Zone1 Black Privilege And The New Tokenism In Television

I really do not care who gets a job on TV, film, or stage.
But it is good propaganda. Being a bloviating blowhard is not being a creator of employment. Lots of employment in industrial and high-tech environs to the small business enterprises with real sweat in their growth.
I'm totally fine with more minorities represented in TV commercials. But how about represent all minorities and not just Black people?
It's not just MORE so-called's usually 10 minorities and one white person...or none.

I just don't see how they can think we want to buy their products or watch their programs and movies when we see black-on-white crimes every single day in our lives.
It's not just MORE so-called's usually 10 minorities and one white person...or none.

I just don't see how they can think we want to buy their products or watch their programs and movies when we see black-on-white crimes every single day in our lives.
I don’t see why manufacturers promote their products by focusing almost solely on a slim majority of the population in their advertisements and essentially ignoring the majority population. Last year, I got an email ad from TurboTax, and they featured “three happy users and their stories” on the main page. The three were: 1) a black female, 2) a black man, and 3) another black female. With whites the majority population, and the majority taxpayers, they couldn’t have ONE white person’s story?
If you were a white applying for a job, especially an advertising model,, you WOULD care because the extreme bias runs against you and in favor of blacks.
I did apply for modeling jobs and never got one when it was all white.
I don’t see why manufacturers promote their products by focusing almost solely on a slim majority of the population in their advertisements and essentially ignoring the majority population. Last year, I got an email ad from TurboTax, and they featured “three happy users and their stories” on the main page. The three were: 1) a black female, 2) a black man, and 3) another black female. With whites the majority population, and the majority taxpayers, they couldn’t have ONE white person’s story?
When they were all white did you complain?
It's not just MORE so-called's usually 10 minorities and one white person...or none.

I just don't see how they can think we want to buy their products or watch their programs and movies when we see black-on-white crimes every single day in our lives.
Then don't watch them no one is forcing you to do as such.
I don't like all the black crap so I mute commercials and do something else for 5 minutes.

Same with movies with a load of black actors, I'm outta there. My remote control gets a workout these days.

I'm a L&O fan. I used to enjoy Anthony Anderson's character. But this year he's all "woke." His character seems always to be looking for a fucking "micro-agression" to get pissed about. On top of that, Anderson now proudly sports a silly looking Alfalfa hairdo. His whole character is now nothing but a silly clown.

And the new L&O Organized Crime series has the old Stables character, but it seems all his bosses are black, and he has a black partner, too. I think I watched two episodes. Fuck that show.

L&O: SVU is still mostly watchable. I guess 1 out of 3 is the best we can hope for, these days.
1. I am so old that I remember when the first non-Caucasians were allowed to be seen in, say, a restaurant scene. They would be in the background eating and conversing. Of course, at first, they did not have any speaking parts. The idea was to get people used to seeing people of color in restaurants. (At first, all the people of color were African Americans.)

2. Jump to 2022.

3. It's almost hilarious how every single commercial has all the colors of the rainbow: Caucasians, Asians, African Americans, and Hispanics are seen eating together, playing together, and living together.

4. Those commercials portray the ideal America that liberals hope will someday be a reality.

5. Of course, we are not children. We know that this fairy tale will never come to fruition.
Black is not a color.
Some consider white to be a color, because white light comprises all hues on the visible light spectrum. And many do consider black to be a color, because you combine other pigments to create it on paper. But in a technical sense, black and white are not colors, they're shades. They augment colors.

Are black and white colors? | Adobe

In pigment, black is the presence of all colors.
1. I am so old that I remember when the first non-Caucasians were allowed to be seen in, say, a restaurant scene. They would be in the background eating and conversing. Of course, at first, they did not have any speaking parts. The idea was to get people used to seeing people of color in restaurants. (At first, all the people of color were African Americans.)

2. Jump to 2022.

3. It's almost hilarious how every single commercial has all the colors of the rainbow: Caucasians, Asians, African Americans, and Hispanics are seen eating together, playing together, and living together.

4. Those commercials portray the ideal America that liberals hope will someday be a reality.

5. Of course, we are not children. We know that this fairy tale will never come to fruition.
You must have not watched any oaters.
Of course you dont

Libs just get mad if other people notice the lib woke brainwashing campaign
I don't watch TV it's a waste of time. If you feel the need to waist your time on trivial matters that don't matter then please do.
And the new L&O Organized Crime series has the old Stables character, but it seems all his bosses are black, and he has a black partner, too. I think I watched two episodes. Fuck that show.
I've been a Dick Wolf fan for a long time as well, but his latest offerings are lacking. I think he has turned the reins of SVU and Org. Crime over to Mariska Hargitay and she's a prog. Anthony Anderson is a racist asshole. When he was doing ToTell the Truth, he called white people crackers and we heard nothing about him using a racial slur. I am fed up with the socially woke shows on TV.
If you watch television these days it appears that everyone is a person of color. As a matter of fact.....most of the people in commercials these days are all black...with just a token white person thrown in. It's like watching an NBA game.

On Twitter I keep seeing videos of wokish whites kissing black people's feet and praising them in mass.
I think the pendulum has swung too far in one direction.
Now movies and television don't reflect the demographics of this country anymore.
Social Justice has gone too far......and this country is going to Hell in a hand-basket because of it.
This is the transformation of America that Obama spoke of years ago.
He knew that the best way to destroy a country is by patronizing one group in favor of another.

I have nothing against blacks in general....but I'm not gonna kiss their backsides. And I'm not gonna put up with this kind of abuse from them either....I don't care how privileged they feel. Democrats are trying to screw up America and blame it all on the invisible White Threat they claim is all over the place.

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Hollywood has had to move out of Hollywood because of the crime that Democrats have caused and supported in their cities and states. They're literally cutting their own throats by their obvious patronizing of blacks and other people of color. The problem is that they will never learn no matter where they go....because they refuse to admit that their ideology causes all of this.

Ah....triggered by looking at black people on TV. Why were you not triggered by all the white people on TV before?

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