Black NFL players send Goodell a memo demanding racial justice!! NFL is 70% black


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Yeah lets make the NFL 13% black like equality dictates. Let some white boys make 20 million a year for playing a kid's game. This is so hilarious and hypocritical and all the fans can see it.

Players send Goodell memo asking for support in activism: report

sep 21 2017 As national anthem protests have come to the forefront of the NFL this season, current and former players are asking commissioner Roger Goodell to take a stand and support their cause of fighting racism and social injustice.

A group of former and current players sent Goodell and executive vice president of football operations Troy Vincent a 10-page memo in August asking the league to participate in a wide-ranging list of social activism initiatives, including: participating in PSAs, meet with -- and potentially finance -- certain organizations and dedicate November as activism awareness month, among other actions,according to Yahoo Sports.
With all the affirmative action programs in america, blacks have no one to blame but themselves for being poor.. Fact is most blacks can't even read and that's why they don't get good jobs outside of sports.
I'm almost in awe that the black crybabies have enough endless energy to keep this level of pathological butthurt going. You'd think they would have chronically exhausted from it years ago.
You want to talk about percentages? Let's talk about the percentage of butts in the seats of NFL games that are persons of Black African ancestry. That percentage is in the low-single digits.

If the NFL were to emphasize the fact that it is largely populated by a group of pampered, overpaid, and agitated "Blacks," a LOT of those seats would be found empty within a year or two. Advertising revenue would see a similar decline.
Yeah, I see the NFL Billionaire owners jumping into this with both feet.


I hate to quote myself, but I have long said that if the NFL were disbanded, the only noticeable affect would be an increase in the violent crime rate.
Message to our black friends. There is no GIANT WHITE CONSPIRACY holding down blacks. You people just don't have the brains of whites and asians and that's why blacks are failures at everything other than sports.
blacks murder over 8 other blacks per DAY
they commit hate crimes over twice the rate of whites
they graduate at lower level
their culture is self destructive --
they can send all the letters they want, protest all they want, etc--but it won't change anything until they change
If they keep this crap up, they will be out of a job. Soon even I will turn it off. Do your damn job and play football. I watch football to watch football, not to watch them act like jackasses. I saw on Facebook where a football coach had third graders kneel during the anthem. Leave it to a liberal to corrupt the future minds of america.
I stopped watching football after the black Rams put their hands up
for a criminal attacking a cop, after attacking a store clerk after stealing from the clerk
The fans will disappear and the public will say "shut up and play".

The NFL is getting to be like Universities. They want to be graded by activism. The team owners and shareholders don't give a crap about activism. You win or you don't. Shareholders will be dumping shares if they aren't already.
BSPN is of course all over this and the new hyped story is Aaron Hernandez reportedly suffered from CTE. Which he will now be portrayed as the victim of mean white capitalist owners and football.

All of his actions were not his fault. It was rich white Americans fault.
With all the affirmative action programs in america, blacks have no one to blame but themselves for being poor.. Fact is most blacks can't even read and that's why they don't get good jobs outside of sports.
were you born this stupid or did you just go to school to eat your lunch?...
If they keep this crap up, they will be out of a job. Soon even I will turn it off. Do your damn job and play football. I watch football to watch football, not to watch them act like jackasses. I saw on Facebook where a football coach had third graders kneel during the anthem. Leave it to a liberal to corrupt the future minds of america.
yes I created a thread on that ....they are teaching their kids to be racist/hate/criminality is ok
The teams should start cutting some, or all, of these whiners so they don't have to waste any more time playing football. They'll then be able to join BLM and whine full time.
Looks like all of those head injuries are manifesting themselves through these moronic black football players.
The teams should start cutting some, or all, of these whiners so they don't have to waste any more time playing football. They'll then be able to join BLM and whine full time.
yes, at least give some white players a chance to play....right now, it's not equal opportunity employment
I stopped watching football after the black Rams put their hands up
for a criminal attacking a cop, after attacking a store clerk after stealing from the clerk

Oh no - you've got it all wrong. The TV people told me Michael Brown was a gentle giant.

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