish people.

You have the fucking nerve to sit there trying to garner sympathy whilst exonerating yourself of racism, from the very people (Black people) whom whites oppress and continue to do so.

Lastly, police don’t go into Jewish neighborhoods because Jews don’t commit crimes. Police officers do not arrest law abiding citizens. Stop using race as a scapegoat.
Allow me to introduce you to this white Jewish man. His name is Bernie Madoff


He got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars.

65 billion dollars is more money even if you added up the money robbed by every single black robber for the past 200 years in the USA

De Niro made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies" a few years bk

When white people do crime it's glorified. They're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.

Asians built this country too. Do they deserve reparations.
Reparations was also given to the HEIRS of the Japanese who we’re interned. So the same should be done for the heirs of Black American slaves


Not were white but are white. It’s rhetoric like this that divides this country.
The country is already divided.

Blacks didn’t build this country. They helped build it along with immigrants and everyone else.
It was built by Foundational Black Americans who were never compensated for the free labor,
And it's still going on today. Blk inmates who they force to clean up the streets rain or shine, heat or cold. They lock them up over a minor offenses and then get free work out of them. In FL they are out every day and look like they're about to die.

SD’s governor Janklow SDHA...paying inmates 25 cents per hour to build houses since 1996.

Ben Shapiro does nothing of the sort. That is more antisemitic propaganda and you fell for it. Just admit you despise Jews. And the Charlottesville march illustrated that Jews are in fact not white people.
White Jews hate black people. Look at Israel




If you want to debate then debate fairly not with your antisemitic tropes.

Now you're acting white now. So stop it. I'm calling you out on your bullshit. Your talking points sound good when your around family and friends. They sound good when no-one is there to check them

They don't have to : Their forefathers set up the country to do just that.
The evidence is clear. Slavery was merely a big part of a system of white supremacy (e.g. Slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, etc.) that explicitly and overtly benefitted whites economically, socially and legally well into the 1970s.
So what your family never owned slaves. They benefitted from the system that was and is still largely is, in place.

Prove it.

Saying it, doesn't prove anything.
Prove that I right now, in this time frame, somehow benefited from slavery.

Not your opinion... not "well I think"... not "well someone said". Prove that I right now, benefited from slavery. Prove it. Provide proof that could be used in court.

Good luck.
You want to hang people just because of what one woman says on Twitter-what a freak of nature..
Youre an idiot

And please

By all means leftards and their slaves.........

Ignore the heartbroken angwy woman in the video ......:p:auiqs.jpg:

View attachment 397718
I am not surprised that you have murder in mind it comes naturally to people who have no value for anyone who is different. As far as the woman in the vid she'll get over it and change or keep on repeating the same mistakes, it happens no matter the skin tone of a human....

You really are a idiot
Holy shit rube

And you need to shut up and listen to the black woman
According to your allies you're a racist hick for not agreeing with her
Shut up and listen .....rotflmao

Or was it silence is violence .....pffffft
He says whatever the bong tells him to say. You can't discuss anything with the bong.
Is that any worse than talking to an ass like when it is done with yous? Because you can't discuss anything with an ass...They are always talking shit.
Yous??? Yeah. Just once in a while put the bong down.
I'll ask you for the third time

How does a black kid without a father affect white people ?

The kid has no father character, no one to teach him how to man up. With
And how does a black kid without a father affect white people ?

Tell that the Jews of new York, everytime when a black man gets inside a Kosher supermarket everyone escapes. Why is that?
White supremacy.

And how does a black kid without a father affect white people ?

My tax money has to pay for drug rehab, and pay for policing, and his government assistance. That's how.
I'll ask you for the third time

How does a black kid without a father affect white people ?

The kid has no father character, no one to teach him how to man up. With
And how does a black kid without a father affect white people ?

Tell that the Jews of new York, everytime when a black man gets inside a Kosher supermarket everyone escapes. Why is that?
White supremacy.
It increases their burden of paying into welfare, court system, etc. That is how. African American population is only 13% of the US but 50% of the prison system.
Your propaganda is laughable. Always the victim. Did you compare my parents to a daughter of the mafia boss? You just want to play the blame game. Very pathetic. You are an antisemitic asshole. Period.
Picked an argument with the wrong guy. Didn't you ? Be gone. You clown.

It was propaganda. You just spewed a bunch of talking points. That reflects on you, not him. You promoting clown arguments, doesn't make us clowns. It makes you the clown.
Okay, so do Black people have a solution for reorganizing the country so that it is fair, or are Black people requesting that white people submit solutions that Black people will evaluate and recommend for legislation?

Or, are Black people suggesting that reparations will solve the problems and that there will be no need to reorganize the country???

What are you, brilliant Black folks, thinking?
Here a few solutions that I wrote down previously.


No diversions into non-black issues. Not LGTB. Not minority. Not black and brown.

Black people have no friends. I can't stand the term "People Of Color"

We not only have to deal white supremacists . But Asians who are anti black. White Latinos who are anti black. Native American who are anti black.


Black progress is measured in dollars. If black people as a group have got more dollars then we are moving in the right direction. No hand picked black people like Oprah. Either we all coming up or we are all going down. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black people. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

White supremacists may hate us because we are black but they are able to victimise us because we are poor and as long as we remain poor we remain easy victims.

The wealth of the USA and the western world was built on exploiting black labour and later systematic racism to trap black people into being a never ending labor, consumer and prison class of people. The Homestead Act gave whites free land which they passed down generationally all the while bombing any attempt at black economic empowerment (Black wall street and Tulsa)

After WW2 Japan was bombed. The USA rebuilt Japan to 20th century specifications and now uses it as one of their puppet states. Japan was given a marshall plan with clear goals to rebuild it to become an industrial player. The same needs to be done for black business development because white and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

Black economic empowerment is the foundation.


Black people are up against a system that permeates every factor, every facet of black people lives.

Look at how the Japanese were treated after they went to war with the USA. The country was flattened. Not to mention the nuclear fallout which lasted for yrs. But look at them now ? Everyone slobbers and drools over so called Japanese intelligence. They were helped and assisted.

Look at the Jews. They had the Nuremberg trials. They hunted down anyone who was a nazi. Even today if they find a 101 year old Nazi, they'll make him stand (actually most of em can't even stand) before a trial but look at the Jews today ? Jews are one of the most powerful racial groups on the planet.

They dismantled white supremacy in Germany in regards to the Jews. That needs to happen to black ppl today. White supremacy must recognised as the ultimate evil meaning that is and criminalised and outlawed. The same way they did in Nazi Germany

Questions ?

"Well erm. Paul Essien. They didn't totally eradicate racism in Germany"

Well give me what the Jews have and we'll make it work.


When other countries shoot their citizens. The USA is quick to call that a human rights violation but when white supremacist do the same to unarmed black ppl then that's proper police procedure and self defence.

The police are the enforcement arm of white supremacy and law enforcement has been infested by white supremacists and nothing been done to root them out.

That's why all the madness and rioting on the streets is happening.

There are white supremacist beat cops, sergeants, captains, police chiefs and prosecutors who are using sheriff departments as havens and nests were white supremacist can be hired to kill black ppl and the white supremacist district attorney will back them up on it.

White supremacists are terrorists and they should be punished.


Black kids are the targets of racist school teachers and administrators. Their chief form of abuse is to claim that the black child has a learning disability and the only way you can deal with them is to put the child on drugs or in special education. They also play on poverty of many black people by saying "We'll increase your county check, if you just give jamal this drug"

Knowing full well that drugs and special ed increases the black child chances of failing in school, becoming a drop out and ending up in prison.

In the USA they put prisons where the drop out rates are the highest. And now that you have prisons for profit. They need to make sure they have fresh stock.

This is all done so that white kids don't have to compete in the global market place with blacks.


Germany has done quite well since WW2 without having statutes of the Nazi's but in the USA white supremacists nazis are on the steps of the courthouses and town squares across the USA. A black person should not have to look at a statue of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson when he enters a court house. because that's a sure sign that he'll get no justice in there.

Germany has train stations, jet airplanes and freeways. All inventions of the Nazis but Germany doesn't have public statues of Wernher von Braun. They kept the innovations then put those inventors in a Museum.


The reconstitution of the American economic order.

These entities (Companies) have to do 20% business with black businesses.

Companies in the USA receive public assistance in the form of tax breaks and EVEN tax credits as well free infrastructure upgrades to make it easier for them to do business. Whenever they build a Walmart or a Whole-foods or whatever, they redo the whole dam inter-section. For a Walmart they put up new traffic lights, new sewage lines, they use millions of blk tax money for white companies.

But they'll never do that for a black business. Because when black people show up it "O no !! Thats welfare ! We cant give you nothing" meanwhile they're given white businesses millions.

So corporations that want to do business in a city, part of their requirements to get their business licence is at least 20% of their contracts must goto black businesses that are either purely black sole proprietorships or are corporations that are 75% black owned as a condition.

And if white people can't find black contractor ? Then they're going to have to implement the CHINA LAW.

When the white supremacist came into China they thought that they could run the same game they do on blacks and other non whites but China said "Wait a minute. Hold your brakes white man. You're not gonna come over here and take it over. You're going to have to enter into contracts with Chinese automotive companies and that's mandatory and you'll share it 50-50 with our own home grown Chinese companies. Your not gonna come here and rape the economy and leave us with nothing "

So if a white contractor can find a black contractor. He's gonna be told

"Say hello to your new 50-50 black partner Mr white man. Every morning. You're gonna go all over the books with him, all over the plans, all over the numbers, all over the blueprints, all over the procedure"

And at the end everybody is gonna know how set up this freeway, this building when it is done.

And if he doesn't like it he's told. "OK. Mr White Supremacist contractor. Would you like 50% of the contract ? Or 0% of the contract ?"

He'll start acting right.

If this happened you would see economic earthquakes in 12 months.

Contacts that go 100% to white businesses needs to be stopped.

When it comes to building the schools, the parks, who get's the contract ? Not black people and if there no black vendors then programs need to be set up to make sure there are in the future otherwise you don't get the contract (The China Law)

Black people built the USA but if black kids are growing up seeing white people building this, building that and they see no one in their family building that's gonna condition the brain into thinking "That's what white people do, that's not for us"

New York that's a city with 20% blk population but all you see is whites doing the side walk work and street work and they keep that for themselves.


When small business have stable contracts with larger companies this enables the smaller business to make long term plans. They can get access to lines of credit.

Bill Gates wasn't some business marvel.

He took the idea for windows from Xerox and another guy who did the coding and took to IBM.

He was able to get a contact from IBM for Windows. He didn't get a job with IBM but he went on to be bigger than IBM. That's how white wealth is built. Elon Musk is the definition of white privilege he cashed out on paypal so now all he has to do is say "Hey, I got an idea !!" and rich ppl all over the world show up simply to sponsor his idea. It doesn't matter how crazy his idea is people would pump him so much money that it almost eliminates failure

Imagine solid black business had that kinda access to wealth ? There'd be an economic revolution in years.


That is the descendants of American slaves. The goal of white supremacist is make black ppl think we are permanent labor class. A never ending consumer class and when you've out lived your usefulness we can use you as live stock for the prisoners.

These are the starts for the to repair the 400 years of hell that white ppl (white supremacists) have subjected blk ppl to.

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