'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

PBS's Tavis Smiley made a comment Thursday that every African-American as well as liberal media member should sit up and take notice.

HANNITY: Are black Americans better off five years into the Obama presidency?

SMILEY: Let me answer your question very forthrightly. No, they are not. The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters
No liberal cares, so nothing will get done.

Actually, the liberal leaders are happy, they know they were able to do horrible things to black Americans and keep them enslaved to the system and voting for them for another generation.

Black Americans may never notice that things have never gotten better under dems. they've been lied to so much, and by so many other blacks that they will never get free.
But yet they LOVE their NEW SLAVERY...and the petulant child that brought it to them...because he is BLACK...:eusa_eh:

Republican's, and BUSH'S fault...

'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

PBS's Tavis Smiley made a comment Thursday that every African-American as well as liberal media member should sit up and take notice.

HANNITY: Are black Americans better off five years into the Obama presidency?

SMILEY: Let me answer your question very forthrightly. No, they are not. The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.
No liberal cares, so nothing will get done.

Actually, the liberal leaders are happy, they know they were able to do horrible things to black Americans and keep them enslaved to the system and voting for them for another generation.

Black Americans may never notice that things have never gotten better under dems. they've been lied to so much, and by so many other blacks that they will never get free.

LOL, what an inaccurate blanket generalization. There are plenty of Liberals who care and want to do the right thing by everyone including themselves.

What "horrible things" are they allegedly doing to "the Blacks"? What system in this country today forcibly (SLAVERY) controls "the Blacks" against their will?

It seems that you think that "the Blacks" are stupid and can't assess the situation and think for themselves. If that's our thinking, then you are mistaken. There are a myriad of reasons that "the Blacks" vote Democrat, and "enslavement" is not one of them.
'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

PBS's Tavis Smiley made a comment Thursday that every African-American as well as liberal media member should sit up and take notice.

HANNITY: Are black Americans better off five years into the Obama presidency?

SMILEY: Let me answer your question very forthrightly. No, they are not. The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.

Good, insightful post, Pheonixops. Your last statement says it all. Your family is experiencing individual successes and that does not has anything to do with administrations, but it does affect the class of people who find success difficult, the uneducated or unmotivated individuals that look to government for handouts.

That is where the administrations, past and present haven't done any favors for those individuals. It isn't limited to people of color but it includes them. The government must stop enabling and start motivating as we saw in the Clinton years. Until we see that type if reform, these people won't find their own individual success and the generations will continue to learn what they live...to depend on the government for their basic needs.
'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

PBS's Tavis Smiley made a comment Thursday that every African-American as well as liberal media member should sit up and take notice.

HANNITY: Are black Americans better off five years into the Obama presidency?

SMILEY: Let me answer your question very forthrightly. No, they are not. The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.
Individual responsibility for one's self without government help I take it?

Good on ya.

As it should be.
Good, insightful post, Pheonixops. Your last statement says it all. Your family is experiencing individual successes and that does not has anything to do with administrations, but it does affect the class of people who find success difficult, the uneducated or unmotivated individuals that look to government for handouts.

That is where the administrations, past and present haven't done any favors for those individuals. It isn't limited to people of color but it includes them. The government must stop enabling and start motivating as we saw in the Clinton years. Until we see that type if reform, these people won't find their own individual success and the generations will continue to learn what they live...to depend on the government for their basic needs.[/QUOTE]
Perhaps Obama could motivate if the republicans in the house stopped crushing every bill the Democrats sent to the House. There is something wrong with a group of individuals that vote to repeal Obamacare 41 times knowing that it has absolutely zero chance of passing. Wouldn't passing a jobs bill have made a lot more sense and improved the image of the gop?
But yet they LOVE their NEW SLAVERY...and the petulant child that brought it to them...because he is BLACK...:eusa_eh:

Republican's, and BUSH'S fault...


Who is this "they" you are alluding to?
Those that vote for people as Obama BASED upon colour of skin, or what Gubmint will do for them when they DON't do but to throw out boubles and trinquets...to appease...NO substance...And it goes beyond colour of one's skin.

I'm talking about people that refuse to look at history, and vote on superficial bullshit that means nothing in the long run. WAS I talking about Blacks? YES, and many others that HAD TO make history and vote for a black guy because he'd be the FIRST and for NO other reason...without looking at the guy's history.

'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

PBS's Tavis Smiley made a comment Thursday that every African-American as well as liberal media member should sit up and take notice.

HANNITY: Are black Americans better off five years into the Obama presidency?

SMILEY: Let me answer your question very forthrightly. No, they are not. The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.
Those blacks that expected more government help, because a black man was elected were let down, and will continue to be as long as they look to the government for help irregardless of the skin color of it's president. Too bad so many cannot make that distiction, and probably still can't even with the copius amounts of empirical data they lived.

They have bought the victim lie perpetrated by the left. We conservatives realize that once you consider yourself a victim due to your skin color, your failure can be blamed on others.
That is some incidious, pernicious shit the Democrats have done on such a huge scale :eusa_pray:
'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.

Good, insightful post, Pheonixops. Your last statement says it all. Your family is experiencing individual successes and that does not has anything to do with administrations, but it does affect the class of people who find success difficult, the uneducated or unmotivated individuals that look to government for handouts.

That is where the administrations, past and present haven't done any favors for those individuals. It isn't limited to people of color but it includes them. The government must stop enabling and start motivating as we saw in the Clinton years. Until we see that type if reform, these people won't find their own individual success and the generations will continue to learn what they live...to depend on the government for their basic needs.

Thank you and excellent points!

I guess I sometimes get a little defensive, when it seems that some people refer to and generalize about a group because a minority of that group (though sizable in some instances, but still a minority) are not doing well. Do I see, read, and hear about Black people who aren't doing well in my everyday life? Of course, but I also see just as much and definitely more working striving and living a positive life.
'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.
Those blacks that expected more government help, because a black man was elected were let down, and will continue to be as long as they look to the government for help irregardless of the skin color of it's president. Too bad so many cannot make that distiction, and probably still can't even with the copius amounts of empirical data they lived.

They have bought the victim lie perpetrated by the left. We conservatives realize that once you consider yourself a victim due to your skin color, your failure can be blamed on others.
That is some incidious, pernicious shit the Democrats have done on such a huge scale :eusa_pray:

Therefore THEY can vote themselves into the treasury, and MOOCH off the productive for some perceived WRONG done to them...
But yet they LOVE their NEW SLAVERY...and the petulant child that brought it to them...because he is BLACK...:eusa_eh:

Republican's, and BUSH'S fault...


Who is this "they" you are alluding to?
Those that vote for people as Obama BASED upon colour of skin, or what Gubmint will do for them when they DON't do but to throw out boubles and trinquets...to appease...NO substance...And it goes beyond colour of one's skin.

I'm talking about people that refuse to look at history, and vote on superficial bullshit that means nothing in the long run. WAS I talking about Blacks? YES, and many others that HAD TO make history and vote for a black guy because he'd be the FIRST and for NO other reason...without looking at the guy's history.


The history is this: Obama was elected on a backlash against two assholes: one a recovering alcoholic with a rich daddy from Midland, Texas and the other a rich asshole who knew he could make Halliburton a household name if they were elected. And they spent $4,000,000,000,000 proving it. (costofwar.org)

Jimmy Carter was elected in 1976 on a backlash against Nixon and Watergate.

That's not superficial bullshit. People were sick of UNNECESSARY war, loss of life and literally billions of dollars going overseas in fucking suitcases to Iraq. People were disgusted with a Republican president who stooped so low as to hire burglars to sneak into the DNC headquarters and steal information. They were sick of Vietnam.

That's history. Own it.
Good, insightful post, Pheonixops. Your last statement says it all. Your family is experiencing individual successes and that does not has anything to do with administrations, but it does affect the class of people who find success difficult, the uneducated or unmotivated individuals that look to government for handouts.

That is where the administrations, past and present haven't done any favors for those individuals. It isn't limited to people of color but it includes them. The government must stop enabling and start motivating as we saw in the Clinton years. Until we see that type if reform, these people won't find their own individual success and the generations will continue to learn what they live...to depend on the government for their basic needs.
Perhaps Obama could motivate if the republicans in the house stopped crushing every bill the Democrats sent to the House. There is something wrong with a group of individuals that vote to repeal Obamacare 41 times knowing that it has absolutely zero chance of passing. Wouldn't passing a jobs bill have made a lot more sense and improved the image of the gop?[/QUOTE]

ron, I could say Reid is doing the very same thing in the Senate. We have a great problem here. There is so much animosity between the two parties now that it seems impossible we will ever see compromise, reaching across the aisle, logrolling or an easing of tensions.

We will have to have more independents come in, third party people or enough incumbents lose their seats to see more moderate people come in to see any kind of change. The next president must run on a cohesiveness in Washington...where people will listen and stop getting off on their ego trips. BOTH SIDES.

The leaders have to go!
Perhaps Obama could motivate if the republicans in the house stopped crushing every bill the Democrats sent to the House. There is something wrong with a group of individuals that vote to repeal Obamacare 41 times knowing that it has absolutely zero chance of passing. Wouldn't passing a jobs bill have made a lot more sense and improved the image of the gop?
Yes, it would have made a lot more sense and have improved the image of the GOP. However, you will remember that their stated goal from Nov 2008 was to break Obama, at any cost.

As you can see with this GOP brought-on shutdown, they don't even care if and when they damage themselves, in their brains as long as it's attacking Obama with intention to damage him it's all good.

We will see what will become of these people.
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