"Black" Names

You, whiny bitch, because that's all you ever do.

Change the record. Come with something new otherwise debating with you ...is a bit like fighting zombies...no matter how many you smack down, they just keep coming
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Why would I be interested in impressing you? Who the fuck are you?

I'll leave you alone. Hysterical queen. You sound like you're on your period.
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You, whiny bitch, because that's all you ever do.

Change the record. Come with something new otherwise debating with you ...is a bit like fighting zombies...no matter how many you smack down, they just keep coming
You mean you just keep losing, whiny bitch.
Why would I be interested in impressing you? Who the fuck are you?

I'll leave you alone. Hysterical queen. You sound like you're on your period.
Run away. Tell yourself it's because you are such a hopeless victim. You're a disgrace - YOU the individual - are a fucking disgrace.
Run away. Tell yourself it's because you are such a hopeless victim. You're a disgrace - YOU the individual - are a fucking disgrace.

Ok. The floor is yours.

What should blk ppl do to navigate their way around the global system of racism-white supremacy ?
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Why would I be interested in impressing you? Who the fuck are you?

And now his punk ass is talking about Essen running away.

Make up your mind fruitcake.
Run away. Tell yourself it's because you are such a hopeless victim. You're a disgrace - YOU the individual - are a fucking disgrace.

Ok. The floor is yours.

What should blk ppl do to navigate their way around the global system of racism-white supremacy ?

You're still hiding and wallowing in weakness. YOU need to stand up and be a man for once; AN INDIVIDUAL. When enough individuals of good will act positively in the world, hateful racists become irrelevant. I see no good will in you, and no backbone to act positively instead of laying on your back whining.
You're still hiding and wallowing in weakness.

Ok. You're telling me what I am. Now tell me what blk ppl should do

YOU need to stand up and be a man for once; AN INDIVIDUAL.

Ok. And how does a black man stand up and be a man ? And be an individual?

When enough individuals of good will act positively in the world, hateful racists become irrelevant.

What do you mean by act positvely?

Racism is not so much about hate. It can manifest as hate. But its about dominance. Racism is a calm thing.

and no backbone to act positvely

Ok. Dude.

But we still haven't got to the doing part. Have we ?

What should black ppl do to navigate themselves around the global system of white supremacy ?
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You're still hiding and wallowing in weakness.

Ok. You're telling me what I am. Now tell me what blk ppl should do

I'm not talking to "black people" (it's really not that hard to write out the whole words, dumbass), I'm talking to YOU. Are you incapable of seeing yourself as an individual? Of acting individually and taking individual responsibility for yourself? Are you part of the Borg or something?

What do you mean by act positvely?


I mean being of service to others while taking responsibility for yourself. Helping others instead of whining, fostering connection instead of division, and tying to put yourself in the other guy's shoes.
I'm not talking to "black people" (it's really not that hard to write out the whole words, dumbass), I'm talking to YOU.

I'm a black man.

The fact is even when blk ppl think positively, even when blk ppl are doing everything right, black people in America can expect to have a hard time finding a job, and be paid less for it when they do get it.

We can expect to have a harder time getting a loan, and pay a higher price when we do.

Blk ppl can expect to have a harder time finding an apartment or a house, which may make it more likely that they end up in a “certain neighborhood,” which can reduce their access to investment, reduce the quality of their children’s education,

Blk ppl can expect to be viewed and treated as dangerous criminals, hail a taxi, or even move into a neighborhood.

Blk ppl can expect to have a hard time getting accepted to college and receive the same treatment from professors and advisors once they’re there.

Blk ppl can expect that an officer with an attitude problem or a quota to fill might arrest them on bogus charges, or maybe even plant evidence.

Blk ppl can expect police officers to operate under the assumption that they are guilty, and they can expect to be railroaded by the justice system—even to the point of being forced to take guilty pleas when they are innocent.

And I repeat.

That will happen EVEN IF blk ppl r doing their best to do everything right.

God forbid if a blk person should make a mistake.

Then Blk ppl can expect to be treated as criminals by teachers, given harsher sentences (longer suspensions, quicker expulsions, etc., both of which remove them from school and expose them to the gang element in their neighborhood).

Blk ppl can expect to be arrested, charged, convicted, and imprisoned for offenses that a large percentage of whites consider part of “being a teenager” or a college student.

We can expect stiffer charges, higher conviction rates, and longer sentences.

But thats just whining. Right?

Are you incapable of seeing yourself as an individual? Of acting individually and taking individual responsibility for yourself? Are you part of the Borg or something?

Its whites who draw the line between themselves and everyone else. They are the ones who apply the colour line and all the injustice that goes with it.
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A white person commits a crime, that white person is blamed for that crime. Amazing, huh?

Paul Essien
White people commit crimes all the time and don't get charged.

So do people of all 'races.'

You could make that argument about everything.

The system of white supremacy is not just about advantages you get if you are white its also about the absence of negative consequences (because you’re White)

Things like

1. Police harrassment/brutality.
2. Assumptions of incompetence.
3. Assumptions that you are prone to rape (esp. Black males)
4. Assumptions that anything you say is racist is just your own “sensitivity”
5. Decreased chances of garnering employment, higher education, or the most current health treatment, from the get go
6. etc., etc., etc.

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

A cop can harrass you, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.

It’s almost too obvious (and redundant) to type out that any [insert negative action] can happen to anybody.

The difference between it happening to someone who has White privilege and someone who doesn’t is that the issue of whether it happens solely because of skin color (on a systemic level) does not have to be taken into account by a White person.

You’re operating on a Racism 101 level here–step your game up.

And here's the Mr Unkotare

You can talk all this tough talk "You're wimp" "Your whining" "Youre pathetic"

But when it comes to white supremacist in your own group.


Go on carry that same energy towards armed white supremacist who storming state buildings up n down the land. Go and call them "whiners" and "cry babies" n "acting like a victim"

Go on. See how you get on.

After all why are you getting angrier at blk ppl who call out white racism than you do to white ppl who practice it ?

In fact a white person calling another white person out on their racism could lead to total social isolation and maybe even violent reactions too.

But you keep quiet and punk out because you must get along with other white people, who can make things ugly for anyone who calls them on it.
I'm not talking to "black people" (it's really not that hard to write out the whole words, dumbass), I'm talking to YOU.

I'm a black man.

Are you a man? I see no evidence of that from your antics here.
I'm not talking to "black people" (it's really not that hard to write out the whole words, dumbass), I'm talking to YOU.

I'm a black man.

Are you a man? I see no evidence of that from your antics here.
I'm not talking to "black people" (it's really not that hard to write out the whole words, dumbass), I'm talking to YOU.

I'm a black man.

Are you a man? I see no evidence of that from your antics here.
Look. Man. The past and present and future of blk ppl concern me the most and in that history, whites have been the main evil.

I don't care about white ppl the way you do and I'm sure you dont care about blk ppl the way I do.

Two historical enemies are not meant to see eye to eye
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A white person commits a crime, that white person is blamed for that crime. Amazing, huh?

Paul Essien
White people commit crimes all the time and don't get charged.

So do people of all 'races.'

You could make that argument about everything.

The system of white supremacy is not just about advantages you get if you are white its also about the absence of negative consequences (because you’re White)

Things like

1. Police harrassment/brutality.
2. Assumptions of incompetence.
3. Assumptions that you are prone to rape (esp. Black males)
4. Assumptions that anything you say is racist is just your own “sensitivity”
5. Decreased chances of garnering employment, higher education, or the most current health treatment, from the get go
6. etc., etc., etc.

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

A cop can harrass you, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.

It’s almost too obvious (and redundant) to type out that any [insert negative action] can happen to anybody.

The difference between it happening to someone who has White privilege and someone who doesn’t is that the issue of whether it happens solely because of skin color (on a systemic level) does not have to be taken into account by a White person.

You’re operating on a Racism 101 level here–step your game up.

And here's the Mr Unkotare

You can talk all this tough talk "You're wimp" "Your whining" "Youre pathetic"

But when it comes to white supremacist in your own group.


Go on carry that same energy towards armed white supremacist who storming state buildings up n down the land. Go and call them "whiners" and "cry babies" n "acting like a victim"

Go on. See how you get on.

After all why are you getting angrier at blk ppl who call out white racism than you do to white ppl who practice it ?

In fact a white person calling another white person out on their racism could lead to total social isolation and maybe even violent reactions too.

But you keep quiet and punk out because you must get along with other white people, who can make things ugly for anyone who calls them on it.
View attachment 330934
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A white person commits a crime, that white person is blamed for that crime. Amazing, huh?

Paul Essien
White people commit crimes all the time and don't get charged.

So do people of all 'races.'

You could make that argument about everything.

The system of white supremacy is not just about advantages you get if you are white its also about the absence of negative consequences (because you’re White)

Things like

1. Police harrassment/brutality.
2. Assumptions of incompetence.
3. Assumptions that you are prone to rape (esp. Black males)
4. Assumptions that anything you say is racist is just your own “sensitivity”
5. Decreased chances of garnering employment, higher education, or the most current health treatment, from the get go
6. etc., etc., etc.

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

A cop can harrass you, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.

It’s almost too obvious (and redundant) to type out that any [insert negative action] can happen to anybody.

The difference between it happening to someone who has White privilege and someone who doesn’t is that the issue of whether it happens solely because of skin color (on a systemic level) does not have to be taken into account by a White person.

You’re operating on a Racism 101 level here–step your game up.

And here's the Mr Unkotare

You can talk all this tough talk "You're wimp" "Your whining" "Youre pathetic"

But when it comes to white supremacist in your own group.


Go on carry that same energy towards armed white supremacist who storming state buildings up n down the land. Go and call them "whiners" and "cry babies" n "acting like a victim"

Go on. See how you get on.

After all why are you getting angrier at blk ppl who call out white racism than you do to white ppl who practice it ?

In fact a white person calling another white person out on their racism could lead to total social isolation and maybe even violent reactions too.

But you keep quiet and punk out because you must get along with other white people, who can make things ugly for anyone who calls them on it.
View attachment 330934
View attachment 330935
Poah little racist copycat, never once had a thought of his own.
A white person commits a crime, that white person is blamed for that crime. Amazing, huh?

Paul Essien
White people commit crimes all the time and don't get charged.

So do people of all 'races.'

You could make that argument about everything.

The system of white supremacy is not just about advantages you get if you are white its also about the absence of negative consequences (because you’re White)

Things like

1. Police harrassment/brutality.
2. Assumptions of incompetence.
3. Assumptions that you are prone to rape (esp. Black males)
4. Assumptions that anything you say is racist is just your own “sensitivity”
5. Decreased chances of garnering employment, higher education, or the most current health treatment, from the get go
6. etc., etc., etc.

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

A cop can harrass you, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.

It’s almost too obvious (and redundant) to type out that any [insert negative action] can happen to anybody.

The difference between it happening to someone who has White privilege and someone who doesn’t is that the issue of whether it happens solely because of skin color (on a systemic level) does not have to be taken into account by a White person.

You’re operating on a Racism 101 level here–step your game up.

And here's the Mr Unkotare

You can talk all this tough talk "You're wimp" "Your whining" "Youre pathetic"

But when it comes to white supremacist in your own group.


Go on carry that same energy towards armed white supremacist who storming state buildings up n down the land. Go and call them "whiners" and "cry babies" n "acting like a victim"

Go on. See how you get on.

After all why are you getting angrier at blk ppl who call out white racism than you do to white ppl who practice it ?

In fact a white person calling another white person out on their racism could lead to total social isolation and maybe even violent reactions too.

But you keep quiet and punk out because you must get along with other white people, who can make things ugly for anyone who calls them on it.
View attachment 330934
View attachment 330935
Poah little racist copycat, never once had a thought of his own.
I'm not racist in the sense I would not poison the water supply in white areas, the way whites poison the water supply in black areas.

I'm not racist in the sense that I would used whites as Guinea pigs in blk hospitals, the way whites use blks as Guinea pigs in white hospitals.

I'm not racist in the sense that I wouldn't redline white areas from credit, the whites redline blk areas from credit.

My racism, is more pro black, not anti white and to b honest I dont even want blk ppl to hate white.

I want blk ppl primarily to stop loving them so much.
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I don't care about white ppl the way you do and I'm sure you dont care about blk ppl the way I do.

Run out of stupid things to copy and paste? Are you going to recycle all the stupid comments you have posted here at least once?

Ok, I'll say it again: I don't care about people based on the color of their skin.

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