'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Who the fucks Templeton?

Genetics of race and intelligence

Main article: Race and genetics

The decoding of the human genome has enabled scientists to search for sections of the genome that may contribute to cognitive abilities. However the geneticist, Alan R. Templeton suggests this question is muddled by the general focus on "race" rather than on populations defined by gene frequency or by geographical proximity, and by the general insistence on phrasing the question in terms of heritability.[105] Templeton points out that racial groups neither represent sub-species or distinct evolutionary lineages, and that therefore there is no basis for making claims about the general intelligence of races.[1

Your link, Wikipedia...
'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

PBS's Tavis Smiley made a comment Thursday that every African-American as well as liberal media member should sit up and take notice.

HANNITY: Are black Americans better off five years into the Obama presidency?

SMILEY: Let me answer your question very forthrightly. No, they are not. The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

So did white people. The economy was spiraling out of control when Obama took office and since we haven't had a strong recovery yet, everyone is still in worse shape. But we are in much better shape than we were three years ago.

No, that is not what he is saying. There are grades of recovery and the blacks have not made the recovery the rest of the country has, small as it is, if at all.
He's effectively saying that the rich are still getting richer and the poor are still getting poorer.
No liberal cares, so nothing will get done.

Actually, the liberal leaders are happy, they know they were able to do horrible things to black Americans and keep them enslaved to the system and voting for them for another generation.

Black Americans may never notice that things have never gotten better under dems. they've been lied to so much, and by so many other blacks that they will never get free.

LOL, what an inaccurate blanket generalization. There are plenty of Liberals who care and want to do the right thing by everyone including themselves.

What "horrible things" are they allegedly doing to "the Blacks"? What system in this country today forcibly (SLAVERY) controls "the Blacks" against their will?

It seems that you think that "the Blacks" are stupid and can't assess the situation and think for themselves. If that's our thinking, then you are mistaken. There are a myriad of reasons that "the Blacks" vote Democrat, and "enslavement" is not one of them.

The worst public schools are all in black regions.
Welfare encourages people to not get married and to have multiple kids.
It's harder to get off welfare than it is to stay on.

There's 3 right off the top of my head. But you knew these things.
The worst public schools are all in black regions.
Now the funny thing is that of the 25 schools mentioned in this article, 10 !!! of them are in S. C. That's historically a black region, isn't it?
Failing Grades: The 25 Worst Performing Public Schools in the U.S.A.

[www goes here.edudemic.com/failing-grades-the-25-worst-performing-public-schools-in-the-u-s-a/]
NO food stamps are given out in Sweden or anywhere else in Europe. The needy - make that 'needy' - get money instead.

You see preventing people from spending hand-outs as they wish on tobacco, alcohol, gambling or whatever would be a breach of their human rights. And would damage their personal integrity.

Sweden is to Political Correctness as Saudi Arabia is to Islam
The worst public schools are all in black regions.
Now the funny thing is that of the 25 schools mentioned in this article, 10 !!! of them are in S. C. That's historically a black region, isn't it?
Failing Grades: The 25 Worst Performing Public Schools in the U.S.A.

[www goes here.edudemic.com/failing-grades-the-25-worst-performing-public-schools-in-the-u-s-a/]

As of the 2010 census, the racial make up of the state is 66.2% White (64.1% non-Hispanic white), 27.9% Black or African American, 0.4% American Indian and Alaska Native, 1.3% Asian, 0.1% Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, 1.7% from two or more races. 5.1% of the total population was of Hispanic or Latino origin (they may be of any race).[40]

How many cities in the north have a larger percentage?

The population density was 928.6 people per square mile (358.5/km²). There were 46,142 housing units at an average density of 368.5 per square mile (142.3/km²). The racial makeup of the city was 51.27% White, 42.20% Black, 2.20% Asian, 0.25% Native American, 0.30% Pacific Islander, 1.50% from other races, and 2.00% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 4.30% of the population.

A large part of the cities within the south have a high percentage of blacks. I was looking at educational scores and what I found is the white students score the same as the north...I wonder what's the difference?

The racial/ethnic makeup of Charleston is 52.2% White, 41.1% African American, 1.6% Asian, and 4.4% are Hispanic and Latinos of any race.[42]


The racial composition of the city was 62.12% White, 31.54% Black or African American, 3.44% Hispanic or Latino, 1.27% Asian, 0.14% Native American, 0.06% Pacific Islander, 1.37% of other races, and 1.11% of Two or more races

Rock hill
The racial makeup of the city was 54.6% White, 38.3% Black, 1.7% Asian, 0.5% Native American, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 2.7% from other races, and 2.1% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 5.7% of the population.


Most of the major population centers of s.c are more then 30% black.
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A large part of the cities within the south have a high percentage of blacks. I was looking at educational scores and what I found is the white students score the same as the north...I wonder what's the difference?

Offhand I'd have said the difference is South Carolina, but you'd probably know better than me.

Most of the major population centers of s.c are more then 30% black.

So those would be white regions then.
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'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

I respect Tavis, but I would ask him what percent are not "better off" and what the reasons may be. I would also ask if he better of or worse off. Most of the Black people I am related to are actually doing quite well, but that wouldn't matter if it was Bush or Obama or Romney. Our individual successes or failures doesn't depend on any President for the most part.
Those blacks that expected more government help, because a black man was elected were let down, and will continue to be as long as they look to the government for help irregardless of the skin color of it's president. Too bad so many cannot make that distiction, and probably still can't even with the copius amounts of empirical data they lived.

They have bought the victim lie perpetrated by the left. We conservatives realize that once you consider yourself a victim due to your skin color, your failure can be blamed on others.
That is some incidious, pernicious shit the Democrats have done on such a huge scale :eusa_pray:

I would say that you repubs are well familiar with blaming your "failures" on others.

Isn't that what you all say every election cycle that you lose. Blame it on the Lame Stream Media. I have heard you right wingers use that bullshit excuse for years.
'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

PBS's Tavis Smiley made a comment Thursday that every African-American as well as liberal media member should sit up and take notice.

HANNITY: Are black Americans better off five years into the Obama presidency?

SMILEY: Let me answer your question very forthrightly. No, they are not. The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters

This comes as no surprise.
Democrats are full of words. Not deeds.
No liberal cares, so nothing will get done.

Actually, the liberal leaders are happy, they know they were able to do horrible things to black Americans and keep them enslaved to the system and voting for them for another generation.

Black Americans may never notice that things have never gotten better under dems. they've been lied to so much, and by so many other blacks that they will never get free.

Of course. All democrats have to do is promise they will "fix" things and promise a continuing flow of free shit and entitlements. Just so those on the receiving end keep the votes coming.
Black people only have themselves to blame for this....They could get a education and open up their own businesses.

Entire communities bitch about NOT having stores as they're either to lazy or to violent to do so...

Why not take care of the child not to grow into a thug???

Oh' yess I am wrong as you don't like hearing reality.

Matthew, you're right and I know the thread is about blacks, but it's not only blacks, there are whites and others that are guilty of this same thing.

But where are the answers? We need answers that will work and responsible Congressmen that will pass stringent laws that don't enable the American people that are able bodied and can work for a living.

I have always admired this guy and his approach:

“I would like to see an America where black and white actually listen to each other. These issues can’t be solved with rhetoric but with sound positive progressive inclusive policies. I want to see the Republican Party lead that debate because we are the Party of Lincoln and we must be an inclusionary party. . . I’d like to see an America where half of all black Americans are voting democrat and the other half are voting Republican."

The above is part of a pretty nice article:
Jack Kemp?The Reason I Became a Republican
The low IQ levels of blacks is what hurts them most when it comes to economics

The IQ's are not as low as you believe them to be. Those in poor areas have not been nurtured and have fewer experiences than children from average homes. With good teachers and proper parenting the children from disadvantaged homes can be as successful as all others. As a teacher, I have proven it.

I agree because my wife has done the same thing with her 2nd grade students. She teaches in a Title 1 school, where many of the problems and success we see, actually lie with the parents of those children and their parenting skills or lack thereof. She almost always brings her students up a few levels and the teachers in the next higher grade like getting children children from my wife's class.
The low IQ levels of blacks is what hurts them most when it comes to economics

The IQ's are not as low as you believe them to be. Those in poor areas have not been nurtured and have fewer experiences than children from average homes. With good teachers and proper parenting the children from disadvantaged homes can be as successful as all others. As a teacher, I have proven it.

I agree because my wife has done the same thing with her 2nd grade students. She teaches in a Title 1 school, where many of the problems and success we see, actually lie with the parents of those children and their parenting skills or lack thereof. She almost always brings her students up a few levels and the teachers in the next higher grade like getting children children from my wife's class.

AYUP having a high IQ is not a determiner of whether you will be successful in life. Determination, grit, effort, focus, ... it's easy to pass up folks that quit on their head start assuming that head start is all they need.
It's nobody fault, blacks on average have lower IQ's and higher testosterone levels.

They are on average naturally dumb and violent, and there is nothing you can do to change that

Tank, by talking that way, you aren't saying much about whites. You know that racism is based on ignorance, don't you?

To prove it, show me your studies link that proves your theory that blacks are naturally inferior mentally.

He not saying much about himself as an individual.
It's nobody fault, blacks on average have lower IQ's and higher testosterone levels.

They are on average naturally dumb and violent, and there is nothing you can do to change that

Tank, by talking that way, you aren't saying much about whites. You know that racism is based on ignorance, don't you?

To prove it, show me your studies link that proves your theory that blacks are naturally inferior mentally.

He not saying much about himself as an individual.

No but it does speak to the difference between instinctual knowledge and reason. If everyone you know of a certain gender, sexual preference, skin color etc. is violent, then you might assume the entire group is thus. Think pit bull.. There are some physical differences, is it not possible then that there are differences in how our brains function? Ok, no I don't believe that but I do recognize how one's personal experience might lead one down that road of thinking.

Then you grow up and learn differences between what you have been told and how people act and react.. then you learn it's not gender, sexual preference, skin color etc. that are the actual factors in who is violent.. nay, it's a combination of the culture they were brought up in and their own personality that weighs in, none of which have anything to do with gender, race, creed, etc. except for the cultures that are prevalent in same. Thus, if the culture is fixed, by large part, the majority will "follow" with the exception being the people who have questionable souls and/or sick and diseased brains in the first place.
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