Black Pastor's Meeting With The Fascist Trump IS NOT A POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!


Dec 5, 2011
Sausalito, CA
Black Pastors Meeting With Donald Trump: This Isn't An Endorsement!.

The Fascist Trump and his campaign were very pleased with their self over much talked about meeting between the Fascist Trump and 100-Black Leaders.

Only one problem for the Fascist Trump and his campaign....the meeting with the 100-Black Leaders IS NOT A POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT BY THAT GROUP AND SHOULD NOT BE SEEN AS AN ENDORSEMENT FOR THE FASCIST TRUMP.

The Fascist Trump has made Muslim as scapegoat, his thug supporters have beaten up African-Americans protesters and has called for not only a National Registry for Muslims, but believes that Muslims should wear a special badge. Nothing at all Fascist about any that at all.


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You can scream nasty insults all you want but you know as much as anyone else that Hillary is not going to win.
How many more times, and in how many more ways do I have to say I.....AM.....NOT.....A.....HILLARY.....SUPPORTER!!!!!

The Fascist Trump will lose. To whom Ido not now, but I AM NOT A HILLARY SUPPORTER!!!!!
Ha, the smell of desperation. Black folks just aren't hating Trump like rabid Communists/Progressives want them to. They're not all following Democrat orders. Go Trump!
This is being reported by your fellow Race-Baiter Communists/Progressives at the NY Times...

Black Pastors Expected to Endorse Donald Trump

Donald J. Trump will take the next step in his religious outreach effort next week when he announces the endorsement of a group of 100 African-American pastors and religious leaders at his Manhattan headquarters.

The Republican presidential candidate has a private meeting with the group scheduled on Monday before they make their offer of support official, according to his campaign. The endorsement comes as Mr. Trump has faced criticism for stoking racial tension and has seen his support among evangelical Christians start to waver in polls as voters consider Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Ben Carson...
Black Pastors Meeting With Donald Trump: This Isn't An Endorsement!.

The Fascist Trump and his campaign were very pleased with their self over much talked about meeting between the Fascist Trump and 100-Black Leaders.

Only one problem for the Fascist Trump and his campaign....the meeting with the 100-Black Leaders IS NOT A POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT BY THAT GROUP AND SHOULD NOT BE SEEN AS AN ENDORSEMENT FOR THE FASCIST TRUMP.

The Fascist Trump has made Muslim as scapegoat, his thug supporters have beaten up African-Americans protesters and has called for not only a National Registry for Muslims, but believes that Muslims should wear a special badge. Nothing at all Fascist about any that at all.

You post is nothing but lies.
Oh, I see now

This is a "meet and greet" with the pastors and preachers. Some of them are going to endorse, but the rest want to meet and see who Donald trump really is.

I knew there was something strange. I don't recall Obama getting 100 preachers and pastors to endorse him at one time, but Trump was able to?
Black Pastors Meeting With Donald Trump: This Isn't An Endorsement!.

The Fascist Trump and his campaign were very pleased with their self over much talked about meeting between the Fascist Trump and 100-Black Leaders.

Only one problem for the Fascist Trump and his campaign....the meeting with the 100-Black Leaders IS NOT A POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT BY THAT GROUP AND SHOULD NOT BE SEEN AS AN ENDORSEMENT FOR THE FASCIST TRUMP.

The Fascist Trump has made Muslim as scapegoat, his thug supporters have beaten up African-Americans protesters and has called for not only a National Registry for Muslims, but believes that Muslims should wear a special badge. Nothing at all Fascist about any that at all.

lol, I'm shocked.
I see here that the blacks will announce on Monday saying they will endorse The Donald.....

This will drive Libs nuts.
I see here that the blacks will announce on Monday saying they will endorse The Donald.....

This will drive Libs nuts.

Its burning down the 'internets': Only one pastor has come forward with an endorsement for Trump. The rest are going to meet him and may not endorse him on Monday.
I see here that the blacks will announce on Monday saying they will endorse The Donald.....

This will drive Libs nuts.

"The Blacks", exactly how many are in a count of "The Blacks". According to article what you wrote is not true, but being an ignorant, self-serving, single digit IQ Con I doubt if you know the truth in the first place.
Trump has an imaginary relationship with Blacks.

A real problem with racist propaganda on his twitter account!


We told you a week ago--the statistic is false!
Black Pastors Meeting With Donald Trump: This Isn't An Endorsement!.

The Fascist Trump and his campaign were very pleased with their self over much talked about meeting between the Fascist Trump and 100-Black Leaders.

Only one problem for the Fascist Trump and his campaign....the meeting with the 100-Black Leaders IS NOT A POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT BY THAT GROUP AND SHOULD NOT BE SEEN AS AN ENDORSEMENT FOR THE FASCIST TRUMP.

The Fascist Trump has made Muslim as scapegoat, his thug supporters have beaten up African-Americans protesters and has called for not only a National Registry for Muslims, but believes that Muslims should wear a special badge. Nothing at all Fascist about any that at all.

So a conservative black man's endorsement isn't an endorsement.

That's racist, bro.
In their head long rush to support the Fascist Donald Trump, the RWNJ here have lost the ability to discern the difference between a political Meet and Greet and an Endorsement Meeting.

The article itself does not reference any political endorsement, only a meeting between the Pastor's and the Fascist Donald Trump. The meeting is a means for the Fascist Donald Trump and the Pastor's to meet each other and air any grievances the Pastors have and a chance for the Fascist Donald Trump to hear those grievances.

The Fascist Donald Trump allowed his supporter's to beat up a Black Live Matter Supporter who attend a rally supporting the Fascist Donald Trump.

The Fascist Donald Trump has scapegoated Muslims, called for Muslims to forced to wear a badge (ala the Yellow Star of David the SS forced Jews to wear during WWII) and called a National Data Base of Muslims in the U.S.

The meeting between the Pastors and the Fascist Donald Trump is not by any stretch of the highly limited intellectual ability of RWNJ to be construed as an Endorsement by the Pastors for the Fascist Donald Trump, but more of meeting that will the Pastors to listen to the Fascist Donald Trump and for the Fascist Trump to listen to the concerns of the Pastors.
Black Pastors Meeting With Donald Trump: This Isn't An Endorsement!.

The Fascist Trump and his campaign were very pleased with their self over much talked about meeting between the Fascist Trump and 100-Black Leaders.

Only one problem for the Fascist Trump and his campaign....the meeting with the 100-Black Leaders IS NOT A POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT BY THAT GROUP AND SHOULD NOT BE SEEN AS AN ENDORSEMENT FOR THE FASCIST TRUMP.

The Fascist Trump has made Muslim as scapegoat, his thug supporters have beaten up African-Americans protesters and has called for not only a National Registry for Muslims, but believes that Muslims should wear a special badge. Nothing at all Fascist about any that at all.
The word fascist is meaningless in today's day and age. Try another word - or time-warp yourself back to WW1.
I would bet money that Trump has given more blacks opportunities/made more blacks rich and successful within his business practice than Obama could/would ever dream of. To think otherwise is ignorant/low-informed.

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