'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

No liberal cares, so nothing will get done.

Actually, the liberal leaders are happy, they know they were able to do horrible things to black Americans and keep them enslaved to the system and voting for them for another generation.

Black Americans may never notice that things have never gotten better under dems. they've been lied to so much, and by so many other blacks that they will never get free.

LOL, what an inaccurate blanket generalization. There are plenty of Liberals who care and want to do the right thing by everyone including themselves.

What "horrible things" are they allegedly doing to "the Blacks"? What system in this country today forcibly (SLAVERY) controls "the Blacks" against their will?

It seems that you think that "the Blacks" are stupid and can't assess the situation and think for themselves. If that's our thinking, then you are mistaken. There are a myriad of reasons that "the Blacks" vote Democrat, and "enslavement" is not one of them.

The worst public schools are all in black regions.
Welfare encourages people to not get married and to have multiple kids.
It's harder to get off welfare than it is to stay on.

There's 3 right off the top of my head. But you knew these things.
LOL, I predicated it with the word "forcibly".

Though I agree that there are many bad schools in predominately Black regions, I wouldn't say that all of them are. It is a problem that needs to be addressed at the local and state levels of government. It's been my observation that many of these problems begin at home and then manifest themselves at school.

I think that aspect of welfare should be changed, in fact I think that the whole welfare and unemployment system needs an overhaul. I think that it's benefits should be finite, paid back at a very low payment and interest rate, not discourage having a partner or spouse at home, give incentives for attending a trade school, and not penalize someone for finding a job by cutting off the benefits right away. This way it will theoretically tell people that the "ride" isn't forever, that the "ride" is going to have to be paid back before they can go on it again, that it's good or ok to have your partner or spouse living with you so you can work as a family unit, that learning a trade and getting a job is they to success, and that if they find a job in good time, they can get caught up and get ahead before the benefits run out. If they decide to stop receiving benefits sooner than it's expiration, they still have additional time left if they need it.
LOL, what an inaccurate blanket generalization. There are plenty of Liberals who care and want to do the right thing by everyone including themselves.

What "horrible things" are they allegedly doing to "the Blacks"? What system in this country today forcibly (SLAVERY) controls "the Blacks" against their will?

It seems that you think that "the Blacks" are stupid and can't assess the situation and think for themselves. If that's our thinking, then you are mistaken. There are a myriad of reasons that "the Blacks" vote Democrat, and "enslavement" is not one of them.

The worst public schools are all in black regions.
Welfare encourages people to not get married and to have multiple kids.
It's harder to get off welfare than it is to stay on.

There's 3 right off the top of my head. But you knew these things.
LOL, I predicated it with the word "forcibly".

Though I agree that there are many bad schools in predominately Black regions, I wouldn't say that all of them are. It is a problem that needs to be addressed at the local and state levels of government. It's been my observation that many of these problems begin at home and then manifest themselves at school.

I think that aspect of welfare should be changed, in fact I think that the whole welfare and unemployment system needs an overhaul. I think that it's benefits should be finite, paid back at a very low payment and interest rate, not discourage having a partner or spouse at home, give incentives for attending a trade school, and not penalize someone for finding a job by cutting off the benefits right away. This way it will theoretically tell people that the "ride" isn't forever, that the "ride" is going to have to be paid back before they can go on it again, that it's good or ok to have your partner or spouse living with you so you can work as a family unit, that learning a trade and getting a job is they to success, and that if they find a job in good time, they can get caught up and get ahead before the benefits run out. If they decide to stop receiving benefits sooner than it's expiration, they still have additional time left if they need it.

If democrats would switch from hand outs to hand ups, I'd vote democrat.
Tank, by talking that way, you aren't saying much about whites. You know that racism is based on ignorance, don't you?

To prove it, show me your studies link that proves your theory that blacks are naturally inferior mentally.

He not saying much about himself as an individual.

No but it does speak to the difference between instinctual knowledge and reason. If everyone you know of a certain gender, sexual preference, skin color etc. is violent, then you might assume the entire group is thus. Think pit bull.. There are some physical differences, is it not possible then that there are differences in how our brains function? Ok, no I don't believe that but I do recognize how one's personal experience might lead one down that road of thinking.

Then you grow up and learn differences between what you have been told and how people act and react.. then you learn it's not gender, sexual preference, skin color etc. that are the actual factors in who is violent.. nay, it's a combination of the culture they were brought up in and their own personality that weighs in, none of which have anything to do with gender, race, creed, etc. except for the cultures that are prevalent in same. Thus, if the culture is fixed, by large part, the majority will "follow" with the exception being the people who have questionable souls and/or sick and diseased brains in the first place.

I like the Pitbull analogy, as I own one. They were selectively bred for fighting, hog catching, etc. , so those traits are pronounced. When bred well, they have a HUGE amount of prey drive and if not raised, trained, and handled correctly, they can be a huge liability. When compared to a well bred Malinois, their attitudes in some ways very similar (High drive and high prey drive) but it's been my observation; when a stimuli presents itself, the Pitbull will just launch while the Malinois will at least think or look at me for a split second before it launches. In all other aspects when not stimulated or in "drive", they are pretty much like any other dog with a high activity level.
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'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

PBS's Tavis Smiley made a comment Thursday that every African-American as well as liberal media member should sit up and take notice.

HANNITY: Are black Americans better off five years into the Obama presidency?

SMILEY: Let me answer your question very forthrightly. No, they are not. The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.

"I know some black people and they're doing fine. So the OP must be wrong."

This is a classic example of bullshit. Your personal experience is not really very relevant here. The figures aggregate what they do. In the aggregate blacks are much worse off than they were 5 years ago. Same with people aged 18-25.
Obama's recovery has been worse than Bush's recession.
... black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

... On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

because of Republican intransigence ? . :lol:

the 2012 Presidential outcome clearly highlights the trend ....

... black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

... On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

because of Republican intransigence ? . :lol:

the 2012 Presidential outcome clearly highlights the trend ....

Why is it Obama gets credit for every good thing, even if someone else, like Bush, actually did it. But the GOP gets the blame, even when Obama and the Dems are actually responsible?
Perhaps Obama could motivate if the republicans in the house stopped crushing every bill the Democrats sent to the House. There is something wrong with a group of individuals that vote to repeal Obamacare 41 times knowing that it has absolutely zero chance of passing. Wouldn't passing a jobs bill have made a lot more sense and improved the image of the gop?
Yes, it would have made a lot more sense and have improved the image of the GOP. However, you will remember that their stated goal from Nov 2008 was to break Obama, at any cost.

As you can see with this GOP brought-on shutdown, they don't even care if and when they damage themselves, in their brains as long as it's attacking Obama with intention to damage him it's all good.

We will see what will become of these people.
And what's wrong with wanting to stop 0bama again ? I mean this cat had a bad history coming in to this job (communist, socialist, Marxist leanings), and then he attacked everything and anybody when campaigning with his lies, innuendo and spin to get the job, and now just like many administrations before, we find yet again what politicians are good for in America (lying through their teeth, then doing things that piss everyone off without blinking so much as an eye when they do it). I think you are still on the but Obama's black wagon yall, so he must be left alone and given a pass by all of us for historical purposes, this is where you are at still in all of this, so I'm not surprised.
'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.

"I know some black people and they're doing fine. So the OP must be wrong."

This is a classic example of bullshit. Your personal experience is not really very relevant here. The figures aggregate what they do. In the aggregate blacks are much worse off than they were 5 years ago. Same with people aged 18-25.
Obama's recovery has been worse than Bush's recession.

Show me I specifically stated that the OP must be wrong. Asking "what percent are not better off" is not saying that the OP is wrong, stating that "Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney." , isn't saying that the OP is wrong, and stating that "Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.", isn't saying that the OP is wrong.
You are wrong to try to put words in my mouth with this crap: ""I know some black people and they're doing fine. So the OP must be wrong.". Pointing out my personal experiences and asking questions regarding the statistics, isn't saying that the OP is wrong, it's simply engaging in discussion.
I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.

"I know some black people and they're doing fine. So the OP must be wrong."

This is a classic example of bullshit. Your personal experience is not really very relevant here. The figures aggregate what they do. In the aggregate blacks are much worse off than they were 5 years ago. Same with people aged 18-25.
Obama's recovery has been worse than Bush's recession.

Show me I specifically stated that the OP must be wrong. Asking "what percent are not better off" is not saying that the OP is wrong, stating that "Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney." , isn't saying that the OP is wrong, and stating that "Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.", isn't saying that the OP is wrong.
You are wrong to try to put words in my mouth with this crap: ""I know some black people and they're doing fine. So the OP must be wrong.". Pointing out my personal experiences and asking questions regarding the statistics, isn't saying that the OP is wrong, it's simply engaging in discussion.

So you agree the OP is correct and most black people are worse off today than 5 years ago. Good, got that straight.
The low IQ levels of blacks is what hurts them most when it comes to economics

The IQ's are not as low as you believe them to be. Those in poor areas have not been nurtured and have fewer experiences than children from average homes. With good teachers and proper parenting the children from disadvantaged homes can be as successful as all others. As a teacher, I have proven it.

Yes. The "horse to water" issue.
It's nobody fault, blacks on average have lower IQ's and higher testosterone levels.

They are on average naturally dumb and violent, and there is nothing you can do to change that

You go into deep Appalachia, and I could probably show you some whites that would make you think that they belonged at the bottom of the food chain, too. But it is just how people are raised and how they are different from others.

Drive by shootings? Gangs? Mothers living with several children made by different men?
Drug territories?
'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

So did white people. The economy was spiraling out of control when Obama took office and since we haven't had a strong recovery yet, everyone is still in worse shape. But we are in much better shape than we were three years ago.

No, that is not what he is saying. There are grades of recovery and the blacks have not made the recovery the rest of the country has, small as it is, if at all.
And why is that?

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