"Black" Names

Andy made a factual claim about blacks succeeding in a white culture.

Your response was to cry "wacism", as though that was a counter argument.

It was not. All you did was show that you are incapable of supporting your positions with rational arguments.

Andy won. You lose.

If black Germans can't do things to help themselves what white Germans can do to help themselves then black germans ain't equal to white Germans.

If black Germans can't set up factories the way white germans can set up factories then dont talk to me about equality talk.

VEry few people can "set up factories", white or black.

The vast majority of people who are successful in a society, are not the few that set up factories.

That is a silly standard you invented to hold you to your belief in white racism.
I dont know why you would expect to see a black person on Germany's richest people list. Do you think there are white people on China's richest people list?

Black germans and white Germans are equal ? Right ?

If that's the case then that equality should be reflected everywhere. Right ?

I see what you problem is. You think that if a white person has a car, then a black person has to have a car. In your eyes, that's equality.

But that's not how it works.

I own some really nice cars; it's sort of a hobby, and working hard in my life has allowed me to enjoy them.

I've got a friend, who happens to be black, who lives on Manhattan's upper west side. He's a very wealthy and successful real estate agent in New York. Ever see the show "Million Dollar Listing"? He's that level of successful real estate agent. The guy could afford just about any car on the planet, but you know what? He takes the subway. He says he used to take the subway when growing up, and he doesn't see a reason not to now.

But him not owning a car in no way means I'm in a better position than he is (trust me, I'm not), nor does it mean we're not equal with regards to vehicle ownership. If he wanted, he could buy a car. That's where the equality is. He chooses not to, because he lives in Manhattan and the vast majority of the time has no use for a car.

Equality is you having the freedom to decide if you want to own a car or not. In your eyes, if you choose not to have a car, we're not equal because I have something you don't, regardless of the fact that you not having it was your decision.

But because we get to choose whether or not we want a car, we are equal...
CEO of major multinational medical company.
CEO of Kaiser Permanente
CEO of TIAA insurance.
CEO of Carnival Corporation & plc.
Power is when you can PUNISH or REWARD ppl.

Power isn’t given, it must be taken

So knowing that we also know those black CEOs have being “given” a powerful position by more powerful white people means they have NO POWER AT ALL

No group that is smart enough to be in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power

Having a black CEO means nothing. They could get rid of then tomorrow, in fact today. That's what power is, were you can punish ppl n reward.

None of them black CEOs came in said

"I'm gonna run this company and I'm gonna run it my way and there ain't a dam thing you whites can do about bcoz you dont have the muscle"

They didn't come in like that.
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None of them black CEOs came in said

"I'm gonna run this company and I'm gonna run it my way and there ain't a dam thing you whites can do about bcoz you dont have the muscle"

Of course they didn't, because they're not racist scumbags like you.

Oh, and Herman Cain, also a black man, used to not only be the President and CEO of Godfather's Pizza, he was one of the owners, too.

I know you absolutely detest examples of successful people who happen to be black, but the reality is that there's no shortage of them, just as there's no shortage of racist black guys like you to whine about them...
CEO of major multinational medical company.
CEO of Kaiser Permanente
CEO of TIAA insurance.
CEO of Carnival Corporation & plc.
Power is when you can PUNISH or REWARD ppl.

Power isn’t given, it must be taken

So knowing that we also know those black CEOs have being “given” a powerful position by more powerful white people means they have NO POWER AT ALL

No group that is smart enough to be in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power

Having a black CEO means nothing. They could get rid of then tomorrow, in fact today. That's what power is, were you can punish ppl n reward.

None of them black CEOs came in said

"I'm gonna run this company and I'm gonna run it my way and there ain't a dam thing you whites can do about bcoz you dont have the muscle"

They didn't come in like that.
You (just you, as an individual) are a fucking clown. Your existential need to be a victim is pathetic and weak. Those successful MEN cited above would slap you around like the little bitch you are for attempting to diminish their accomplishments like that. You're a disgrace.
Do you think that maybe those men love and respect their wives and wouldn't appreciate some low-life like you speaking of their union like a disrespectful little punk? Grow up. You can't spend your life lying on your back demanding dignity and respect.

agree with Muhammad Ali's views on interracial marriage. Just perfect.

Do you think that maybe those men love and respect their wives and wouldn't appreciate some low-life like you speaking of their union like a disrespectful little punk? Grow up. You can't spend your life lying on your back demanding dignity and respect.

agree with Muhammad Ali's views on interracial marriage. Just perfect.

Have you noticed how you have never once convinced, or persuaded anyone of anything, other than that you need a psychiatrist?

It's no wonder you people live poor, violent, and empty lives.
Do you think that maybe those men love and respect their wives and wouldn't appreciate some low-life like you speaking of their union like a disrespectful little punk? Grow up. You can't spend your life lying on your back demanding dignity and respect.

agree with Muhammad Ali's views on interracial marriage. Just perfect.

Do you really think that at this point your little racist act still holds any shock value, fool? Straighten out your stupid little bowtie and go fuck yourself. Better yet catch a flight over to Germany, find one of these black gentlemen you have been demeaning, and take the ass whipping you have been begging for so long. Your little performance is really getting old, kid.
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Do you think that maybe those men love and respect their wives and wouldn't appreciate some low-life like you speaking of their union like a disrespectful little punk? Grow up. You can't spend your life lying on your back demanding dignity and respect.

agree with Muhammad Ali's views on interracial marriage. Just perfect.

Do you really think that at this point you’re a little racist act still holds any shock value, fool? Straighten out your stupid little bowtie and go fuck yourself. Better yet catch a flight over to Germany, find one of these black gentlemen you have been demeaning, and take the ass whipping you have been begging for so long. Your little performance is really getting old, kid.
You talk tough but the fact is I could your snap neck like a twig.
Do you think that maybe those men love and respect their wives and wouldn't appreciate some low-life like you speaking of their union like a disrespectful little punk? Grow up. You can't spend your life lying on your back demanding dignity and respect.

agree with Muhammad Ali's views on interracial marriage. Just perfect.

Do you really think that at this point you’re a little racist act still holds any shock value, fool? Straighten out your stupid little bowtie and go fuck yourself. Better yet catch a flight over to Germany, find one of these black gentlemen you have been demeaning, and take the ass whipping you have been begging for so long. Your little performance is really getting old, kid.
You talk tough but the fact is I could your snap neck like a twig.

If you smoked enough weed to pass out and have that dream, champ. Of course if you really tried (which everyone knows you wouldn’t) you would be asleep within a few seconds anyway.
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CEO of major multinational medical company.
CEO of Kaiser Permanente
CEO of TIAA insurance.
CEO of Carnival Corporation & plc.
Power is when you can PUNISH or REWARD ppl.

Power isn’t given, it must be taken

So knowing that we also know those black CEOs have being “given” a powerful position by more powerful white people means they have NO POWER AT ALL

No group that is smart enough to be in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power

Having a black CEO means nothing. They could get rid of then tomorrow, in fact today. That's what power is, were you can punish ppl n reward.

None of them black CEOs came in said

"I'm gonna run this company and I'm gonna run it my way and there ain't a dam thing you whites can do about bcoz you dont have the muscle"

They didn't come in like that.

Hilarious. Lefties are always making a big deal about CEOs, but now that some are black that doesn't matter cause, reasons.

Power is given away all the time. Indeed, it is the whole basis of our form of government, electing people, then having them step down peacefully when their time is up, ect.

Your claims otherwise, is sophist nonsense.
Do you think that maybe those men love and respect their wives and wouldn't appreciate some low-life like you speaking of their union like a disrespectful little punk? Grow up. You can't spend your life lying on your back demanding dignity and respect.

agree with Muhammad Ali's views on interracial marriage. Just perfect.

Do you really think that at this point you’re a little racist act still holds any shock value, fool? Straighten out your stupid little bowtie and go fuck yourself. Better yet catch a flight over to Germany, find one of these black gentlemen you have been demeaning, and take the ass whipping you have been begging for so long. Your little performance is really getting old, kid.
You talk tough but the fact is I could your snap neck like a twig.

Again... very neanderthal logic. You come across like a cave man. Grow up. You need a father or something. I don't how you come on here acting so childish nonstop, and think your ape-like talking, makes you an adult.
Do you think that maybe those men love and respect their wives and wouldn't appreciate some low-life like you speaking of their union like a disrespectful little punk? Grow up. You can't spend your life lying on your back demanding dignity and respect.

agree with Muhammad Ali's views on interracial marriage. Just perfect.

Do you really think that at this point you’re a little racist act still holds any shock value, fool? Straighten out your stupid little bowtie and go fuck yourself. Better yet catch a flight over to Germany, find one of these black gentlemen you have been demeaning, and take the ass whipping you have been begging for so long. Your little performance is really getting old, kid.
You talk tough but the fact is I could your snap neck like a twig.

You're a pussy. You're a fucking pussy with an internet connection, so stop acting like your some badass. You're not. You're a fucking child.

Grow the fuck up, lose that chip on your shoulder and then maybe, just maybe, we can have an adult conversation about race in this country.

Because, right now, the most prolific proponent of racism on this forum is you...
Again... very neanderthal logic. You come across like a cave man. Grow up. You need a father or something. I don't how you come on here acting so childish nonstop, and think your ape-like talking, makes you an adult.

Is that meant to insult me ?

When, or if, black people begin selling, lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling black people savage or neanthderdals or racists make sense.

My father once said white ppl are the products of involution, it's the opposite of evolution.

When you look the history of white racism. It's almost we've been dealing with another species.
Have you noticed how you have never once convinced, or persuaded anyone of anything, other than that you need a psychiatrist?

And this sentence right here is were your messing up.

You're assume that I am trying to persuade you and others, then having assumed this, you fault me n IM2 for the terrible way we go about it.

To persuade people. You need three things:
  1. 1. Gain the reader’s trust
  2. 2. Appeal to the head
  3. 3. Appeal to the heart
Hitler said you just need the last.

I lack the first and the last. So it will not persuade most of them.

Persuading whites to give up the benefits of racism, to give up a false pride in their race, to become outcasts from white society, to face their shame and guilt at benefiting from a racist society – all that is way, way, way beyond my powers.

I write about white people and racism for my own understanding. That is not the same thing as writing to persuade them.

White ppl think EVERYTHING should be written to their point of view. Even if the person isn't white.

This why you LOVE the likes of Hermain Cain and Thomas Sowell. Black guys who basically let white ppl of the hook.

I mean as if there is not enough ppl writing and speaking to the white POV already ?

You have Trump in the big house. The most pro white president ever. So pro white that even former KKK grand wizard David Duke, greeted him with open arms saying this "a great day for America"

And you guys are still not happy ?
Again... very neanderthal logic. You come across like a cave man. Grow up. You need a father or something. I don't how you come on here acting so childish nonstop, and think your ape-like talking, makes you an adult.

Is that meant to insult me ?

When, or if, black people ... for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling black people savage or neanthderdals or racists make sense.

Seems like he wasn't talking about "black people," he was talking about YOU. If you are ever going to grow up, you are going to have to take responsibility for yourself, just as you hold others responsible for themselves. If you are ever going to become a MAN, you hare going to have to stand for yourself as an individual instead of hiding behind group labels all the time. Only when you do that will any of your attempts at pontificating be taken seriously. Or, if you're really just a troll playing games on the internet, as seems most likely - :fu:

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