Black People Responsible for Virtually All Crime in Atlanta

You believe you are superior to black man. Stop

Go piss up a rope, Sambo.

I'm not superior to black men.

I am most certainly, however, superior to negroes.

I've explained the difference between the two countless times. You're just too fucking stupid to comprehend that there's a very definite difference...
Even white cops in Law enforcement have exposed this lie.

Michael A. Wood Jr was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

But these are the people you rely on for facts ?
The Mayor of Atlanta is BLACK.
The Chief of Police is BLACK.
The Police Force is 58% BLACK.

The judge cited in the OP is BLACK.

The numbers are from the Atlanta PD.

You are an out of Control 40 IQ idiot, who posts like a Child.
You are a Mental Defective.

I'm just going to address a few points of this idiocy you've chosen to put on display...
OK. Go for it.

Exactly correct. It stands to reason that negroes actually commit a much higher number of crimes, but they don't get caught.
How can black people consistently evade getting caught if we are just naturally dumb ?
If black people are so great at not getting caught why are the prisons full of black people ?

"Gonna to be"? Is that a thing?

That's like when negroes ask about a price by saying "How much it is?" or "Where he be at?" when they're looking for someone.

Do you not understand what "gonna be" means ?

OK. I'm talking to a four year old "Gonna be" means "Going to be"....Got it /
You might want to think about that when you wonder why think you're just an ignorant colored boy...
OK. Cool. I'm ignorant, I have a low IQ and I'm violent. I have 10 baby mamas. I listen to rap all day, I smoke blunts and I sag my pants. Have I covered all your stereotypes ? Fill me in if I've missed any. So can we get back to you actually making a point and attacking the message not the messenger ?

And, again, we have to allow for all the negroes who commit crimes and don't get caught...
So black people can easily outwit and outfox white people we can do all sort of crimes and avoid getting caught ? So what does that say about the superiority of white people and supposed inferiority of black people if we are able to do this ?

Do you believe all cops are bad?
I believe white supremacists have infiltrated law enforcement.
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The Mayor of Atlanta is BLACK.
The Chief of Police is BLACK.
The Police Force is 58% BLACK.
The first two were given positions by the white supremacists.

That's why Keisha Bottoms (who is the Mayor of Atlanta) when Rayshard Brooks was killed last month. Did she get out there and reprimand the officers for killing Brooks ? No - She did as she was told and reprimanded black people for protesting.

That's why they (the white supremacists) were happy that Fani Willis (Not Paul Howard) won the DA (District Attorney) race in Atlanta because they knew she is going to squash that case against the white officer who killed Rayshard Brooks and anytime white officers kill black people in the future they will be squashed by her too


It's the white police unions who have the power. Second you can talk all day about "Black Mayors" but there is not one black governor in the USA. Governors override mayors.

The fact that 58% of the police is black also means nothing. Black people are just as capable of soaking up white supremacist ideas about black people as white people are.
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Black People Responsible for Virtually All Crime in Atlanta -- Judge Marvin Arrington Confirms

OD has done the tremendous task of compiling the COLOR OF CRIME for the city of Atlanta (looking at statistics from April 2011 to April 2012). The results:

In Atlanta, African-Americans are 54% of the population, but are responsible for 100% of homicide, 95% of rape, 94% of robbery, 84% of aggravated assault, and 93% of burglary.
Source: APD Uniform Crime Reports, Apr 2011 to Apr 2012

Judge Arrington: Once kicked whites out of courtroom to tell Black people to behave.
Judge Arrington: Once kicked whites out of courtroom to tell Black people to behave
Were someone to spend about two hours on a quick project, you could provide the COLOR OF CRIME for Atlanta from 2009 – present via the data found at this Website.

But statistics and data are misleading, right? In the Black Mecca, that City too Busy to Hate – which is completely run an entrenched Black political establishment – there has to be some lasting vestige of institutional racism making it seem as if Black people are responsible for all the crime in Atlanta.

Perhaps we should just ask a former judge in Atlanta – the very Black Marvin Arrington – his thoughts on the Black monopoly of all crime in the city. It was Judge Arrington in 2008 who made national headlines by asking all the white people in his courtroom to leave so that he could admonish the criminals Black people in the room:
Judge Marvin Arrington insists he’s not a racist; despite ordering white lawyers out of his courtroom on Thursday.
The Fulton County Superior Court judge said he was just fed up seeing a parade of young black defendants in his courtroom.
“I came out and saw the defendants, about 99.9% Afro-Americans, and some point time I excused some of the lawyers, most of them white, and said to the young people in here ‘What in the world are you doing with your lives,'” he told WSB-TV Channel 2 reporter JaQuitta Williams.
Arrington said he thought his message might have more power if it was delivered to a blacks-only audience.
“I didn’t think about racism or reverse racism, I practiced law for 30 years and 75% of my partners were white,” he explained.
The judge said the majority of people who appear before him accused of crimes such as murder, rape and robbery are black and he wanted to do something about it, one on one.
“I didn’t want them to think I was talking down to them; trying to embarrass them or insult them; be derogatory towards them and I was just saying ‘Please get yourself together,'” he said.
Arrington added that he may make a similar speech next week, but this time he’ll allow everyone to hear it.
Interviewed by NRP, Judge Arrington would go even further with his declaration of Black monopolization of crime in Atlanta:
Judge ARRINGTON: And I just said, my God. Will we ever stop? We are executing each other. They appeal before me. They can’t read. They cannot write, have no character, no morals, or what have you. And I just exploded.
Judge ARRINGTON: Oh, you just said it for me. I said, would the white defendants and all whites excuse themselves? I want to talk to my brothers one-on-one. And they excused themselves, and I really asked myself a thousand times. I don’t see what I’m doing – did wrong. If asking some people not to kill, shoot, you know, to have sex with your daughter, to rape, if that is wrong, I don’t want to do right, because I see that as my role, and I said it to my children.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported this ....

I actually lived in Atlanta for only one year . It was the worst year of my life . Just violent black thugs everywhere I went . I got the hell out of there !! You go to “ buck head , the party area “ and it’s all black thugs mixed in
The city has become far worse than my short year in 1999
how was race DETERMINED in the study?

That's your biggest concern? How was race determined by the study?View attachment 394619 I suppose the only way of making a race determination that would satisfy you would be a genetic test. First off, who said anything about a study? These are comments made by a Judge in Atlanta based on Crime statistics from the APD.

Here's some more FACTS from the APD, from the latest available crime statistic for Atlanta. In January of 2019 , 10 % of ALL crime was committed by Whites. 90% was committed by Blacks. In February 2019, we saw a dramatic up tick in white committed crime, elevating the total percentage of crimes committed by whites to a staggering 11%, while Blacks committed crime fell precipitously to a mere 89%.

the "STATS" on faulty data is USELESS. Race by what either an observer or a person decides to CLAIM ----is faulty data. In New York City TODAY there are many people who see an ADVANTAGE in claiming "non-white" ---anything. There are actual SOCIAL ACTIVISTS who go around convincing people to report themselves as "NON WHITE" The Social activists run government funded "social service"
centers. Remember Pocahantis? That idea ran thru the gutter with the speed of light. For the
record-----there was a time when people from South America were either of spanish origin and
called WHITE, or of native origin and called
INDIGENIS or imported slaves and that is NEGRO. Today the whole kit and kaboodle is
called "PERSON OF COLOR" race don't mean nuthin' in Homo-sapien. -----arabs used to be white. The koran makes it absolutely certain that the big MO was white. ----now anything remotely arab/muslim is BLACK, the christians and jews from the same lands and who speak
arabic are all WHITE. Iran Iranians (from the land of the ARYANS) have become "persons
of color"-----but don't tell them

That is the biggest pile bullshit I have read in a long time. To start with arresting officers, place on the arrest from what they see. And everyone in this country can tell the difference between a black person and a white.

And “people of color” classifying is the most stupid idea liberals have ever come up with; it is totally arbitrary, has no scientific basis, and means nothing.
I actually lived in Atlanta for only one year . It was the worst year of my life . Just violent black thugs everywhere I went . I got the hell out of there !! You go to “ buck head , the party area “ and it’s all black thugs mixed in
The city has become far worse than my short year in 1999
What did these black people do ?

Because all what you posted here is about the fact you are scared of black men and intimidated by black men. Nothing about what they did.
how was race DETERMINED in the study?

That's your biggest concern? How was race determined by the study?View attachment 394619 I suppose the only way of making a race determination that would satisfy you would be a genetic test. First off, who said anything about a study? These are comments made by a Judge in Atlanta based on Crime statistics from the APD.

Here's some more FACTS from the APD, from the latest available crime statistic for Atlanta. In January of 2019 , 10 % of ALL crime was committed by Whites. 90% was committed by Blacks. In February 2019, we saw a dramatic up tick in white committed crime, elevating the total percentage of crimes committed by whites to a staggering 11%, while Blacks committed crime fell precipitously to a mere 89%.

the "STATS" on faulty data is USELESS. Race by what either an observer or a person decides to CLAIM ----is faulty data. In New York City TODAY there are many people who see an ADVANTAGE in claiming "non-white" ---anything. There are actual SOCIAL ACTIVISTS who go around convincing people to report themselves as "NON WHITE" The Social activists run government funded "social service"
centers. Remember Pocahantis? That idea ran thru the gutter with the speed of light. For the
record-----there was a time when people from South America were either of spanish origin and
called WHITE, or of native origin and called
INDIGENIS or imported slaves and that is NEGRO. Today the whole kit and kaboodle is
called "PERSON OF COLOR" race don't mean nuthin' in Homo-sapien. -----arabs used to be white. The koran makes it absolutely certain that the big MO was white. ----now anything remotely arab/muslim is BLACK, the christians and jews from the same lands and who speak
arabic are all WHITE. Iran Iranians (from the land of the ARYANS) have become "persons
of color"-----but don't tell them

That is the biggest pile bullshit I have read in a long time. To start with arresting officers, place on the arrest from what they see. And everyone in this country can tell the difference between a black person and a white.

And “people of color” classifying is the most stupid idea liberals have ever come up with; it is totally arbitrary, has no scientific basis, and means nothing.

what country is that ? OK genius. Lets do
examples. If you came across a person from
India with VERY dark skin, very black, shiny,
straight hair named "nagendra" ----would
you call that person negro or caucasian ?
You seem to be implying there is no such thing as race while as the same writing about people of color. Well, there is such a thing as race, and “people of color” is meaningless. Evidently, it is liberals that don’t believe in science. You can’t make facts disappear just because you don’t like them. Check this out:

The Inconvenient Science of Racial DNA Profiling

In early March, 2003, investigators turned to Tony Frudakis, a molecular biologist who said he could determine the killer's race by analyzing his DNA. They were unsure about the science, so, before giving him the go-ahead, the task force sent Frudakis DNA swabs taken from 20 people whose race they knew and asked him to determine their races through blind testing. He nailed every single one.

Still, when they gathered in the Baton Rouge police department for a conference call with Frudakis in mid-March, they were not prepared to hear or accept his conclusions about the killer.

"Your guy has substantial African ancestry," said Frudakis. "He could be Afro-Caribbean or African American but there is no chance that this is a Caucasian. No chance at all."

"This means we're going to turn our investigation in an entirely different direction," Frudakis recalls someone saying. "Are you comfortable with that?"

"Yes. I recommend you do that," he said. And now, rather than later since, in the time it took Frudakis to analyze the sample, the killer had claimed his fifth victim. The task force followed Frudakis' advice and, two months later, the killer was in custody.
You seem to be implying there is no such thing as race while as the same writing about people of color. Well, there is such a thing as race, and “people of color” is meaningless. Evidently, it is liberals that don’t believe in science. You can’t make facts disappear just because you don’t like them. Check this out:

The Inconvenient Science of Racial DNA Profiling

The Inconvenient Science of Racial DNA Profiling

In early March, 2003, investigators turned to Tony Frudakis, a molecular biologist who said he could determine the killer's race by analyzing his DNA. They were unsure about the science, so, before giving him the go-ahead, the task force sent Frudakis DNA swabs taken from 20 people whose race they knew and asked him to determine their races through blind testing. He nailed every single one.

Still, when they gathered in the Baton Rouge police department for a conference call with Frudakis in mid-March, they were not prepared to hear or accept his conclusions about the killer.

"Your guy has substantial African ancestry," said Frudakis. "He could be Afro-Caribbean or African American but there is no chance that this is a Caucasian. No chance at all."

"This means we're going to turn our investigation in an entirely different direction," Frudakis recalls someone saying. "Are you comfortable with that?"

"Yes. I recommend you do that," he said. And now, rather than later since, in the time it took Frudakis to analyze the sample, the killer had claimed his fifth victim. The task force followed Frudakis' advice and, two months later, the killer was in custody.

you post is idiotic. Did you pass 8th grade general science?
for the record----as to RACE in humans---it is a construct elaborated by actual scientists---in anthropology. The various "races" of mankind were determined a few hundred years ago by various aspects of GROSS ANATOMY. --that means the obvious stuff----like color of skin, shape of skull, texture of hair ----things like that ----that's where we get NEGROID (dark skin, "kinky" hair", --shallow eye sockets ---and a few other things) Mongolian "red or yellow" skin and stuff like that. and Caucasian ---white skin and straight or wavy hair---etc. Today we have DNA which is good for tracing
the migrations (where they have BEEN) of different groups. And that is about all there is to it-----IT IS BARELY SCIENCE------just a kinda
silly way of designating GROUPS of people. Over time the BIGGEST issue in the minds of the shallow became COLOR
You seem to be implying there is no such thing as race while as the same writing about people of color. Well, there is such a thing as race, and “people of color” is meaningless. Evidently, it is liberals that don’t believe in science. You can’t make facts disappear just because you don’t like them. Check this out:

The Inconvenient Science of Racial DNA Profiling

In early March, 2003, investigators turned to Tony Frudakis, a molecular biologist who said he could determine the killer's race by analyzing his DNA. They were unsure about the science, so, before giving him the go-ahead, the task force sent Frudakis DNA swabs taken from 20 people whose race they knew and asked him to determine their races through blind testing. He nailed every single one.

Still, when they gathered in the Baton Rouge police department for a conference call with Frudakis in mid-March, they were not prepared to hear or accept his conclusions about the killer.

"Your guy has substantial African ancestry," said Frudakis. "He could be Afro-Caribbean or African American but there is no chance that this is a Caucasian. No chance at all."

"This means we're going to turn our investigation in an entirely different direction," Frudakis recalls someone saying. "Are you comfortable with that?"

"Yes. I recommend you do that," he said. And now, rather than later since, in the time it took Frudakis to analyze the sample, the killer had claimed his fifth victim. The task force followed Frudakis' advice and, two months later, the killer was in custody.
NOVA | Does Race Exist?
with two Differing opinions. I post the latter from someone who necessarily/Practically/Forensically deals with Race.
George Gill, the Hands-on proponent:

Slightly Over Half of all biological/physical anthropologists today believe in the Traditional view that human Races are biologically Valid and Real. Furthermore, they tend to see nothing wrong in defining and naming the different populations of Homo sapiens. The Other Half of the biological anthropology community believes either that the traditional racial categories for humankind are arbitrary and meaningless, or that at a minimum there are better ways to look at human variation than through the "racial lens."​
Bones don't lie
First, I have found that forensic anthropologists attain a high degree of accuracy in determining geographic Racial affinities (white, black, American Indian, etc.) by utilizing both new and traditional methods of bone analysis. Many well-conducted studies were reported in the late 1980s and 1990s that test methods objectively for percentage of correct placement. Numerous individual methods involving midfacial measurements, femur traits, and so on are over 80% accurate alone, and in combination produce very high levels of accuracy. No forensic anthropologist would make a racial assessment based upon just one of these methods, but in combination they can make very reliable assessments, just as in determining sex or age. In other words, multiple criteria are the key to success in all of these determinations....My students ask, "How can this be? They can identify skeletons as to racial origins but do not believe in race!"
"The idea that race is 'only skin deep' is simply not true."
Deeper than the skin​
[.......]The "reality of race" therefore depends more on the definition of reality than on the definition of race. If we choose to accept the system of racial taxonomy that physical anthropologists have traditionally established—major races: black, white, etc.—then one can classify human skeletons within it just as well as one can living humans. The bony traits of the nose, mouth, femur, and cranium are just as revealing to a good osteologist as skin color, hair form, nose form, and lips to the perceptive observer of living humanity.​
I have been able to prove to myself over the years, in actual Legal cases, that I am more accurate at assessing Race from skeletal remains than from Looking at living people standing before me.
Seeing both sides​
Where I stand today in the "great race debate" after a decade and a half of pertinent skeletal research is clearly more on the side of the reality of race than on the "race denial" side. Yet I do see why many other physical anthropologists are able to ignore or deny the race concept.. ..Morphological characteristics, however, like skin color, hair form, bone traits, eyes, and lips tend to follow geographic boundaries coinciding often with climatic zones. This is not surprising since the selective forces of climate are probably the primary forces of nature that have Shaped human Races with regard not only to Skin color and Hair form but also the Underlying Bony structures of the Nose, Cheekbones, etc.."​
On political correctness​
...Why this bias from the "race denial" faction? This bias seems to stem largely from socio-political motivation and Not science at all. For the time being at least, the people in "race denial" are in "reality denial" as well. Their motivation (a positive one) is that they have come to believe that the race concept is socially dangerous. In other words, they have convinced themselves that race promotes racism. Therefore, they have pushed the Politically Correct Agenda that human races are not biologically real, no matter what the Evidence.​
How can we combat racism if no one is willing to talk about race?"​
Consequently, at the beginning of the 21st century, even as a majority of biological anthropologists favor the reality of the race perspective, not one introductory textbook of physical anthropology even presents that perspective as a possibility. In a case as flagrant as this, we are not dealing with science but rather with blatant, Politically motivated censorship. But, you may ask, are the politically correct actually correct? Is there a relationship between thinking about race and racism?​
Atlanta is the new black capital !!
I had the worst year of my life there
It was terrifying
Felt like I was in a “planet of the apes” movie
White people commit the majority of crimes in America. They do so every year. So whites like aflac might want to check white culture.
White people commit the majority of crimes in America. They do so every year. So whites like aflac might want to check white culture.
White people are a majority of the population.
Black people, 13% of the USA, commit Half the murders and a Wildly Disproportionate amount of All Violent and Gun Crime.
White people commit the majority of crimes in America. They do so every year. So whites like aflac might want to check white culture.
White people are a majority of the population.
Black people, 13% of the USA, commit Half the murders and a Wildly Disproportionate amount of All Violent and Gun Crime.
IM2 refuses to understand your point.

One thing that isn’t ever mentioned is while blacks represent only 13% of the overall population, the black demographic actually committing crimes is even smaller. It’s young black men and boys committing crimes. They represent an even smaller percentage of the overall population. Probably something around 5%.

Black crime is a cultural problem that no one seems interested in fixing.
Black People Responsible for Virtually All Crime in Atlanta -- Judge Marvin Arrington Confirms

OD has done the tremendous task of compiling the COLOR OF CRIME for the city of Atlanta (looking at statistics from April 2011 to April 2012). The results:

In Atlanta, African-Americans are 54% of the population, but are responsible for 100% of homicide, 95% of rape, 94% of robbery, 84% of aggravated assault, and 93% of burglary.
Source: APD Uniform Crime Reports, Apr 2011 to Apr 2012

Judge Arrington: Once kicked whites out of courtroom to tell Black people to behave.
Judge Arrington: Once kicked whites out of courtroom to tell Black people to behave
Were someone to spend about two hours on a quick project, you could provide the COLOR OF CRIME for Atlanta from 2009 – present via the data found at this Website.

But statistics and data are misleading, right? In the Black Mecca, that City too Busy to Hate – which is completely run an entrenched Black political establishment – there has to be some lasting vestige of institutional racism making it seem as if Black people are responsible for all the crime in Atlanta.

Perhaps we should just ask a former judge in Atlanta – the very Black Marvin Arrington – his thoughts on the Black monopoly of all crime in the city. It was Judge Arrington in 2008 who made national headlines by asking all the white people in his courtroom to leave so that he could admonish the criminals Black people in the room:
Judge Marvin Arrington insists he’s not a racist; despite ordering white lawyers out of his courtroom on Thursday.
The Fulton County Superior Court judge said he was just fed up seeing a parade of young black defendants in his courtroom.
“I came out and saw the defendants, about 99.9% Afro-Americans, and some point time I excused some of the lawyers, most of them white, and said to the young people in here ‘What in the world are you doing with your lives,'” he told WSB-TV Channel 2 reporter JaQuitta Williams.
Arrington said he thought his message might have more power if it was delivered to a blacks-only audience.
“I didn’t think about racism or reverse racism, I practiced law for 30 years and 75% of my partners were white,” he explained.
The judge said the majority of people who appear before him accused of crimes such as murder, rape and robbery are black and he wanted to do something about it, one on one.
“I didn’t want them to think I was talking down to them; trying to embarrass them or insult them; be derogatory towards them and I was just saying ‘Please get yourself together,'” he said.
Arrington added that he may make a similar speech next week, but this time he’ll allow everyone to hear it.
Interviewed by NRP, Judge Arrington would go even further with his declaration of Black monopolization of crime in Atlanta:
Judge ARRINGTON: And I just said, my God. Will we ever stop? We are executing each other. They appeal before me. They can’t read. They cannot write, have no character, no morals, or what have you. And I just exploded.
Judge ARRINGTON: Oh, you just said it for me. I said, would the white defendants and all whites excuse themselves? I want to talk to my brothers one-on-one. And they excused themselves, and I really asked myself a thousand times. I don’t see what I’m doing – did wrong. If asking some people not to kill, shoot, you know, to have sex with your daughter, to rape, if that is wrong, I don’t want to do right, because I see that as my role, and I said it to my children.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported this ....

Race, Criminality and the Persistent Myth of Black on Black Crime
Posted byBy D. Amari Jackson | August 14, 2017 CommentsComments (0)

In America, more frequently than any other race of people, white people kill white people. In fact, Caucasians have a lengthy history of victimizing and killing one another in their communities and, in 2014, of the 3021 murders of Caucasians nationwide, Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics report 2488 of the offenders were white. As is customarily the case, white-on-white crime — murder, in particular—dominates federal statistics every year.
That same year, of the 2451 murders of African-Americans, 2205 were committed by Black offenders. In other words, in 2014, an African-American was killed by a member of the same race 90 percent of the time while a white person was killed by a member of the same race 82 percent of the time, a difference of eight percentage points. This eight percentage point margin has pretty much remained constant for the past four decades.
Given this relatively small difference, and the consistent recognition that people victimize and murder those closest to them both racially and residentially, it begs the question why so much attention has been paid to the issue of “Black-on-Black crime.” Tellingly, a July 2017 Harvard-Harris Poll reported 70 percent of voters said black-on-black crime in African-American communities is a bigger issue than police violence against African-Americans. Twelve percent of the poll’s respondents were Black.
The Mayor of Atlanta is BLACK.
The Chief of Police is BLACK.
The Police Force is 58% BLACK.
The first two were given positions by the white supremacists.

That's why Keisha Bottoms (who is the Mayor of Atlanta) when Rayshard Brooks was killed last month. Did she get out there and reprimand the officers for killing Brooks ? No - She did as she was told and reprimanded black people for protesting.

That's why they (the white supremacists) were happy that Fani Willis (Not Paul Howard) won the DA (District Attorney) race in Atlanta because they knew she is going to squash that case against the white officer who killed Rayshard Brooks and anytime white officers kill black people in the future they will be squashed by her too


It's the white police unions who have the power. Second you can talk all day about "Black Mayors" but there is not one black governor in the USA. Governors override mayors.

The fact that 58% of the police is black also means nothing. Black people are just as capable of soaking up white supremacist ideas about black people as white people are.
You bitch when blacks aren’t in charge and bitch when they are.

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