"Black" Names

There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

Lol, you did NOT wrestle at the highest level. :laugh:

I wrestled in college which aside from the olympics is the highest level in America. I did wrestle olympians and world champs in open tournaments. I wrestled several of them. 1 was Kenny Monday, another because there were no other people in my weight, I had to wrestle Melyvn Douglass. I didn't beat them, but held my own and never got majored or pinned.

There are many levels of college wrestlng. If you were at the top level, you would have been more specific. I couldnt help but notice you didnt name the college, which assures me you werent NCAA, which means you aint anywhere near the top level.
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

That guy is a WORLD Champion boxer.

The hell he is. That guy couldn't even box.

He is a world class boxer. Thats what happens when you add takedowns and kicks to the rules. The boxer becomes a fish out of water.

So he went from a champion to a world class boxer. That guy was a tomato can and he could not box. You could look at his stance and see that. Again, you have to establish a distance to kick or shoot, now you can try that with a real top notch world champion boxer if you want to, but before you get in, you will be hit a whole lot. And really, a person can teach a boxer how to defend against shots and how to block kicks.
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

Lol, you did NOT wrestle at the highest level. :laugh:

I wrestled in college which aside from the olympics is the highest level in America. I did wrestle olympians and world champs in open tournaments. I wrestled several of them. 1 was Kenny Monday, another because there were no other people in my weight, I had to wrestle Melyvn Douglass. I didn't beat them, but held my own and never got majored or pinned.

There are many levels of college wrestlng. If you were at the top level, you would have been more specific. I couldnt help but notice you didnt name the college, which assures me you werent NCAA, which means you aint anywhere near the top level.

No, there is collegiate wrestling and then Olympic. You can be from a small school and beat a division one wrestler which I did when I won the Central region AAU title at 163 pounds in 1981 or several open freestyle tournaments in the summers. During that AAU meet, I beat one guy who wrestled for Arizona State during the season a guy who wrestled for Central Oklahoma during the season and a guy who wrestled at the Colorado School of Mines. I know you want to look for things to dismiss, but you can't. I know what I have done. But the reality here is that you are talking about the MMA but you forget that striking is part of that sport and boxers win the striking battle thereby limiting people like McGregor to kicking or trying to wrestle which makes them easier to defend against. You have a video of McGregor practicing with a scrub and you are trying to argue about it.
So that makes sense.... but you are not accomplishing anything at all.

Genocides unfold in stages. Stopping it at any one stage, stops the genocide from going forward.

The first people killed in any genocide are those in the mainstream who speak up for them. Now the message of hate goes unchallenged.

Racism grows and feeds off a culture of silence. The point of calling out racism is to break down that silence. I don't care if I persuade anyone. What matters is that I am heard and planted that seed in people’s minds of, “Hey, maybe this is not right.”

Education doesn't equal intelligence, intelligence doesn't equal knowledge, knowledge doesn't equal understanding, and understanding doesn't equal wisdom.

Calling me a black radical is the ultimate compliment,cause that means I'm blazing my own path, long as I keep moving, its all good.

except making yourself look really childish. Now if you are fine with that, ok... but that's all you are doing. You are just making yourself look really tiny, and otherwise accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Well what's childish to the Wolf isn't childish to the sheep. Whats childish to the fox isn't childish to the hound.

What's not childish to me as a black may well be childish to you as a white man.

For I live in a global system of racism - white supremacy. You don't. That system benefits you.

Blacks can achieve so much, when you are intentionally achieving nothing, but far be it from me to claim you ever were consistent on your ideology.

Black ppl achieve in spite of the system, not bcoz of it. Remember your argument about successful blk ppl could have been said 50 years ago. 50 yrs ago you had Muhammad Ali, Louis Armstrong, Sidney Poiter, Diana Ross. They all had money. They were successful. But racism was bigger n Bader than ever.

Why would you think I'm not happy? I think this is fantastic. Trump is smacking the left-wing around, and freaking them out. You... here.... now.... proof of that!

I'm left wing now ? Thats funny. Thanks for reading my mind.

Just to clear things up. The only difference between the right wing white supremacist and the left wing white supremacist is the right wing white supremacist would drown a boat load of blk ppl, the left wing white supremacist would give the blk ppl on the boat a cushion to make the drowning nicer.

I love this! This is the best thing ever. I love watching you people freak out. These last few years with Trump.... absolutely wonderful.

Of course it is. So we agree. This white supremacist wants OPEN WHITE SUPREMACY. White supremacist are tired of talking in code, being scared or being on tip toes around blk ppl.

So along comes 45 and calls Africa a shithole n tell black ppl, "Your living poverty, your schools are shit, What have you got to lose by voting for me ?" Calls the alt right in Charlottesville "very fine ppl"

So yeah of course your gonna love open white supremacy.

Genocides unfold in stages. Stopping it at any one stage, stops the genocide from going forward.

You haven't stopped anything at any stage. And I promise you never well.

Racism grows and feeds off a culture of silence.

Factually not true. The levels of racism were much lower during the Bush years, than they were under Obama.

Silence allows people to move on, and wounds to heal.

Screaming and yelling about racism, not only encourages it, but creates racism where none existed.

We heard more about racism in the last 10 years, than in the prior 30 combined, and racism today is worse than it ever was before.

No, you are factually wrong on that.

Calling me a black radical is the ultimate compliment,cause that means I'm blazing my own path, long as I keep moving, its all good.

Right. Well whatever floats your tiny little boat. Enjoy your empty life that will never accomplish anything.

For I live in a global system of racism - white supremacy. You don't. That system benefits you.

I realize you need to live in your delusions, in order to justify your actions. That's fine. Go join Jessie Smollett and create more lies for yourself to live in.

I'm left wing now ?

Really? Right-wing conservatism believes in equal under the law. Right-wing conservatism believes in freedom. Freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of opinion, freedom of association, and economic freedom.

As a whole, do you consider yourself to be right-wing? And based on what?

Of course it is. So we agree. This white supremacist wants OPEN WHITE SUPREMACY. White supremacist are tired of talking in code, being scared or being on tip toes around blk ppl.

Partially true. I don't believe that people should have their career ruined for calling a black guy a Negro, when black guys call each other Negros all the time.

Freedom of speech should work in every direction. So from that point of view, yes, I think people are sick of the double standard. So yes, I agree with that part.

But being able to speak freely.... hardly qualifies as white supremacy.

Really? Me being able to say the same stupid words you dumb people say, makes me supreme? You do realize that makes you again, look really childish.

How is actual equality under the law, now magically white supremacy? How is treating people the same, when they use the same words, supremacy?

Well of course it isn't. That is just stupid.

Just to clear things up. The only difference between the right wing white supremacist and the left wing white supremacist is the right wing white supremacist would drown a boat load of blk ppl, the left wing white supremacist would give the blk ppl on the boat a cushion to make the drowning nicer.

Dumb comment. If any of this ridiculous crap you spew was true... if it really was.... we'd have killed off all you black people years ago.

In fact even today, if White people really were like what you brainless fools claims, we could wipe you all out right now. You do realize that, don't you?

Even in my little neighborhood where I live, the vast majority of the people here, all own guns. All of them. If we all marched over to the crappy section 8 housing area where all the crime is, and all the black people are.... we could wipe them all out.

You know why we don't? Because we're better than you. We have morals. That's why we haven't had murders and rapes here, like they do in the crappy black area all the time.

So, honestly, get a clue man.

Even other black people are starting to see where the real evil is. This is why that pastor on that video will likely do something good in this world, and actually accomplish some good.... while you.... do nothing. Because you are useless, and worthless, not only to your people, but worthless to yourself.

So along comes 45 and calls Africa a shithole n tell black ppl, "Your living poverty, your schools are shit, What have you got to lose by voting for me ?" Calls the alt right in Charlottesville "very fine ppl"

Again, this is why you will accomplish nothing in life.

What he said... He's right.

Are you an idiot? Have been to Haiti?


Dude... Haiti is a Sh!thole country. Why do you think they are trying to get to the US?

Because Haiti sucks!

I work with black people, specifically from Nigeria. They told me.... verbatim "Trump is right. Nigeria is a sh!thole country".

They had a Nigerian minister, in a hotel room, with millions of dollars, and prostitutes, while half the country has no electricity.

Why do you think they immigrated to the US? (legally I might add). Because Nigeria is a sh!thole country.

Trump was right. You are whining, because Trump said the truth. Well.. tough.

"Hey said something entirely accurate! WHITE SUPREMACY!"

Again... that makes you look childish. Over and over, you just look childish.

By the way, the same was true of Charlottesville. Trump didn't say they were all good people. He said some of the protestors, were good people.

And they were. Not every single protestor was a crazy Alt-Right nut job. Many were people who just didn't want their history being removed. I can understand that.

So again.... Trump was right.

If your idea of being a "white supremacists" is merely when someone says something accurate.... then I'm in favor of that. Truth over Jessie Smollett lies.

And you will lose this. Like I said throughout this... you will never accomplish anything. If anything, you will cause more and more black people to die... and it's sad, but that's on you.
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There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

That guy is a WORLD Champion boxer.

The hell he is. That guy couldn't even box.

He is a world class boxer. Thats what happens when you add takedowns and kicks to the rules. The boxer becomes a fish out of water.

So he went from a champion to a world class boxer. That guy was a tomato can and he could not box. You could look at his stance and see that. Again, you have to establish a distance to kick or shoot, now you can try that with a real top notch world champion boxer if you want to, but before you get in, you will be hit a whole lot. And really, a person can teach a boxer how to defend against shots and how to block kicks.

He is a world champion. Look him up.
"if it really was.... we'd have killed off all you black people years ago.

In fact even today, if White people really were like what you brainless fools claims, we could wipe you all out right now. *

Tell me.

What can white people do to black people that they have not done already ?

Check your history. You've already tried to wipe blk ppl out but we are still here.

And whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If they were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago.

So spare me the internet tough talk. You fking clown.

Bcoz I repeat what are white people going to do to black people that have not tried to do already ?

But let's unpack this more.

This is 2020. Not 1820. Most ppl have access to guns.

Bk in the day white people systematically disarmarmed of black men in the US after the Civil War to make the African-American community especially vulnerable to white mob violence, racial pogroms, and ethnic cleansing. Even allowing for that fact, there was always resistance.

You will always be faced with mass resistance.

Plenty of innocents will be massacred, families wiped out, communities looted and burnt.

This is not an easy win.

There is no shortage of real veterans from urban, minority background. Yes the most disproportionately represented group come from white exurban and rural areas.

Yes white supremacists have always Joined the military, to learn to fight in their little Rahowa thing. The flipside to that, is if they do start up their race war, you'll find there's a lot of blk ppl who've had that same training, as well as combat experience.

Dont think having a technological edge means a great deal.

Napleon had the technological edge in Haiti but they ended up losing.



Even in more recent times. The battle of Mogadishu in 1993. The USA against the Somalian soldiers. There was a film about it, called black hawk down,

What happened ? They ran them them out the country and dragged them from behind their trucks.



They knew the land. They knew the country. They knew the terrain. They made short of work of them and they were fanatically determined to drive out the Americans, whatever the cost.

And this is against the USA with their military might, all their big weapons and guns and money.

Everyone has access to guns and weapons now dude.


But if you still think "yeah but whites have the edge in technology"

The white man had the technological in Vietnam and they got their asses kicked.

But you carry on thinking committing genocide against blk ppl is gonna be an easy thing because when faced with death, people will fight till hell freezes over and then fight on the ice

But honestly? White supremacists wont try to kill off black ppl.


What's the point in having a system of white supremacy if there's no one you can feel superior to ?

See. Whites may hate blk ppl but at the same time they thrive off black ppl.

To be honest. Blk ppl are the glue that keeps you white ppl together.

If there were no black folks around, whites would have no one to blame but themselves for the crime that occurred.

No one to blame but themselves when you didn’t get the jobs you wanted.

No one to blame but themelves when your lives turned out to be less than you expected.

Whites need blk people especially in a inferior role, as a way to build yourselves up, and provide a sense of self-worth you lack.
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There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

Lol, you did NOT wrestle at the highest level. :laugh:

I wrestled in college which aside from the olympics is the highest level in America. I did wrestle olympians and world champs in open tournaments. I wrestled several of them. 1 was Kenny Monday, another because there were no other people in my weight, I had to wrestle Melyvn Douglass. I didn't beat them, but held my own and never got majored or pinned.

There are many levels of college wrestlng. If you were at the top level, you would have been more specific. I couldnt help but notice you didnt name the college, which assures me you werent NCAA, which means you aint anywhere near the top level.

No, there is collegiate wrestling and then Olympic. You can be from a small school and beat a division one wrestler which I did when I won the Central region AAU title at 163 pounds in 1981 or several open freestyle tournaments in the summers. During that AAU meet, I beat one guy who wrestled for Arizona State during the season a guy who wrestled for Central Oklahoma during the season and a guy who wrestled at the Colorado School of Mines. ....

:lol: Busted.
AAU is an organization mainly for children through high school. Real college wrestling is governed by the NCAA. Open summer tournaments are hardly the pinnacle of serious competition. Mostly they are something wrestlers go to for fun and to stay a little bit in shape. We used to drive around to summer tournaments for shits and giggles. We'd show up hung over as hell and so out of shape most of us were two weight classes over. Some of the guys we wrestled laughed later at how badly some of us reeked of beer. We won most of those at whatever weight class (sometimes there would be so few guys there they would basically make the whole thing one unlimited weight class). If some D3 scrub beat a wrestler from Arizona State it was almost certainly someone who showed up for practices there but was NOT starting during the real season. Stop trying to puff yourself up, champ.
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If there were no black folks around, whites would have no one to blame but themselves for the crime that occurred.


If a white person commits a crime, that white person is blamed for that crime. Amazing, huh? And you do know there are more than just white and black people in the world, right? Enjoy your helpless whining.
If a white person commits a crime, that white person is blamed for that crime. Amazing, huh?

White people commit crimes all the time and don't get charged.

We've seen how white supremacy works when hundreds of these white supremacist terrorists are allowed to run up in state buildings with guns, while threatening elected officials, while daring cops to arrest them all because they feel COVID limits are restricting them

Let armed blk ppl do the sane thing and you'll see a very different reaction.
There has yet to be a payday in the MMA that matches boxing. When that day comes you will see some changes.

There are some things about all combat sports that are similar. The main one being the ability to establish proper attacking distance. Now we have a person who has depended upon establishing close distance in order to mount an offense opposed to another that is better at attacking with long range offense. Now for Fedor to beat Tyson, he is going to have to get past a jab that's going to hit him in the face every time he tries to get near. If Fedor shoots he could face an uppercut. Both fighters will have practiced and watched films of each other. So after watching films of Fedor for 6 weeks, Tyson will not be walking forward to try getting a knock out and Fedor would probably have to come to him and that could be a problem.
This is what happens when a World Champion boxer goes up against someone trained in MMA. Conor is even remotely close to being an elite grappler, but he handles this guy with ease. Its like he's sparring with a child.

That guy was no champion boxer. Again, boxing a chump in practice is not like going against a top champion. You have to establish distance to get to the ground game and a top boxer will knock your ass out. Look son, I've wrestled. At basically the highest level. And I'm telling you things just won't be as easy as you think. Striking is part of the MMA and not one MMA fighter will be as sufficient striker as a champion boxer.

Notice how when a person gets within a certain distance of Crawford they get a reminder to move back. Now if you don't think a championship boxer will be trained to establish a safe distance from a shot to the legs then you just want to believe that white MMA fighters are just better than everybody because they are white.

That guy is a WORLD Champion boxer.

The hell he is. That guy couldn't even box.

He is a world class boxer. Thats what happens when you add takedowns and kicks to the rules. The boxer becomes a fish out of water.

So he went from a champion to a world class boxer. That guy was a tomato can and he could not box. You could look at his stance and see that. Again, you have to establish a distance to kick or shoot, now you can try that with a real top notch world champion boxer if you want to, but before you get in, you will be hit a whole lot. And really, a person can teach a boxer how to defend against shots and how to block kicks.

He is a world champion. Look him up.

I doubt that. He was also smaller than McGregor and physically weak.
If a white person commits a crime, that white person is blamed for that crime. Amazing, huh?

White people commit crimes all the time and don't get charged.

We've seen how white supremacy works when hundreds of these white supremacist terrorists are allowed to run up in state buildings with guns, while threatening elected officials, while daring cops to arrest them all because they feel COVID limits are restricting them

Let armed blk ppl do the sane thing and you'll see a very different reaction.
"if it really was.... we'd have killed off all you black people years ago.

In fact even today, if White people really were like what you brainless fools claims, we could wipe you all out right now. *

Tell me.

What can white people do to black people that they have not done already ?

Check your history. You've already tried to wipe blk ppl out but we are still here.

And whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If they were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago.

So spare me the internet tough talk. You fking clown.

Bcoz I repeat what are white people going to do to black people that have not tried to do already ?

But let's unpack this more.

This is 2020. Not 1820. Most ppl have access to guns.

Bk in the day white people systematically disarmarmed of black men in the US after the Civil War to make the African-American community especially vulnerable to white mob violence, racial pogroms, and ethnic cleansing. Even allowing for that fact, there was always resistance.

You will always be faced with mass resistance.

Plenty of innocents will be massacred, families wiped out, communities looted and burnt.

This is not an easy win.

There is no shortage of real veterans from urban, minority background. Yes the most disproportionately represented group come from white exurban and rural areas.

Yes white supremacists have always Joined the military, to learn to fight in their little Rahowa thing. The flipside to that, is if they do start up their race war, you'll find there's a lot of blk ppl who've had that same training, as well as combat experience.

Dont think having a technological edge means a great deal.

Napleon had the technological edge in Haiti but they ended up losing.

View attachment 330453

View attachment 330454

Even in more recent times. The battle of Mogadishu in 1993. The USA against the Somalian soldiers. There was a film about it, called black hawk down,

What happened ? They ran them them out the country and dragged them from behind their trucks.

View attachment 330456

View attachment 330457

They knew the land. They knew the country. They knew the terrain. They made short of work of them and they were fanatically determined to drive out the Americans, whatever the cost.

And this is against the USA with their military might, all their big weapons and guns and money.

Everyone has access to guns and weapons now dude.

View attachment 330458

But if you still think "yeah but whites have the edge in technology"

The white man had the technological in Vietnam and they got their asses kicked.

But you carry on thinking committing genocide against blk ppl is gonna be an easy thing because when faced with death, people will fight till hell freezes over and then fight on the ice

But honestly? White supremacists wont try to kill off black ppl.


What's the point in having a system of white supremacy if there's no one you can feel superior to ?

See. Whites may hate blk ppl but at the same time they thrive off black ppl.

To be honest. Blk ppl are the glue that keeps you white ppl together.

If there were no black folks around, whites would have no one to blame but themselves for the crime that occurred.

No one to blame but themselves when you didn’t get the jobs you wanted.

No one to blame but themelves when your lives turned out to be less than you expected.

Whites need blk people especially in a inferior role, as a way to build yourselves up, and provide a sense of self-worth you lack.
A foreign nation may have released a deadly pathogen and look at the world. Technology reigns supreme. Its just how it is used. Nation invading other nations even with technology advantages can still lose. There must be a path and a will.

I think there are some things you need to recognize about black people that you don't understand.

We will dig deep to whip a white boys ass. We will take our minds to dark places you can't find to do what it takes to get it done. If you think men like Jordan, Kobe and athletes such like that are hardcore competitors, you better recognize that the black man you see on the streets will compete much harder than that to stay alive. And if you guys are talking about how we kill each other, just how much of a real chance do you have with blacks who would be more than glad to go out after taking out 50-100 whites.

Be glad there have been no black bin ladens. Yet.

Let me school you on blacks from the past boy, because you are ignorant to how things went down if you think that whites just walked into Africa and bought slaves at will from Africans who gladly gave up their relatives.

The Schomburg Center for the Research of Black Culture has excellent information about the African slave trade that provides a stark contrast between what happened and what some use as an excuse to discount the experiences of blacks in America. The web site is named, “The Abolition of the Slave Trade-African Resistance.” From the introduction, information contained in this collection debunks the race pimped tales presented by some in America today.

“Africans started to fight the transatlantic slave trade as soon as it began. Their struggles were multifaceted and covered four continents over four centuries. Still, they have often been underestimated, overlooked, or forgotten. African resistance was reported in European sources only when it concerned attacks on slave ships and company barracoons, but acts of resistance also took place far from the coast and thus escaped the slavers’ attention. To discover them, oral history, archaeology, and autobiographies and biographies of African victims of the slave trade have to be probed. Taken together, these various sources offer a detailed image of the varied strategies Africans used to defend themselves from and mount attacks against the slave trade.

The Africans’ resistance continued in the Americas. They ran away, established maroon communities, used sabotage, conspired, and rose against those who held them in captivity. Freed people petitioned the authorities, led information campaigns, and worked actively to abolish the slave trade and slavery.

In Europe, black abolitionists launched or participated in civic movements to end the deportation and enslavement of Africans. They too delivered speeches, provided information, wrote newspaper articles and books. Using violent as well as nonviolent means, Africans in Africa, the Americas, and Europe were constantly involved in the fight against the slave trade and slavery.”

The tale of Africa’s role in the slave trade as told by a segment of white society is incomplete and disingenuous. This has been done on purpose. It was not so simple as blacks capturing each other and selling them to whites. Europeans did not just waltz into Africa and overwhelm a bunch of backward, naked, dumb savages. They were in a fight for 400 years. Quite a number of Europeans entered Africa and Africa ended up being their final resting place.

“Some leaders actively worked against the transatlantic slave trade. One of the most famous was Abdel Kader Kane, the Muslim leader of the Futa Toro region in northern Senegal. Kane had succeeded in peopling his kingdom by retaking by force his people who had been kidnapped and by forbidding slave caravans from passing through his territory. After the French took three children from Futa, Kane sent a letter to the governor:

We are warning you that all those who will come to our land to trade [in slaves] will be killed and massacred if you do not send our children back. Would not somebody who was very hungry abstain from eating if he had to eat something cooked with his blood? We absolutely do not want you to buy Muslims under any circumstances. I repeat that if your intention is to always buy Muslims you should stay home and not come to our country anymore. Because all those who will come can be assured that they will lose their life.”

We are told stories about the shackles and chains, but we are not told the complete story of why they were needed. It is just “you sold your own into balls and chains.” But the story is just not that simple.

“As the slave trade expanded, resistance to it grew as well, and the need for shackles, guns, ropes, chains, iron balls, and whips tells an eloquent story of continuous and violent struggle from the hinterland to the high seas. As one slave trader remarked:

For the security and safekeeping of the slaves on board or on shore in the African barracoons, chains, leg irons, handcuffs, and strong houses are used. I would remark that this also is one of the forcible necessities resorted to for the preservation of the order, and as recourse against the dangerous consequences of this traffic.”

“Wherever possible, such as in Saint-Louis and Gorée (Senegal), James (Gambia), and Bance (Sierra Leone), the Europeans' barracoons were located on islands, which made escapes and attacks more difficult. In some areas, as soon as local people approached the boats, the crew is ordered to take up arms, the cannons are aimed, and the fuses are lighted . . . One must, without any hesitation, shoot at them and not spare them. The loss of the vessel and the life of the crew are at stake.”

“The heavily fortified forts and barracoons attest to the Europeans' distrust and apprehension. They had to protect themselves, as Jean-Baptiste Durand of the Compagnie du Sénégal explained, from the foreign vessels and from the Negroes living in the country."

“These precautions notwithstanding, in the eighteenth century, Fort Saint-Joseph on the Senegal River was attacked and all commerce was interrupted for six years. Several conspiracies and actual revolts by captives erupted on Gorée Island and resulted in the death of the governor and several soldiers. In addition, the crews of quite a few slave ships were killed on the River Gambia; in Sierra Leone, people sacked the captives' quarters of the infamous trader John Ormond. Similar incidents occurred in other parts of the African coast. Written records document how Africans on shore attacked more than a hundred ships.

Some Western slavers maintained occult centers in their barracoons, staffed by men they paid to work on the captives, sometimes with medicinal plants. The objective was to kill any spirit of rebellion, to tame the detainees, and make them accept their fate. The existence of these centers shows the extent of the precautions taken by slavers to prevent rebellions on land and during the Middle Passage: shackles and guns controlled the body, while the spirit was broken.

But revolts on slave ships, although extremely difficult to organize and conduct, were numerous. About 420 revolts have been documented in slavers' papers, and they do not represent the totality. It is estimated that 100,000 Africans died in uprisings on the coast or during the Middle Passage. The fear of revolts resulted in additional costs for the slavers: larger crews, heavy weapons, and barricades. About 18 percent of the costs of the Middle Passage were incurred due to measures to thwart uprisings, and the captives who rose up saved, according to estimates, one million Africans from deportation by driving up the slavers' expenses.”

So you see andelusion, you white boys always threaten a race war, but you don't want none of what we will bring to the fight. You will end up with massive casualties if you think you are just going to start picking off blacks. Because once you start doing that, you will scare every other non white group into action and that's your ass. And blacks will not go down without taking out the same number of whites.

You tried taking over Africa and got kicked out. You tried taking over India and got kicked out. You tried taking over South America and got kicked out. Brother L'Ouverture sent Napoleon packing the hard way. Blacks ain't going anywhere and you can't make us go anywhere, not without great tragedy to your own. We all got guns and if push comes to shove we can get other weapons and support from places you don't want us to get it from and they will do so gladly.

So andelusion, shut the fuck up.
Technology reigns supreme.

Nation invading other nations even with technology advantages can still lose.

If you cant see how you contradicted yourself here in these two statements then there's no hope for you.
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Blacks ain't going anywhere and you can't make us go anywhere, not without great tragedy to your own. We all got guns and if push comes to shove we can get other weapons and support from places you don't want us to get it from and they will do so gladly.

Brilliant. Take a bow. Especially the highlighted part.
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We will dig deep to whip a white boys ass. ...

Oh, well, that changes everything! All you have to do is "dig deep" and differences in skill, strength, experience, speed, stamina, and intelligence between two combatants mean nothing. Brilliant strategy!

This sure smells like your sock Paulie's theory of skin color determining the outcome of bouts/fights.

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