Black muslim stabs 4 women and kills 3 of them at a Knoxville TN truck stop

Ol' boy was born in North Freakin' Carolina. I refuse to believe his mama raised him like that.
NC people are good people.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

Where did you find the name of the murder? and I'll ask you like I would IM2 why does race matter to you? 3 women are dead because of scum

Um, google it. It's everywhere.

Race matters to me because the MSM ignores black muslim violence and makes 5oclock news any violence by whites.

THAT'S WHY, because it matters to the MSM but ONLY if it's a white man.

Here's how you end the bullshit
Roadside executions if caught in the act.

Not a bad idea. I think if we had something like this, it would most likely deter SOME of the thugs from committing such ghastly crimes.

Does this apply to whites? Because I haven't seen err one of you post a murder of whites by whites and say shit. Why is that since the majority of whites are murdered by other whites?

Holy fuck you're a tard with "Must hate the whites" on the brain.

Fuck you, you racist lower than whale shit piece of filth.

This sumbitch here from NC went all kinds of against what his people before him were about.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

The lib news media reported

”The suspect was a 33-year-old from Durham, North Carolina. His motive is unknown.”

when the tables are turned liberals have no problem assuming white racism

The next time a white guy kills 4 black people....what headline would you like to see? One that condemns the entire white race or condemns the entire faith of whatever the assailant practiced?

The lib report did not even id the killer as black

which is SOP for the guilt-ridden white lib news media

If we dont find out immediately that the killer is white - meaning no race given - they are almost certain to be black

You're forgetting your hatred of brown people....LOL

I am not a guilt-ridden white liberal who thinks black people can do no wrong

but in the insanity of lib la la land that makes me a racist
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

Where did you find the name of the murder? and I'll ask you like I would IM2 why does race matter to you? 3 women are dead because of scum

Race matters to me because we get wrongly murdered by cops, lose jobs, don't get jobs, don't get promoted, can't get interviewed, earn less money, have less wealth, end up sicker, die younger from sicknesses, have chronic health problems like high blood pressure, live with PTSD, can't live where we might want, are assumed always to be less qualified and intelligent, and have to read shit like what's posted in this thread because of our race. You aren't colorblind so don't pretend you are.

So the piece of shit that just killed 3 women does his race matter to you?

Does it matter to you? Because I am talking about things that routinely happen to blacks on a daily basis with the exception of the cop killings. Whites are 5 times more likely to be killed by whites and we don't see that ever presented here by whites and that includes your ass.

Captain Dodge does his race matter too you?
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

The lib news media reported

”The suspect was a 33-year-old from Durham, North Carolina. His motive is unknown.”

when the tables are turned liberals have no problem assuming white racism

Wrong. Plus whites have a two and one half century recorded and documented history of racist behavior.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

The lib news media reported

”The suspect was a 33-year-old from Durham, North Carolina. His motive is unknown.”

when the tables are turned liberals have no problem assuming white racism

The next time a white guy kills 4 black people....what headline would you like to see? One that condemns the entire white race or condemns the entire faith of whatever the assailant practiced?

The lib report did not even id the killer as black

which is SOP for the guilt-ridden white lib news media

If we dont find out immediately that the killer is white - meaning no race given - they are almost certain to be black

You're forgetting your hatred of brown people....LOL

I am not a guilt-ridden white liberal who thinks black people can do no wrong

but in the insanity of lib la la land that makes me a racist

Would you racists make up one lie about liberals and stick with it? Are liberals white racists who tell blacks they are victims of racism to keep them on the plantation, or are they guilt ridden white people who think blacks can do no wrong. They can't be both because a racist won't feel guilt and they believe blacks do everything wrong.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

Where did you find the name of the murder? and I'll ask you like I would IM2 why does race matter to you? 3 women are dead because of scum

Race matters to me because we get wrongly murdered by cops, lose jobs, don't get jobs, don't get promoted, can't get interviewed, earn less money, have less wealth, end up sicker, die younger from sicknesses, have chronic health problems like high blood pressure, live with PTSD, can't live where we might want, are assumed always to be less qualified and intelligent, and have to read shit like what's posted in this thread because of our race. You aren't colorblind so don't pretend you are.

So the piece of shit that just killed 3 women does his race matter to you?

Does it matter to you? Because I am talking about things that routinely happen to blacks on a daily basis with the exception of the cop killings. Whites are 5 times more likely to be killed by whites and we don't see that ever presented here by whites and that includes your ass.

Captain Dodge does his race matter too you?

I haven't dodged anything. You got the answer you are going to get.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

So, you are more concerned with political correctness than the crime or the failure of the media to report the facts to the public to inform them of what really happened.

Which of course supports the poor policies that encourage such horrific crimes and other far less dramatic, but far more widespread problems.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

The lib news media reported

”The suspect was a 33-year-old from Durham, North Carolina. His motive is unknown.”

when the tables are turned liberals have no problem assuming white racism

The next time a white guy kills 4 black people....what headline would you like to see? One that condemns the entire white race or condemns the entire faith of whatever the assailant practiced?

The lib report did not even id the killer as black

which is SOP for the guilt-ridden white lib news media

If we dont find out immediately that the killer is white - meaning no race given - they are almost certain to be black

You're forgetting your hatred of brown people....LOL

I am not a guilt-ridden white liberal who thinks black people can do no wrong

but in the insanity of lib la la land that makes me a racist


No where did I ever say that...nevermind. You're not worth the effort.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

The lib news media reported

”The suspect was a 33-year-old from Durham, North Carolina. His motive is unknown.”

when the tables are turned liberals have no problem assuming white racism

The next time a white guy kills 4 black people....what headline would you like to see? One that condemns the entire white race or condemns the entire faith of whatever the assailant practiced?

The lib report did not even id the killer as black

which is SOP for the guilt-ridden white lib news media

If we dont find out immediately that the killer is white - meaning no race given - they are almost certain to be black

You're forgetting your hatred of brown people....LOL

I am not a guilt-ridden white liberal who thinks black people can do no wrong

but in the insanity of lib la la land that makes me a racist

Would you racists make up one lie about liberals and stick with it? Are liberals white racists who tell blacks they are victims of racism to keep them on the plantation, or are they guilt ridden white people who think blacks can do no wrong. They can't be both because a racist won't feel guilt and they believe blacks do everything wrong.

It is not credible, at this late date that you are unaware of the concept of "racism of low expectations".

So, that was you lying, to avoid addressing a valid point, one you cannot honestly refute.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

Where did you find the name of the murder? and I'll ask you like I would IM2 why does race matter to you? 3 women are dead because of scum

Race matters to me because we get wrongly murdered by cops, lose jobs, don't get jobs, don't get promoted, can't get interviewed, earn less money, have less wealth, end up sicker, die younger from sicknesses, have chronic health problems like high blood pressure, live with PTSD, can't live where we might want, are assumed always to be less qualified and intelligent, and have to read shit like what's posted in this thread because of our race. You aren't colorblind so don't pretend you are.

So the piece of shit that just killed 3 women does his race matter to you?

Does it matter to you? Because I am talking about things that routinely happen to blacks on a daily basis with the exception of the cop killings. Whites are 5 times more likely to be killed by whites and we don't see that ever presented here by whites and that includes your ass.

Captain Dodge does his race matter too you?

I haven't dodged anything. You got the answer you are going to get.

Captain Dodge can't face his own racist views
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

Just couldn't condemn that black muslims actions, could ya?

The lame stream media spends every waking moment telling us how blacks aren't violent and that muslim is the religion of peace. Avoiding discussing things like this that prove that narrative to be wrong are conveniently ignored by LSM.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives to indict entire races and religions based on the actions of a few.

There you go. You think its worse that I bring up that he was black muslim than the black muslim killing 3 women.

Thanks for proving my point.

Wow..can you quote me saying that? Nope.

I guess you were just too busy celebrating he killed those people.

I did, moron.

Here you go.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives

As a societal matter, it is the greater tragedy; how a whole group of people condemns a whole race and religion because a very small proportion of them commit crimes.

Should we condemn all white male protestants for McVeigh, Nichols, Kazynsky, Dylan Root, Dylan Kleibold, Dylan Avery, David Duke, Eric Rudolph etc...?

If not, why not?

But the left does condemn all white Christian males...
So is IM2 defending what this turd did because he's black, or because he's Muslim?

I'm feeling this guy was not born Muslim. He looks a lot like a kid I saved from getting bullied back in the day.
Oh snap! That kid's dad was a black muslim, too. He got out as soon as he could, though.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

Just couldn't condemn that black muslims actions, could ya?

The lame stream media spends every waking moment telling us how blacks aren't violent and that muslim is the religion of peace. Avoiding discussing things like this that prove that narrative to be wrong are conveniently ignored by LSM.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives to indict entire races and religions based on the actions of a few.

There you go. You think its worse that I bring up that he was black muslim than the black muslim killing 3 women.

Thanks for proving my point.

Wow..can you quote me saying that? Nope.

I guess you were just too busy celebrating he killed those people.

I did, moron.

Here you go.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives

As a societal matter, it is the greater tragedy; how a whole group of people condemns a whole race and religion because a very small proportion of them commit crimes.

Should we condemn all white male protestants for McVeigh, Nichols, Kazynsky, Dylan Root, Dylan Kleibold, Dylan Avery, David Duke, Eric Rudolph etc...?

If not, why not?

But the left does condemn all white Christian males...

Strange how one is going to get the DNC Nomination....pretty heinous condemnation.
..BLACKS commit hate crimes at higher rates
....of course they won't make a big deal out of this
..the MSM and blacks make themselves look like idiots--and they are

What is even more amazing if this guy would have been white this wouldn't be a topic, right wing, racist don't care about whites being murdered until this murderer is black.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

The lib news media reported

”The suspect was a 33-year-old from Durham, North Carolina. His motive is unknown.”

when the tables are turned liberals have no problem assuming white racism

The next time a white guy kills 4 black people....what headline would you like to see? One that condemns the entire white race or condemns the entire faith of whatever the assailant practiced?

The lib report did not even id the killer as black

which is SOP for the guilt-ridden white lib news media

If we dont find out immediately that the killer is white - meaning no race given - they are almost certain to be black

Where did they I'd the victims as being white?
..BLACKS commit hate crimes at higher rates
....of course they won't make a big deal out of this
..the MSM and blacks make themselves look like idiots--and they are

What is even more amazing if this guy would have been white this wouldn't be a topic, right wing, racist don't care about whites being murdered until this murderer is black.
It would absolutely be a topic if he was a white American Muslim convert, wtf is wrong with you?

I bet his grandma was no Muslim. She was probably a God-fearing good woman that went to church every Sunday.

That guy looks American. Am I wrong? I'm on the "Wtf happened to make an American do this?" type of view.

Did he come from another country? He looks like NC people to me.
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So is IM2 defending what this turd did because he's black, or because he's Muslim?

I'm feeling this guy was not born Muslim. He looks a lot like a kid I saved from getting bullied back in the day.
Oh snap! That kid's dad was a black muslim, too. He got out as soon as he could, though.

Black folks don't come on here and make excuses or try to justify black folks killing white folks, but when they tabled are turned all we hear is excuses.
..BLACKS commit hate crimes at higher rates
....of course they won't make a big deal out of this
..the MSM and blacks make themselves look like idiots--and they are

What is even more amazing if this guy would have been white this wouldn't be a topic, right wing, racist don't care about whites being murdered until this murderer is black.
It would absolutely be a a topic if he was a white American Muslim convert, wtf is wrong with you?


No he would be labeled as being mentally ill.
..BLACKS commit hate crimes at higher rates
....of course they won't make a big deal out of this
..the MSM and blacks make themselves look like idiots--and they are

What is even more amazing if this guy would have been white this wouldn't be a topic, right wing, racist don't care about whites being murdered until this murderer is black.
It would absolutely be a a topic if he was a white American Muslim convert, wtf is wrong with you?


No he would be labeled as being mentally ill.
Not with that Islam shit being involved, brah.
That needs to be investigated thoroughly.

How come no one is still looking into that Las Vegas thing? Why is that? So many questions unanswered. Oh yeah, they got "bump stocks" banned, but killed and hurt many people to do it.

Bump stocks were a joke anyway.

No way one old man shot that many people, either. Bull Fucking Shit.
A) He was converted to Islam by his Pinay GF.

B) He was aligned with ANTIFA

C) 3 people did that to further restrict 2nd amendment rights and killed him and left him as a patsy.

I vote for either A or C on that one.

PS: This NC guy didn't even use a gun, and why were the store clerks not armed?
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