'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.
Those blacks that expected more government help, because a black man was elected were let down, and will continue to be as long as they look to the government for help irregardless of the skin color of it's president. Too bad so many cannot make that distiction, and probably still can't even with the copius amounts of empirical data they lived.

They have bought the victim lie perpetrated by the left. We conservatives realize that once you consider yourself a victim due to your skin color, your failure can be blamed on others.
That is some incidious, pernicious shit the Democrats have done on such a huge scale :eusa_pray:

I agree regarding "those Blacks" , there are also "those Whites", and "those (fill in the blanks) who also expect more "government help" in one way or another, no matter what their party affiliation is.

What is this "victim lie" you are referring to? Just for your information, I am not trying to be adversarial, I'm just trying to discuss the issue further. That's why I asked the question.

Is a middle class or wealthy white suburbanite or city dweller automatically associated it with White people who live in bad conditions?
BS. They'be gained immensely in affirmative action programs. Obozo has increased AA 100 fold. Any illiterate excon druggie can get any job he wants - as long as he's black.
but more of them can now afford health insurance.

Afford? No they can't "afford" health insurance. They just hope and pray their lack of income will get them tax payer paid healthcare without any actual cost to themselves. And if they ever do decide to participate in the American dream of making themselves better off they will not only lose that healthcare but the welfare checks as well. So therefore they will decide it's better to stay downtrodden than succeed because they will take the hit of actually becoming people that PAY for their own services along with others that refuse to work.
The topic of the thread is 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama .....

If you can't stay on topic, people may think you are a TROLL with only 26 posts....

just thought you'd like to know....
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'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

PBS's Tavis Smiley made a comment Thursday that every African-American as well as liberal media member should sit up and take notice.

HANNITY: Are black Americans better off five years into the Obama presidency?

SMILEY: Let me answer your question very forthrightly. No, they are not. The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

And they would vote for him today,tomorrow and twice on Sunday.
'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

PBS's Tavis Smiley made a comment Thursday that every African-American as well as liberal media member should sit up and take notice.

HANNITY: Are black Americans better off five years into the Obama presidency?

SMILEY: Let me answer your question very forthrightly. No, they are not. The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

I disagree. Welfare recipients are getting more money now than they ever did before, plus they all got flat screen tvs & cell phones now. More black folks are living the life of Riley than ever before. Why do you think they are voting for democrats, for the jobs? ROFL

They are having the time of their lives and don't have to worry about nothing.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg98BvqUvCc]OBAMA'S GONNA PAY FOR MY GAS... - YouTube[/ame]

So I would argue our black folks are leading the world in the economic indicator of living a life of leisure for practically no effort other than voting to be entitled. You don't get 98% of a population group to vote for you for cheap you know.
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Perhaps Obama could motivate if the republicans in the house stopped crushing every bill the Democrats sent to the House. There is something wrong with a group of individuals that vote to repeal Obamacare 41 times knowing that it has absolutely zero chance of passing. Wouldn't passing a jobs bill have made a lot more sense and improved the image of the gop?

You want a "jobs bill"?!? Really? For the president who has spent 6 years now (don't forget about his campaign before he was elected) telling the American people that the wealthy are "evil", that the "1%" is to blame for everything, and that he will "avenge" the masses by taxing them into the Stone Age (which he has done). And you have the ignorance to say you want a "jobs bill" [MENTION=35790]ron4342[/MENTION]? :bang3:

You people collapsed Detroit because you hate jobs and job creators. You people collapsed California because you hate jobs and job creators. And you people are hell bent on collapsing America because you hate jobs and job creators... :eusa_shhh:
I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.
Those blacks that expected more government help, because a black man was elected were let down, and will continue to be as long as they look to the government for help irregardless of the skin color of it's president. Too bad so many cannot make that distiction, and probably still can't even with the copius amounts of empirical data they lived.

They have bought the victim lie perpetrated by the left. We conservatives realize that once you consider yourself a victim due to your skin color, your failure can be blamed on others.
That is some incidious, pernicious shit the Democrats have done on such a huge scale :eusa_pray:

I agree regarding "those Blacks" , there are also "those Whites", and "those (fill in the blanks) who also expect more "government help" in one way or another, no matter what their party affiliation is.

What is this "victim lie" you are referring to? Just for your information, I am not trying to be adversarial, I'm just trying to discuss the issue further. That's why I asked the question.

Is a middle class or wealthy white suburbanite or city dweller automatically associated it with White people who live in bad conditions?
This thread was targeted at blacks, but your right: anyone who's dreams lie with government intervention is sold irrespective of skin color!

I am refering to the victim identity lies. The dems have preached to the black man
( Jackson, Sharpton, rev. Right , afirmative action, etc. ) that he is a victim, and bated him with handouts. I, having walked to school, and attended with 85% poor blacks - though I lived in a 99.9% affluent white neighborhood, and having had many of black buddies, do have this personal insight : the average city black thinks the white man owes him, and that recompense comes from the government - so they play the system for all it's worth; whatever they can get over with, they think that it is due.That is a recipe for failure.

I, myself felt that I was a victim for having to endure a foreign culture ( Black ) It took me too long to realize that we are in a race against ourselves!
I know who's not paying, and if they can get the government to pay by taking from someone else they vote that way.

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Bullshit. It's culture. No different than people brainwashed in a commune. People tend to "group" up. It's natural. The democrats bought the black leaders, and the black leaders led the black culture to hell. Nothing to do with skin color, it's parents and brothers and sisters and leaders... it's mentors. If all your mentors are socialists, it does not matter how illogical it is ... most folks will fall in lock step with their peers.
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This came from the mouths of blacks to my ears moron.

They were buddies, not friends. Friends are a precious minute resourse.

The black race is beneath the white race in most ways - I can't deny the overwhelming evidence of that. As a whole, they are more shiftless, and weaker mentally. Is there anything else I can clear up for you?
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It is my understanding that slavery is hard work :confused:

They lack the ability to see themselves as blessed in short.

I need to accept reality, and not to assign some artificial BS to it. I deserve death just like everyone else.

If the best 50, chess players were all none blacks. Would it be bigoty to say that blacks don't have the apptitude as a whole to compete in chess at the highest levels?
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Those blacks that expected more government help, because a black man was elected were let down, and will continue to be as long as they look to the government for help irregardless of the skin color of it's president. Too bad so many cannot make that distiction, and probably still can't even with the copius amounts of empirical data they lived.

They have bought the victim lie perpetrated by the left. We conservatives realize that once you consider yourself a victim due to your skin color, your failure can be blamed on others.
That is some incidious, pernicious shit the Democrats have done on such a huge scale :eusa_pray:

I agree regarding "those Blacks" , there are also "those Whites", and "those (fill in the blanks) who also expect more "government help" in one way or another, no matter what their party affiliation is.

What is this "victim lie" you are referring to? Just for your information, I am not trying to be adversarial, I'm just trying to discuss the issue further. That's why I asked the question.

Is a middle class or wealthy white suburbanite or city dweller automatically associated it with White people who live in bad conditions?
This thread was targeted at blacks, but your right: anyone who's dreams lie with government intervention is sold irrespective of skin color!

I am refering to the victim identity lies. The dems have preached to the black man
( Jackson, Sharpton, rev. Right , afirmative action, etc. ) that he is a victim, and bated him with handouts. I, having walked to school, and attended with 85% poor blacks - though I lived in a 99.9% affluent white neighborhood, and having had many of black buddies, do have this personal insight : the average city black thinks the white man owes him, and that recompense comes from the government - so they play the system for all it's worth; whatever they can get over with, they think that it is due.That is a recipe for failure.

I, myself felt that I was a victim for having to endure a foreign culture ( Black ) It took me too long to realize that we are in a race against ourselves!

I like that sentence! It is ultimately about the INDIVIDUAL, in general you can't help your family,friends, community, and country without squaring your own self away. Of course there are many instances of people helping the aforementioned, and in helping them, they squared themselves.

In my opinion, much of the animus has part of it's genesis , in what was described below in the early 1800's. Today the attitudes and prejudices occur in in a myriad of races. I do think that the main point of the excerpt, is that there was and possibly still exists an oligarchy who are the puppeteers to the vulnerable of all races and political persuasions, who thrive on the dissent of the various groups of people, so they can use it as a means of manipulation.

Here's an excerpt from Frederick Douglass' memoir or book, that may convince you of the aforementioned point, it also demonstrates how some of those same tactics are used today by people who profit off of the divisiveness of the poor; Black or White:

"At the end of eight months Master Hugh refused longer to allow me to remain with Gardiner. The circumstance which led to this refusal was the committing of an outrage upon me, by the white apprentices of the ship-yard. The fight was a desperate one, and I came out of it shockingly mangled. I was cut and bruised in sundry places, and my left eye was nearly knocked out of its socket. The facts which led to this brutal outrage upon me illustrate a phase of slavery which was destined to become an important element in the overthrow of the slave system, and I may therefore state them with some minuteness. That phase was this--the conflict of slavery with the interests of white mechanics and laborers. In the country this conflict was not so apparent; but in cities, such as Baltimore, Richmond, New Orleans, Mobile, etc., it was seen pretty clearly. The slaveholders, with a craftiness peculiar to themselves, by encouraging the enmity of the poor laboring white man against the blacks, succeeded in making the said white man almost as much a slave as the black slave himself.
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The difference between the white slave and the black slave was this: the latter belonged to one slave-holder, while the former belonged to the slaveholders collectively. The white slave had taken from him by indirection what the black slave had taken from him directly and without ceremony. Both were plundered, and by the same plunderers. The slave was robbed by his master of all his earnings, above what was required for his bare physical necessities, and the white laboring man was robbed by the slave system of the just results of his labor, because he was flung into competition with a class of laborers who worked without wages. The slaveholders blinded them to this competition by keeping alive their prejudice against the slaves as men--not against them as slaves. They appealed to their pride, often denouncing emancipation as tending to place the white working man on an equality with negroes, and by this means they succeeded in drawing off the minds of the poor whites from the real fact, that by the rich slave master they were already regarded as but a single remove from equality with the slave. The impression was cunningly made that slavery was the only power that could prevent the laboring white man from falling to the level of the slave's poverty and degradation. To make this enmity deep and broad between the slave and the poor white man, the latter was allowed to abuse and whip the former without hindrance. But, as I have said, this state of affairs prevailed mostly in the country. In the city of Baltimore there were not unfrequent murmurs that educating slaves to be mechanics might, in the end, give slave-masters power to dispense altogether with the services of the poor white man. But with characteristic dread of offending the slaveholders, these poor white mechanics in Mr. Gardiner's ship-yard, instead of applying the natural, honest remedy for the apprehended evil, and objecting at
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once to work there by the side of slaves, made a cowardly attack upon the free colored mechanics, saying they were eating the bread which should be eaten by American freemen,
and swearing that they, the mechanics, would not work with them. The feeling was really against having their labor brought into competition with that of the colored freeman, and aimed to prevent him from serving himself, in the evening of life, with the trade with which he had served his master, during the more vigorous portion of his days. Had they succeeded in driving the black freemen out of the ship-yard, they would have determined also upon the removal of the black slaves. The feeling was, about this time, very bitter toward all colored people in Baltimore (1836), and they--free and slave--suffered all manner of insult and wrong.

Until a very little while before I went there, white and black carpenters worked side by side in the shipyards of Mr. Gardiner, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Walter Price and Mr. Robb. Nobody seemed to see any impropriety in it. Some of the blacks were first-rate workmen and were given jobs requiring the highest skill. All at once, however, the white carpenters swore that they would no longer work on the same stage with negroes. Taking advantage of the heavy contract resting upon Mr. Gardiner to have the vessels for Mexico ready to launch in July, and of the difficulty of getting other hands at that season of the year, they swore that they would not strike another blow for him unless he would discharge his free colored workmen. Now, although this movement did not extend to me in form, it did reach me in fact. The spirit which it awakened was one of malice and bitterness toward colored people generally, and I suffered with the rest, and suffered severely. My fellow-apprentices very soon began to feel it to be degrading to work with me. They began to put on high looks and to talk contemptuously
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and maliciously of "the *******," saying that they would take the "country,"
and that they "ought to be killed." Encouraged by workmen who, knowing me to be a slave, made no issue with Mr. Gardiner about my being there, these young men did their utmost to make it impossible for me to stay. They seldom called me to do anything without coupling the call with a curse, and Edward North, the biggest in everything, rascality included, ventured to strike me, whereupon I picked him up and threw him into the dock. "
Frederick Douglass, 1818-1895. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Written by Himself. His Early Life as a Slave, His Escape from Bondage, and His Complete History to the Present Time, Including His Connection with the Anti-slavery Movement; His La
I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.[/QUOTE]

I fear that your wise remark that individual successes or failures do not depend on who is presidrent will get you into trouble with your fellow liberals. The whole leftist doctrine rests on the supposition that if people are poor it is never their fault and that it is only government that can improve their lives.
I admire those that can accept things that they cannot change and be happy with the Goodwill for others and what it ultimately means for all of us. You are a good person.
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A very true statement...
The democrats are very good at, and the media are completely complicit, in attacking, mercilessly, any black man that does not pay homage to the democrat party.

Just think about that, folks.
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