Black men are the problem and black lives dont matter

Why is it when Foundational Black Americans gain a little traction for ourselves, these groups start acting like they are entitled to latch on to it? But when other groups get any gains or benefits, they NEVER NEVER NEVER include Black people?

I would guess because "Foundation Black" organizations dont WANT to include whites.. So while the REST of country is TRYING to get traction for justice reform or Civil Liberties preservation as a WHOLE -- you got "special interests" bullying thru trying to do it -- THEIR WAY -- for THEIR BENEFIT ALONE..

Not like a judge didn't send my now dead BinLaw to 18 months for growing pot when he only had 18 months to live... You and your FOUNDATIONAL Black orgs have to be ignoring a MOUNTAIN RANGE of grief and pain from the rest of us on the SAME DAMN ISSUES.. Same with the crooked way that urban redevelopment is done.. That "thing" that BLM whiny ass midgets aint gonna fix by demanding the keys to white folks apt AFTER THE DAMAGE is done..

As a Libertarian -- And full Civil Liberties freak -- I'm looking at the bigger picture.. About "no knock raids, the drug war, corporate/govt collusion that makes bad economics for ALL of us.. On urban development over-reaches -- the CATO Institute and the IJ (the libertarian ACLU) has FOUGHT crap like govt TAKING neighborhoods for corporations.. Stupid LICENSING and ZONING laws that hinder black neighborhood businesses like having to have a fucking licence and 200 hours of "beauty school to OPEN a Hair Braid shop...

Go ahead.. Shut me down and isolate me.. We'll find out who's irrelevant eventually.. The REAL CIVIL LIBERTARIANS in this country or your pals at BLM Hqtrs...
So how can black people practice black supremacy when they are other people who will slap you down if you try and practice it ?

The point of racism is being able to kill people AND walk free.

This is where YOU become irrelevant. But at least that a better definition of racism than most people have today..

I HATE what happened to Breonna Taylor.. Been arguing for decades against drug raids based on warrants from snitches and guessing.. Seen more white grannies killed tho by police as they reach for their glasses in the nightstand while the flash bang goes off..

But if you take a killing stance with a gun in your hand against police running on adrenaline -- bad shit happens.. More white folks die that way.. It' NOT A RACIAL issue.. But it's a systemic problem for EVERYBODY...
Name one thing that black people (as a group) have stopped white people (as a group) from doing that they had a right to do?

Speak freely.. The entire "political correctness" caravan comes down on you like a TON OF BRICKS if a dissident voice to them appears on campus.. Or white friends go to a black dorm to have lunch with friends.. When you start LOSING FUNDAMENTAL rights - like freedom of association and expression -- EVERYBODY loses....
You want to hang people just because of what one woman says on Twitter-what a freak of nature..
Who is being hanged?

She says something you dont like to hear so you call her a freak of nature

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