Black Privilege - Alive and Well

And they're not the only ones whose ancestors were slaves on southern American plantations. My Irish ancestors (Jacobites) were slaves on plantation in North Carolina, after they were sent there by the English, after the battle of Cullendan in Scotland in 1746. Thousands of whites (Scots, Irish, and French) were sent, and lived out their lives in slavery.

Yeah ... But white slaves weren't even worth talking about.
Most of the time it is chalked up to indentured servitude ... But that wasn't always the case.

The book White Cargo ~ by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh ... Examines abuses within indentured servitude and other white slavery.
Most people don't know where the word kidnapped comes from ... They aren't familiar with children being snatched off the streets in England and shipped to the States.

But one slavery isn't an excuse for another ... And I don't see where dwelling on it serves much use now.
We just don't need to repeat the mistakes we made before.


But indentured servitude was not slavery and Irish were never slaves.

‘Irish slaves’: the convenient myth

FACT: The Irish Were NEVER SLAVES In America | Urban Intellectuals

How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too
Did you actually take the time to read this? The gentleman, who is a physician, was not as you say "acting like a racial stereotype" and got harrassed and threatened anyway.

I would actually like to know more about the incident you were involved in though.
Would you? I hate stuff like this. It seems to happen all the bloody time. It's got to end. People need to respect each other.

I am
Did you actually take the time to read this? The gentleman, who is a physician, was not as you say "acting like a racial stereotype" and got harrassed and threatened anyway.

I would actually like to know more about the incident you were involved in though.
Would you? I hate stuff like this. It seems to happen all the bloody time. It's got to end. People need to respect each other.

I think we would be better served hearing both sides. Because if what you say happens to you all the time, it might just be due to the fact you don't respect others based on skin color. For you to say that people need to stop acting like a racial stereotype shows me a lot about what might have happened. Because who are you referring and what was the racial stereotype?

Because I'm 56 and until 2 years ago I lived in the hood and not once did I face what you say you face all the i
Did you actually take the time to read this? The gentleman, who is a physician, was not as you say "acting like a racial stereotype" and got harrassed and threatened anyway.

I would actually like to know more about the incident you were involved in though.
Would you? I hate stuff like this. It seems to happen all the bloody time. It's got to end. People need to respect each other.

I think we would be better served hearing both sides. Because if what you say happens to you all the time, it might just be due to the fact you don't respect others based on skin color. For you to say that people need to stop acting like a racial stereotype shows me a lot about what might have happened. Because who are you referring and what was the racial stereotype?

Because I'm 56 and until 2 years ago I lived in the hood and not once did I face what you say you face all the time. And neither did the whites who lived there.
I hear ya. I live with (poor) blacks, they are so toxic and antithetical to freedom and the well being of humanity. Blacks, hmmm. Racism is bad, yes. Black self hate is worse. The delusions of ending racism is self deception. Especially when blacks murder each other in huge numbers. racism pales.

But whites murder each other in huge numbers also. Black self hate? This is why you get what you do. You're a poor white who is racist and when you talk about self hate take a good long look in the mirror.
Sorry, I just am not seeing that. you are a rich white entitled deluded and secluded white jerkoid living in ya ya land. I live with them, you, obviously do NOT.

I'm black, bitch. And you are poor 60 year old white trash.
"white slaves weren't even worth talking about" ? >> What on earth does that mean ? :confused:

It means we will be okay ... It happened a long time ago ... And I don't need to use it as a crutch to get where we need to go.
As far as the tense goes (weren't) ... I think that is pretty clear ... They haven't talked about it ... We can only assume the people talking didn't think it was important.

I am asking black people to walk away from a lot of atrocities in order to leave this shit behind ... There is no reason I shouldn't expect the same from whites.


But you see slavery is not the issue. What whites like you and protectionist don't want to talk about is the 100 years after slavery. .You
have had a crutch from July 4th, 1776 until right now. Being delusional you cannot understand how I say this.
Well, damn.Police brutality. I was involved in a near shootout last Wednesday (really truly) and not liking assholes that drag us into that. But that's the world I live I. Stop acting like a racial stereotype, you wont be treated like one. Imagine that.
Did you actually take the time to read this? The gentleman, who is a physician, was not as you say "acting like a racial stereotype" and got harrassed and threatened anyway.

I would actually like to know more about the incident you were involved in though.
Would you? I hate stuff like this. It seems to happen all the bloody time. It's got to end. People need to respect each other.

I am
Well, damn.Police brutality. I was involved in a near shootout last Wednesday (really truly) and not liking assholes that drag us into that. But that's the world I live I. Stop acting like a racial stereotype, you wont be treated like one. Imagine that.
Did you actually take the time to read this? The gentleman, who is a physician, was not as you say "acting like a racial stereotype" and got harrassed and threatened anyway.

I would actually like to know more about the incident you were involved in though.
Would you? I hate stuff like this. It seems to happen all the bloody time. It's got to end. People need to respect each other.

I think we would be better served hearing both sides. Because if what you say happens to you all the time, it might just be due to the fact you don't respect others based on skin color. For you to say that people need to stop acting like a racial stereotype shows me a lot about what might have happened. Because who are you referring and what was the racial stereotype?

Because I'm 56 and until 2 years ago I lived in the hood and not once did I face what you say you face all the i
Well, damn.Police brutality. I was involved in a near shootout last Wednesday (really truly) and not liking assholes that drag us into that. But that's the world I live I. Stop acting like a racial stereotype, you wont be treated like one. Imagine that.
Did you actually take the time to read this? The gentleman, who is a physician, was not as you say "acting like a racial stereotype" and got harrassed and threatened anyway.

I would actually like to know more about the incident you were involved in though.
Would you? I hate stuff like this. It seems to happen all the bloody time. It's got to end. People need to respect each other.

I think we would be better served hearing both sides. Because if what you say happens to you all the time, it might just be due to the fact you don't respect others based on skin color. For you to say that people need to stop acting like a racial stereotype shows me a lot about what might have happened. Because who are you referring and what was the racial stereotype?

Because I'm 56 and until 2 years ago I lived in the hood and not once did I face what you say you face all the time. And neither did the whites who lived there.
I hear ya. I live with (poor) blacks, they are so toxic and antithetical to freedom and the well being of humanity. Blacks, hmmm. Racism is bad, yes. Black self hate is worse. The delusions of ending racism is self deception. Especially when blacks murder each other in huge numbers. racism pales.

But whites murder each other in huge numbers also. Black self hate? This is why you get what you do. You're a poor white who is racist and when you talk about self hate take a good long look in the mirror.
OK. Brilliant. No, whites don't murder each other in huge numbers OR blame racism. Black on black violence, let's put that under the microscope, too. let's be fair. What do any of you know about white racism? Blacks gun each other down, frankly, I have seen it. I was nearly shot down the other day because I am poor "white trash" that LIVES with these jerks? It make me expendable because I live with these jerks? Is that how this works? In what esteem do you really hold minorities or the poor? Because that seems a little condescending...if I am trash because I live with blacks and illegal aliens, WHAT THE HELL ARE POOR BLACKS AND ILLEGAL ALIENS, THEN?
Last edited:
So little Tamir Rice would have been presumed innocent in court had he not been shot and killed within two seconds of the police car arriving. And Walter Scott, who was literally running away from the officer, would have been presumed innocent by the court had he not been killed while running away. Seems like the officers sometimes become judge, jury and executioner on the spot.
NO, they are acting as they should. In the case of Tamir Rice, Laquan McDonald, Terrence Crutcher, Philando Castile, et al, the cops shot in self-defense. It is up to the suspect to follow the directions of the officer, especially the one that says "Let me see your hands". If the suspect doesn't follow instruction, the cop has no choice but to shoot to defend himself. It take a half a second to pull out a gun and fire. The cops don't gamble with their lives, and they shouldn't.

In the case of Walter Scott, he was shot in accordance with the law, and he was acquitted of the shooting charge, which only existed to appease the black voting majority in that South Carolina county. Michael Slager fired in accordance with the Fleeing Felon Rule which instructs him to fire (and fire a lot), when a felon is fleeing, to prevent the escape posing a danger to the community.

The cops did not shoot in self defense in any of those instances. And by the law, we do not have to follow the cops instructions or they have the right to shoot us.

Traffic Stop | Flex Your Rights

You kinda got to be a fleeing felon for that law to be the case There is no Fleeing Misdemeanor law. Walter Scott had committed no felony. And Slager was not acquitted of the shooting.

"In a plea deal with prosecutors, former South Carolina police officer Michael Slager admitted to using excessive force in the 2015 shooting death of Walter Scott. Slager shot Scott in the back as the unarmed man was running away from Slager after a traffic stop. In a reversal from his previous account, Slager admitted in court Tuesday that he did not shoot Scott in self-defense and said that his use of force was unreasonable."

Ex-officer Michael Slager pleads guilty in shooting death of Walter Scott - CNN
Did you actually take the time to read this? The gentleman, who is a physician, was not as you say "acting like a racial stereotype" and got harrassed and threatened anyway.

I would actually like to know more about the incident you were involved in though.
Would you? I hate stuff like this. It seems to happen all the bloody time. It's got to end. People need to respect each other.

I am
Did you actually take the time to read this? The gentleman, who is a physician, was not as you say "acting like a racial stereotype" and got harrassed and threatened anyway.

I would actually like to know more about the incident you were involved in though.
Would you? I hate stuff like this. It seems to happen all the bloody time. It's got to end. People need to respect each other.

I think we would be better served hearing both sides. Because if what you say happens to you all the time, it might just be due to the fact you don't respect others based on skin color. For you to say that people need to stop acting like a racial stereotype shows me a lot about what might have happened. Because who are you referring and what was the racial stereotype?

Because I'm 56 and until 2 years ago I lived in the hood and not once did I face what you say you face all the i
Did you actually take the time to read this? The gentleman, who is a physician, was not as you say "acting like a racial stereotype" and got harrassed and threatened anyway.

I would actually like to know more about the incident you were involved in though.
Would you? I hate stuff like this. It seems to happen all the bloody time. It's got to end. People need to respect each other.

I think we would be better served hearing both sides. Because if what you say happens to you all the time, it might just be due to the fact you don't respect others based on skin color. For you to say that people need to stop acting like a racial stereotype shows me a lot about what might have happened. Because who are you referring and what was the racial stereotype?

Because I'm 56 and until 2 years ago I lived in the hood and not once did I face what you say you face all the time. And neither did the whites who lived there.
I hear ya. I live with (poor) blacks, they are so toxic and antithetical to freedom and the well being of humanity. Blacks, hmmm. Racism is bad, yes. Black self hate is worse. The delusions of ending racism is self deception. Especially when blacks murder each other in huge numbers. racism pales.

But whites murder each other in huge numbers also. Black self hate? This is why you get what you do. You're a poor white who is racist and when you talk about self hate take a good long look in the mirror.
OK. Brilliant. No, whites don't murder in huge numbers OR blame racism. Black on black violence, let's put that under the microscope, too. let's be fair. What do any of you know about white racism? Black gun each other down, frankly, I have seen it. I was nearly shot down the other day because I am poor "white trash" that LIVES with these jerks. It make me expendable because I live with these jerks? Is that how this works?

Yes whites do murder in large numbers. Whites gun each other down also. I guess that Las Vegas shooter was not white when he gunned down those other white people.They commit all other crimes in larger numbers than everyone else too. You weren't nearly shot down just for being poor white trash. What are you doing at the dope house at 60? Stop the lying. What do I know about white racism? That you are one. And that the more of a racist a white person is he more hey deny they are racism or even that racism exists. Look fool whites are 6 times more likely to be killed by another white than by anyone else. 86 percent of all whites are killed by another white. These are the facts. Deal with them. And of course whites don't blame racism dumb ass, they don't have to face it.
You say racism exists, then you say people trying to do something about it are peddling race based bullshit. You're a loony tune.

You have not heard my argument. My argument is legit and backed up with US history, supreme court decisions and public policy

Yours is just a bunch of words coming out of your mouth being typed in a reply box. .

No ... I said people who base their livelihood propagating races based initiatives are race pimps.

I haven't heard your argument because you haven't made one.
You have successfully repeated someone else's argument, but haven't even demonstrated a through understanding of their argument.

Your last sentence best describes exactly what you have offered.

Don't worry ... I am willing to accept you are incorrigible ... :)


The only people who are race pimps are those who make their living telling whites there are race pimps.

I understand her argument, and I understand that you are an example of what she speaks on

You don't know my argument. I posted it and you could not reply. Because you can't and I know it.

You just keep saying things aren't so but can't produce evidence to support your claim.
Would you? I hate stuff like this. It seems to happen all the bloody time. It's got to end. People need to respect each other.

I am
Would you? I hate stuff like this. It seems to happen all the bloody time. It's got to end. People need to respect each other.

I think we would be better served hearing both sides. Because if what you say happens to you all the time, it might just be due to the fact you don't respect others based on skin color. For you to say that people need to stop acting like a racial stereotype shows me a lot about what might have happened. Because who are you referring and what was the racial stereotype?

Because I'm 56 and until 2 years ago I lived in the hood and not once did I face what you say you face all the i
Would you? I hate stuff like this. It seems to happen all the bloody time. It's got to end. People need to respect each other.

I think we would be better served hearing both sides. Because if what you say happens to you all the time, it might just be due to the fact you don't respect others based on skin color. For you to say that people need to stop acting like a racial stereotype shows me a lot about what might have happened. Because who are you referring and what was the racial stereotype?

Because I'm 56 and until 2 years ago I lived in the hood and not once did I face what you say you face all the time. And neither did the whites who lived there.
I hear ya. I live with (poor) blacks, they are so toxic and antithetical to freedom and the well being of humanity. Blacks, hmmm. Racism is bad, yes. Black self hate is worse. The delusions of ending racism is self deception. Especially when blacks murder each other in huge numbers. racism pales.

But whites murder each other in huge numbers also. Black self hate? This is why you get what you do. You're a poor white who is racist and when you talk about self hate take a good long look in the mirror.
OK. Brilliant. No, whites don't murder in huge numbers OR blame racism. Black on black violence, let's put that under the microscope, too. let's be fair. What do any of you know about white racism? Black gun each other down, frankly, I have seen it. I was nearly shot down the other day because I am poor "white trash" that LIVES with these jerks. It make me expendable because I live with these jerks? Is that how this works?

Yes whites do murder in large numbers. Whites gun each other down also. I guess that Las Vegas shooter was not white when he gunned down those other white people.They commit all other crimes in larger numbers than everyone else too. You weren't nearly shot down just for being poor white trash. What are you doing at the dope house at 60? Stop the lying. What do I know about white racism? That you are one. And that the more of a racist a white person is he more hey deny they are racism or even that racism exists. Look fool whites are 6 times more likely to be killed by another white than by anyone else. 86 percent of all whites are killed by another white. These are the facts. Deal with them. And of course whites don't blame racism dumb ass, they don't have to face it.
Perhaps its more reason to repeal the second amendment. But, all those blacks using guns murdered by each other in Detroit and Chicago just the last few weeks?
I think we would be better served hearing both sides. Because if what you say happens to you all the time, it might just be due to the fact you don't respect others based on skin color. For you to say that people need to stop acting like a racial stereotype shows me a lot about what might have happened. Because who are you referring and what was the racial stereotype?

Because I'm 56 and until 2 years ago I lived in the hood and not once did I face what you say you face all the i
I think we would be better served hearing both sides. Because if what you say happens to you all the time, it might just be due to the fact you don't respect others based on skin color. For you to say that people need to stop acting like a racial stereotype shows me a lot about what might have happened. Because who are you referring and what was the racial stereotype?

Because I'm 56 and until 2 years ago I lived in the hood and not once did I face what you say you face all the time. And neither did the whites who lived there.
I hear ya. I live with (poor) blacks, they are so toxic and antithetical to freedom and the well being of humanity. Blacks, hmmm. Racism is bad, yes. Black self hate is worse. The delusions of ending racism is self deception. Especially when blacks murder each other in huge numbers. racism pales.

But whites murder each other in huge numbers also. Black self hate? This is why you get what you do. You're a poor white who is racist and when you talk about self hate take a good long look in the mirror.
OK. Brilliant. No, whites don't murder in huge numbers OR blame racism. Black on black violence, let's put that under the microscope, too. let's be fair. What do any of you know about white racism? Black gun each other down, frankly, I have seen it. I was nearly shot down the other day because I am poor "white trash" that LIVES with these jerks. It make me expendable because I live with these jerks? Is that how this works?

Yes whites do murder in large numbers. Whites gun each other down also. I guess that Las Vegas shooter was not white when he gunned down those other white people.They commit all other crimes in larger numbers than everyone else too. You weren't nearly shot down just for being poor white trash. What are you doing at the dope house at 60? Stop the lying. What do I know about white racism? That you are one. And that the more of a racist a white person is he more hey deny they are racism or even that racism exists. Look fool whites are 6 times more likely to be killed by another white than by anyone else. 86 percent of all whites are killed by another white. These are the facts. Deal with them. And of course whites don't blame racism dumb ass, they don't have to face it.
Perhaps its more reason to repeal the second amendment. But, all those blacks using guns murdered by each other in Detroit and Chicago just this year?

86 percent of all whites are killed by another white. The largest mass shooting in American history was done by a white man who killed over 50 whites and wounded several hundred more in less than 10 minutes of time.
Um, really? Um OK.. That is an abstraction. In the real world, it's black thugs with guns that are the real issue here, I don't worry about super novas or white shooters, in my universe, it's mostly blacks or Hispanic males that are the real threat. Frankly, I am tired of this finger pointing stuff and blame shifting.
There are no quotas unless a business or school has been shown to underutilize minorities. In short, quotas are not mandated unless you are practicing racial discrimination.
The notion that there are AA programs that don't give preference to minorities is laughable. All AA is = to quotas. Blacks go first, whites go last (if there's anything left)

Affirmative Action programs do have built in preferences ... I just don't think they work as well as some people suggest.
Without quotas ... It's like making thought crimes illegal ... You cannot enforce thought crimes unless someone is stupid enough to tell you what they think.

In situation where quotas exist ... They don't ensure the proper attention is paid to the best applicant ... Mainly because race isn't the best qualifier.


Oddly enough (except in the fact you don't ever get anything I post correct) ... I didn't say anything about the Irish.

Equally odd ... If I had intended to compare the Irish immigrants to slaves in any fashion ...
I would spoken about what happened to them when they attempted to immigrate to America in mass after the potato famine.

Their families were allowed to stay while the men were conscribed into service ... Loaded on ships ... And shipped South to fight the Civil War.
In a lot of cases they literally walked off one boat and on to another ... But I don't guess you would call that slavery ... I mean they were fighting slavery weren't they?

The only people who are race pimps are those who make their living telling whites there are race pimps.

That's what I said ... Without your attempts to imply race makes a difference.
If you need to believe the race of the person giving or receiving the pimping makes a difference ... Then you have successfully been pimped (you are screwed).

The only people who are race pimps are those who make their living telling whites there are race pimps.

That's what I said ... Without your attempts to imply race makes a difference.
If you need to believe the race of the person giving or receiving the pimping makes a difference ... Then you have successfully been pimped (you are screwed).


No I have not been pimped. You have if you think that anything done to create racial understanding, end the racial divide and work towards ending racism is race pimping.
But you see slavery is not the issue. What whites like you and protectionist don't want to talk about is the 100 years after slavery. .You have had a crutch from July 4th, 1776 until right now. Being delusional you cannot understand how I say this.

What part of I don't need a crutch did you not understand ... :dunno:

If it helps you think that I am somehow able to accomplish what I want only because of some white supremacy ... Oh well.
I mean I am white ... But if you want to suggest all of my qualities are attached to race ... Well, that's just stupid and I won't do that to you because you are black.

No I have not been pimped. You have if you think that anything done to create racial understanding, end the racial divide and work towards ending racism is race pimping.

You say you haven't been ... But you demonstrate you have ... :dunno:


Oddly enough (except in the fact you don't ever get anything I post correct) ... I didn't say anything about the Irish.

Equally odd ... If I had intended to compare the Irish immigrants to slaves in any fashion ...
I would spoken about what happened to them when they attempted to immigrate to America in mass after the potato famine.

Their families were allowed to stay while the men were conscribed into service ... Loaded on ships ... And shipped South to fight the Civil War.
In a lot of cases they literally walked off one boat and on to another ... But I don't guess you would call that slavery ... I mean they were fighting slavery weren't they?


I have gotten everything you said correct.

Irish historians say the Irish have never been slaves, not me. Learn to read the links.
But you see slavery is not the issue. What whites like you and protectionist don't want to talk about is the 100 years after slavery. .You have had a crutch from July 4th, 1776 until right now. Being delusional you cannot understand how I say this.

What part of I don't need a crutch did you not understand ... :dunno:

If t helps you think that I am somehow unable to accomplish what I want only because some white supremacy ... Oh well.
I mean I am white ... But if you want to suggest all of my qualities are attached to race ... Well, that's just stupid and I won't do that to you because you are black.


I can say that with relative surety. You don't seem to understand the things I know that you don't. Like how pubic policy has favored whites for example.
I have gotten everything you said correct.

Irish historians say the Irish have never been slaves, not me. Learn to read the links.

I didn't say the Irish were slaves ... You attempting to suggest I did so you could say I was wrong ... Is what you are getting incorrect ... ;)
The links don't matter because they didn't refer to anything I said ... So thy cannot prove me wrong.

No I have not been pimped. You have if you think that anything done to create racial understanding, end the racial divide and work towards ending racism is race pimping.

You say you haven't been ... But you demonstrate you have ... :dunno:


I haven't demonstrated that I have been race pimped. You need to show examples but you won't because you can't.

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