"Black" Names

Technology reigns supreme.

Nation invading other nations even with technology advantages can still lose.

If you cant see how you contradicted yourself here in these two statements then there's no hope for you.
You need the will to win. You need to do what needs to be done. And it can be nasty. We really do not. Is it a war or is it a police action? Anyway using the most advance weapons including WMD's will end the enemy. We in every way were better then the enemy in the Viet Nam conflict. But we still left without a clear cut victory. We did not have the will. so we did not go to the limit against them. They won...and lost by doing it.
If a white person commits a crime, that white person is blamed for that crime. Amazing, huh?

White people commit crimes all the time and don't get charged.

We've seen how white supremacy works when hundreds of these white supremacist terrorists are allowed to run up in state buildings with guns, while threatening elected officials, while daring cops to arrest them all because they feel COVID limits are restricting them

Let armed blk ppl do the sane thing and you'll see a very different reaction.
Good, that's how Trump me have set it up. Later on we gonna go night stick some colored folk.
A white person commits a crime, that white person is blamed for that crime. Amazing, huh?

Paul Essien
White people commit crimes all the time and don't get charged.

So do people of all 'races.'

You could make that argument about everything.

The system of white supremacy is not just about advantages you get if you are white its also about the absence of negative consequences (because you’re White)

Things like

1. Police harrassment/brutality.
2. Assumptions of incompetence.
3. Assumptions that you are prone to rape (esp. Black males)
4. Assumptions that anything you say is racist is just your own “sensitivity”
5. Decreased chances of garnering employment, higher education, or the most current health treatment, from the get go
6. etc., etc., etc.

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

A cop can harrass you, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.

It’s almost too obvious (and redundant) to type out that any [insert negative action] can happen to anybody.

The difference between it happening to someone who has White privilege and someone who doesn’t is that the issue of whether it happens solely because of skin color (on a systemic level) does not have to be taken into account by a White person.

You’re operating on a Racism 101 level here–step your game up.

And here's the Mr Unkotare

You can talk all this tough talk "You're wimp" "Your whining" "Youre pathetic"

But when it comes to white supremacist in your own group.


Go on carry that same energy towards armed white supremacist who storming state buildings up n down the land. Go and call them "whiners" and "cry babies" n "acting like a victim"

Go on. See how you get on.

After all why are you getting angrier at blk ppl who call out white racism than you do to white ppl who practice it ?

In fact a white person calling another white person out on their racism could lead to total social isolation and maybe even violent reactions too.

But you keep quiet and punk out because you must get along with other white people, who can make things ugly for anyone who calls them on it.
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But you keep quiet and punk out because you must get along with other white people, who can make things ugly for anyone who calls them on it.

I don't "keep quiet," liar. The weed is melting your brain, kid. I already told you that I call out racist douche bags (like you) of any 'color' whenever I come across them. And I don't just sit on my ass whining on the internet like you, big mouth. I have devoted my professional life to actually helping young people (regardless of 'race,' but almost all not white as it turns out). So you can take that attitude and shove it right back up your ass from where you pulled it.

After all why are you getting angrier at blk ppl who call out white racism than ....

I'm not "angry" at your little performance, I'm amused by it. And I am not addressing "black people," I'm addressing YOU. Grow some balls and be an individual for once instead of hiding behind 'categories.'

After all why are you getting angrier at blk ppl who call out white racism than ....

I'm not "angry" at your little performance, I'm amused by it. And I am not addressing "black people," I'm addressing YOU. Grow some balls and be an individual for once instead of hiding behind 'categories.'
You wimp out when you're around white supremacists.
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"Grow some balls and be an individual for once instead of hiding behind 'categories.'"

Another example of white psychosis.

Whites created the fucking categories you fucking idiot!

So it is just exactly as Paul says, You're a coward when it comes to standing up to white racists.

After all why are you getting angrier at blk ppl who call out white racism than ....

I'm not "angry" at your little performance, I'm amused by it. And I am not addressing "black people," I'm addressing YOU. Grow some balls and be an individual for once instead of hiding behind 'categories.'
You wimp out when you're around white supremacists.
Simply repeating the same lie after you have been corrected several times is a little punk bitch move. Are you admitting right now for everyone that you are nothing but a little punk bitch?

So it is just exactly as Paul says, You're a coward when it comes to standing up to white racists.

Even in the irrelevant context of an internet message board, I have many thousands more posts than you telling racists of all 'colors' to fuck off.

So, fuck off, racist. :fu:
"if it really was.... we'd have killed off all you black people years ago.

In fact even today, if White people really were like what you brainless fools claims, we could wipe you all out right now. *

Tell me.

What can white people do to black people that they have not done already ?

Check your history. You've already tried to wipe blk ppl out but we are still here.

And whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If they were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago.

So spare me the internet tough talk. You fking clown.

Bcoz I repeat what are white people going to do to black people that have not tried to do already ?

But let's unpack this more.

This is 2020. Not 1820. Most ppl have access to guns.

Bk in the day white people systematically disarmarmed of black men in the US after the Civil War to make the African-American community especially vulnerable to white mob violence, racial pogroms, and ethnic cleansing. Even allowing for that fact, there was always resistance.

You will always be faced with mass resistance.

Plenty of innocents will be massacred, families wiped out, communities looted and burnt.

This is not an easy win.

There is no shortage of real veterans from urban, minority background. Yes the most disproportionately represented group come from white exurban and rural areas.

Yes white supremacists have always Joined the military, to learn to fight in their little Rahowa thing. The flipside to that, is if they do start up their race war, you'll find there's a lot of blk ppl who've had that same training, as well as combat experience.

Dont think having a technological edge means a great deal.

Napleon had the technological edge in Haiti but they ended up losing.

View attachment 330453

View attachment 330454

Even in more recent times. The battle of Mogadishu in 1993. The USA against the Somalian soldiers. There was a film about it, called black hawk down,

What happened ? They ran them them out the country and dragged them from behind their trucks.

View attachment 330456

View attachment 330457

They knew the land. They knew the country. They knew the terrain. They made short of work of them and they were fanatically determined to drive out the Americans, whatever the cost.

And this is against the USA with their military might, all their big weapons and guns and money.

Everyone has access to guns and weapons now dude.

View attachment 330458

But if you still think "yeah but whites have the edge in technology"

The white man had the technological in Vietnam and they got their asses kicked.

But you carry on thinking committing genocide against blk ppl is gonna be an easy thing because when faced with death, people will fight till hell freezes over and then fight on the ice

But honestly? White supremacists wont try to kill off black ppl.


What's the point in having a system of white supremacy if there's no one you can feel superior to ?

See. Whites may hate blk ppl but at the same time they thrive off black ppl.

To be honest. Blk ppl are the glue that keeps you white ppl together.

If there were no black folks around, whites would have no one to blame but themselves for the crime that occurred.

No one to blame but themselves when you didn’t get the jobs you wanted.

No one to blame but themelves when your lives turned out to be less than you expected.

Whites need blk people especially in a inferior role, as a way to build yourselves up, and provide a sense of self-worth you lack.

What can white people do to black people that they have not done already ?

Wipe them off the face of the Earth entirely?

You've already tried to wipe blk ppl out but we are still here.

No, that's not true. If we tried to wipe you out, you wouldn't be here.

And whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti

What are you talking about? We didn't do Haiti. We didn't do Katrina. We didn't do AIDS.

Police brutality? You have a higher chance of being killed by a police officer in a confrontation if you are white. The government's own reports show that police officers specifically are less likely to use lethal force with a black person, specifically because they don't want to be accused of racism.

Slavery was universal. There were more white slaves in Africa, than Black slaves in the US. And honestly, that's just in the 16th to 18th century. Before that, everyone had slaves everywhere.

There has never been a glass ceiling. That's what pathetic people fabricate in their own minds, to pretend they achieved something. Obama was president sonny, not you. You'll never be anything as far as I can tell.

See once again, you are just childish. It's really sad, that lies and distortions, and flat out fabrications are all you have in life. Sad life. I feel bad for you.

So spare me the internet tough talk. You fking clown.

I'll say whatever I feel like. Thanks.

No one to blame but themselves when you didn’t get the jobs you wanted.

I agree with that. I tell people that all the time.

See ironically you are illustrating the difference between me and you. I am an adult. I have never blamed anyone, anywhere, for any job or position or promotion I didn't get.

I know why I didn't get it. I didn't make myself skilled enough, or qualified enough, or dedicated enough to get the job.

I don't sit there, and blame other people for my failures in life.

The very fact you are saying this... prove that this is how you think. You even said so prior to this, with your comment about "And whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite... glass ceiling"

That's proof that you are childish. You are blaming others for the lack of progress. "It's those mean 'ol crackers holding me down with my glass ceiling".

I still remember this lovely black girl, who said said in 2016 "I don't have a problem with Trump. Obama never did anything for me. I had to work for where I am".

And she did. She worked her ass off, and got where she was, because she was skilled, qualified, and dedicated. She wasn't sitting around crying like a toddler, about how the white man had a glass ceiling over her head. She just worked, and earned her promotions.

That's the difference between adult black people.... and you. A child. Still crying in your diapers about how unfair the world is.

That's why she has already done more good in her life, than you ever will in yours if you keep on this worthless path you have chosen.

You have done nothing. You have convinced no one of anything in this thread, and ironically even say you are not trying to convince anyone of anything. So you have openly admitted you are wasting your life. That's pathetic.

Do you even know why I'm here? I'm not here to insult you, although my tough words may be insulting to you.

My vain hope... is that someday... you stop... think about your life.... realize you have wasted it so far, and choose a better path. Every human being created by G-d has the ability to use what they have for good or evil, and that includes you.

You can sit here spewing hate, and get to the end of your life, having nothing to show for it. Or you can pick a better path, and do something that matters, where you build people up, instead of tear them down.

Perhaps that won't happen.... but it's worth a shot.
A white person commits a crime, that white person is blamed for that crime. Amazing, huh?

Paul Essien
White people commit crimes all the time and don't get charged.

So do people of all 'races.'

You could make that argument about everything.

The system of white supremacy is not just about advantages you get if you are white its also about the absence of negative consequences (because you’re White)

Things like

1. Police harrassment/brutality.
2. Assumptions of incompetence.
3. Assumptions that you are prone to rape (esp. Black males)
4. Assumptions that anything you say is racist is just your own “sensitivity”
5. Decreased chances of garnering employment, higher education, or the most current health treatment, from the get go
6. etc., etc., etc.

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

A cop can harrass you, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.

It’s almost too obvious (and redundant) to type out that any [insert negative action] can happen to anybody.

The difference between it happening to someone who has White privilege and someone who doesn’t is that the issue of whether it happens solely because of skin color (on a systemic level) does not have to be taken into account by a White person.

You’re operating on a Racism 101 level here–step your game up.

And here's the Mr Unkotare

You can talk all this tough talk "You're wimp" "Your whining" "Youre pathetic"

But when it comes to white supremacist in your own group.


Go on carry that same energy towards armed white supremacist who storming state buildings up n down the land. Go and call them "whiners" and "cry babies" n "acting like a victim"

Go on. See how you get on.

After all why are you getting angrier at blk ppl who call out white racism than you do to white ppl who practice it ?

In fact a white person calling another white person out on their racism could lead to total social isolation and maybe even violent reactions too.

But you keep quiet and punk out because you must get along with other white people, who can make things ugly for anyone who calls them on it.

But when it comes to white supremacist in your own group.


Prove it.
I have placed people on this forum, in my ignore list, specifically because they were spewing their alt-right crap. I've banned people from Facebook for their alt-right crap.

You don't know us. Again, you are child. Children don't take time to learn anything, they just lash out. Everything about your posts throughout this entire thread, is entirely childishness. That's why you just cut&paste stuff all over the place. No original thoughts, just lashing out.
I don't "keep quiet," liar.

Ok. The floor is yours. Go to those armed white supremacists who are storming state buildings over Covid and tell them they're whining. Take a video of it on your phone and post on here.

You're not scared of the white supremacists. Right ? So this should be no problem.

I already told you that I call out racist douche bags (like you) of any 'color' whenever I come across them.

Just let's say you do call racists

That still doesn't mean much

Why ?

White supremacists like to play both sides of the fence when it comes to systematic white supremacy.

There was a white Brit called Jake Hanarahan. He wanted a pat on the bk because he said he exposed white supremacist group Atom Waffen but then found he was tied to Baked Alsaka and other white supremacists

There was a white girl called Lacy Green. She did a big video on YouTube about how bad racism is and was.

Come to be revealed that she's dating a white supremacist group member in the Alt Right

There was a white women called Julie Ioffee. She front like she's some super liberal talking about how racist trump is

But then she was found out to be taken selfies all loved up with Richard Spencer


And I don't just sit on my ass whining on the internet like you, big mouth.

According to your profile you have posted 88 thousand messages you fking idiot.

I have just posted just under 3 thousand.

IM2 has posted just over 37 thousand.

You have EASILY posted more than me and IM2 combined

So tell me who really is sitting on there ass ?

I have devoted my professional life to actually helping young people (regardless of 'race,' but almost all not white as it turns out).

Is that your attempt at impressing me ?

Just because a man does good that doesnt mean he is good. Evil ppl can do good. I'm sure Hitler helped ppl in his life. Even the devil does good.

Regardless of what you have done. You are still in a position were you can punish or reward them and that's the position white supremacist ALWAYS want to be in when they deal with black ppl

Plus white supremacist acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion.

So white ppl will kill of a 1000 blk ppl in Africa, by drying up the reservoir, then send in the cavalry and pretend like they are their to help.


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Let me address Unkotare and his lies about his attacking racism. Number 1, when he is talking to a black person describing the current existence of white racism and what whites have done to damage the black community in the past, he is not talking to racists. But his calling us racists is him participating in racial gaslighting and that's all part of the modern method of white racism.

Racism today is practiced in a new way and it's not overt in practice but covert in policy. We now face perhaps an insidious and arrogant type of white backlash. Whites who are “tired of hearing” blacks and other non whites protesting and complaining about white racism. These are whites who have cried since the Civil Rights act was passed, making up a fake discrimination against whites they have taken to the supreme court time after time in the hopes of ending equal protection under the law for non-whites. This backlash takes several forms.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which might as well be called subtle racism. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of its “subtlety”, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that basically mirror the effects of overt racism. These significant and harmful consequences are called entitlement reform, immigration, welfare reform, voter fraud and many other things that are actually policies designed to take away things from non-whites. “I’m colorblind and if you talk about racism, you are the racist”. This is how racism is played today.

Unkotare is a timid bigot. His type has been perfectly described by Dr. Carol Anderson.

The second key maneuver, which flowed naturally from the first, was to redefine racism itself. Confronted with civil rights headlines depicting unflattering portrayals of KKK rallies and jackbooted sheriffs, white authority transformed those damning images of white supremacy into the sole definition of racism. This simple but wickedly brilliant conceptual and linguistic shift served multiple purposes. First and foremost, it was conscience soothing. The whittling down of racism to sheet-wearing goons allowed a cloud of racial innocence to cover many whites who, although 'resentful of black progress' and determined to ensure that racial inequality remained untouched, could see and project themselves as the 'kind of upstanding white citizen(s)' who were 'positively outraged at the tactics of the Ku Klux Klan". The focus on the Klan also helped to designate racism as an individual aberration rather than something systemic, institutional and pervasive.”

Carol Anderson, White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide
The words in bold describe Unkotare.

Now we have the common racist assertion about how you aren't doing anything about racism but bitching on an internet forum. I myself have battled multiple city councils. But that sorry excuse doesn't recognize the fact that racism by whites must be attacked in every forum it presents itself. So it must be addressed at the national legislative level; but most importantly at the grassroots and this is the grassroots. Nothing is stopped unless it begins at the graasroots. So then unkotare and those like him when they are losing a debate or cannot refute or provide a rebuttal to blacks who are carving them up such as what Essen has done to him, resort to the you are not doing anything but bitching on the internet. Well that's incorrect. Places like this is the start of white racism in this country. It is where racists congregate and collude. So Essen as as well blacks like myself and others are working to cut off white racism at it's root, which is where the change starts.
.... Go to those armed white supremacists who are storming state buildings over Covid and tell them they're whining. Take a video of it on your phone and post on here.

Post your video so I have an example of what you mean.
Let me address Unkotare and his lies about his attacking racism. Number 1, when he is talking to a black person describing the current existence of white racism and what whites have done to damage the black community in the past, he is not talking to racists. ...

Anyone talking to YOU is talking to a racist.
... resort to the you are not doing anything but bitching on the internet. Well that's incorrect. Places like this is the start of white racism in this country. It is where racists congregate and collude. So Essen as as well blacks like myself and others are working to cut off white racism at it's root, which is where the change starts.

That was extraordinarily stupid, even for you. Trying to convince yourself that posting racist drivel on the internet is "significant"? That is beyond pathetic. Get off your ass and go do something real, because pretending that tapping your delicate little fingers on a keyboard has any impact on the real world - does a damn thing to help anyone or make anything better - is a delusion that reveals your own insecurity. You know you are a fraud.

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