Black people may have started Memorial Day. Whites erased it from history.

And another dozen states and cities make the same claim. But the only one that stands is the one on 1868 at Arlington which Decoration Day was proclaimed. The Memorial day came well after that and up until 1971, there was no sanctioned Memorial Day, it was Decoration Day which did the same thing. Memorial Day just was more correct than Decorations Day so it was renamed.
Johnson declared Waterloo NY the birthplace of Memorial Day in 1966.
Blacks created electricity 2000 years before whites buried the information.

Blacks routinely flew to the moon in the 4th century, before, you guessed it, whites destroyed the historical records.

The first Indy 500 winner would have been black, but in desperation to steal the win, whites put up a 'whites only' sign across pit lane, forcing the black driver to run out of gas. Later, at the post-race banquet, all records of Tyrone Andretti being there were burned in the fireplace.

The first jet airplane was invented and flown by a black man in Tunisia. Whites quickly shot it down, and buried the evidence.

The automobile was invented by Jahmir Benz, and later Tyrell Ford adapted the manufacture of the automobile to what he referred to as an 'assembly line'. Whites quickly tore it down obviously.

Jamal Edison invented the light bulb, but whites quickly threw a blanket over it, and Jamal was never heard from again.

Television was commonplace in the African jungle over 1000 years ago. Whites heard about it, created 'I Love Lucy' and Gilligan's Island', which quickly drove the jungle-goers insane, which then eventually led to the Hollwood writers' strike and the death of all television. Whites reintroduced the invention hundreds of years later, and of course took all the credit.

Air Conditioning was invented by Montrell-Jones Carrier, but at the demonstration in New York, whites attached hair dryers to the outlet, making everyone that were present for the demonstration, warmer than they already were. Stupid whites in attendance were overheard remarking about the irony, and cracking jokes about Montrell's invention, saying he must have forgotten to put snow, or popsicles in it first. Speaking of, blacks invented the popsicle.

Malcom Y Google invented the internet in 1649, but whites leery of it's social media implications immediately banned YikYak, saying it would ruin kids, and imprison them in their bedrooms, and would make them want to be Drag Kings. Whites of course lynched Malcom, and the internet was reintroduced hundreds of years later, and once again right on cue, white males took credit for creating it.

Blacks invented soccer. Whites said, 'ok, you can have that one'.
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Why is that? Because you believe black folks to be inferior to you and you have been taught that we created nothing.
No, because you personally have an inferiority complex that makes you post stupid bait threads like this one.
People of all colors create things.
Do you believe a black doctor performed the first open heart surgery?
This kind of thread is incredibly condescending to black people. Find any little contribution that any black person made to some event and claim that "black people did it!"

I used to do the same with my kid. I would come in from working on the car and say, "Junior and I fixed the air conditioner. He was a big help" Even as a kid, Junior got it. He would say, "You know dad means I helped by watching."

Grown up black people don't need to be talked down to like that.
Yes. They do.
Official Birthplace Declared
In 1966, Congress and President Lyndon Johnson declared Waterloo, N.Y., the “birthplace” of Memorial Day. There, a ceremony on May 5, 1866, honored local Page 2 veterans who had fought in the Civil War. Businesses closed and residents flew flags at half-staff.

But before that, Local springtime tributes to the Civil War dead already had been held in various places. One of the first occurred in Columbus, Miss., April 25, 1866, when a group of women visited a cemetery to decorate the graves of Confederate soldiers who had fallen in battle at Shiloh.

Ain't that funny. Memorial day started out celebrating confederate soldiers!!!

Blacks didn't start Memorial Day, they can't start a lawnmower. Stupid POS fucking OP.

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