Black men are the problem and black lives dont matter

Your reparations consist of living in the US not Africa.
Black people built the USA. Trump admits this. So black Americans need reparations in the form of cash payments. The federal government made moneyfrom free Black labor.

The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over 50,000,000 Black people; therefore repatriations is a modest demand.

Everyone else can get "Protected class status", but yet black Americans can't and black people are the ones being targeted.

Where is the executive order protecting black people from being murdered by police officers ? Every other race/nationality is receiving tangibles except for us.

95% of my ancestors are dead thanks to WW2 and the Holocaust.
And what does that have to do with black people ? That's just white people killing each other. That's what white people do.

But even in WW2 when the USA had German POW's on the ship. The Black GI's who were on the same side as the white American GI's were not allowed to eat in the same mess hall as the white American GI's but Germans who were their supposed enemy were allowed.

So that bond of whiteness, that code of whiteness was still there despite both sides killing each other,

People died in the North to free the slaves in the South. Jim Crow was a Democrat law or set of laws.

1. This is a lie
2. The Union was losing the civil war until they started allowing black soldiers to fight
3. After the war, Union soldiers killed tens of thousands of newly freed Black people in Natchez,

The civil war was not about freeing enslaved black Americans. The first policy during the beginning of the civil war was for the union army to return any black slave who escaped during the war, back to southern plantation owners. Also every know slavery was in the north too.


KKK were Democrats. But you ignore all that.
I know this. What's your point ?

Right now everyone in America is born with equal rights.
We would not have the racial problems we have today if this was the case

Funny how in Charlottesville the assholes were chanting “Jews will not replace us”. Difference is we don’t whine, we don’t cry, we don’t chant “Jewish lives matter”.
That's because you don't have to. If the police were going into Jewish areas and killing young Jewish kids and Jewish men and women and getting off free. You people would lose your minds. Stop fking playing.

Ben Shaprio; A spokseperson for Jewish community, marks on his calendar each year on the birthdays of unarmed black men died in the hands of the police just to mock their grieving mother - His career is booming and the Jewish community has zero problem with that


My parents came here as young people in the 70s as refugees from the old Soviet Union. Never owned slaves.
And they were white. So that meant they had a leg up over black people from the start.
Asians built this country too. Do they deserve reparations. Not were white but are white. It’s rhetoric like this that divides this country. Blacks didn’t build this country. They helped build it along with immigrants and everyone else. Union was never losing the war. Learn history. South was always outnumbered. And you didn’t answer my question. My parents never owned slaves. Came here not speaking the language. Why would they owe you anything?

Your reparations consist of living in the US because blacks slave traders sold blacks to the US. Period. End of story. It sucked. Yes. But it’s in the past.

Lastly, police don’t go into Jewish neighborhoods because Jews don’t commit crimes. Police officers do not arrest law abiding citizens. Stop using race as a scapegoat.

Ben Shapiro does nothing of the sort. That is more antisemitic propaganda and you fell for it. Just admit you despise Jews. And the Charlottesville march illustrated that Jews are in fact not white people.

If you want to debate then debate fairly not with your antisemitic tropes.

There are violent protests in New York tonight by white Jews over COVID restrictions, where large crowds attacked journalists...But for some reason, the NYPD are not bringing out their militarized riot gear, nor are they using rubber bullets on this particular crowd. I wonder why?

If this would have been us we would have been attacked with tear gas, batons and rubber bullets

What’s more astonishing is the amount of restraint the cops displayed amongst the Hasidics... no one slammed into the ground no one tased no one bleeding and screaming for the Lord..... if this was Brownsville we would be raising money for bail
Your reparations consist of living in the US not Africa.
Black people built the USA. Trump admits this. So black Americans need reparations in the form of cash payments. The federal government made moneyfrom free Black labor.

The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over 50,000,000 Black people; therefore repatriations is a modest demand.

Everyone else can get "Protected class status", but yet black Americans can't and black people are the ones being targeted.

Where is the executive order protecting black people from being murdered by police officers ? Every other race/nationality is receiving tangibles except for us.

95% of my ancestors are dead thanks to WW2 and the Holocaust.
And what does that have to do with black people ? That's just white people killing each other. That's what white people do.

But even in WW2 when the USA had German POW's on the ship. The Black GI's who were on the same side as the white American GI's were not allowed to eat in the same mess hall as the white American GI's but Germans who were their supposed enemy were allowed.

So that bond of whiteness, that code of whiteness was still there despite both sides killing each other,

People died in the North to free the slaves in the South. Jim Crow was a Democrat law or set of laws.

1. This is a lie
2. The Union was losing the civil war until they started allowing black soldiers to fight
3. After the war, Union soldiers killed tens of thousands of newly freed Black people in Natchez,

The civil war was not about freeing enslaved black Americans. The first policy during the beginning of the civil war was for the union army to return any black slave who escaped during the war, back to southern plantation owners. Also every know slavery was in the north too.


KKK were Democrats. But you ignore all that.
I know this. What's your point ?

Right now everyone in America is born with equal rights.
We would not have the racial problems we have today if this was the case

Funny how in Charlottesville the assholes were chanting “Jews will not replace us”. Difference is we don’t whine, we don’t cry, we don’t chant “Jewish lives matter”.
That's because you don't have to. If the police were going into Jewish areas and killing young Jewish kids and Jewish men and women and getting off free. You people would lose your minds. Stop fking playing.

Ben Shaprio; A spokseperson for Jewish community, marks on his calendar each year on the birthdays of unarmed black men died in the hands of the police just to mock their grieving mother - His career is booming and the Jewish community has zero problem with that


My parents came here as young people in the 70s as refugees from the old Soviet Union. Never owned slaves.
And they were white. So that meant they had a leg up over black people from the start.
Asians built this country too. Do they deserve reparations. Not were white but are white. It’s rhetoric like this that divides this country. Blacks didn’t build this country. They helped build it along with immigrants and everyone else. Union was never losing the war. Learn history. South was always outnumbered. And you didn’t answer my question. My parents never owned slaves. Came here not speaking the language. Why would they owe you anything?

Your reparations consist of living in the US because blacks slave traders sold blacks to the US. Period. End of story. It sucked. Yes. But it’s in the past.

Lastly, police don’t go into Jewish neighborhoods because Jews don’t commit crimes. Police officers do not arrest law abiding citizens. Stop using race as a scapegoat.

Ben Shapiro does nothing of the sort. That is more antisemitic propaganda and you fell for it. Just admit you despise Jews. And the Charlottesville march illustrated that Jews are in fact not white people.

If you want to debate then debate fairly not with your antisemitic tropes.

There are violent protests in New York tonight by white Jews over COVID restrictions, where large crowds attacked journalists...But for some reason, the NYPD are not bringing out their militarized riot gear, nor are they using rubber bullets on this particular crowd. I wonder why?

If this would have been us we would have been attacked with tear gas, batons and rubber bullets

What’s more astonishing is the amount of restraint the cops displayed amongst the Hasidics... no one slammed into the ground no one tased no one bleeding and screaming for the Lord..... if this was Brownsville we would be raising money for bail

Everything is painted with a broad brush. “Us” is killing one another at record rates. 6% of the population committing 50% of all crimes and not petty crimes but severe violent crimes. Jews are upset over religious suppression. They aren’t burning private businesses and looting them. Like BLM and Antifa.

In fact every mostly Jewish neighborhood in the US is very safe and affluent. Can you explain to me why the black community has a crab mentality? Jews help one another. We weren’t allowed to work in many businesses so we formed our own. Jewelry stores, banks, real estate, etc. We help one another. Exact opposite of the African American community. Please explain why.
So, how do you think this can be implemented if we do not repeal segregation, and manage it differently than the notorious oppressive manner documented in the history of America? Do you expect white people to figure out how to do it???

No diversions into non-black issues. Not LGTB. Not minority. Not black and brown.


Black progress is measured in dollars. If black people as a group have got more dollars then we are moving in the right direction. No hand picked black people like Oprah. Either we all coming up or we are all going down. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black people. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.


White supremacy must recognised as the ultimate evil meaning that is and criminalised and outlawed. The same way they did in Nazi Germany
Jews help one another. We weren’t allowed to work in many businesses so we formed our own. Jewelry stores, banks, real estate, etc. We help one another. Exact opposite of the African American community. Please explain why.
Yes because you were allowed to do that. You were allowed to open up jewelry stores, banks and real estate. No one sabotages or has sabotaged Jewish businesses on consistent scale like they do black businesses.

Black degradation is essential to White people.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

Rosewood in the early part of the last century


Here was a thriving black community living independent of whites, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Not to mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of sailing ships all show a pattern of White officials making extraordinary efforts to cut black business development off at the knees

The Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.


Same again. Thriving black community. Blew up by white people with the aid of the US government.

This aspect does not only apply to America it applies on a global scale too. Its not just Black communities which have been prevented from organically growing and developing. Its countries and states too.

Growth of ones own community can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place restrictions will ultimately always apply.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

White people are always doing stuff.


And despite all this many black people STILL become successful without any help and in SPITE of systematic sabotage. You are so inept, you need a system of non-justice to sabotage an entire group because you can’t compete equally

Everything is painted with a broad brush.
Really ? Name me the worst negative stereotypes about white people ?

“Us” is killing one another at record rates. 6% of the population committing 50% of all crimes and not petty crimes but severe violent crimes.
Dude. Stop the % game. Just throwing out a few stats from white people and act like it's serious.

Jews are upset over religious suppression.

They aren’t burning private businesses and looting them..
That because you (white people) don't have the fking guts.

What makes blk ppl so amazing is that we are the minority population here and still go HARD BODY. We are out here on the streets right now. We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.


But we fking dust ourselves off and challenge the dam beast.........EVERYDAY !! We still out everyday saying "Hell no.......we ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"


No one has that kinda fking courage like black people. No-one. You don't roll the tanks for a group of pussies.

In fact every mostly Jewish neighborhood in the US is very safe and affluent.
Of course the Jewish area is affluent because live in a system of white supremacy u
So under that system power and resources is pointed in white people's direction. So white people can take advantage of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets (even though whites only got into those markets because of government subsidies and preferences, both private and public).

Can you explain to me why the black community has a crab mentality?
What do you mean by "crab mentality" ?
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So, how do you think this can be implemented if we do not repeal segregation, and manage it differently than the notorious oppressive manner documented in the history of America? Do you expect white people to figure out how to do it???
I just explained to you how it can be
Jews help one another. We weren’t allowed to work in many businesses so we formed our own. Jewelry stores, banks, real estate, etc. We help one another. Exact opposite of the African American community. Please explain why.
Yes because you were allowed to do that. You were allowed to open up jewelry stores, banks and real estate. No one sabotages or has sabotaged Jewish businesses on consistent scale like they do black businesses.

Black degradation is essential to White people.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

Rosewood in the early part of the last century


Here was a thriving black community living independent of whites, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Not to mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of sailing ships all show a pattern of White officials making extraordinary efforts to cut black business development off at the knees

The Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.


Same again. Thriving black community. Blew up by white people with the aid of the US government.

This aspect does not only apply to America it applies on a global scale too. Its not just Black communities which have been prevented from organically growing and developing. Its countries and states too.

Growth of ones own community can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place restrictions will ultimately always apply.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

White people are always doing stuff.

View attachment 399252

And despite all this many black people STILL become successful without any help and in SPITE of systematic sabotage. You are so inept, you need a system of non-justice to sabotage an entire group because you can’t compete equally

Everything is painted with a broad brush.
Really ? Name me the worst negative stereotypes about white people ?

“Us” is killing one another at record rates. 6% of the population committing 50% of all crimes and not petty crimes but severe violent crimes.
Dude. Stop the % game. Just throwing out a few stats from white people and act like it's serious.

Jews are upset over religious suppression.

They aren’t burning private businesses and looting them..
That because you (white people) don't have the fking guts.

What makes blk ppl so amazing is that we are the minority population here and still go HARD BODY. We are out here on the streets right now. We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.


But we fking dust ourselves off and challenge the dam beast.........EVERYDAY !! We still out everyday saying "Hell no.......we ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"


No one has that kinda fking courage like black people. No-one. You don't roll the tanks for a group of pussies.

In fact every mostly Jewish neighborhood in the US is very safe and affluent.
Of course the Jewish area is affluent because live in a system of white supremacy u
So under that system power and resources is pointed in white people's direction. So white people can take advantage of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets (even though whites only got into those markets because of government subsidies and preferences, both private and public).

Can you explain to me why the black community has a crab mentality?
What do you mean by "crab mentality" ?
You don't know what a crab mentality is? LOL

Crab mentality, also known as crab theory or crabs in a bucket (also barrel, basket, or pot) mentality, is a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you". The metaphor is derived from a pattern of behavior noted in crabs when they are trapped in a bucket.

Maybe you should educate yourself?

No one precludes black persons from opening businesses. Hell the SBA has special programs for minorities: blacks, Hispanics, women. But the crab mentality precludes it. No reason that LeBron James and Deval Patrick cannot start a bank and lend to black businesses with black employees and develop middle class black communities. Why don't they? Jews did just that. No one is stopping them now.

And for the 100th time, Jews aren't considered white. How many times do I have to repeat that to you? And stats matter with context. Sorry it doesn't fit your hateful rhetoric.

So, how do you think this can be implemented if we do not repeal segregation, and manage it differently than the notorious oppressive manner documented in the history of America? Do you expect white people to figure out how to do it???
I just explained to you how it can be
You have not explain how to do it. You have only described what you want. You are unwittingly proving why white people are superior.
And for the 100th time, Jews aren't considered white. How many times do I have to repeat that to you? And stats matter with context. Sorry it doesn't fit your hateful rhetoric.

View attachment 399280
When you fill out a form. You put or tick "White" Shut the fk up.

So do all the Jews. Scarlett Johannson, Woody Allen, Steven Speilberg, Mark Zuckerberg. Goldie Hawn, Harrison Ford and Natalie Portman are all Jewish and all white.

They are “white in this society (and around the world) they will appear “white.” Employers, loan officers, police, teachers, and folks on the street would look at them, presume their whiteness, and treat them accordingly.

So the presumptions of competence, and law-abidingness, and credit-worthiness, and general intelligence, none of which blk people can assume others will presume about us will be given.

Whiteness is given by the society based on what people presume you to be. And that presumption has nothing to do with genotype but everything to do with phenotype, which is to say the way certain genes are expressed outwardly, as with skin pigmentation, and a handful of other characteristics, which are controlled by about six genes out of 30,000 in the overall human genome.

You don't know what a crab mentality is? LOL

Crab mentality, also known as crab theory or crabs in a bucket (also barrel, basket, or pot) mentality, is a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you". The metaphor is derived from a pattern of behavior noted in crabs when they are trapped in a bucket.

Maybe you should educate yourself?
I know what crab mentality means but you still have not explained what you mean by black people having a crab mentality ?

Hell the SBA has special programs for minorities: blacks, Hispanics, women.

No diversions into non-black issues. Not LGTB. Not minority. Not black and brown.

Black people have no friends.

We not only have to deal white supremacists . But Asians who are anti black. White Latinos who are anti black. Native American who are anti black. Everyone hates black people. So therefore the agenda must be for black people only
flacaltenn said:
Apparently you somehow get to speak for ALL black people.
I never said I did.
Then you ACKNOWLEDGE that the blacks you constantly "Uncle Tom" have right to be listened to..

flacaltenn said:
Even white supremacists know better than pretending to speak for all whites..
But white supremacists are the ones with the loudest stereo.
Not lately by ANY stretch of the imagination.. Entire cities under seige.. Deluded BLM types waking up neighborhoods at night telling folks in apartments to "hand my keys -- I'm living here now".. The score for megaphones and amplifiers in the past 9 months gives YOUR whackos a major edge..
flacaltenn said:
As for "mistreating white people" -- it's subtler than that.. Some of the posse here just tell folks to shut up -- or REFUSE to discuss with them.. As tho -- Race Relations is a ONE SIDED issue..
What's to debate ?

Plenty to debate.. I've known for decades that there are SERIOUS systemic issues in America.. Like the justice system, education choice, redevelopment, etc.. But the problem is you DONT SOLVE SYSTEMIC ISSUES ONE RACE AT A TIME.. We're ALL affected by these things. And it's silly to not go to fundamental reforms that fixes it for EVERYONE..

flacaltenn said:
If America felt that way about slavery -- you'd STILL be waiting on a fix... Or the CRAct or the general GOOD that has come from integration and acceptance.
White man’s burden is a myth. The white man feels no burden to anyone but himself. Most whites would be more than happy if black people were back in chains. Most would never admit it. But deep down they know it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It LOOKS bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone.

Never mind that it IS bad but the LOOK is more important than the actual thing.

1st paragraph is emotional spew and brainwashed reflex. The OTHER 2 are EXACTLY what I just told you about "codependent behavior"... And THAT'S at the VERY core of Dem politics. It's about THEIR self image being improved when "dysfunctional" people IN THEIR CARE behave properly.. And they DO IT because being "race conscious" makes THEM virtuous..
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Jews help one another. We weren’t allowed to work in many businesses so we formed our own. Jewelry stores, banks, real estate, etc. We help one another. Exact opposite of the African American community. Please explain why.
Yes because you were allowed to do that. You were allowed to open up jewelry stores, banks and real estate. No one sabotages or has sabotaged Jewish businesses on consistent scale like they do black businesses.

Black degradation is essential to White people.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

Rosewood in the early part of the last century


Here was a thriving black community living independent of whites, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Not to mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of sailing ships all show a pattern of White officials making extraordinary efforts to cut black business development off at the knees

The Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.


Same again. Thriving black community. Blew up by white people with the aid of the US government.

This aspect does not only apply to America it applies on a global scale too. Its not just Black communities which have been prevented from organically growing and developing. Its countries and states too.

Growth of ones own community can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place restrictions will ultimately always apply.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

White people are always doing stuff.

View attachment 399252

And despite all this many black people STILL become successful without any help and in SPITE of systematic sabotage. You are so inept, you need a system of non-justice to sabotage an entire group because you can’t compete equally

Everything is painted with a broad brush.
Really ? Name me the worst negative stereotypes about white people ?

“Us” is killing one another at record rates. 6% of the population committing 50% of all crimes and not petty crimes but severe violent crimes.
Dude. Stop the % game. Just throwing out a few stats from white people and act like it's serious.

Jews are upset over religious suppression.

They aren’t burning private businesses and looting them..
That because you (white people) don't have the fking guts.

What makes blk ppl so amazing is that we are the minority population here and still go HARD BODY. We are out here on the streets right now. We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.


But we fking dust ourselves off and challenge the dam beast.........EVERYDAY !! We still out everyday saying "Hell no.......we ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"


No one has that kinda fking courage like black people. No-one. You don't roll the tanks for a group of pussies.

In fact every mostly Jewish neighborhood in the US is very safe and affluent.
Of course the Jewish area is affluent because live in a system of white supremacy u
So under that system power and resources is pointed in white people's direction. So white people can take advantage of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets (even though whites only got into those markets because of government subsidies and preferences, both private and public).

Can you explain to me why the black community has a crab mentality?
What do you mean by "crab mentality" ?
If people stop African Americans from doing business then they are evil. And you have a point. There are some groups of people who do business with each other. That makes them prosper more. That takes an attitude and discipline also. Frankly, the taxes for this is growing weary to people.
And for the 100th time, Jews aren't considered white. How many times do I have to repeat that to you? And stats matter with context. Sorry it doesn't fit your hateful rhetoric.

View attachment 399280
When you fill out a form. You put or tick "White" Shut the fk up.

So do all the Jews. Scarlett Johannson, Woody Allen, Steven Speilberg, Mark Zuckerberg. Goldie Hawn, Harrison Ford and Natalie Portman are all Jewish and all white.

They are “white in this society (and around the world) they will appear “white.” Employers, loan officers, police, teachers, and folks on the street would look at them, presume their whiteness, and treat them accordingly.

So the presumptions of competence, and law-abidingness, and credit-worthiness, and general intelligence, none of which blk people can assume others will presume about us will be given.

Whiteness is given by the society based on what people presume you to be. And that presumption has nothing to do with genotype but everything to do with phenotype, which is to say the way certain genes are expressed outwardly, as with skin pigmentation, and a handful of other characteristics, which are controlled by about six genes out of 30,000 in the overall human genome.

You don't know what a crab mentality is? LOL

Crab mentality, also known as crab theory or crabs in a bucket (also barrel, basket, or pot) mentality, is a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you". The metaphor is derived from a pattern of behavior noted in crabs when they are trapped in a bucket.

Maybe you should educate yourself?
I know what crab mentality means but you still have not explained what you mean by black people having a crab mentality ?

Hell the SBA has special programs for minorities: blacks, Hispanics, women.

No diversions into non-black issues. Not LGTB. Not minority. Not black and brown.

Black people have no friends.

We not only have to deal white supremacists . But Asians who are anti black. White Latinos who are anti black. Native American who are anti black. Everyone hates black people. So therefore the agenda must be for black people only
You’re being dishonest and I posted a link for you and gave you a concrete example. And if Jews are white then why did the marchers in Charlottesville March against them? Why do you personally hate Jews? When you want to have an honest conversation and stop feeling sorry for yourself let me know.

No one is stopping you from succeeding sans your crab mentality.
Not lately by ANY stretch of the imagination.. Entire cities under seige.. Deluded BLM types waking up neighborhoods at night telling folks in apartments to "hand my keys -- I'm living here now"..
Stop talking fking sh*t. Black people (as a group) are not walking in white people apartments saying "Give me your keys. I'm living here" THAT'S YOUR FEAR talking not reality.

Blk ppl can't even come in white Neignourhoods for legitimate reasons never mind nefarious ones.

You call the police on blk ppl so much even the police themselves are sick of it.

Blk ppl know that they'll b severly punished for killing white ppl.

The score for megaphones and amplifiers in the past 9 months gives YOUR whackos a major edge..
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, NBC, CBS, ABC Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They own penguin books. They own Facebook, Google, Insta.

They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles.

White men own and run nearly all the main bits of the Global Talking Machine.

Not to mention you have Trump in office. You are not gonna get a more pro white president that him.

And you still complain ? You still think you are victim ? You still complain that white people don/t have the loudest stereo.

Plenty to debate.. I've known for decades that there are SERIOUS systemic issues in America.. Like the justice system, education choice, redevelopment, etc.. But the problem is you DONT SOLVE SYSTEMIC ISSUES ONE RACE AT A TIME.. We're ALL affected by these things. And it's silly to not go to fundamental reforms that fixes it for EVERYONE..
Why is it when Foundational Black Americans gain a little traction for ourselves, these groups start acting like they are entitled to latch on to it? But when other groups get any gains or benefits, they NEVER NEVER NEVER include Black people?

We are sick and tired and fighting for everyone else. We have been doing it for 400 years. No more.
I care about one race at time and that's black people. Asians can't stand black people. Hispanics can't stand black people and it goes without saying whites are the same too.
You’re being dishonest and I posted a link for you and gave you a concrete example. And if Jews are white then why did the marchers in Charlottesville March against them?
That's just two slave masters fighting each other because guess what ? They will both get on code an come together and oppress black people.

The same dog that bites black people in Israel is the same dog that bites black people in the USA. They ain't shitting white Europeans in Israel. White people will always internal struggles with each other. Trump has sacked many of the people around him.

Why do you personally hate Jews? When you want to have an honest conversation and stop feeling sorry for yourself let me know.
I don't hate Jews.

During the Civil Rights movement, Dan Burros was a top ranking member of the American Nazi Party, & a recruiter for the United Klans of America- the same klan group responsible for the 16th st church bombing. Burros committed suicide when a reporter outed him for being jewish


No one is stopping you from succeeding sans your crab mentality.
Sure, there are people who have done it, but why should anyone have to and why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation when faced with a system of racism - white supremacy….? Unrealistic.

But here's the kicker.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way African Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most African Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people.
You’re being dishonest and I posted a link for you and gave you a concrete example. And if Jews are white then why did the marchers in Charlottesville March against them?
That's just two slave masters fighting each other because guess what ? They will both get on code an come together and oppress black people.

The same dog that bites black people in Israel is the same dog that bites black people in the USA. They ain't shitting white Europeans in Israel. White people will always internal struggles with each other. Trump has sacked many of the people around him.

Why do you personally hate Jews? When you want to have an honest conversation and stop feeling sorry for yourself let me know.
I don't hate Jews.

During the Civil Rights movement, Dan Burros was a top ranking member of the American Nazi Party, & a recruiter for the United Klans of America- the same klan group responsible for the 16th st church bombing. Burros committed suicide when a reporter outed him for being jewish


No one is stopping you from succeeding sans your crab mentality.
Sure, there are people who have done it, but why should anyone have to and why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation when faced with a system of racism - white supremacy….? Unrealistic.

But here's the kicker.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way African Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most African Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people.
If you’re so special then why do you keep whining?

This black man gets it..

Anything else ya want to jaw about that you DONT know??? Dont know what the excuse is here Paul.. It was widely and globally covered...

So when I tell ya that there ARE SYSTEMIC problems -- they're not "all racial" -- lets add urban redevelop to that list.. It affects more than JUST black folks and is NEVER gonna be solved for EVERYONE the way BLM wants to solve it..

OH WAIT -- I HAD "redevelopment" in the list of examples that I gave you LAST NIGHT... :dev3:
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I never said anything about it being a one way assume I think that. I make no attempts to justify the actions of white criminals. The black community would be better off doing the same..
And the biggest criminals are the white supremacists.

Even a white man who served in the Bronx - Harlem for 40 years admits this.

The only stat that matters is..6% of the population(young black males) are responsible for nearly half of all violent crime in America.
How can that be when you can't get stats on crime in America ?

You can only get the number of arrests and convictions.

That's were context comes in. So if we have law enforcement brimming with white supremacists who is gonna to be arrested more ? Charged more ?

We also cannot get statistics on which of the convicted people are guilty. We can only have the opinion of the court system as to their guilt and that opinion assumes guilt from the fact of conviction. Even if all convicted persons are guilty that does not mean that their sentences are fair. Longer sentences for black people will make the prison system majority black.

Until you are ready to own up to that, acknowledge it..and work to make the cultural changes within your community that account for that..everything else you irrelevant.
Tranlsation "Stop talking about white people and white supremacists because I want the focus to be on me talking sh*t about black people because that gives me an ego boost"

Nonsense--------proof is in the pudding not in some idiot claiming something that isn't. Blacks biggest enemy is themselves-----------most of the criminal elements and family abuse all comes from this one group. This isn't what I claim--this is what the facts say.
Did I say you was lying ? My original point was that black people are not running around demanding white people leave their homes.

But the question is - Are these white people out there homes ?


And these blk ppl didn't dare try because they knew they would have slapped down.

So a black man shouting to whites if anything shows that actually powerlessness of black racism and name calling is the only thing negative blk ppl can do whites and not be severely punished

The white man's favourite trick. Get uncle tom black person who is probably not a black American to recite white supremacist talking points.

Did they leave their homes ?


Name one thing that black people (as a group) have stopped white people (as a group) from doing that they had a right to do?

For example, denying them the right to work, own a home, live in a certain area, get a just trial, an education, or use any public facility.

Good luck with that.

Yeah sure. A black person can come up to a white person and bash their skull with a rock because he doesn’t like white people but that is not racism, that is an one individual acting as one individual and there is no system in place that will support his right to harm you.

He will go to jail

So how can black people practice black supremacy when they are other people who will slap you down if you try and practice it ?

The point of racism is being able to kill people AND walk free.

So policeman can murder black people on a daily basis and get away with it because there is a system in place that allows them to do it. (the courts, the police, the judge, the prison systems).

So when I tell ya that there ARE SYSTEMIC problems -- they're not "all racial" -- lets add urban redevelop to that list.. It affects more than JUST black folks and is NEVER gonna be solved for EVERYONE the way BLM wants to solve it..
And that's the point

Black can't be racist. We do not have a system — the power or the institutions– that allows us to mistreat people based on color.

So all the examples you shown me were blk ppl running their mouth.

Yes - Black people can be prejudiced (meaning to pre-judge) someone based on color but that prejudice is limited to what that INDIVIDUAL can do to another INDIVIDUAL.

White people are the only people on the planet who have devised a system to mistreat people based on skin color alone. This system embraces every aspect of human existence — education, economic, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

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