Black people may have started Memorial Day. Whites erased it from history.

No, because you personally have an inferiority complex that makes you post stupid bait threads like this one.
People of all colors create things.
It must be your inferiority complex that makes your dumbass keep posting in them.
Well when you are a racist POS, it kills you to give black folks credit for anything.

I give blacks like you credit for EVERYTHING you've earned!
  • 350 cities wrecked in the Floyd riots over some drifter ass punk druggie, woman-beater felon.
  • Two trillion in damages, looting and burned out businesses in your own neighborhoods, many of them owned by other blacks!
  • 60,000 police officers injured. Another 40 or so killed.
  • The Ferguson riot.
  • The Baltimore riot.
  • The LA riot.
  • Most of the crime.
  • Most of the reason for police being called out.
  • Most of the need for prisons.
  • Most every public location, restaurant and movie theater video seen on tik tok or twitter while all the jigs flip out because their fries took 5 minutes to make.
  • Most of the shootings and murder in every big city.
Put a few blacks in among a large white crowd and they all feel safe and welcome. There is no problem, no issue.

Put a few whites in among a large black crowd and they will be lucky to make it home alive.
You're funny, a pussy ass, bitch ass white boy talking tough on the internet.

That's because I can back it up, 200 pound pussy ass fatherless racist hate-filled street punk! Admit it, you just HATE white people! Blame them for your LIMP DICK despite whites carrying your worthless ass ALL YOUR WORTHLESS DO NOTHING LIFE!
On May 1, 1865, thousands of newly freed Black people gathered in Charleston, S.C., for what may have been the nation’s first Memorial Day celebration. Attendees held a parade and put flowers on the graves of Union soldiers who had helped liberate them from slavery.

The event took place three weeks after the Civil War surrender of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee and two weeks after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. It was a remarkable moment in U.S. history — at the nexus of war and peace, destruction and reconstruction, servitude and emancipation.

But the day would not be remembered as the first Memorial Day. In fact, White Southerners made sure that for more than a century, the day wasn’t remembered at all.

It was “a kind of erasure from public memory,” said David Blight, a history professor at Yale University.

The contested Confederate roots of Memorial Day
In February 1865, Confederate soldiers withdrew from Charleston after the Union had bombarded it with offshore cannon fire for more than a year and began to cut off supply lines. The city surrendered to the Union army, leaving a massive population of freed formerly enslaved people.

Also left in the wake of the Confederate evacuation were the graves of more than 250 Union soldiers, buried without coffins behind the judge’s stand of the Washington Race Course, a Charleston horse track that had been converted into an outdoor prison for captured Northerners. The conditions were brutal, and most of those who had died succumbed to exposure or disease.

In April, about two dozen of Charleston’s freed men volunteered to disinter the bodies and rebury them in rows of marked graves, surrounded by a wooden, freshly whitewashed fence, according to newspaper accounts from the time.

Is anyone really surprised.

I knew this. I've know this for more than a decade. It is a fact told every year on the local news here.

Well when you are a racist POS, it kills you to give black folks credit for anything.
The title of the thread says “may have started”, which also means “may not have started”. That’s logic, not racism. Are you stupid or something?

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