"Black" Names

Have you noticed how you have never once convinced, or persuaded anyone of anything, other than that you need a psychiatrist?

And this sentence right here is were your messing up.

You're assume that I am trying to persuade you and others, then having assumed this, you fault me n IM2 for the terrible way we go about it.

To persuade people. You need three things:
  1. 1. Gain the reader’s trust
  2. 2. Appeal to the head
  3. 3. Appeal to the heart
Hitler said you just need the last.

I lack the first and the last. So it will not persuade most of them.

Persuading whites to give up the benefits of racism, to give up a false pride in their race, to become outcasts from white society, to face their shame and guilt at benefiting from a racist society – all that is way, way, way beyond my powers.

I write about white people and racism for my own understanding. That is not the same thing as writing to persuade them.

White ppl think EVERYTHING should be written to their point of view. Even if the person isn't white.

This why you LOVE the likes of Hermain Cain and Thomas Sowell. Black guys who basically let white ppl of the hook.

I mean as if there is not enough ppl writing and speaking to the white POV already ?

You have Trump in the big house. The most pro white president ever. So pro white that even former KKK grand wizard David Duke, greeted him with open arms saying this "a great day for America"

And you guys are still not happy ?

I write about white people and racism for my own understanding.

So that makes sense.... but you are not accomplishing anything at all, except making yourself look really childish. Now if you are fine with that, ok... but that's all you are doing. You are just making yourself look really tiny, and otherwise accomplishing absolutely nothing.

If your goal in life is to accomplish nothing... you are succeeding at least in achieving that goal of doing nothing of value. Pretty sad... but... to each their own I suppose. Kind of makes a mockery out of claiming Blacks can achieve so much, when you are intentionally achieving nothing, but far be it from me to claim you ever were consistent on your ideology.

And you guys are still not happy ?

Why would you think I'm not happy? I think this is fantastic. Trump is smacking the left-wing around, and freaking them out. You... here.... now.... proof of that!

I love this! This is the best thing ever. I love watching you people freak out. These last few years with Trump.... absolutely wonderful.

Seeing you people bounce of the walls, and seeing you people so freaked out, that now you are relegated to literally just making up stuff? This is fantastic!

You guys actually had Jessie Smollett PAYING.... other black people.... TO FAKE a hate crime!

That is hysterical! That is absolutely hilarious, that now you people fallen so very low.... so pathetic... that now you have to pay people to create hate crimes, so you have something to be outraged over.

No, this is wonderful! You have have gotten smaller and smaller, and more and more pathetic every single year. And I have to credit Trump for that. He's unmasked the falseness, and emptiness, of the left-wing race-baiting crazy people.

I love it. I did not vote for Trump in 2016, but I guarantee you that I will vote for Trump in 2020, and proudly. I could never have hoped to see you people become so.... just pathetic, and childish, and so .... small... so very small in the world, than how Trump has man-handled you people. I could not have have dreamed he would make you people look this tiny.

So, no I love it. I'm very very satisfied with Trump at this point. Extremely satisfied.
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

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Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.

Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. Fedor has a chin like no one Mike ever fought. Mike lost to Buster Douglas for gosh sakes. And that was in his near prime.
On that night Douglas would have beat Fedor. Douglas was not a chump junior, the average man would have got destroyed by Douglass. Fedor was not trained to go 12 rounds. Ever. And Tyson took blows for 8-9 rounds before he got knocked out by Douglass. I have seen Fedors fights in his prime. He was far too slow to beat Tyson.
Douglas won because Tyson barely trained for that fight and was doing coke throughout his "training camp". Tyson in his prime destroys anyone you can name, in boxing.
No, Muhammad Ali would do to Tyson like he did Joe Frazier, but it would be that type of great fight.

Personally, I believe that a prime George Foreman would have handled a prime Tyson with ease.

As was revealed over time, Tyson struggled with tall boxers who had a great jab, great movement and were not psyched out by his mystique.

A prime Ali would have gotten inside Tysons head and had him lunging in frustration and missing.

Foreman had a great jab, was big, and had the power to lift you off the canvas with a body shot. I think Foreman would have beaten Tyson the same way that he did Frazier.
Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.

Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. Fedor has a chin like no one Mike ever fought. Mike lost to Buster Douglas for gosh sakes. And that was in his near prime.
On that night Douglas would have beat Fedor. Douglas was not a chump junior, the average man would have got destroyed by Douglass. Fedor was not trained to go 12 rounds. Ever. And Tyson took blows for 8-9 rounds before he got knocked out by Douglass. I have seen Fedors fights in his prime. He was far too slow to beat Tyson.
Douglas won because Tyson barely trained for that fight and was doing coke throughout his "training camp". Tyson in his prime destroys anyone you can name, in boxing.
No, Muhammad Ali would do to Tyson like he did Joe Frazier, but it would be that type of great fight.

Personally, I believe that a prime George Foreman would have handled a prime Tyson with ease.

As was revealed over time, Tyson struggled with tall boxers who had a great jab, great movement and were not psyched out by his mystique.

A prime Ali would have gotten inside Tysons head and had him lunging in frustration and missing.

Foreman had a great jab, was big, and had the power to lift you off the canvas with a body shot. I think Foreman would have beaten Tyson the same way that he did Frazier.

I completely agree with your assessment here. Tysons style was pretty much like Fraziers and I thought Foreman killed Joe that night.
Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.

Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. Fedor has a chin like no one Mike ever fought. Mike lost to Buster Douglas for gosh sakes. And that was in his near prime.
On that night Douglas would have beat Fedor. Douglas was not a chump junior, the average man would have got destroyed by Douglass. Fedor was not trained to go 12 rounds. Ever. And Tyson took blows for 8-9 rounds before he got knocked out by Douglass. I have seen Fedors fights in his prime. He was far too slow to beat Tyson.
Douglas won because Tyson barely trained for that fight and was doing coke throughout his "training camp". Tyson in his prime destroys anyone you can name, in boxing.
No, Muhammad Ali would do to Tyson like he did Joe Frazier, but it would be that type of great fight.

Personally, I believe that a prime George Foreman would have handled a prime Tyson with ease.

As was revealed over time, Tyson struggled with tall boxers who had a great jab, great movement and were not psyched out by his mystique.

A prime Ali would have gotten inside Tysons head and had him lunging in frustration and missing.

Foreman had a great jab, was big, and had the power to lift you off the canvas with a body shot. I think Foreman would have beaten Tyson the same way that he did Frazier.

I completely agree with your assessment here. Tysons style was pretty much like Fraziers and I thought Foreman killed Joe that night.
Tyson would have pushed Ali's shit in.
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.
Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.

Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. Fedor has a chin like no one Mike ever fought. Mike lost to Buster Douglas for gosh sakes. And that was in his near prime.
On that night Douglas would have beat Fedor. Douglas was not a chump junior, the average man would have got destroyed by Douglass. Fedor was not trained to go 12 rounds. Ever. And Tyson took blows for 8-9 rounds before he got knocked out by Douglass. I have seen Fedors fights in his prime. He was far too slow to beat Tyson.
Douglas won because Tyson barely trained for that fight and was doing coke throughout his "training camp". Tyson in his prime destroys anyone you can name, in boxing.
No, Muhammad Ali would do to Tyson like he did Joe Frazier, but it would be that type of great fight.

Personally, I believe that a prime George Foreman would have handled a prime Tyson with ease.

As was revealed over time, Tyson struggled with tall boxers who had a great jab, great movement and were not psyched out by his mystique.

A prime Ali would have gotten inside Tysons head and had him lunging in frustration and missing.

Foreman had a great jab, was big, and had the power to lift you off the canvas with a body shot. I think Foreman would have beaten Tyson the same way that he did Frazier.

I completely agree with your assessment here. Tysons style was pretty much like Fraziers and I thought Foreman killed Joe that night.
Hey, we agree! Yeah, Tyson would push Ali's shit in.

We don't agree on that. I said Ali would do to Tyson what he did to Frazier. He made Frazier throw in the towel after closing both of his eyes.
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

Lol, you did NOT wrestle at the highest level. :laugh:
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

That guy is a WORLD Champion boxer.
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

Show me one video of a pure boxer stuffing takedowns from a grappler.
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

Lol, you did NOT wrestle at the highest level. :laugh:

I wrestled in college which aside from the olympics is the highest level in America. I did wrestle olympians and world champs in open tournaments. I wrestled several of them. 1 was Kenny Monday, another because there were no other people in my weight, I had to wrestle Melyvn Douglass. I didn't beat them, but held my own and never got majored or pinned.
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

Show me one video of a pure boxer stuffing takedowns from a grappler.

Show me a wrestler who was able to just walk up on a champion boxer, not some washed up old boxer looking for a check, an amateur or tomato can, and take him down.
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

That guy is a WORLD Champion boxer.

The hell he is. That guy couldn't even box.
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

Lol, you did NOT wrestle at the highest level. :laugh:

I wrestled in college which aside from the olympics is the highest level in America. I did wrestle olympians and world champs in open tournaments. I wrestled several of them. 1 was Kenny Monday, another because there were no other people in my weight, I had to wrestle Melyvn Douglass. I didn't beat them, but held my own and never got majored or pinned.

You are so full of shit it's coming out your years. If you wrestled Kenny Monday you got stuck early in the first period unless he wanted to play with you for a workout. You're not getting a pass on a lie just because you can Google.
So that makes sense.... but you are not accomplishing anything at all.

Genocides unfold in stages. Stopping it at any one stage, stops the genocide from going forward.

The first people killed in any genocide are those in the mainstream who speak up for them. Now the message of hate goes unchallenged.

Racism grows and feeds off a culture of silence. The point of calling out racism is to break down that silence. I don't care if I persuade anyone. What matters is that I am heard and planted that seed in people’s minds of, “Hey, maybe this is not right.”

Education doesn't equal intelligence, intelligence doesn't equal knowledge, knowledge doesn't equal understanding, and understanding doesn't equal wisdom.

Calling me a black radical is the ultimate compliment,cause that means I'm blazing my own path, long as I keep moving, its all good.

except making yourself look really childish. Now if you are fine with that, ok... but that's all you are doing. You are just making yourself look really tiny, and otherwise accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Well what's childish to the Wolf isn't childish to the sheep. Whats childish to the fox isn't childish to the hound.

What's not childish to me as a black may well be childish to you as a white man.

For I live in a global system of racism - white supremacy. You don't. That system benefits you.

Blacks can achieve so much, when you are intentionally achieving nothing, but far be it from me to claim you ever were consistent on your ideology.

Black ppl achieve in spite of the system, not bcoz of it. Remember your argument about successful blk ppl could have been said 50 years ago. 50 yrs ago you had Muhammad Ali, Louis Armstrong, Sidney Poiter, Diana Ross. They all had money. They were successful. But racism was bigger n Bader than ever.

Why would you think I'm not happy? I think this is fantastic. Trump is smacking the left-wing around, and freaking them out. You... here.... now.... proof of that!

I'm left wing now ? Thats funny. Thanks for reading my mind.

Just to clear things up. The only difference between the right wing white supremacist and the left wing white supremacist is the right wing white supremacist would drown a boat load of blk ppl, the left wing white supremacist would give the blk ppl on the boat a cushion to make the drowning nicer.

I love this! This is the best thing ever. I love watching you people freak out. These last few years with Trump.... absolutely wonderful.

Of course it is. So we agree. This white supremacist wants OPEN WHITE SUPREMACY. White supremacist are tired of talking in code, being scared or being on tip toes around blk ppl.

So along comes 45 and calls Africa a shithole n tell black ppl, "Your living poverty, your schools are shit, What have you got to lose by voting for me ?" Calls the alt right in Charlottesville "very fine ppl"

So yeah of course your gonna love open white supremacy.
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I've boxed. Not at the highest level. But I have spared a lot of rounds.

And I can tell you this. The worst thing you can do in a gym as a black man is lose to white man.

Why do you think Bernard Hopkins years ago when he was going to fight Joe Calzaghe said "I would never lose to a white boy"

Up n coming boxer Devon Haney said the same thing about "never losing to white boy"

Prime Tyson would never allowed himself to lose to a white boy.

I've seen myself. Blk fighters fight much harder against a white man and want to cause more damage
  • Thanks
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I've boxed. Not at the highest level. But I have spared a lot of rounds.

And I can tell you this. The worst thing you can do in a gym as a black man is lose to white man.

Why do you think Bernard Hopkins years ago when he was going to fight Joe Calzaghe said "I would never lose to a white boy"

Up n coming boxer Devon Haney said the same thing about "never losing to white boy"

Prime Tyson would never allowed himself to lose to a white boy.

I've seen myself. Blk fighters fight much harder against a white man and want to cause more damage
Oh, so you can just decide not to lose? Is that how it works, genius? Are we back to your racism determining outcomes?
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

That guy is a WORLD Champion boxer.

The hell he is. That guy couldn't even box.

He is a world class boxer. Thats what happens when you add takedowns and kicks to the rules. The boxer becomes a fish out of water.

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